Rey is Snoke'a daughter and Snoke is a Kenobi. Or not. But Rey is definitely Snoke's daughter.
Rey is Snoke'a daughter and Snoke is a Kenobi. Or not. But Rey is definitely Snoke's daughter.
I'd say the original trilogy follows the exact same format as 80s professional wrestling.
What if Rey is Snoke's mother?
So Kenobi conceived a kid with Satine. Good. That kid would be Force Sensitive because thats how the Force works somehow. The "kid" of Kenobi create Rey. Wouldn't that make Rey's father or mother a Force Senstive person? Wouldn't other Jedi/Sith at the time notice this? It doesn't make sense at all. This entire discussion can be halted by one thing. If Kenobi had a short affair with Satine but didn't do a sexy-time then there is no Rey Kenobi. Simple as that.
You know she's related to someone tho.I contend that Rey isn't related to anyone in the OT
just an extremely gifted orphan that may or may not have been trained and mind wiped by Luke.
The Jesus baby is real.no, Rey's mother is Luke
Wouldn't other Jedi/Sith at the time notice this?
What if Rey is Snoke's mother?
I think its unfair to call sexism in this particular case. The movie is lacking an establishing scene which we see Rey's ability to fly or at the least, her knowledge of it.Directly from the film:
"We need a pilot."
"We've got one!"
Every other case where we've seen a prodigy pilot in Star Wars, our background on their piloting skills has boiled down exactly to someone mentioning that they're a pilot.
Obi-Wan, ANH: "I understand you've become quite a good pilot yourself."
Anakin, TPM: "I'm the only human who can [fly a podracer]."
And, likewise, in every case, we see them first demonstrate their piloting skills pulling off stuff that's supposed to be really really difficult.
Luke, ANH: Blows up the Death Star by making a shot down to the reactor without using a targeting computer during his first outing in an X-Wing, somehow magically doesn't get shot down even though he's right in Vader's scopes and Vader pulls the trigger.
Anakin, TPM: Wins the Boonta Eve podrace against much more experienced racers, recovers from an accidental trip up a service ramp that was clearly supposed to wreck his pod.
Rey, TFA: Avoids being shot down by (but not being shot by) two TIE Fighters amidst the wreckage of a large battle, flips the ship perpendicular to the ground so Finn can get in a final shot.
What's the explanation, every single time?
The Force is with them.
But that explanation apparently doesn't cut it for a woman.
She specifically says that she's never "left the planet" during the film; it's implied she's flown before, just not the Falcon, since it "hasn't flown in years."
So what do we see? She fumbles a bit to take control of the Falcon, but once she gets going she finds her element and starts trying trickier maneuvers.
But wow so implausible
Not necessarily.
The Force isn't like a blinking alarm beacon, blaring all the time. You have to turn it on. And you have to turn it on near someone who knows what to look for.
That probably want to avoid cuckolding a popular character. Also no.Does anyone think Obi Wan and Padme did some sexy time in secret? Probably spent one evening talking shit about Anakin over some drinks and then...
TFA is more like modern WWE, with fans rejecting the 2nd, and 3rd generation stars, in favor of the old guard(who are the real draws), and the only one of the new stars that's getting over is someone new that isn't a 2nd, and 3rd generation superstar(Finn) that the promoter(Disney) doesn't see as a main eventer.I would say Rey being a Kenobi would honestly damage the reputation of Obi-wan
I'd say the original trilogy follows the exact same format as 80s professional wrestling.
A New Hope = The rise of a new hero, hero gets over with the crowd, hero defeats the big heel bad guy.
Empire Strikes Back = Monster heel booking 101
Return of the Jedi = Everything builds up to Vader making the greatest face turn in movie history
TFA is more like modern WWE, with fans rejecting the 2nd, and 3rd generation stars, in favor of the old guard(who are the real draws), and the only getting over is someone new(Finn) that the promoter(Disney) doesn't see as a main eventer.
TFA is more like modern WWE
I always kind of got the impression a super force-sensitive person kind of was a blinking alarm, at least in the original trilogy. Vader sensed Obi-Wan in A New Hope and wasn't even really looking for him
Not necessarily.
The Force isn't like a blinking alarm beacon, blaring all the time. You have to turn it on. And you have to turn it on near someone who knows what to look for.
ugh, why is there wrestling in my star wars thread
next thing you know there will be anime comparisons
ugh, why is there wrestling in my star wars thread
next thing you know there will be anime comparisons
Vader sensed Obi-Wan.
Vader sensed Luke on the shuttle in ROTJ.
The Emperor did not.
So yeah, it might not be a beacon. Maybe it works if the person himself has a strong connection to the other? Obi-Wan being Vader's master and Luke being his son. Same applies to TFA. Ben Solo sensed his father.
ugh, why is there wrestling in my star wars thread
next thing you know there will be anime comparisons
ugh, why is there wrestling in my star wars thread
next thing you know there will be anime comparisons
He's a boy so it's OK !
The Emperor told Vader he knew Luke was there
I have to rewatch ROTJ then. Because I remember a piece of dialogue that the Emperor didn't sense Luke's presence on Endor.
Wanna bet we are getting this dialogue in Episode 8?
Rey : "... did you know my mother?"
Luke : "She died while you where very young"
Rey : "What happened to her?"
Luke : "A young Jedi named Ben Solo, who was a young pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Knights of Ren hunt down and destroy my students. He betrayed and murdered your mother"
I have to rewatch ROTJ then. Because I remember a piece of dialogue that the Emperor didn't sense Luke's presence on Endor.
Wanna bet we are getting this dialogue in Episode 8?
Rey : "... did you know my mother?"
Luke : "She died while you where very young"
Rey : "What happened to her?"
Luke : "A young Jedi named Ben Solo, who was a young pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Knights of Ren hunt down and destroy my students. He betrayed and murdered your mother"
Empire>>Jedi>>ANH>>TFA, come at meeeeeeeeeeeee or don't I don't mind.
TFA is like Dragon Ball GT. A loving tribute to the older works in the series that ends with the death of a beloved character.ugh, why is there wrestling in my star wars thread
next thing you know there will be anime comparisons
Rey is NOT a Kenobi, nor his descendant.
Sure, Kenobi had a short affair with Satine. But this was, what ... 20-25 years before ANH? TFA takes place 32 years after ROTJ. How would Rey be a Kenobi? Doesn't make any sense.
And HOW can she be a Skywalker when Luke has an American accent and she has an English one?
Rey : "You will take me to Jabba now."
Luke : "I will take you to Jabba now."
She'd be his granddaughter.
Since when is an accent, or language for that matter, genetic?...
guys have you heard this theory that snoke is vader???
Nah, Vader wasn't 7 feet tall.
Nah, Vader wasn't 7 feet tall.
guys have you heard this theory that snoke is vader???
Nah, Vader wasn't 7 feet tall.
ugh, why is there wrestling in my star wars thread
next thing you know there will be anime comparisons
Wanna bet we are getting this dialogue in Episode 8?
Rey : "... did you know my mother?"
Luke : "She died while you where very young"
Rey : "What happened to her?"
Luke : "A young Jedi named Ben Solo, who was a young pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Knights of Ren hunt down and destroy my students. He betrayed and murdered your mother"
I wanna knowwww it's so interestingWhat is Kylo Ren referring to when he's starting his interrogation of Rey and states, "it's okay. I feel it too."?
Cloning wouln't carry over Vader's physical injuries.guys have you heard this theory that snoke is vader???
I wanna knowwww it's so interesting
I wanna knowwww it's so interesting