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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


But this is why it's boring. You've just said its a "common pattern" which means you're fitting posters into schema you've already developed instead of engaging discussion. That's called prejudice: you're primed to see some underlying motive without actually doing the work to discover if it's here.

Also Fencedude's comment isn't "questioning", it's condescending, sarcastic, arrogant, presumptive.

Pointing out structural sexism is the real prejudice!

Where have I heard this pattern before...



Behind and to the left of artoo.

Being an 80's kid and having seen the movie 100's of times in 4:6, that was totally missable. Wasn't until the widescreen versions got released again that I was able notice so much more.


Saw it for the first time, and liked it a lot. The only ding for me is that it never succeeded to take me out of my brain. As a result, I saw Han's death coming a mile away, Rey force-grabbing the lightsaber too which was apparently an 'oh shit' moment for many people.

That being said, it was really great. I did appreciate some of the setups in the movie where the payoff was subtle but great:
Kylo Ren force-stops a laser blast mid-air in the beginning of the movie -> completely fails to do this after killing his father due to his emotional state
Kylo Ren looks into Rey and says he sees the island she dreams of -> that island is actually where Luke is, which is what Kylo Ren wanted to know about in the first place

I like stuff like this.


Pointing out structural sexism is the real prejudice!

Where have I heard this pattern before...

You're making a parody of yourself. Find me saying sexism isn't a problem or it isn't real. Anywhere, ever. You won't manage to, if you even deigned to try. If you did try you'd find the opposite more often than not.

So like. What do you think you're accomplishing by taking this stance? Do you think your snarky derision is going to be persuasive? Do you often find that accusing people of being Secret Misogynists shocks them out of it? Does it just feel good to set yourself up as having better insight into people's unconscious biases than they do themselves?
Mind wipes? Rey is Kenobis child he fathered during an affair on the cartoon? Rey doesnt need to be so complicated. The galaxy is full of bad parents. It can be as simple as that.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Anyone seen a movie in Dolby Atmos? There's one in Paramus NJ I'm thinking of going to for my 4th viewing.

I did, it was great. Particularly during the X-Wing/TIE Fighter scenes. Hopefully they include it with the Blu Ray.


Warp travel:
In Star Trek world, they enter subspace prior to reaching lightspeed in normal space thus preserving Einstein's limitation on speed of space travel in normal space.
In Star Wars world, they go into hyperspace that apparently maxes out at ".5 past light speed" yet can get between planets that should be light years apart in hours.

In Star Trek world, they invented things like Structural Integrity Fields to artificially increase the natural structural qualities of materials and allow them to withstand the unnatural accelerations and decelerations involved with multiple times light speed interstellar travel. Also, inertial dampeners are there to dampen the force of inertia (heh) that would otherwise turn us all into jelly at the first tap of the brakes.
In Star Wars world, you can have ships falling apart and on fire successfully reach hyperspace without being pulled to pieces. No mention of inertia and no attempts at reconciling it.

It's not that Star Trek is real science. It's that they try to actively explain how they make the leaps beyond known physical laws/limitations to get where they are instead of the massive amounts of nothing that Star Wars gives.

So if you're looking for a Sci-Fi series that even tries to connect the dots to make things make sense technologically, Star Wars is not where you want to be looking.

If we are comparing...

1. We physically see Luke next to his T-16.
2. He holds and manipulates the model and practices maneuvers.
3. In Mos Eisely, he tells Han that he is a pretty good pilot.
4. Obi Wan tells Luke that he heard that he's become a pretty good pilot "like his father".
5. He complains to his uncle that he wants to leave Tatooine and join the academy (presumably as a pilot)

Also, Biggs vouches for him as a pilot just before the Battle of Yavin.


semen stains the mountaintops
Luke's hand freaked me out in TFA.

It looked like the flesh melted off and all that was left was bone. Put a glove over that creepy shit, Luke.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Wow.. after all these viewings, never noticed his ship is there. It's in pieces, right?

I don't think so, that's just what the T16 looks like from that angle.

Luke's hand freaked me out in TFA.

It looked like the flesh melted off and all that was left was bone. Put a glove over that creepy shit, Luke.

I loved the exposed look, he's seen things man. Loved Anakin's arm in RotS too, was a pity ye could only see it in 2 scenes.


Her character was wasted, but the fact that there is a female captain over the stormtroopers is in and of itself noteworthy. We also see female X-wing pilots and hear female stormtroopers.

Someone pointed out a video a while back that noted, in the original trilogy we don't get a named female character other than Leia until Return of the Jedi (Mon Mothma), and all pilots/troopers are male in the entire OT. Most of the other females are background dancers, etc. TFA shows them as regular troops and through the chain of command (and of course, Rey).

Yeah, I loved that. Women were present at all levels of the place.

edit: also re: flying, I just assume flying is like the driving a car of the Star Wars universe. It's also made obvious that Rey is one of those people suffering from the idiom of "living your life in chains even though you had the key"


Why doesn't everyone in our universe have velcro shoes? They seem pretty useful.

I agree, all my shoes are Velcro. You have my sword.

This is all one galaxy right? Has it ever been named in anything?

Real Edit: My mind keeps editing out the tentacle dinosaurs, that was weird.


But seriously that bread she had looked fantastic.
Why does anyone willing work for the Empire?

Yo that bread looked good and all but that fractal brocolli snack thing was rad as heck.

This guy. It's a real plant!


Actually here's a thing: how often *does* Star Wars have real world flora / fauna?


Half the plot of ESB comes about because the Falcon is broken, doesn't it?

In fact, you could probably say Han getting frozen in carbonate, and therefore Luke losing a hand, is directly because the hyperdrive is busted, so they have to hitch a ride on the Star Destroyer, and do the float in trash trick, which allows Fett to follow them.

The point being, that the hyperdrive seemed to be the only thing really broken, which was easily fixed. It outmaneuvers Star Destroyers, etc.. takes multiple direct hits, etc. It didn't live up to all the trash talk people in the film did about the Falcon, IMO. Leia saying "You came in that thing, yadda yadda.." (she's a Princess, sure, but she's also working with a lot of Rebel equipment which isn't the best quality either)

Whereas Han's hyperspace tricks in TFA, the gas threatening to kill all onboard, etc seemed to make it feel that way for me.


Mind wipes? Rey is Kenobis child he fathered during an affair on the cartoon? Rey doesnt need to be so complicated. The galaxy is full of bad parents. It can be as simple as that.

He could have fathered a parent of Rey during the clone wars. But not with Satine
Because she died pretty quickly after they split

Its just being used as showing he wasn't a monk when it came to women. It was made clear enough (as far as a kids show can) that they got jiggy.


You're making a parody of yourself. Find me saying sexism isn't a problem or it isn't real. Anywhere, ever. You won't manage to, if you even deigned to try. If you did try you'd find the opposite more often than not.

So like. What do you think you're accomplishing by taking this stance? Do you think your snarky derision is going to be persuasive? Do you often find that accusing people of being Secret Misogynists shocks them out of it? Does it just feel good to set yourself up as having better insight into people's unconscious biases than they do themselves?

I'm responding to the people who get all in a huff at the thought that this blatantly obvious double standard might, just maybe, have some roots in sexism.

Also I'm hardly saying anything particularly radical or shocking. This is Feminism 101 stuff right here.


In Star Wars world, they go into hyperspace that apparently maxes out at ".5 past light speed" yet can get between planets that should be light years apart in hours.
This is an example of taking dialogue too literally and assuming a linear scale is being used.

We know Star Wars ships move many thousands of times light speed from them traveling those distances in hours. Therefore, the logical conclusion is that Han didn't mean 1.5 c when he said .5 past light speed. That'd be kinda like assuming Warp 4 is four times Warp 1.

There are better examples of wonky science in Star Wars, like people clearly seeing explosions of planets in different solar systems.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Fuck, I've been wanting to ask this since premier-day but I kept forgetting about it!

When the dialogue between Han and the bounty-dudes go

"something someting Kanjiklub"
"something someting Kanjiklub"
"tell that to Kanjiklub"

*Kanjiklub enters the fight*

The fact that Kanjiklubb is mentioned three times in a row, is that supposed to be like a funny direction? I always cringe when it happens because it feels so weird that it's being repeated three times.


The point being, that the hyperdrive seemed to be the only thing really broken, which was easily fixed. It outmaneuvers Star Destroyers, etc.. takes multiple direct hits, etc. It didn't live up to all the trash talk people in the film did about the Falcon, IMO. Leia saying "You came in that thing, yadda yadda.." (she's a Princess, sure, but she's also working with a lot of Rebel equipment which isn't the best quality either)

Whereas Han's hyperspace tricks in TFA, the gas threatening to kill all onboard, etc seemed to make it feel that way for me.

In ESB Han and Chewie were working for a long time just get the Falcon functional... and problems kept impeding their work as things literally blew up in their faces and caught fire. Since near the beginning of the movie, the Falcon is purposely set up as a borderline death trap piece of junk. Take a ship like that, put 30 years of wear on it, and exchange it between multiple owners who probably took poor care of it and that's the state of everyone's favorite flying garbage heap in TFA.
Disclaimer: This thread is meant to have fun trying to apply logic to a science fantasy universe. No scripts or wizards allowed.

In The Empire Strikes Back the Millennium Falcons hyperdrive is damaged. The Falcon evades the Imperials in the Hoth asteroid field. Later, the Falcon sets course for Bespin to repair their hyperdive. Bespin is in another star system and travelling at sublight speed it would take more time than the films depicted. This also answers the question of just how long Luke trained with Yoda.

We could reasonably assume Han, Chewie and Leia worked for a few days on the Falcon. We might also assume their hyperdrive was totally inoperable otherwise they could have hyperspaced away from the Imperial fleet to begin with. If they had to rely on other propulsion it might have taken a few weeks to a couple months to reach a nearby system. Any longer and Luke/Falcon probably would have needed more supplies.



semen stains the mountaintops
Fuck, I've been wanting to ask this since premier-day but I kept forgetting about it!

When the dialogue between Han and the bounty-dudes go

"something someting Kanjiklub"
"something someting Kanjiklub"
"tell that to Kanjiklub"

*Kanjiklub enters the fight*

The fact that Kanjiklubb is mentioned three times in a row, is that supposed to be like a funny direction? I always cringe when it happens because it feels so weird that it's being repeated three times.

"Kanjiklub wants their investment back, too"
"I never made a deal with Kanjiklub"
"Tell that to Kanjiklub"

Didn't feel weird to me.
Fuck, I've been wanting to ask this since premier-day but I kept forgetting about it!

When the dialogue between Han and the bounty-dudes go

"something someting Kanjiklub"
"something someting Kanjiklub"
"tell that to Kanjiklub"

*Kanjiklub enters the fight*

The fact that Kanjiklubb is mentioned three times in a row, is that supposed to be like a funny direction? I always cringe when it happens because it feels so weird that it's being repeated three times.
I think it is a bit of a rhythmic joke when you find out they're waiting on the ship.


Disclaimer: This thread is meant to have fun trying to apply logic to a science fantasy universe. No scripts or wizards allowed.

In The Empire Strikes Back the Millennium Falcons hyperdrive is damaged. The Falcon evades the Imperials in the Anoat asteroid field. Later, the Falcon sets course for Bespin to repair their hyperdive. Bespin is in another star system and travelling at sublight speed it would take more time than the films depicted. This also answers the question of just how long Luke trained with Yoda.

We could reasonably assume Han, Chewie and Leia worked for a few days on the Falcon. We might also assume their hyperdrive was totally inoperable otherwise they could have hyperspaced away from the Imperial fleet to begin with. If they had to rely on other propulsion it might have taken a few weeks to a couple months to reach a nearby system. Any longer and Luke/Falcon probably would have needed more supplies.


There are millions of pages of threads on TFN about how they got from Hoth to Bespin.

I thought the general consensus was a backup short range (an really slow) hyperdrive, the backup drive being like a spare tyre thus why they didn't just use it to jump from the Imperial Fleet. There is also reasoning that they were attached to the avenger for a fair amount of time to get to Anoat. As Leia asks where they are when she'd have known they were just outside the Hoth belt.

The slow speed of the backup gives Luke enough time to train properly on Dagobah as well.


(that was an official thing on the star wars site)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
"Kanjiklub wants their investment back, too"
"I never made a deal with Kanjiklub"
"Tell that to Kanjiklub"

Didn't feel weird to me.
Thanks for the quotes!

No but seriously, I can't be the only one who cringes during this part?! I'm perfectly fine with it if it's a 'joke' and I'm not understanding this kind of humour though!


Is Rey more like 50 cent or Jay-z? On that note is Finn more Paul or Ringo? BB-8 is clearly Katy Perry and Kylo is obviously Beck.

Thanks for the quotes!

No but seriously, I can't be the only one who cringes during this part?! I'm perfectly fine with it if it's a 'joke' and I'm not understanding this kind of humour though!
It's not supposed to be super funny it's just light banter to show Han's still got it.


Thanks for the quotes!

No but seriously, I can't be the only one who cringes during this part?! I'm perfectly fine with it if it's a 'joke' and I'm not understanding this kind of humour though!

I've actually had banter like this IRL. It's funny. I like it, and it's an example of how dialog in TFA is more human and less robotic than the PT.
Thing is, her character is being criticized in ways that males are criticised as well. Her character is being criticized from a film perspective, from a writing perspective. The fact that she is her own distinct character means she will have distinct criticism that pertain to the movie as a whole.

See, I'd consider this a valid point, but when others try to levy these same criticisms at Luke, you have many of the same people rushing to criticize Rey rushing to Luke's defense, usually using the same kinds of evidence for their defense that are being used for Rey.

That doesn't bode well to the idea that the characters are being treated equally.



Jesus, that's a tight landing/departing zone. Is there like 3 feet of space on all sides?

Thanks for the quotes!

No but seriously, I can't be the only one who cringes during this part?! I'm perfectly fine with it if it's a 'joke' and I'm not understanding this kind of humour though!

I've seen it 5 times and although I found the name more weird than usual for a SW universe, no cringes here. None the whole movie. The name should have just been shorter/flowed better. The closest I got to cringing was watching the Rey/Kylo struggle in the torture chair, but upon more viewings, its significance and feel grew on me.
There are millions of pages of threads on TFN about how they got from Hoth to Bespin.

I thought the general consensus was a backup short range hyperdrive (which is fucking stupid)


(that was an official thing on the star wars site)

Texas Freedom Network?

Even if they used a backup how much time elapsed between leaving Hoth and arriving at Bespin?

Astral Dog

Fuck, I've been wanting to ask this since premier-day but I kept forgetting about it!

When the dialogue between Han and the bounty-dudes go

"something someting Kanjiklub"
"something someting Kanjiklub"
"tell that to Kanjiklub"

*Kanjiklub enters the fight*

The fact that Kanjiklubb is mentioned three times in a row, is that supposed to be like a funny direction? I always cringe when it happens because it feels so weird that it's being repeated three times.
I guess Kanjiclub is a funny name


Texas Freedom Network?

Even if they used a backup how much time elapsed between leaving Hoth and arriving at Bespin?

See my edited post.

I believe the prevailing theory is a couple of weeks to a month giving Luke time to train.

It's all filling in the blanks because it doesn't make sense in the movie.


The Cryptarch's Bane
In ESB Han and Chewie were working for a long time just get the Falcon functional... and problems kept impeding their work as things literally blew up in their faces and caught fire. Since near the beginning of the movie, the Falcon is purposely set up as a borderline death trap piece of junk. Take a ship like that, put 30 years of wear on it, and exchange it between multiple owners who probably took poor care of it and that's the state of everyone's favorite flying garbage heap in TFA.
I think Serenity from Firefly has a lot in common with the Millennium Falcon and was potentially even inspired by it: to the untrained eye, obviously a piece of junk, and not without her many legitimate mechanical issues and need for frequent repair, but when piloted by someone with some heart at the helm, she just might surprise you.

One of my favorite little moments in TFA is when Rey realizes that the ship they've stolen- one she'd personally worked on for her boss and considered to be garbage- was in fact the legendary Millennium Falcon, a ship she knew as the yeah-that's-right-still record-holder of the shortest Kessel Run... even if Han allowed word around the galaxy to shortchange the record by a couple parsecs in his years out of the game.
Thanks for the quotes!

No but seriously, I can't be the only one who cringes during this part?! I'm perfectly fine with it if it's a 'joke' and I'm not understanding this kind of humour though!
I mean, it's a small moment of humor in that Han is lying his ass off since he's unaware that the two groups have already communicated with each other and Kanji Club (or whatever) is actually there on the ship
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