ginger ninja
Who is Rey and who abounded her definitely is related to the battle of Jakku imo.
So Finn is Landos son, right?
I don't think they needed to destroy some planets to get that point through. Especially when they could have ignored it and only have Leia's Resistance.But I mean it is because largely the politics aren't likely going to be important as much this time around.
And the attack on Hosnian Prime is given weight because it's the turning point in Finn's story.
Ok. So what did you want them to do? Do a 10 minute funeral scene?
It's war they attacked simultaneously on two fronts.
The movie took great pains to tell you exactly what they were doing and why. It also made it clear that stopping Leia from finding Luke was their most important goal, hence why they launched an assault on Maz's castle (that's her name btw) at the same time so as to get BB-8.
Destroying the Senate was an on the fly backup plan designed to cut off Leia's group from support and make preventing her from getting to Luke easier to achieve.
Stopping for some somber funeral would have done no favours for the pacing.
I mean yes it'll be a plot point later but in the now of the film it was a side story. It's not really the movie's fault that you couldn’t remember something they told you was going to happen, showed you happen and then reminded you it happened.
I don't think they needed to destroy some planets to get that point through. Especially when they could have ignored it and only have Leia's Resistance.
Also, the attack on Maz's castle could have accomplished that turning point for Finn.
My problem with the scene is it had absolutely no backdrop, we don't know the importance of this new republic in the current state of the universe so them getting blown up got absolutely no response from me. a scene that should be important fell completely flat because of lack building and developing of this current world view the new trilogy is set in.
I like how someone pointed out that I had ADD because the fast paced direction of this movie didn't allow for that scene to sink at all, I forgot about it until someone mentioned it in this thread. Some people have scene the movie like 4 times, today was my first time seeing this movie, so forgive me if I don't know every alien's name.
My problem with the scene is it had absolutely no backdrop, we don't know the importance of this new republic in the current state of the universe so them getting blown up got absolutely no response from me. a scene that should be important fell completely flat because of lack building and developing of this current world view the new trilogy is set in.
I like how someone pointed out that I had ADD because the fast paced direction of this movie didn't allow for that scene to sink at all, I forgot about it until someone mentioned it in this thread. Some people have scene the movie like 4 times, today was my first time seeing this movie, so forgive me if I don't know every alien's name.
It's set up for later.
I mean frankly The Republic Senate was never going to be a player in this trilogy. They could have blown it up in between stories and told you it happened and it's role would have been fulfilled.
The point here is that the destruction of the Hosniam system had two purposes give Finn motivation (and that allows him to make the choice to come back in rather than the attack on the castle dragging him back in) and show just how far The First Order will go to stop Luke's return, to show how terrified they are of him.
It's not designed to be a super emotional moment, the movie is not asking for that. All it's asking is you remember it happened and given how much they repeatedly used exposition to talk about it, if you forgot that's on you.
It's clearly a problematic scene. I think those defending it are just trying to maintain their good feels.
I didn't get the impression that that was the turning point for Finn. He knew about it obviously (janitor), which is why he was wanting to run away. The moment he saw Ren boarding his shuttle with Rey is the turning point. I'm with Error, I have no guage on how relevant this Republic is, or how big the First Order is. But, they were able to build Death Star 3.0 in the 30 some odd years after the Galactic Empire fell, so ROTJ victory is thrown away.
Why not? There's no rule that it had to be like this. We would have never needed to show it or go to it.It's set up for later.
I mean frankly The Republic Senate was never going to be a player in this trilogy. They could have blown it up in between stories and told you it happened and it's role would have been fulfilled.
The point here is that the destruction of the Hosniam system had two purposes give Finn motivation (and that allows him to make the choice to come back in rather than the attack on the castle dragging him back in) and show just how far The First Order will go to stop Luke's return, to show how terrified they are of him.
It's not designed to be a super emotional moment, the movie is not asking for that. All it's asking is you remember it happened and given how much they repeatedly used exposition to talk about it, if you forgot that's on you.
He literally was about to board to ship and leave, he looks up in the sky and sees the explosion from Hosnian Prime, he stops getting ready to board the ship and instead runs to Han to tell him what happened. That's when he chose to stay. If he was still going to tun he'd have packed faster not stopped and run off to join up with Han.
There needs to be a 3rd faction so that the Resistance and FO combine forces to defeat them!
Ok. So what did you want them to do? Do a 10 minute funeral scene?
Are they terrified of Luke? Yeah, it's made clear they want to find but no reason to as to why.
I'd have loved more on the Senate. I'm only defending it because it's absolutely ridiculous to claim the movie made him forget it happened.
I'm convinced flat out there's a subset of people who just did not pay attention to this movie.
I did only just see it for the first time this afternoon so my sequence of events are jumbled. The impact of it though, evidently left little impression.
The fact that this planet sized canon that drains an entire sun even exists in the post-Galactic Empire is what bothers me the most.
Since when were the original movies an "innovative, shakespearean opera?"
Some people were confused by the details of the situation. I bet a lot of the audience was confused. I was not confused. I knew what was happening and I simply couldn't believe they weren't addressing the gravity of the situation.
One line is all it would take really. Something like:
"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."
You're missing the point. The emphasis need not be put on the republic after their death, but rather, before it.
I appreciate that this movie barely even dabbled in the pedantic, mind-numbing bullshit politics of the prequel trilogy. At the same time, if you include an important scene where the republic is destroyed, giving us some time to know them or at least digest who they are, would have been a benefit.
A simple scene showing the senate in action as the exposition was spouted (that the New Order were going to obliterate them) would have likely sufficed, because when they later got blown the fuck up, my brain, having experienced visually who the senate was, would have more easily interpreted the gravity of the scene.
I have a feeling that people that didn't catch the Republic being destroyed aren't necessarily "ADD" but are rather, more visually oriented and/or don't give two shits about the politics of Star Wars.
Maz says that whoever she's waiting for isn't coming back. Rey is waiting specifically for her parents. That could still mean she was left on the planet by Luke. In fact, when she says "Whoever you were waiting for on Jakku, theyre never coming back. But theres someone who still can", the grammatically correct interpretation is that Luke is coming back, as in Rey has known Luke at some point.
Not that the grammatically correct interpretation is necessarily the right one
The lightsaber duel was weak imo. Kylo should've washed finn and rey. I mean yeah he was injured but they had nowhere near his level of training.
The whole concept behind this new Death Star is ridiculous, even in Star Wars standards the jump in technology from RoTJ to TFA is crazy as the Empire at its peak couldn't build something bigger than the Death Star but this new splinter organization could build a planet sized weapon that can take down multiple planets in one fell swoop, yet this new republic didn't care/know... what kind of world state is this? after everything that happened in the OT it seems like absolutely no amends were made to stop something like that from happening again. Just weird.
A) That line is cheese
You keep arguing as if these movies are actual events that happened, rather than film productions which can be critiqued and could have been shaped in many alternative directions.B) From who? There were no heroic force users in this movie except Luke and Rey. Luke wasn't around and Rey would never say that. Did you want Leia to say it?
Ok.Snoke says repeatedly he's terrified of Luke bringing back the Jedi. He wants to prevent the rise of ta new Jedi Order. He wants to stop Leia from bringing Luke home and he's willing to destroy a planet system to do it. Hell he's willing to destroy any chance he himself has of finding Luke. Everything he does is to stop Leia because he's terrified of the Jedi. This is literally what both of the exposition scenes with Ren, Hux and Snoke are about.
See this is my point. They tell you explicitly and you either ignore it, dismiss or don't hear it and then claim the movie wasn't being clear and needed more exposition.
That beloved line from A New Hope is cheese? Okay
You keep arguing as if these movies are actual events that happened, rather than film productions which can be critiqued and could have been shaped in many alternative directions.
The whole concept behind this new Death Star is ridiculous, even in Star Wars standards the jump in technology from RoTJ to TFA is crazy as the Empire at its peak couldn't build something bigger than the Death Star but this new splinter organization could build a planet sized weapon that can take down multiple planets in one fell swoop, yet this new republic didn't care/know... what kind of world state is this? after everything that happened in the OT it seems like absolutely no amends were made to stop something like that from happening again. Just weird.
That beloved line from A New Hope is cheese?
You keep arguing as if these movies are actual events that happened
This point doesn't entirely bother me. None of the origins of the super weapons in Star Wars are explained on screen.
Maz says that whoever she's waiting for isn't coming back. Rey is waiting specifically for her parents. That could still mean she was left on the planet by Luke. In fact, when she says "Whoever you were waiting for on Jakku, theyre never coming back. But theres someone who still can", the grammatically correct interpretation is that Luke is coming back, as in Rey has known Luke at some point.
Not that the grammatically correct interpretation is necessarily the right one
Directly repeating a line from ANH like that would have been cheese.
It could have gone in other directions but you were claiming all that needed to happen was for that line to be said. I think asking you to say who would have said it is hardly treating it like actual events.
Watch the scene again. In his battle with Finn, Ren is relaxed and maybe even toying with Finn. It's when Finn lays one on Ren does Ren decide enough is enough and in literally two seconds, disarms him, punches him and spinal taps him. Done. With Rey, the vast majority of the fight, Rey is on the run. It's not until she taps into the force and becomes one with the force does she then defeat him. That was the point. It was Rey's 'awakening' with the force.
Her vaporizing really stood out on rewatches. Great character and she's just noped out of there unceremoniously.No, that's actually a scripting/plotting question being asked there. You need a character to deliver that moment. What character in that location, in that scene, is going to deliver that line?
Besides which, in a film that's getting dinged for over-homage, why would you argue for more direct callbacks?
Again - the film isn't perfect. The back half is way too rushed for no real good reason, and it causes moments that should have punch to lose that impact, thanks to not great editing. But these are valid counters to the complaints.
Actually, here you go: Had the editing not moved so damned quickly that Maz Kanata essentially disappears from the film without any trace once she tells Finn "you've got one!" you could have had Maz, who does have a connection with the force, give you the sad 5 second line-reading that brings into focus just how many people died and what it means.
I honestly would have been fine if no grand politics were involved. We've gone from a convoluted Republic representing democracy that failed. To an oppressive Galactic Dictatorship that failed. How about the galaxy just fell into warring fragments as a result of two massive failures? You don't even mention it... Actually, I'll just go watch Mad Max for a movie whose world makes more sense.
Not really talking about the origins behind the technology used, I'm going as the standard set in the OT as the technological base for the entire universe. So jumping from moon sized weapons to planet sized weapons is a pretty big jump, considering The First Order is not as a big as the Empire at its peak, yet managed to build something this big that went completely off the radar from the newly formed republic which was formed after the fallout from RoTJ, so you'd think this new republic be extra careful to ensure nothing like that happens again yet they let themselves get blown up by a similar weapon that's much bigger than the one used before.
I'm overanalyzing stuff, and I should stop because the movie makes less sense the more I think about it.
Not really talking about the origins behind the technology used, I'm going as the standard set in the OT as the technological base for the entire universe. So jumping from moon sized weapons to planet sized weapons is a pretty big jump, considering The First Order is not as a big as the Empire at its peak, yet managed to build something this big that went completely off the radar from the newly formed republic which was formed after the fallout from RoTJ, so you'd think this new republic would be extra careful to ensure nothing like that happens again yet they let themselves get blown up by a similar weapon that's much bigger than the one used before.
I'm overanalyzing stuff, and I should stop because the movie makes less sense the more I think about it.
No, that's actually a scripting/plotting question being asked there. You need a character to deliver that moment. What character in that location, in that scene, is going to deliver that line?
Everything about the The First Order, New Republic and Resistance is so strange to me.
Like why not keep the type of conflict the same as the OT? All that stuff about not having army and a treaty is so dumb, especially when it's just gets wiped away in the movie.
Everything about the The First Order, New Republic and Resistance is so strange to me.
Like why not keep the type of conflict the same as the OT? All that stuff about not having army and a treaty is so dumb, especially when it's just gets wiped away in the movie.
Don't really understand how that would be possible or why that's some huge thing but ok.
Also, glad that's all you got out that post.
Why not? There's no rule that it had to be like this. We would have never needed to show it or go to it.
I've already said that Finn motivation could be accomplished by different means. Are they terrified of Luke? Yeah, it's made clear they want to find but no reason to as to why. In ANH, we as the audience know why the Empire is chasing R2-D2. For the deathstar plans. It would give The First Order clearer motivations and more compelling story.
I kinda disagree. If it wasn't supposed to be at least a little emotional they wouldn't have shown people on that planet before it was destroyed. It really doesn't how much bearing on the plot. It's seems like it was only there so the could have shown planets being destroyed by it.
I'm sure there are people at Lucas right now who think the reaction to that scene needed more impact, and it probably got lost in the shuffle in the editing room.
That's what I'm saying. When not keep it the same thing. It's already basically the same.Because now it is like in the OT, it's the Resistance V the First Order without the Resistance having any backup.
The prequels tried to have some visual symbolism too but obviously it wasn't as well done as in TFA:
"This was the last time they spoke as friends. Anakin is standing in the dark, Obi-wan is standing in the light"
It was a rhetorical question, Boco. I wasn't actually looking for an answer from you (besides which, I already answered it. Maz is probably the best choice there, better than the ones you just offered, a couple of which actually happened in a later sequence anyway) but pointing out how the question being asked isn't "acting like it's real life" at all.