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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Technically speaking (and this is really nitpicky) I don't think we know if Mothma is the one who authorized the stand down. I haven't read the Visual Dictionary so I don't know if there's any information in there, but in Aftermath she proposes the idea of reducing the military by 90% after victory against the Empire is secured and instead relying on member states' planetary defense forces in an effort to prevent super centralization like under the Empire. One of the first acts of the new Senate is also rescinding the emergency powers that were still in effect from the time of the Clone Wars, which allowed Palpatine to use the Grand Army of the Republic. At the end of Lost Stars, following Jakku, Mothma does not decrease the size of the military but actually keeps it on war footing for the time being. But unless she is assassinated or something, it's reasonable to assume that after the Concordance is signed she gives the order to demilitarize.

It would make sense for the New Republic to go the extra step to assure that it won't just be the Galactic Empire 2, especially since the Rebel Alliance has been retconed into owing much of its support from ex-separatists systems that got it raw from the empire after the clone wars.
aaaaand NOW it's down. Weird.

Anyway, there's apparently going to be an article about TR-8R on Starwars.com later today.

He's FN-2199. He's a ginger asshole. His stunt-performer is a guy named Liang Yang (not one of the Raid guys).

I guess there was some dickhead on twitter yesterday claiming to have been the guy, got a couple thousand followers from it, and the account is toast this morning.


Getting the - hilarious - 404 page not found error as well.

Edit: and late. Look forward to the article. I can only imagine how fun it must be to have your small part in the film blow up like this.


I never really understood this perspective. I get that it's respectable in a sense that he did what he wanted to do (instead of catering to fans) but I would have truly admired him if he didn't continue "his story" in such a careless way. There's a million ways to tell a story and he chose the most uninteresting and lifeless route to do so. If you strip away the CGI and visual effects (which would have been much better received had there been good execution with the story/characters), there's hardly a plot worth exploring and it's hard to care about any of the characters. I admire what he initially created and his original vision, but what came after made me lose respect. It was just flat out poorly done, regardless of who's vision it was.

I don't know what is so hard to understand. You may have not liked the results (I did), but I admire a man who wants to tell his own story. And I disagree with you on pretty much everything you said.


TR-8R is going to somehow end up being brought back in the sequels, isn't he? He's one of, if not the most talked about character from the movie.
Finn and Nines have a sparring match in Before The Awakening.



I always wondered what happened to the original Stormtroopers. Were they arrested? Rehabilitated? Would they still be arrested during the time of TFA?


I don't know what is so hard to understand. You may have not liked the results (I did), but I admire a man who wants to tell his own story. And I disagree with you on pretty much everything you said.

That's fine, but no explanation? I can agree to disagree but I'd love to know what you enjoyed with the prequels (not saying everything is completely terrible, there are lots of good moments). Which characters did you care about? What part of the story stuck with you?

He is. Rucka's "Before the Awakening" book, specifically. He's Nines. A few people have guessed that to be the case.

Yeah, that's Nines. He's in Finn's squad in Before The Awakening.

Wow, read the novel but never pieced this together. Awesome connection, just blew my mind. Love this kinda stuff.


That's fine, but no explanation? I can agree to disagree but I'd love to know what you enjoyed with the prequels (not saying everything is completely terrible, there are lots of good moments). Which characters did you care about? What part of the story stuck with you?

I loved the settings, the planets, I loved to see more of the universe expanded, like the Republic, the Senate. I loved to see the Jedi Order being big, but misguided and overconfident (Which led to their demise). The politics side of Star Wars interested me greatly, as did the new information about the galaxy and how it worked.

Regarding the characters, I cared for Obi Wan the most. I disliked Anakin, but that was the whole point so I think they did a pretty good job with him. I couldn't give two shits about Padme, to be honest (But I never gave any shits about Leia, either...). Palpatine stole the show, of course, especially on Episode III. McDiarmid was clearly having tons of fun. Qui Gon was a very endearing character, also.

Loved the overly choreographed and elegant ligthsaber duels (Except Anakin VS Dooku in Episode II). Loved seeing the actual wars of Star Wars. Seeing the clones fighting as a space army was incredibly intense after being disappointed with the inept, clumsy Stormtroopers of the originals. The clones just kicked all kinds of ass. Order 66 was heartbreaking. The final duel between Obi and Anakin was intense as fuck.

The soundtracks were top notch, easily on par or better than the original trilogy with the obvious exception of the very original tracks of the Imperial March or Binary Sunset.

Vader's march to the Jedi Temple with the Clone Squad marching behind him became one of the most iconic Star Wars images for me.


It would make sense for the New Republic to go the extra step to assure that it won't just be the Galactic Empire 2, especially since the Rebel Alliance has been retconed into owing much of its support from ex-separatists systems that got it raw from the empire after the clone wars.

I desperately want to see something focusing on the "good guy Separatists" during the Clone Wars or neo-separatists during the Galactic Civil War.

So much underutilized potential. It makes me glad to see Kleeve and the Rackham brothers in the Kanan comic even if those are small roles.


I hope he'll comes back, as it was a pretty neat moment. But Han Solo most definitely merked him. Still, it's pretty cool that they made this back story for him.

You don't create a backstory for a guy with a 30 second scene, dude is coming back for sure, he's the "new Boba Fett" they've been looking for. They can just leave Phasma to rot at the bottom of the garbage compactor.


wow, if that was what was meant to be happening it was certainly not executed well.

I disagree. I got it the first time I watched the movies. It was clear to me the Jedi were overconfident and arrogant. So I think it was pretty well explained and executed.
You don't create a backstory for a guy with a 30 second scene, dude is coming back for sure, he's the "new Boba Fett" they've been looking for. They can just leave Phasma to rot at the bottom of the garbage compactor.
The old Star Wars Expanded Universe is basically entirely made up of making backstories for people who are on screen for 30 seconds. Usually less than that.


I loved the settings, the planets, I loved to see more of the universe expanded, like the Republic, the Senate. I loved to see the Jedi Order being big, but misguided and overconfident (Which led to their demise). The politics side of Star Wars interested me greatly, as did the new information about the galaxy and how it worked.

I also liked this about the prequels; and missed all of it in the new movie. Thr new movie is good in all the areas that the prequels were bad (like acting, character development), but bad in many of the ways the prequels were good (scope, world building).
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