You're wrong about disliking Anakin being the "whole point"; we are SUPPOSED to like him so we can feel for him and his internal struggle. That doesn't mean we have to like every decision he makes, but part of the heartbreak should have been a character we love fall to the dark side. That's the whole point. In Anakin's case, there is no black or white; he was always conflicted, even as Darth Vader. We're not supposed to like him once he turns, but the point was to suffer his struggle with him, as an audience. Otherwise, what was the point of the prequels? They were centered around how and why Anakin fell to the dark side. Star Wars was never centered around the wars themselves, but rather around a family and their place within the galaxy.. even when George was in control.
You're damn right about Anakin storming the temple with clone troops. Visually and metaphorically.. that was the best scene in the entire 3 episodes by FAR. Loved it.
Yup. What's crazy to me is when I saw that final scene in Episode 3 when he finally put on Vader's mask, it totally felt unearned. Unearned... after three movies. Anakin went from "I'm a dumb, ill-tempered little shit." to standing ominously looking at the building of the death star. It's a complete disconnect. The minute he becomes Darth Vader it's not even believable that he was ever Anakin from Episode 2 or 3. It feels like two completely different characters with no gradient in between.