Which is why my interest in reading this thread gradually diminished. So much circular arguments its tiring.
Which is the norm for spoiler threads
Which is why my interest in reading this thread gradually diminished. So much circular arguments its tiring.
Seriously this has to be round 3 or 4 of this same discourse
Its a spoiler thread for a movie not like this is weird.Which is why my interest in reading this thread gradually diminished. So much circular arguments its tiring.
Hanfromthegrave is the perfect twitter handle.
Huh.Looks like I made the right choice then. I suggest we all do the same. Let him/her groan to him/her self about the non issues in this movie. There no telling them otherwise, despite facts.
Yeah this is my last comment on it too. It's very clear why Leia should find Luke and seek his help. He's the only light side force user in the galaxy while dark side users attempt to conquer. His knowledge and skillset are essential tools that should be used if he can be convinced. His importance doesn't need any explanation.Looks like I made the right choice then. I suggest we all do the same. Let him/her groan to him/her self about the non issues in this movie. There no telling them otherwise, despite facts.
I literally on this page took a look at a subtle cue: we witness other people in this movie doing basically all the things we were impressed by Luke for doing. Rey can mind-trick, Poe can kill Death Stars, Han can attempt to turn Dark dudes back to the Light. So that's a worthwhile question to me: why do we even need Luke at all? Given his performance with Kylo, we should be suspicious of his ability to be a mentor to Rey. So he's in a weird spot, and I think that's interesting.
But this is nonsense. My core position is not "the OT is great and TFA is not". You setting up a standard against double-standards is "poor argumentative form". Whether or not you think my scrutiny is applied evenly doesn't actually answer any of my scrutiny.
This movie doesn't have legitimate issues? None at all?
You're not producing interesting discussing when you're calling me a bastard either but here we are.
From your post, we can reasonably infer that you were calling him a bastardAgain, figure of speech, dude. It didn't mean anything. It's no more of an insult than if I said Finn is a ballsy motherfucker for taking on Kylo with a lightsaber when he's not a force user. Understand that when I decide to insult you, I will do so directly to your face without any ambiguities.
From your post, we can reasonably infer that you were calling him a bastard![]()
It's literally the next sentence in that post you excerpted..
I was joking about it, guy. Let's hug it out.Edit: Also, since the word was written out, that wouldn't be an inference, if we're being technical about it.
I ignored that because, again, the reasoning is obvious. Explain how Leia, the person who wants him back, is supposed to know any of that at the beginning of the movie. Also explain the leap where Kylo Ren being messed up (for reasons we are not yet privy to) means that Luke's ability to teach anyone else is suspect. You have no reason to suspect that Kylo Ren's defection is his fault or that he could have done anything to prevent it.
The reason why Leia wants Luke despite not having an explicit reason for needing him for other reasons is simply a matter of putting the question in the correct context where you don't assume Leia has seen the end of the movie before acting it out and not jumping to conclusions regarding an event we have minimal knowledge about.
Again, figure of speech, dude. It didn't mean anything. It's no more of an insult than if I said Finn is a ballsy motherfucker for taking on Kylo with a lightsaber when he's not a force user. Understand that when I decide to insult you, I will do so directly to your face without any ambiguities.
No it isn't. That's not an answer at all. There's no end-game in it. It's open-ended.
It's like you've been bullrushing any possible problems with the film with your head down so long you haven't actually looked up to see where you are and if you even did anything you were trying to do.
Ballsy motherfucker isn't normally seen as an insult. Stringent bastard, though... I mean, Brakke is taking it as an insult.
1) The mere concept of insulting a fictional character is silly. 2) Nobody's ever interpreted "ballsy motherfucker" as an insult. I'm not going to tattle on you, dude. You're bringing in inflammatory language. Own that. I've called people arrogant up-thread.
I dunno dude you're either misreading why I think that dynamic is weird or I'm miscommunicating. Of Leia's interest in finding Luke makes sense, of course she'd like to see her brother. Leia's not being dumb here. It's weird thread in the movie because the movie clouds Luke's return for us. When he shows up at the end all I can think is "what does this mean" and I can't answer that. It will be *crazy* if he turns Rey away but it wouldn't be out of character for him to do so. We don't really know what's "in character" for Luke now. Pretty much all of the things we know about Luke have been parceled out to other characters. Even his endearing, plucky cluelessness-about-girls has gone on to Finn.
I want to see the word cloud for this page.But it has the word motherfucker in it, which, stripped of it's context, typically entails an insult. But, well that's the magic power of context for you.
"(Adjective) bastard" is a common way of referring that someone is demonstrating an extreme of that adjective. I'm calling him an extremely stringent person. And I'm not even disputing his right to be a stringent bastard, I'm actually encouraging him to be so to everyone if he's going to be a stringent bastard
Honestly, if that was an insult, how does that even make sense. Bastard is used to mean that someone is a distasteful person. I don't think he's being distasteful, I think he's unaware that he's using poor argumentative form. If I were to insult him, a much more appropriate target would be his intelligence, so I'd have been better off calling him an idiot if I had meant to insult him over it.
But I didn't. Which is obvious.
I don't really care about assembling a coherent Thesis Statement On This Film.
at one point in this thread you were arguing that defection from a Nazi regime was a morally questionable thing
I want to see the word cloud for this page.
instead of arguing it, couldn't you just apologize. He clearly has a problem with it.
Lol, okay.I apologize for mistakes I make, not other peoples.
Lol, okay.
Shit, I was just ribbing you, but okay.
Sorry, Star Wars fans: That Poe/Finn romance isnt happening
An early detail from an upcoming interview with John Boyega reveals it was all "in Oscar [Isaac]'s head"
So, they've acknowledge "TR-8R", they've acknowledged the "bromance"....kinda would like someone to shoot down the MS stuff tbh.
"As revealed in The Force Awakens novelization, Snoke has had apprentices before Kylo Ren, and was alive working behind the scenes during the events of the original trilogy. It's also stated that Snoke knew Darth Vader was Luke's father, and he seems particularly interested in the Skywalker bloodline."
Well that felt like a waste of time.
Anyway, it's exciting to think they're already building sets for 8 and that shooting begins later in the month. Cannot believe we're actually getting (a minimum of) two more.
Was it ever explained exactly why everyone was looking for Luke? Or did I miss that fact?
Not really a new theory. If Snoke Darth Plagueis, the thought is that he created Anakin since he was powerful enough to do so. Also with that there's no discarding the virgin birth.I was just thinking about this movie again and have a crazy theory: (Someone may have thought of this as well.)
- What if Snoke is actually the father of Anakin?
Shmi Skywalker obviously doesn't know who the father is and the virgin birth thing could be discarded.
Because Luke has the keys to the trunk on the Millennium Falcon and Chewie left his lunch in there.
Not really a new theory. If Snoke Darth Plagueis, the thought is that he created Anakin since he was powerful enough to do so. Also with that there's no discarding the virgin birth.
Not really a new theory. If Snoke Darth Plagueis, the thought is that he created Anakin since he was powerful enough to do so. Also with that there's no discarding the virgin birth.
So, The Force Awakens sure was a Star Wars movie, right guys?
I hope the new trilogy doesn't touch this shit with a 10 foot pole (that would be the PT shit, not your post). The PT may be cannon, but that doesn't mean they have to do anything but move on from it.
Leave space Jesus behind.
Was it ever explained exactly why everyone was looking for Luke? Or did I miss that fact?
Being the last Jedi in the galaxy makes for an important ally, or a high level threat.
He's basically like a weapon of mass destruction that wandered off while no one was looking.
Okay, I need to watch all of this. What the heck are they reading from?
I figured about the Republic. I just wasn't sure about The First Order's plans.
Yeah, the First Order's plans are basically "kill his ass."
Okay, I need to watch all of this. What the heck are they reading from?
I wonder if their plan was to blow up whatever planet they found him on.
There is so much silly crap that's technically canon even in the new EU. I caught a fraction of Star Wars Rebels today (spoiler in case it was a new episode or something)Where two Darkside Force Users were able to block blaster bolts from a damn SHIP with their light sabers and then hold the ship in place while it was trying to fly away.
That is all kinds of ridiculous. But it's technically canon because.
Pretty sure they wanted to kill Luke for another reason