Having now seen the movie 3 times, I definitely think it needed more 'time'. The pacing of the story feels too coincidental for my taste. It suffers from the same issue Revenge of the Sith suffered from, where it's all just one flat sprint without breaks, everything happens after the other. For Finn and Rey, their relationship and storyline is flat out always in motion. From Finn's crash to escaping with Rey on the Falcon, to being picked up by Han, to getting to Maz's planet, to fighting the First Order, and then a few hours later going to rescue her etc. It's just all a few hours and yet they act like they've been friends all their lives. Some additional scenes actually building up their friendship, their relationship with Han was needed. Also, Leia never meets Rey once, doesn't know her, but at the end is hugging her after they return, and not Chewbacca, Hans almost brother and someone she's known for well over 30+ years at that point. Just minor nitpicks.
Edit: Also, if you see Rey's skills with her staff, and then also the fact that Kylo takes a massive blaster shot into the side of his chest, it's obvious to see why the fight ended that way. He had to punch his chest oozing blood just to keep fighting.