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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


I mean, we already had Rey taking down Star Destroyers with just Luke's lightsaber in early concept art, and then we got Trevorrow (JW spoilers)
have a raptor riding a T-Rex's back (admittedly awesome as stupid as it is).

So, I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's definitely something we can't rule out.

OMG Trevorrow is directing Episode 9 isn't he?


I'd rather have Lucas back.


I'm already bracing myself for another "Pull Star Destroyer out of the sky" moment in the later movies. I hope it doesn't happen since it would be ridiculous, but man I can see it.

I trust these filmmakers enough to conclude this kind of stuff will never happen.
Also, I hope they don't go superhero feats. I find it more entertaining when there are limits to feats and the characters have to win through tactics and clever usage.

Depends on the superheroic feats. Superheroes get worked all the time, even with their powers. Especially against other powers. I'm thinking like X-Men fighting other X-Men, not like Superman fighting Zod.
Just had a dream where these fucks were brought back in VIII for some reason

I'd be okay with this as long as
A. They actually pose threat instead of being blaster fodder
B. None of them talk. Ever.
C. Actually, just don't bring em back.

Can't even tell whether that model's from the cartoons, games or movies.


paid requisite penance
I wouldn't know what to feel if either Kylo or Rey pulled this off

Is that The Old Republic? Man, I just did a fandub for a friend's project, that scene where a smuggler escapes with some Jedi just as the Jedi's master (a Darth Maul lookalike, except paler, and nice, obviously) gets killed by two Sith lords. One of them has a red face with a mask not unlike Kylo's, and the other is basically Darth Vader without a helmet and an uninjured face.

What dreck it is. It's even worse than the prequel duels. It's just kung-fu galore, with inappropriately-timed slomo, lightsaber overload (the Jedi master uses a regular lightsaber + a double-bladed lightsaber at the same time at some point) and, of course, no emotional investment. When the master dies, the Jedi inside the ship just pauses for like a second and then they fly away.

I mean, sure, the CG is impressive, it's action-packed and the choreography is nice, but it totally misses the point of action scenes in Star Wars IMO. Star Wars is not martial arts. Besides, it had Duel of the Fates as the BGM, so it gaves me bad flashes of the Darth Maul duel.


I'm already bracing myself for another "Pull Star Destroyer out of the sky" moment in the later movies. I hope it doesn't happen since it would be ridiculous, but man I can see it.

We might not get that but I think we are gearing up for some crazy force powers in the next two films, specifically IX. The final battle between Rey and Kylo isn't going to be some little lightsaber battle. Prolly more Superman vs. Zod.
Depends on the superheroic feats. Superheroes get worked all the time, even with their powers. Especially against other powers. I'm thinking like X-Men fighting other X-Men, not like Superman fighting Zod.

Depends on which X-Men. :p But yeah, I have no problem with new uses or techniques. I just don't like when they go silly with it. Using the Force to brute force a Starship to freeze or pull it out of the sky is ridiculous. Kylo freezing a single rifle blaster bolt in place? Awesome. Kylo pulling a Neo and stopping a dozen at once? Too much. That's all I'm saying.


A better Ep 7 Solo/Leia reunion would have had her with Lando. :D

I still wish the actor that played Wedge Antilles joined on for Ep 7.
Wedge is my favorite character from the OT.

IIRC he was offered a cameo but I think he turned it down because it would have been pointless?


I think the craziest I want things to get Force power wise is probably having Rey and Ren do something equivalent to the first Goku vs Vegeta battle in DBZ (except with Force powers and not energy beams) where it's mostly just their two strengths clashing and causing collateral damage around them. I don't need any of that pulling down Star Destroyer bullshit, give me something that matches an epic feeling that this gave

Most people are fine with it because the film establishes pretty clearly how she learns what she does, and why she has to in the time frame she does. TBH, the people with these complains about this haven't paid much attention to the film, or simply have a disposition to apply double standards to Rey. So I don't think the filmmakers are too worried about those folks.

Eh, Im in the camp that thinks she picked it up a bit too quick...the Jedi mind trick without being taught, beating Ren at the end.

These are really just nitpicks, its still a pretty great movie and Im stoked about the next one.
I get you.

I'm thinking basically something like... I dunno. Magneto vs Storm, or something. That's still ridiculously powerful, but it's not "I'll dislodge the moon" or whatever.

We'll have to wait and see I suppose but I might be ok with that level, though it is still rediculously powerful. It might be cool to see though. Especially when my boy Finn taps into his Force powers.


Eh, Im in the camp that thinks she picked it up a bit too quick...the Jedi mind trick without being taught, beating Ren at the end.

These are really just nitpicks, its still a pretty great movie and Im stoked about the next one.

Luke was never taught it either


paid requisite penance
I think the craziest I want things to get Force power wise is probably having Rey and Ren do something equivalent to the first Goku vs Vegeta battle in DBZ (except with Force powers and not energy beams) where it's mostly just their two strengths clashing and causing collateral damage around them. I don't need any of that pulling down Star Destroyer bullshit, give me something that matches an epic feeling that this gave

Don't put pics of awesome DBZ episodes, now you're gonna remind me of Dragon Ball Super's crappy art :(.


Luke was never taught it either

He saw that it was possible during ANH when Obi uses it on a stormtrooper.
Obi even explains it to him, so he knew it was possible.

Also, inbetween ESB and RotJ didn't he train with Yoda?
And if not, Obi may have been guiding him.

I still think the Rey stuff will be explained next film.
Still think that Orange lady was guiding Rey.
That's why Rey felt that saber.


He saw that it was possible during ANH when Obi uses it on a stormtrooper.
Obi even explains it to him, so he knew it was possible.

Also, inbetween ESB and RotJ didn't he train with Yoda?
And if not, Obi may have been guiding him.

I still think the Rey stuff will be explained next film.
Still think that Orange lady was guiding Rey.
That's why Rey felt that saber.

Luke saw Obi-Wan do it once and had it explained to him. Rey likely heard the myth of the Jedi mind trick at some point (since she's familiar with the stories of the Jedi), plus Jedi mind tricks were common enough that people like Jabba knew they existed. Both characters had to learn how to actually perform the trick on their own. The first time Luke meets up with Yoda and Obi-Wan again is in ROTJ, he never meets up with them between movies.
Like poetry, they rhyme. And people accuse JJ of doing the rehashing.


You are my favorite person today.
He saw that it was possible during ANH when Obi uses it on a stormtrooper.
Obi even explains it to him, so he knew it was possible.

Also, inbetween ESB and RotJ didn't he train with Yoda?
And if not, Obi may have been guiding him.

I still think the Rey stuff will be explained next film.
Still think that Orange lady was guiding Rey.
That's why Rey felt that saber.

The Force has a will of its own. It guides people. Yoda couldnt possibly have controlled Lukes XWing from orbit, but Luke descends on the right continent and close enough to Yodas hut.


Luke saw Obi-Wan do it once and had it explained to him. Rey likely heard the myth of the Jedi mind trick at some point (since she's familiar with the stories of the Jedi), plus Jedi mind tricks were common enough that people like Jabba knew they existed. Both characters had to learn how to actually perform the trick on their own. The first time Luke meets up with Yoda and Obi-Wan again is in ROTJ, he never meets up with them between movies.

That's the other likely thing I was thinking about when I saw that scene,
that she thought about one of those myths.

Though I still think the Orange lady was guiding her.
Or who knows, maybe Luke was, who knows how powerful a Jedi he has become.


We might not get that but I think we are gearing up for some crazy force powers in the next two films, specifically IX. The final battle between Rey and Kylo isn't going to be some little lightsaber battle. Prolly more Superman vs. Zod.

I think a better comparison would be Luke vs. Vader in ESB, only Luke is on Vader's level and not getting his ass handed to him. You know, where they almost went with Yoda vs. Dooku before it turned into what it turned into.


I don't know about that.

But Rey throwing a Force Hadouken would probably get me out of my seat.

I think that might make me stand up for a second and exclaim: "Damn!!!"; which I've never done in my life in a theater or at home! (Except for sporting moments, if course...)
Eh, Im in the camp that thinks she picked it up a bit too quick...the Jedi mind trick without being taught, beating Ren at the end.

These are really just nitpicks, its still a pretty great movie and Im stoked about the next one.

Beating Ren at the end is pretty straightforward. She's been carrying around a bo staff for awhile and knows how to fight, you can even clearly see her use a staff style poke towards Ren twice in the last fight. Seems like Kylo has been concentrating too much on developing his force powers and not enough time learning to fight one on one with a lightsabre. Not that he's had really anyone else to fight with.
Cue those people going "but but but Lucas was new and different in the prequels..."

That whole Ring Theory thing isn't really a theory so much as it is a very thorough documentation of how Lucas kept referencing/remaking elements from the Original Trilogy. Like, he kept doing it. Non-stop.


You don't get to bring friends.
That whole Ring Theory thing isn't really a theory so much as it is a very thorough documentation of how Lucas kept referencing/remaking elements from the Original Trilogy. Like, he kept doing it. Non-stop.

Indeed, it's just frustrating when people say JJ rehashes too much but is totally fine with Lucas doing it


I also hope they explain the Republic more and how the First Order came to be.
Because wouldn't the Republic have a huge army after RotJ?

Also, wouldn't the Republic then have TIE vehicles and possible Stormtrooper armor?
Missed that they didn't have new versions of the TIE Intercepter or Bomber.

The scene on Jakku where to TIE Fighters are trying to get BB-8 back,
I would have thought TIE Bombers would be doing a mission like that.

Also, Jakku looked way too much like Tatooine.
TFA was way too much like ANH. :|
Beating Ren at the end is pretty straightforward. She's been carrying around a bo staff for awhile and knows how to fight, you can even clearly see her use a staff style poke towards Ren twice in the last fight. Seems like Kylo has been concentrating too much on developing his force powers and not enough time learning to fight one on one with a lightsabre. Not that he's had really anyone else to fight with.

I would imagine fighting with a staff and a one bladed laser sword is quite different.


Luke saw Obi-Wan do it once and had it explained to him. Rey likely heard the myth of the Jedi mind trick at some point (since she's familiar with the stories of the Jedi), plus Jedi mind tricks were common enough that people like Jabba knew they existed. Both characters had to learn how to actually perform the trick on their own. The first time Luke meets up with Yoda and Obi-Wan again is in ROTJ, he never meets up with them between movies..
Plus Kylo was doing a much more advanced version of the mind trick on her during the interrogation. Ren was using the Force to enter her mind and compel her to reveal the plans but she resisted, forcing him to open his mind to her. The Mind Trick is just a basic version of that struggle.
I also hope they explain the Republic more and how the First Order came to be.
Because wouldn't the Republic have a huge army after RotJ?

Also, wouldn't the Republic then have TIE vehicles and possible Stormtrooper armor?

A lot of this is explained in the books accompanying the film.


I'd be ok with Luke pulling down a Star Destroyer. And I remember there being rumors in the early Ep VII spoiler days of him moving a mountain, literally. I'd be ok with that too. Basically, I'd be ok with Luke doing nearly anything overpowered since he should be around what Vader's pre-fry total potential should have been.
I also hope they explain the Republic more and how the First Order came to be.
Because wouldn't the Republic have a huge army after RotJ?

They have a fleet that was destroyed when Starkiller Base fired on the Hosnian system.

Also, wouldn't the Republic then have TIE vehicles and possible Stormtrooper armor?
Missed that they didn't have new versions of the TIE Intercepter or Bomber.

Probably not, if the Republic is founded on a regime change from the old Empire. They wouldn't want to use icons associated with the Empire.

The scene on Jakku where to TIE Fighters are trying to get BB-8 back,
I would have thought TIE Bombers would be doing a mission like that.

If they want to recover BB-8 intact, the worst strategy they could use is to send in bombers.


Will lando go for leia, now that han is gone in viii?

The Ultimate Twist!:

Leia and Lando hooked up when Han was frozen in carbonate (hey they didn't have a plan until later to free him, so maybe they both thought he was a goner?), hence Finn is Leia's son and Rey's stepsister!


But more likely, due to Lando's link to the empire, I wouldn't be surprised if Finn was Lando's son, taken from Lando without his permission, to become a First Order Stormtrooper. (his deal had been really getting worse all the time).

Ladies and gentlemen... Finn Calrissian!
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