afternoon delight
It's probably a race thing.
I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be him or just another one of his race.
Yeah, I'm interested in where Snoke's philosophy falls on the spectrum of Force religions. That he chose Ren for his light as well as dark qualities exhibits a disconnect from Sith teachings.
And where's Wedge!?
He's an idiot.They apparently approached Denis Lawson about being in TFA, but he wasn't interested.
She's definitely feeding off anger in the final fight of the movie and draws from it while utilising the force, but I do agree that she probably will not become a villain, and I'm hesitant to believe her primary struggle will be with the dark side, mainly because of it being something repetitive (cue "it's poetry"), even if possible.
Watch, they make Poe related to Wedge in some way. Son-in-law or something.They apparently approached Denis Lawson about being in TFA, but he wasn't interested.
Something something anger leads to hateBeing pissed off doesn't make someone evil. She was upset at him because he kidnapped her, tried to torture her and sliced up her new bestie pretty good. And killed Han. She doesn't like him because he's the textbook definition of a dickbag.
I think they planted this seed in the film.
Han: "Snoke is using you for your power. When he gets what he wants, he'll destroy you. You know it's true."
I think Kylo does know this on some level - it's all over his face - and will act first. At least I hope to hell he does, for the reasons you outlined.
They're going to get away from the mechanical viewpoints of the orders in the prequels. The times are much different. The Sith whom established this rule are long gone. The Jedi order that wouldn't allow love or the fucking permission for one of them to go visit their damn mom is gone. That was ridiculous and I'm not saying that against the prequels. I thought it was sensible and made sense toward the fall of the Jedi and why Anakin hated the shit out of them.
But now we have a time period of no Jedi besides Luke and no Sith, label-speaking unless Snoke is a Sith by label.
I don't watch Rebels but there is that one Inquisitor dude...Snoke was supposedly active during the Clone Wars, but we haven't seen him in anything up til now. Of course, even with the CGI series, I suppose we didn't learn everything about that time period. But it makes you wonder how he got to be...scarred and deformed. The side of his face appears as if it may be the result of a lightsaber.
True, and if Vader was the last Sith that doesn't leave much room open for a succession. I don't think that's something you can just read up on for training.
Snoke was supposedly active during the Clone Wars, but we haven't seen him in anything up til now. Of course, even with the CGI series, I suppose we didn't learn everything about that time period. But it makes you wonder how he got to be...scarred and deformed. The side of his face appears as if it may be the result of a lightsaber.
I don't watch Rebels but there is that one Inquisitor dude...
Being pissed off doesn't make someone evil. She was upset at him because he kidnapped her, tried to torture her and sliced up her new bestie pretty good. And killed Han. She doesn't like him because he's the textbook definition of a dickbag.
And to the larger conversation going on right now, I'll repeat what I said earlier in the thread: The single most important piece of Force training anyone can get is the simple knowledge that they are Force-sensitive. I'll expand on that here and point out that the Force is a storytelling tool used to put forth the main thematic element of Luke's story, and being reinforced even harder with Rey's (and also the thing JJ has repeatedly said stuck with him from the series, and what he hoped to recapture). The Force is a metaphor for that hidden potential we all have inside of us. The idea that anyone, no matter how insignificant, can achieve great things if they believe in themselves. So, once you see what you are capable of, aka someone tells you you have the Force, the sky is kind of the limit.
How you apply that power, where you direct it, and what emotions feed it, is what the training is really about. Rey is still a scrub when it comes to that side of things. She has this power but doesn't understand why or how she should direct it, which is why she almost goes too far and nearly kills Kylo due to her anger. That's what she needs training for.
I also really like Killrogg's post a few pages back, I think it kind of hits on this idea in a different way, and I love how he points out the way individual character's use of the Force are reflections of those characters.
I'll be the first to admit that Snoke is kind of a deliberate retcon in a way. I don't feel an organic correlation between Snoke and the events of the ENTIRE SERIES until this point. It's not really a problem exactly, but this is why I was kinda hoping at one point that Snoke was Plageuis as at least it would sorta make more sense as Plageuis was name dropped as early as Episode III.
Good point. But if this happens, when will be the opportune time? He'll only kill Snoke once he feels he's learned all he can from him, but there's no telling when that will be. And from what we've seen, I think he's far too weak to pull of a great enough feat to defeat a 1000 year old dark side master. In the novelization, I believe it's suggested that Ren is actually weakened by the act of killing his father. If that's true, he probably doesn't have what it takes to dedicate all his power to the light OR dark side.
I'll be the first to admit that Snoke is kind of a deliberate retcon in a way. I don't feel an organic correlation between Snoke and the events of the ENTIRE SERIES until this point. It's not really a problem exactly, but this is why I was kinda hoping at one point that Snoke was Plageuis as at least it would sorta make more sense as Plageuis was name dropped as early as Episode III.
I'm sure whatever explanation they have is fine and will work, it's just hard to believe that Snoke has been this evil mastermind the entire time. Unless Snoke is Boss Ass.
I don't watch Rebels but there is that one Inquisitor dude...
Just had a dream where these fucks were brought back in VIII for some reason
I'd be okay with this as long as
A. They actually pose threat instead of being blaster fodder
B. None of them talk. Ever.
C. Actually, just don't bring em back.
It's like this perfect blend of Rey's Theme, the Force Theme, and the Imperial March, without ever actually becoming any of those things.
Rebels spoilers
He's dead. After he failed to keep Kanan from escaping in the season 1 finale, he let himself fall into an explosion. Filoni has confirmed that he is dead. He was supposed to last longer as a more prominent villain but they decided that his failure needed consequences because Vader would not have tolerated it and would have killed him anyway.
Yeah, but in that moment the anger was clearly motivating her, and therefore she was feeding off the dark side. I kind of touched on it in an edit on my earlier post that I thought was a new post at first:
And just for fun, Plagueis created Anakin: Yes or No?
There are aspects of Plageuis that make it so a direct 1:1 history from the book would be awkward. It's very good up until the end where Luceno gets too cute about trying to have the book lead in directly to TPM.
Yeah, but in that moment the anger was clearly motivating her, and therefore she was feeding off the dark side. I kind of touched on it in an edit on my earlier post that I thought was a new post at first:
I haven't read the book. Is it good? I understand it's been retconned, but apparently Luceno made certain aspects canon in Tarkin and they could still draw inspiration from it.
It seemed like Luke was feeding off anger in the final moments of his duel w/ Vader in RotJ. It seems like there's a little wiggle room for Jedi emotions in practice.
The biggest question I have going into VIII is, what's the time skip? How far into Rey's training will we be, how much further down the path will Kylo have gone? Rey is just getting started, and Kylo was a complete mess by the end of TFA. I hope it's not too far - I want to see these characters as they develop. But if that's the case, then probably not until IX.
I like this thought:
But Anakin lost his mother!
and a super super hot girlfriend
and a super super hot girlfriend
Snoke is going to be the smoke monster from Lost.
JJ finally wrapping things up.
That was already wrapped up lol
She's not exactly well known for her even temper, after all.
That was already wrapped up lol
Only from a certain point of view.
that was the most horrible wrap-up ever. " everyone's, that explains everything" . wtffffdead and in the afterlife
Life fact: boys are dumbI like this thought: