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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

Was listening to Kevin Smith talking about the film and got a chuckle when he mentioned C-3PO first shows up and he's all "hey look I got a red arm"

I have to admit it was a rather random moment in the movie lol.

I agree with Smith though saying they shouldn't use another mega weapon (death star) type device for the rest of the series. It was already a rather tired concept after RotJ.

I agree, but I can see why they went with one for this film - it was an equaliser to start off this trilogy. They didn't want to have the victory at the end of Jedi mean nothing so they had to have 30 years of relative peace and the First Order being a comparatively small threat (compared to the entirety of the Empire). Now, thanks to Starkiller the Republic's fleet is gone, the First Order don't have their super weapon but are still in a much better position than they were before and Leia's resistance are probably the only fighting force with a chance of interrupting them.


lol, "old." I can't be too bitter either. Lucas is out and TFA was great. I think Star Wars from here on out will suit me much better for some time.

That's nice and all. My point still stands, though.

I'd like them to re-do the prequels.

Never happenin'. :)


A bit off topic (different Star Wars) but I thought you guys might like this.

Obi-Wan Remembers The Truth

Very nice video! Thanks for sharing.


Which is that people who didn't like like something about SW that you liked must be both old and the only ones who are bitter?

Not all. Just most of them. The fact that they keep bringing up stuff like Midichlorians all the time as "stuff that ruined their childhoods" pretty much prove my point.

Their childhoods must have been pathetic and lame if such things can "ruin" it.


A bit off topic (different Star Wars) but I thought you guys might like this.

Obi-Wan Remembers The Truth
That was well done, but it reminded me how stupid Anakin was to do a slow force flip over a well trained Jedi holding a lightsaber. That one move cost him three limbs, and that was before the heat got to him. Nice going.

The PT is so lame. Thank goodness TFA recommitted the series to Star Wars' original tone and style. Thank goodness the writing was competent and the action wasn't goofy. All the complaints people have about TFA wither to nothing in the face of the prequels. It's so much better in every way.


That was well done, but it reminded me how stupid Anakin was to do a slow force flip over a well trained Jedi holding a lightsaber. That one move cost him three limbs, and that was before the heat got to him. Nice going.

The PT is so lame.

I recently watched the entirety of that fight again (youtube, woo), before seeing TFA again tonight. The duels at the end of this film are just such a breath of fresh air after the prequels. The are literally hard hitting, well shot and also blissfully to the point. Finn gets clocked by Kylo after a minute flat. Rey's fight with him lasts just a couple of minutes. Yet both have more emotional impact than anything in the entire PT. They tell the story they need to tell and get out of the way.

The RotS fight is just an over indulgent mess. Everything that needs to happen in the fight, happens in the last few moments. And they still blew it.

I also appreciated how not cut to pieces the duels are in TFA. There's just one cut away in the entire sequence. From the time Rey and Finn run into Kylo, they stay with that scene straight through to the start of the Rey/Kylo fight. Coming back from Poe's trench run - also one sequence - we stay with the duel until it's over. Lucas would have cut it into three or four pieces and diluted the impact as a result.


When the BluRay comes out, I have a feeling I'm going to be weirded out when I rewatch the series in order and in episodes 6 and 7 they blow up a giant planet killing superweapon twice in a row.

I gotta admit that since I rewatched the OT before TFA, really was strange and eye roll enducing. Speaking of the Blu Ray I hope they add in the 20 minutes that were supposedly cut.


When the BluRay comes out, I have a feeling I'm going to be weirded out when I rewatch the series in order and in episodes 6 and 7 they blow up a giant planet killing superweapon twice in a row.

Seeing what disney does with recycling elements in their Marvel movies, you should be at least a bit worried about ep8. If there is another superweapon, i do think they will save it for ep9.
I recently watched the entirety of that fight again (youtube, woo), before seeing TFA again tonight. The duels at the end of this film are just such a breath of fresh air after the prequels. The are literally hard hitting, well shot and also blissfully to the point. Finn gets clocked by Kylo after a minute flat. Rey's fight with him lasts just a couple of minutes. Yet both have more emotional impact than anything in the entire PT. They tell the story they need to tell and get out of the way.

The RotS fight is just an over indulgent mess. Everything that needs to happen in the fight, happens in the last few moments. And they still blew it.

I also appreciated how not cut to pieces the duels are in TFA. There's just one cut away in the entire sequence. From the time Rey and Finn run into Kylo, they stay with that scene straight through to the start of the Rey/Kylo fight. Coming back from Poe's trench run - also one sequence - we stay with the duel until it's over. Lucas would have cut it into three or four pieces and diluted the impact as a result.

Very true about the last point that it was nice. I was actually wondering about that exact thing a bit ago and you clarified without me even having to ask.
I know it's pointless to prefer things you assumed before they were clarified in a film, but with the original trilogy I loved the idea that Vader became the 'more machine than man' monstrosity that he is gradually. Seeing Luke lose his hand and how traumatic that must've been for him, then imagining that happening over and over and over to a person until no discernible part of them is human any more, and what that would do to a mind, was far more creepy than what we got.
I know it's pointless to prefer things you assumed before they were clarified in a film, but with the original trilogy I loved the idea that Vader became the 'more machine than man' monstrosity that he is gradually. Seeing Luke lose his hand and how traumatic that must've been for him, then imagining that happening over and over and over to a person until no discernible part of them is human any more, and what that would do to a mind, was far more creepy than what we got.

Ship of Theseus is a bad ass concept.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Not all. Just most of them. The fact that they keep bringing up stuff like Midichlorians all the time as "stuff that ruined their childhoods" pretty much prove my point.

Their childhoods must have been pathetic and lame if such things can "ruin" it.
Oh come on with this shit. Anecdotally I had a fantastic childhood and I'm also a young adult, but those movies seriously sucked dude. The very few legitimately well done moments are absolutely diminished by the sheer amount of mediocrity on display. No one's saying that it's not ok to like something from your childhood but you seem incredibly bitter about the fact that a vast majority unsurprisingly didn't like those films, when a ton of valid reasons are presented, like one of the most important parts of film in general, acting, being completely shit because George Lucas gave terrible acting direction as well as terrible dialogue. Just as an example, we're supposed to be completely invested in the love story behind Anakin and Padme which is a central part of the story yet the dude seemingly went out of his way to make sure their relationship doesn't resemble human interaction in anyway shape or form. And he damn sure couldn't get the actors to have any sort of chemistry, when they've been fantastic in other films before and especially after their time with the prequels. It wouldn't be even as bad if there was good acting for the most part in every scene so the audience at least had something entertaining to watch like Gwen and Peter in Amazing Spiderman 2.
Ship of Theseus is a bad ass concept.

I don't know what that is but before I google it I'm going to guess it's the question of how many pieces of a thing you can replace before it's no longer the thing it was originally?

For those of us raised on Only Fools & Horses in the UK I'm guessing it's Trig's broom.

Post-Google edit: yep, exactly that.
I don't know what that is but before I google it I'm going to guess it's the question of how many pieces of a thing you can replace before it's no longer the thing it was originally?

For those of us raised on Only Fools & Horses in the UK I'm guessing it's Trig's broom.

Exactly right. It also definitely works better when it's more gradual and the question becomes more and more pertinent, like you said you imagined.


I recently watched the entirety of that fight again (youtube, woo), before seeing TFA again tonight. The duels at the end of this film are just such a breath of fresh air after the prequels. The are literally hard hitting, well shot and also blissfully to the point. Finn gets clocked by Kylo after a minute flat. Rey's fight with him lasts just a couple of minutes. Yet both have more emotional impact than anything in the entire PT. They tell the story they need to tell and get out of the way.

The RotS fight is just an over indulgent mess. Everything that needs to happen in the fight, happens in the last few moments. And they still blew it.

I also appreciated how not cut to pieces the duels are in TFA. There's just one cut away in the entire sequence. From the time Rey and Finn run into Kylo, they stay with that scene straight through to the start of the Rey/Kylo fight. Coming back from Poe's trench run - also one sequence - we stay with the duel until it's over. Lucas would have cut it into three or four pieces and diluted the impact as a result.

I agree that the duels were better. But JJ really mishandled the fighter portion of the Starkiller assault in this film. RotJ juggles all the elements (endor/vader&luke/space) perfectly and in TFA the whole fighter section feels like an afterthought. I was toroughly disappointed in that, I mean for all the referencing the OT where was Poe's 'all wings report in'-moment? The whole fighter portion feels hollow and just there to provide 'oh that first person shot was cool'-moment.


Seeing what disney does with recycling elements in their Marvel movies, you should be at least a bit worried about ep8. If there is another superweapon, i do think they will save it for ep9.
Good thing is then, that Disney doesnt recycling anything on Marvel movies because Marvel Studios makes their own stuff.
And LucasFilm is very very independent.


I recently watched the entirety of that fight again (youtube, woo), before seeing TFA again tonight. The duels at the end of this film are just such a breath of fresh air after the prequels. The are literally hard hitting, well shot and also blissfully to the point. Finn gets clocked by Kylo after a minute flat. Rey's fight with him lasts just a couple of minutes. Yet both have more emotional impact than anything in the entire PT. They tell the story they need to tell and get out of the way.

The RotS fight is just an over indulgent mess. Everything that needs to happen in the fight, happens in the last few moments. And they still blew it.

I also appreciated how not cut to pieces the duels are in TFA. There's just one cut away in the entire sequence. From the time Rey and Finn run into Kylo, they stay with that scene straight through to the start of the Rey/Kylo fight. Coming back from Poe's trench run - also one sequence - we stay with the duel until it's over. Lucas would have cut it into three or four pieces and diluted the impact as a result.

As I watched TFA for the first time, I realized I was ticking off a mental checklist of all the things it did right. The quirky musical cues to punctuate moments. BB-8's "voice" and movement, and his little exchanges with human characters. The janky droids and aliens in the background, obviously done with practical effects. I was so glad that TFA felt like part of the OT. The sense of digital artificiality that's everywhere in the prequels was nowhere to be seen. TFA's disciplined use of modern effects is such a contrast to the overwhelming excess of the PT.

Now, as well as TFA recaptured those authentic Star Wars details, I knew the real moment of truth was going to be the final lightsaber duel—or as it turned out, duels. I was absolutely thrilled when they delivered in all the ways you described. The effects and choreography and editing were perfect. Lightsabers that feel heavy and dangerous again? Believable character driven fights that never seem flashy or hokey? Hell yes! As far as I'm concerned, TFA passed the ultimate test.


that puzzling face
I also appreciated how not cut to pieces the duels are in TFA. There's just one cut away in the entire sequence. From the time Rey and Finn run into Kylo, they stay with that scene straight through to the start of the Rey/Kylo fight. Coming back from Poe's trench run - also one sequence - we stay with the duel until it's over. Lucas would have cut it into three or four pieces and diluted the impact as a result.


Lucas made the PT fights look more epic because when you cut away to something else then come back they're still fighting, implying they've been fighting equally matched for a long time which makes the outcome even more of a nailbiter.

I agree with you
I also appreciated how not cut to pieces the duels are in TFA. There's just one cut away in the entire sequence. From the time Rey and Finn run into Kylo, they stay with that scene straight through to the start of the Rey/Kylo fight. Coming back from Poe's trench run - also one sequence - we stay with the duel until it's over. Lucas would have cut it into three or four pieces and diluted the impact as a result.

The fact that I didn't notice this means the storyboarding, direction and editing were done right.


Call me crazy, but I bet Episode X is gonna get announced soon as part of this new era - not years after IX.

The 50th anniversary will be in 2027, that'll leave them with just the right amont of time to prepare a new trilogy (but you won't have the incredible "returning characters 40 years later" this time if this is X/XI/XII)
I also appreciated how not cut to pieces the duels are in TFA. There's just one cut away in the entire sequence. From the time Rey and Finn run into Kylo, they stay with that scene straight through to the start of the Rey/Kylo fight. Coming back from Poe's trench run - also one sequence - we stay with the duel until it's over. Lucas would have cut it into three or four pieces and diluted the impact as a result.

Yeah, I noticed this on my second watch and really appreciated it. It's a Star Wars trope I've disliked since back in Return of the Jedi, when you're cutting between Luke and Vader, the space battle, the larger Ewok battle, and Han trying to get into the shield generator; not unmanageable but still more bloated than was really necessary. Then come the Prequels and TV shows it was like it had become a rule: all Star Wars media must end with half a dozen simultaneous action setpieces. I guess it makes that stuff easier to choreograph, since you don't need to draw up a storyboard for one five minute action scene that starts in one place and ends in another, but rather five one minute scenes that begin in medias res, but it's something I've never liked.


I recently watched the entirety of that fight again (youtube, woo), before seeing TFA again tonight. The duels at the end of this film are just such a breath of fresh air after the prequels. The are literally hard hitting, well shot and also blissfully to the point. Finn gets clocked by Kylo after a minute flat. Rey's fight with him lasts just a couple of minutes. Yet both have more emotional impact than anything in the entire PT. They tell the story they need to tell and get out of the way.

The RotS fight is just an over indulgent mess. Everything that needs to happen in the fight, happens in the last few moments. And they still blew it.

I also appreciated how not cut to pieces the duels are in TFA. There's just one cut away in the entire sequence. From the time Rey and Finn run into Kylo, they stay with that scene straight through to the start of the Rey/Kylo fight. Coming back from Poe's trench run - also one sequence - we stay with the duel until it's over. Lucas would have cut it into three or four pieces and diluted the impact as a result.

I couldn't agree more. I recently watch a small clip of the RotS final duel, and it's just so cringe worthy. Look! They're fighting on two rocks that are moving through lava! Look! They're climbing some weird thing and fighting. It's so bombastic it loses all connection with reality, or even being remotely believable. I mean they might as well have been fighting while flying, it was completely ridiculous. TFA is exactly the movie SW needed to redeem the film brand after the awful PT.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
Leia hugging Rey despite Chewie passing by is odder for me that the possibility that she could be Ren sister lol.

There is absolutely no hint that Han knew Rey when he found her in the Falcon. And he never says anything to her that would indicate that either. If Rey was a childhood friend of Ren at some point then it's possible that Han and Leia know of her, but they've never seen her grown up before.


There is absolutely no hint that Han knew Rey when he found her in the Falcon. And he never says anything to her that would indicate that either. If Rey was a childhood friend of Ren at some point then it's possible that Han and Leia know of her, but they've never seen her grown up before.
Rey spent years on Jakku, of course Han wouldnt recognize her, Leia could have recognized her presence.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
This is going to be a really stupid question, but it was mentioned that Luke was training "a boy and a girl," right? I don't see how it could be anyone other than Rey, but if it was Rey it raises a few questions, like why Ren doesn't seem to acknowledge her. I think it would be really cool if the girl was A) Not Rey and B) Still alive and somewhere else, but I bet she's either A) Rey or B) Dead.

The entire movie felt like we were jumping into a story halfway through, which is what Episode IV felt like too. It feels weirder this time around, though, because there's a pre-established world and story and it feels like we skipped a ton of chapters.


Who builds the New Order/Empire stuff?

They all seem to be Stormtroopers and varying levels of command.

Who builds the super weapon, ships etc. is it all robots?

Do they have slaves, contractors, has there ever been aliens other than Bouty Hunters in cahoots?

Don't kill me, I only work in HR.
This is going to be a really stupid question, but it was mentioned that Luke was training "a boy and a girl," right?

It looks like Luke was training a few people at once, including Ben. Rey was four when she was left on Jakku and it seems she was left there before Luke's trainees were betrayed by Ben.
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