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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
It looks like Luke was training a few people at once, including Ben. Rey was four when she was left on Jakku and it seems she was left there before Luke's trainees were betrayed by Ben.
Yeah, I noticed that in the flashback, but I recall them mentioning a boy and a girl specifically? Maybe I misheard.


Yeah, I noticed that in the flashback, but I recall them mentioning a boy and a girl specifically? Maybe I misheard.

They did not say any such thing

Who builds the New Order/Empire stuff?

They all seem to be Stormtroopers and varying levels of command.

Who builds the super weapon, ships etc. is it all robots?

Do they have slaves, contractors, has there ever been aliens other than Bouty Hunters in cahoots?

Don't kill me, I only work in HR.

Uhh...just because you don't see construction workers/engineers on the actually completed base, doesn't mean they don't exist. They just aren't there. Presumably they are off building other things.
Don't really think Chewie passing Leia is really a sign of anything. He was tending to Finn.

My main issue with this scene is when Chewie is coming out of the falcon he's doing this little weird jaunt (which isn't wookie like to begin with) and as soon as the camera cuts to a different angle he's walking slowly. It's very off putting.


Usually I wouldn't bother with clickbait articles but this one's actually pretty fun. There were a ton more cameos/small roles than I had realized.

Some interesting ones:

-Thomas Brodie-Sangster (Game of Thrones) is the First Order officer who annonces that there's an "unscheduled departure" when Finn and Poe hijack the TIE Fighter

-Harriet Walter (niece of Christopher Lee) - Dr. Kalonia, the one who patches up Chewie

-Bill Hader and Ben Schwartz (Jean Ralphio [!] from Parks and Rec) - they voiced BB-8


I don't even know if you can say that much is certain, but okay... If you say so. Most people who don't like something about Star Wars that you like must be both old and bitter. Gotcha.

It's not about liking it or not. It's about how such dislike is being expressed. This makes people look bitter.
Don't think has been posted. JJ's confirmed there'll be no extended cut on the Blu-Ray, but it will have the deleted scenes.

The director told EW there will not be an extended edition of his mega-hit Star Wars sequel.

But there will be some additional footage.

“There will be deleted scenes, but not an extended version,” Abrams told us after his panel for his upcoming Hulu series 11.22.63 at the Television Critics Association’s press tour in Beverly Hills.

“I don’t know what the longest cut was,” Abrams said. “Probably, if it were with credits, close to two hours and 50 minutes was the first cut.”



Was getting caught part of your plan?
Having an official extended version of a Star Wars movie would be the weirdest thing.

EDIT: Oh wait, there was A New Hope
You ever try walking around in armor all day? Shit is heavy.

The more weight on the suit, the more power you use when it's moving around. You have to balance the weight of the armor vs functionality. He doesn't need full armor everywhere since he can mostly just flick your blasts back at you.

Exactly. That's why modern soldiers wear bullet-proof gloves, and why soldiers who couldn't afford a full set of plate armor in the middle ages would just run around with gauntlets.

(This is not how things work. The hand is the hardest part of the entire body to armor effectively because of the need for articulation and the loss of manual dexterity. Additionally, weight on the hands just pulls straight down on the shoulders from the joints, making it obnoxious to carry compared to a breastplate.)

The EU was put out to pasture because it was an awful tangled mess, precisely because authors would come up with stupid shit like "blaster-proof gloves" without stopping to think how the cascading effect of something like that basically fucks up the entire setting if you stop and think about it too much, and thus forcing other authors to come up with even more convoluted and stupid logic to explain away why it doesn't cause the internal logic of the setting to unravel.

It's dead. Destroy the grave marker so people stop trying to dig it up.


I'm wondering when could we expect the first teaser for episode 8. We've never seen such a short gap between movies in the trilogies.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I'm wondering when could we expect the first teaser for episode 8. We've never seen such a short gap between movies in the trilogies.

At (optimistic) earliest, May 4th or Civil War.

That and possibly July or August


Was getting caught part of your plan?
My ideal strategy is a really short ass 50 second teaser in the summer. If they really wanna be huge with the teasing, it might even be just a no-footage audio-only one like TDK. After that happens, VIII goes completely dark for Rogue One which will get a full-blown trailer treatment around the same time.

Then we get another short VIII trailer when Rogue One actually comes out.
Don't think this has been posted yet




Why couldn't she ?

That kind of logic leads up to theories like "Super Leader Snoke is Kylo Ren in he future that came back in the past" or "Kylo Ren is a triple agent but he doesn't know it yet". Even "Rey is a Kenobi" or "Dark Pleguis is Snoke" seems raisonnable compared to that.

It's really great to finally be able to see the movie though, I can now read the worst backlash/over-reading articles/posts ever made after a movie, and also the craziest (and funniest) theories. Two things that only prove one thing : you need to see the whole trilogy to be able to judge, evaluate, analysis the story or anything that is story or character related. And that people are no matter what never satisfied (TFA is the contrary of episode I on pretty much everything, but it seems to be hated as much as Anakin's childhood...)The Kylo R3n twitter shit is pretty good too.

And it's a shame about no extended version on the Blu-Ray/DVD... But I can't wait to see all this good photography on my own screen and without the crappy speakers of the cinema I went to.

About VIII :

-Could it get delayed ?
-It would be weird to see any marketing for the sequel while Disney is trying to tell people to go see the spin-off... A 6 month intensive campaign would work, people are already hyped, you just need to make them remember that they want what's next in the story. But spoiler-free like the excellent trailers of VII (unlike episode I/II/III trailers which showed 90% of the movie and key-scenes...lol George)u


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Only just got round to watching this.

Fuck me, Kylo Ren was one shite, unthreatening villain. The fact that he'll return upsets me. Pansy little emo.

Other than that I quite enjoyed it.
I just saw it and I have mixed feelings.

It was a bit chaotic and the story wasn't as good or what I would want to be fair.

I am fine with Han solo's son being the bad guy but the fights with troopers seemed rather silly.

Honestly storm troopers seem to have so little life or feeling to them when that didn't seem to be the case in the old movies.

It was better than Jedi, I give it that. Some of the set's were nice especially the bridge han solo scene. I was a bit disappointed in the use of droids and how the were sort of pshed aside. New characters and creatures don't seem to be hitting the marks of the old movies. i do think the should centralize returning species more though.

I never had the feeling of jawas or banthas that the old movies so easily kept in the story and made them feel interesting and natural.

I feel there is a disconnect in the characters and plot that they have for me as a viewer in this movie. Where the original seem to have more depth to it while being really simple all at the same time

All in all I just feel the movie was made 10 years too late to be what it should have been. Really needed the original cast in different situations to be the grand movie it should have been.

It is a good movie imo and I like quite a bit of it but it doesn't really have much on hope or empire.

The saber fight also shouldn't have been in the movie as it was. The movie needed a whole re write to include luke in a diffferent situation so that he could have fought and had a different out to train the girl. That wold have instantly made the movie better qiute honestly. meeting and finding luke in a more simple and regular every day place.

As it stands though, the temple, luke being away thing is a bit silly and should have never happened.

What is the point of the new shiny trooper anyways? if all that happens is that the get pushed around a bit.


Purposefully made him a pathetic cunt vs. accidentally made him a pathetic cunt.

Same end result.

I don't see how he's pathetic at all tbh. He's unstable sure. He'll never be as cool as Vader, sure. But I do think he's more interesting. Now that he's done away with his struggle to the light we're going to see him become more in tune with the dark side.

I thought he was a damn good villain.


So I finally went to see this yesterday and was surprised I managed to not get spoiled on Han Solo,wow...I was sad but the new guys are pretty good...Rey is awesome and Finn grew on me...pretty awesome all around.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I have a friend who hasn't seen it yet and has tried his damndest to stay completely spoiler free for the past 2 years. No trailers, info, nothing but the poster.

Shit must be maddening for him.


I'm probably going to break down the first time we get a comic where baby Ben is riding around on Chewbacca's shoulders. They'll probably be best buds.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
"nobody writes good villains anymore"
"this villain is too emotional, i don't like when villains have feelings"
Somebody is always gonna have a problem with something

I like how everyone else who got hit with the crossbow exploded. Ren took it to the gut and even nursed the wound while fighting like a badass.
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