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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Don't think this has been posted yet



I know I'm kinda late and I think I posted this before. But this still kinda gets me.

4 was the first time we saw Mind Trick and force suicide
5 was the first time we saw force jump and force push/pull
6 was the first time we saw force lightning
1 was the first time we saw force speed
2 and 3 were bad and I don't remember
7 was the first time we saw force laser stop and force flashback

So ... what new force power do you guys want in 8 ?

You forgot force calm in Episode One. Qui Gon used it on Jar Jar in the sub vehicle. Obi Wan said "I think you over did it".


4 was the first time we saw Mind Trick and force suicide
5 was the first time we saw force jump and force push/pull
6 was the first time we saw force lightning
1 was the first time we saw force speed
2 and 3 were bad and I don't remember
7 was the first time we saw force laser stop and force flashback

So ... what new force power do you guys want in 8 ?

Episode II has the (chronological) first example of Force ghosts (Qui-Gon yelling for Anakin to stop while he slaughters the Tuskens) while Episode III has, in theory, the ability to prevent death and create life.

More importantly, Episode II has the most important Force power - the ability to make someone fall in love with you despite being a child murderer!


Episode II has the first example of Force ghosts (Qui-Gon yelling for Anakin to stop while he slaughters the Tuskens) while Episode III has, in theory, the ability to prevent death and create life.

In ROTS Obi-wan also utilizes his "higher ground" power to defeat Darth Vader in battle and save the day.
Hi, excuse me, I'd like to know why and how would the PSP and some DVDs of the Clone Wars cartoon series exist in the Star Wars universe?



Renny08 makes some cute stuff in a post-"good ending" RotS world:

While it should never be forgotten that Vader killed children, helped wipe out nearly ALL of the Jedi and other unspeakable acts. At the end of it all he did truly love his kids and was a tragic character. Just kinda makes me sad.

"Tell your sister...you were right about me."


4 was the first time we saw Mind Trick and force suicide
5 was the first time we saw force jump and force push/pull
6 was the first time we saw force lightning
1 was the first time we saw force speed
2 and 3 were bad and I don't remember
7 was the first time we saw force laser stop and force flashback

So ... what new force power do you guys want in 8 ?
Some Corran Horn style perception altering would be cool. Not sure how that would work on film though...


Was getting caught part of your plan?
4 was the first time we saw Mind Trick and force suicide
5 was the first time we saw force jump and force push/pull
6 was the first time we saw force lightning
1 was the first time we saw force speed
2 and 3 were bad and I don't remember
7 was the first time we saw force laser stop and force flashback

So ... what new force power do you guys want in 8 ?


actually not really



actually not really

It's not like this is anywhere close to the crazy stuff they were doing in the old EU anyway.

Causing stars to explode or keeping black holes open? Flow walking? Creating life or resurrecting people from the dead? Killing off entire planets and absorbing all of the life force on them? Makes the movies seem positively tame.


I do want them to expand on all of what the Force can do. Vader said it perfectly in ANH.

"Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force."


Watched it again this time on imax and really enjoyed it. I will say that I got the uncontrollable church giggles when Captain Phasma was doing her runway patrol walk and was tackled by Chewbacca and mouthed off by Fin! If they would've actually shown her in a in a trash compactor I would be rolling on the floor! I really hope they redeem this character in the sequel.


I do want them to expand on all of what the Force can do. Vader said it perfectly in ANH.

"Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force."

I never took this literally, but as foreshadowing for what Luke did to the Death Star.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I want Luke's green "good guy" force lightning to show up.


Hi, excuse me, I'd like to know why and how would the PSP and some DVDs of the Clone Wars cartoon series exist in the Star Wars universe?


I think the PSP is a joke about the tablet thing that Anakin was holding in that one scene in RotS where he's staring off into the distance absent mindedly after having another vision of Padme in childbirth.


Saw it for a 3rd time in theatres last night. 6 times total now with alternate means viewing. I must say that I really enjoy this film. I truly hope parts 2 and 3 are at least as good.


Saw it for a 3rd time in theatres last night. 6 times total now with alternate means viewing. I must say that I really enjoy this film. I truly hope parts 2 and 3 are at least as good.

I've seen it 4 times and unless my mom drags me to see it I'm done until the Blu Ray. I love this movie as well. I'm really hoping Episode 8 surpasses this only because they can take it in any direction now.

I must say. The one thing I'm happy and proud of that this movie is accomplishing is that it's bringing in a new generation of fans into the series. From kids on up. Star Wars in eternal.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Damn, all that PT fan art almost justifies the PT movies for me. I'm glad I only remember them a bit, so I can enjoy this.


Damn, all that PT fan art almost justifies the PT movies for me. I'm glad I only remember them a bit, so I can enjoy this.

Although those movies could have been handled better. I do enjoy moments of the PT if that makes sense.

Order 66, Anakin and Obi Wan's fight stuff like that is still very powerful to me in the context of the overall story.


that puzzling face
Causing stars to explode or keeping black holes open? Flow walking? Creating life or resurrecting people from the dead? Killing off entire planets and absorbing all of the life force on them? Makes the movies seem positively tame.

When they figure out how to move Yuuzhan Vong black holes with the Force, when the whole point of introducing Yuuzhan Vong as a plot device is to nullify an entire generation of Jedi's ridiculous advantage to the point of invulnerability.


I can't stop laughing.

I can't even


Episode II has the (chronological) first example of Force ghosts (Qui-Gon yelling for Anakin to stop while he slaughters the Tuskens) while Episode III has, in theory, the ability to prevent death and create life.

More importantly, Episode II has the most important Force power - the ability to make someone fall in love with you despite being a child murderer!

Episode 2 also has Force Pear manipulation !

It's not like this is anywhere close to the crazy stuff they were doing in the old EU anyway.

Causing stars to explode or keeping black holes open? Flow walking? Creating life or resurrecting people from the dead? Killing off entire planets and absorbing all of the life force on them? Makes the movies seem positively tame.

Maybe something like Tartakovsky's Clone Wars like Force Kung Fu punches ?

For a game that was sold on force pulling a star destroyed, Force Unleashed is pretty lame on new jedi powers


I'm not the biggest SW fan out there, but I definitely loved the pacing of the movie. They did just enough to move the story forward and kept the tempo up pretty well. Unlike the 6 previous movies (especially episodes I, II, and III), there was actually a lot of action (battles, fights, etc...).


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Was browsing Skellig Michael photos and you know

add a Star Destroyer in this image and it'd make a damn fine teaser poster for VIII.

(I'd Photoshop one, but that kind of shit is too hard).
Sorry if this has been asked already . . . but I do not understand the whole R2D2 thing in the movie. Why was he turned off at first? And what made him turn back on?

This really bugged me. It seemed like a plot contrivance to delay them finding Luke until after the climax. I hope there was some in-movie explanation I missed.


Junior Member
Just as productive as parachuting into the thread and starting the same goddamn argument that has been done a dozen times already.

I just saw the film for the first time that day, obviously I'd been steering clear of spoilers and arguments. The 'parachuting' was innocent. I was just trying to be helpful to anyone that saw the flaws I did to say it's ok to accept or not accept TFA.


The fact that JJ and Lawrence were able to preemptively parody fans like you in the film itself is beyond incredible. Every day that passes since I've seen it, I've become more impressed with the script.

Yeah, but, see Rey has a vagina, so this shit should be taking her approximately 50% longer than Luke, not 90% less.

Maybe JJ, Lawrence and you weren't paying attention at the time but 'fans' didn't have a problem for calling out Anakin for being a pathetic whiny bitch and calling out Hayden Christensen for a stilted and wholly unconvincing performance in the prequels despite him being a male. Complaints about Rey are nothing to do with sexism and everything to do with flaws in the script. Was it laziness, rushed schedule or a project too big for the director to handle I don't know, but there were masses of flaws throughout the film.

Personally I don't mind, the prequels changed the story so I was able to discount them and now TFA changes the way the galaxy works so again I can discount it. I can enjoy the prequels and these sequels as professionally made fan-fiction and enjoy the OT as it was(although to be fair the emperor was improved by RotS so I carry some of that and a few others things like some of PT Yoda with me). Obviously other people don't agree and like the prequels or like/love TFA and that's fine. That's up to them. I'm not offended by what Lucas did with the prequels or what JJ/Disney want to do with the sequels. It's their property, it's up to them. Everyone's free to define what they think is a real expression of "Star Wars" or what is canon. To me, the OT hit the standard of greatness, nothing since has hit that standard so it doesn't count. Star Wars isn't my favourite film franchise but it has a uniquely special feel to it that the PT and TFA don't capture(although RotS and TFA did it in a patchy way) and with the best character killed off I can't see the next two episodes managing it.

Now I don't particularly want to post all the flaws in the film that I see because I don't want people that like TFA to not like it as much. But I'll do a breakdown of some problems with Rey:
First of all, I'll point out Rey was possibly the best thing in TFA. She started out really well, the youth on the desert planet Luke replacement. She handled herself well in a streetwise way and made Finn look a bit of an inadvertently sexist fool in a minimalist and effective way when they were running from the stormstroopers/tie fighters. Tough, tenacious, resilient, strong character, good heart, good fighter, modest, ego free. Living the simple life. Feminism +1. Well +2 actually since Leia already managed +1 for feminism in the OT.

Now they want to portray the rise of this humble scavenger to Jedi heroine but they end up doing so in a confused way. Because let's be clear, Rey starts the film as a loser living like a tramp. She's not highly capable or intelligent, she's not able to turn adversity into success, she's not able to learn from difficulty and find a path to success. Hence why she's at the bottom of society. She can survive, but she's nowhere near big time. When she pilots the Millenium falcon she aims the shot to destroy the last tie-fighter. So she's a killer, she's got plenty of dark side in her(and yes, contrary to that silly feminist tweet Leia ordered her fleet to destroy a planet so she also has plenty of dark side in her just like her brother and other prior male Jedi). Rey is mindlessly is obsessed with going back to Jakku. When Maz tells Rey to take Luke's lightsabre she resists it. maybe she's got some daddy/abandonment issues or something. So lot's of insecurity and immaturity. And this is all fine, she's young, it's good to have a rounded character(although resisting the lightsabre was awkward because it clashed with her brash personality and intial excitement when hearing of Luke and it shows fear of the metaphysical and her being kinda superstitious).

The problems start with the Millenium Falcon. It's fine being a scavenger who learned to be a good fighter. Now she's suddenly an ace pilot in a ship she's never flown outwitting two experienced tie fighter pilots and pulling off a better shot than Lukes shot to destroy the Death Star. If she's an ace pilot she shouldn't be a scavenger, if she doesn't want to fly because she wants to stay on Jakku then she shouldn't be an ace pilot. Even if she wanted to fly, between surviving and fighting she wouldn't have time to become an ace pilot. If it was the force what dunnit, she already faces life or death regularly so she'd already be a Jedi prodigy and use that to be above a scavenger. If it's the force suddenly woke up then it's deus ex machina and feminism is back down to zero because she's just a puppet and all of her character, strong will and tenacity counts for nothing.

She then becomes an ace mechanic and knows Hans ship better than him, ok she's a scavenger so there's some rationale there but if she's this good then she should have been doing better on Jakku than bottom barrel scavenging.

Then she's captured and interrogated. She's supposedly strong with the force and has strong character so she resists Kylo fully entering her mind, the core of her being, that's fine. Then it all goes wrong. She's not manipulating her own body actions or even reactions, not just reading the stormtroopers mind or emotions(maybe she did this but it wasn't really portrayed), not subtly manipulating his emotions, not even briefly deflecting his attention from some small detail or implanting a subtle thought that indirectly helps her escape. She's literally taking complete complete control of his mind, controlling everything he thinks, feels, everything he chooses to do and where to go and blotting out everything he shouldn't think, feel or do and does this for an extended period of time. She doesn't really have a reference point for this. Kylo failed to just read her how does she suddenly conceptualise this much more and execute it? Her own first attempt failed, how does she suddenly gather up the resources to get it right on the second go? When the stormtrooper opens the shackles why doesn't he come back to reality and shoot her? Where does the stormtrooper go? Is she maintaining control from a distance? When she's worried about how to escape does she somehow maintain focus on him as well? Supposedly the force would be used instinctively because doubts block it. Well planning all this is all logical thinking and would naturally lead to doubts popping up and sabotaging all her attempts, and with each failed attempt the doubts would increase.

The line about her getting more dangerous so recapture being urgent is silly. The force takes time and struggle to master. That's why you have Jedi Academies, that's why Jedi spend decades increasing their knowledge of the force. When she wants to pull the lightsabre to her, she already knows her first attempt to control the stormtrooper failed, the doubt would enter her mind and sabotage her attempt. That's the whole point of training, for self-mastery and exploring the possibilities of the force. She's already displayed plenty of immaturity and insecurity so self-mastery is obviously an issue for her which again would sabotage force usage.

She's gone from tramp to superwoman in super quick time. She's got reasonable level of mastery of the force within the space of hour or two all by herself and not knowing hardly anything about it. If she's this good by herself then a week with Luke and she'll be better than Yoda. It's game over. Kylo's nothing, she'll stomp him. And Snoke needing Kylo to do his dirty work can't be up to much either. And if she really was this amazing then why wasn't she doing better for herself her entire life up to a few days earlier? And if it's the force woke up it's Saturday morning cartoon deus ex machina. The human element is gone and they're all puppets and not real characters. I guess they could try to raise it up a level and have force heaven vs force hell with ghost Yoda vs force ghost Emperor or something. Good luck making that work without being comic book fantasy rather than Star Wars.
Its not bad, easily the best of the PT

The third act has some genuinely good stuff in it. It's just unfortunate that, for every great scene, we seem to get a really bad one. The ruminations scene is, quite possibly, the best scene in the PT. Lines like "Anakin, you're breaking my heart" with Portman doing some legit acting work well on an emotional level.

So yeah, there's some good stuff in that film.


Yeah the second half is just outright bad ass. My wife watched it for the first time ever with me and it wrecked her. The Jedi slaughter / Anakin downfall actually made her tear up a bit

And holy crap was it a downfall. All because of that one final decision to save Sidious. I watched it for the first time a few weeks ago under the impression that Anakin would somehow turn to the dark side and become Vader, get a helmet, the end, but starting at the half way mark? I was shaking my head in disbelief the whole time at how quickly Annie lost himself.

Imo, the actor who played Anakin really well. From the beginning Anakin was deeply conflicted and passionate to a fault. He never felt like a proper Jedi, like Obi Wan, in any way.

After thinking about it more, I can see Kylo Ren in the same light as Anakin.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Kylo Ren is like a combination of Episode III Anakin and OT Vader. I especially like how they reveal just enough about his character to get the audience interested in him while still leaving a lot of his story unexplored for the next movies to tackle, the same way Vader was handled in the OT. The way TFA ended can have his character go in a number of different directions, too.
And holy crap was it a downfall. All because of that one final decision to save Sidious. I watched it for the first time a few weeks ago under the impression that Anakin would somehow turn to the dark side and become Vader, get a helmet, the end, but starting at the half way mark? I was shaking my head in disbelief the whole time at how quickly Annie lost himself.

Imo, the actor who played Anakin really well. From the beginning Anakin was deeply conflicted and passionate to a fault. He never felt like a proper Jedi, like Obi Wan, in any way.

After thinking about it more, I can see Kylo Ren in the same light as Anakin.

Yeah its crazy the turn Hayden Christiansen goes through. He seems almost totally mis cast in Episode 2 to spot on casting in Episode 3. He improves in the role so much. I hadn't seen the film in years and was SHOCKED how good overall I found it. It still has its issues but its a great Star Wars film imo.

After rewatching it I can really see how Kylo relates to Anakin


Kylo Ren is like a combination of Episode III Anakin and OT Vader. I especially like how they reveal just enough about his character to get the audience interested in him while still leaving a lot of his story unexplored for the next movies to tackle, the same way Vader was handled in the OT. The way TFA ended can have his character go in a number of different directions, too.

Yeah its crazy the turn Hayden Christiansen goes through. He seems almost totally mis cast in Episode 2 to spot on casting in Episode 3. He improves in the role so much. I hadn't seen the film in years and was SHOCKED how good overall I found it. It still has its issues but its a great Star Wars film imo.

After rewatching it I can really see how Kylo relates to Anakin

Yea the relation between the two is definitely there and I hope the next film gives us a very clear picture regarding Kylo's past. Luke has some explaining to do. I mean how the heck did he even find Vader's helmet? Interesting enough, I bought a TFA collectors magazine and it states Kylo joined a mysterious organization called Knights of Ren whatever that means..


Rey starts the film as a loser living like a tramp. She's not highly capable or intelligent, she's not able to turn adversity into success, she's not able to learn from difficulty and find a path to success. Hence why she's at the bottom of society.

What is this randian bullshit


Now I don't particularly want to post all the flaws in the film that I see because I don't want people that like TFA to not like it as much. But I'll do a breakdown of some problems with Rey:

Now they want to portray the rise of this humble scavenger to Jedi heroine but they end up doing so in a confused way. Because let's be clear, Rey starts the film as a loser living like a tramp. She's not highly capable or intelligent, she's not able to turn adversity into success, she's not able to learn from difficulty and find a path to success. Hence why she's at the bottom of society.
This a fundamental misread of Rey's character, and it's one of the major reasons you didn't understand her arc in the film. She's highly intelligent and capable - mechanic, pilot, speaks multiple languages, street fighter. What she has are abandonment issues that hold her down, and her story is learning to overcome them.

She can survive, but she's nowhere near big time. When she pilots the Millenium falcon she aims the shot to destroy the last tie-fighter. So she's a killer, she's got plenty of dark side in her(and yes, contrary to that silly feminist tweet Leia ordered her fleet to destroy a planet so she also has plenty of dark side in her just like her brother and other prior male Jedi).
Self defense is not the dark side.

The problems start with the Millenium Falcon. It's fine being a scavenger who learned to be a good fighter. Now she's suddenly an ace pilot in a ship she's never flown outwitting two experienced tie fighter pilots and pulling off a better shot than Lukes shot to destroy the Death Star.
The Falcon sequence established two things, one more important than the other: 1) she's a pilot (she mentions this repeatedly); 2) she's a Force user. Asked how she flew that well, she says, "I don't know."

A couple scenes later, Snoke is telling Ren about the "awakening" that they both felt. Rey's instinctual piloting of the Falcon was it. It's a critical piece of the film that you missed. That addresses your other issues about her being a good pilot.

She then becomes an ace mechanic and knows Hans ship better than him, ok she's a scavenger so there's some rationale there but if she's this good then she should have been doing better on Jakku than bottom barrel scavenging.
She doesn't begin to be an ace mechanic, she was always one. Living a life as a mechanic and scavenger is what did that. You have acknowledged her abandonment issues / denial - that is why she's still there. Rey is a capable person held down by ties of her own making. The film is about her learning this, and breaking free of them.

Then she's captured and interrogated. She's supposedly strong with the force and has strong character so she resists Kylo fully entering her mind, the core of her being, that's fine.
Kylo is reading her, but also trying to control her mind. "Get out of my head!" she tells him. "I'm not giving you anything." That was her tutorial on mind control. She then applies it, immediately after. It was one if the primary purposes of that scene.

The line about her getting more dangerous so recapture being urgent is silly. The force takes time and struggle to master.
The OT establishes very clearly that the most important thing about the Force is knowing you can use it, and freeing yourself to do so. Luke didn't need an academy. He needed to believe in it, and himself.

"I don't believe it."

"That is why you fail."

Rey didn't believe when she and Maz spoke. It was her confrontation with Ren that made her a believer, made her start to realize what she was capable of. That is why she was dangerous.


She then becomes an ace mechanic and knows Hans ship better than him, ok she's a scavenger so there's some rationale there but if she's this good then she should have been doing better on Jakku than bottom barrel scavenging.
She's worked on the Falcon before. It's her boss' ship and it's been sitting there for years.

Also keep in mind that it's been through 3 owners before Han gets it back.


lol "tramp"

The planet is clearly based around a trade/salvage economy. Rey is clearly shown as one of the most skilled citizens of the planet at getting useful things out of the Destroyer. Everyone on that planet lives day to day. Everyone calls it a backwater.

It's nice when a universe has planets with identity and economies that aren't all carbon copies of each other.


She's worked on the Falcon before. It's her boss' ship and it's been sitting there for years.

Also keep in mind that it's been through 3 owners before Han gets it back.
And that Han was established in the OT as not a great mechanic, which sets up the plot of Empire Strikes Back.

Is it so unbelievable that a girl who has a lifetime of experience with knowing spaceship parts and how they work would be a better mechanic than the guy whose primary strengths are flying well and talking his way out of trouble (and his partner the big hairy guy who fixed things by smacking them around)?
Also the most if not time all the times she out mechanics Han are when she's talking about modifications that have been done to the ship after Han lost it


I just saw the film for the first time that day, obviously I'd been steering clear of spoilers and arguments. The 'parachuting' was innocent. I was just trying to be helpful to anyone that saw the flaws I did to say it's ok to accept or not accept TFA.

Maybe JJ, Lawrence and you weren't paying attention at the time but 'fans' didn't have a problem for calling out Anakin for being a pathetic whiny bitch and calling out Hayden Christensen for a stilted and wholly unconvincing performance in the prequels despite him being a male. Complaints about Rey are nothing to do with sexism and everything to do with flaws in the script. Was it laziness, rushed schedule or a project too big for the director to handle I don't know, but there were masses of flaws throughout the film.

Personally I don't mind, the prequels changed the story so I was able to discount them and now TFA changes the way the galaxy works so again I can discount it. I can enjoy the prequels and these sequels as professionally made fan-fiction and enjoy the OT as it was(although to be fair the emperor was improved by RotS so I carry some of that and a few others things like some of PT Yoda with me). Obviously other people don't agree and like the prequels or like/love TFA and that's fine. That's up to them. I'm not offended by what Lucas did with the prequels or what JJ/Disney want to do with the sequels. It's their property, it's up to them. Everyone's free to define what they think is a real expression of "Star Wars" or what is canon. To me, the OT hit the standard of greatness, nothing since has hit that standard so it doesn't count. Star Wars isn't my favourite film franchise but it has a uniquely special feel to it that the PT and TFA don't capture(although RotS and TFA did it in a patchy way) and with the best character killed off I can't see the next two episodes managing it.

Now I don't particularly want to post all the flaws in the film that I see because I don't want people that like TFA to not like it as much. But I'll do a breakdown of some problems with Rey:
First of all, I'll point out Rey was possibly the best thing in TFA. She started out really well, the youth on the desert planet Luke replacement. She handled herself well in a streetwise way and made Finn look a bit of an inadvertently sexist fool in a minimalist and effective way when they were running from the stormstroopers/tie fighters. Tough, tenacious, resilient, strong character, good heart, good fighter, modest, ego free. Living the simple life. Feminism +1. Well +2 actually since Leia already managed +1 for feminism in the OT.

Now they want to portray the rise of this humble scavenger to Jedi heroine but they end up doing so in a confused way. Because let's be clear, Rey starts the film as a loser living like a tramp. She's not highly capable or intelligent, she's not able to turn adversity into success, she's not able to learn from difficulty and find a path to success. Hence why she's at the bottom of society. She can survive, but she's nowhere near big time. When she pilots the Millenium falcon she aims the shot to destroy the last tie-fighter. So she's a killer, she's got plenty of dark side in her(and yes, contrary to that silly feminist tweet Leia ordered her fleet to destroy a planet so she also has plenty of dark side in her just like her brother and other prior male Jedi). Rey is mindlessly is obsessed with going back to Jakku. When Maz tells Rey to take Luke's lightsabre she resists it. maybe she's got some daddy/abandonment issues or something. So lot's of insecurity and immaturity. And this is all fine, she's young, it's good to have a rounded character(although resisting the lightsabre was awkward because it clashed with her brash personality and intial excitement when hearing of Luke and it shows fear of the metaphysical and her being kinda superstitious).

The problems start with the Millenium Falcon. It's fine being a scavenger who learned to be a good fighter. Now she's suddenly an ace pilot in a ship she's never flown outwitting two experienced tie fighter pilots and pulling off a better shot than Lukes shot to destroy the Death Star. If she's an ace pilot she shouldn't be a scavenger, if she doesn't want to fly because she wants to stay on Jakku then she shouldn't be an ace pilot. Even if she wanted to fly, between surviving and fighting she wouldn't have time to become an ace pilot. If it was the force what dunnit, she already faces life or death regularly so she'd already be a Jedi prodigy and use that to be above a scavenger. If it's the force suddenly woke up then it's deus ex machina and feminism is back down to zero because she's just a puppet and all of her character, strong will and tenacity counts for nothing.

She then becomes an ace mechanic and knows Hans ship better than him, ok she's a scavenger so there's some rationale there but if she's this good then she should have been doing better on Jakku than bottom barrel scavenging.

Then she's captured and interrogated. She's supposedly strong with the force and has strong character so she resists Kylo fully entering her mind, the core of her being, that's fine. Then it all goes wrong. She's not manipulating her own body actions or even reactions, not just reading the stormtroopers mind or emotions(maybe she did this but it wasn't really portrayed), not subtly manipulating his emotions, not even briefly deflecting his attention from some small detail or implanting a subtle thought that indirectly helps her escape. She's literally taking complete complete control of his mind, controlling everything he thinks, feels, everything he chooses to do and where to go and blotting out everything he shouldn't think, feel or do and does this for an extended period of time. She doesn't really have a reference point for this. Kylo failed to just read her how does she suddenly conceptualise this much more and execute it? Her own first attempt failed, how does she suddenly gather up the resources to get it right on the second go? When the stormtrooper opens the shackles why doesn't he come back to reality and shoot her? Where does the stormtrooper go? Is she maintaining control from a distance? When she's worried about how to escape does she somehow maintain focus on him as well? Supposedly the force would be used instinctively because doubts block it. Well planning all this is all logical thinking and would naturally lead to doubts popping up and sabotaging all her attempts, and with each failed attempt the doubts would increase.

The line about her getting more dangerous so recapture being urgent is silly. The force takes time and struggle to master. That's why you have Jedi Academies, that's why Jedi spend decades increasing their knowledge of the force. When she wants to pull the lightsabre to her, she already knows her first attempt to control the stormtrooper failed, the doubt would enter her mind and sabotage her attempt. That's the whole point of training, for self-mastery and exploring the possibilities of the force. She's already displayed plenty of immaturity and insecurity so self-mastery is obviously an issue for her which again would sabotage force usage.

She's gone from tramp to superwoman in super quick time. She's got reasonable level of mastery of the force within the space of hour or two all by herself and not knowing hardly anything about it. If she's this good by herself then a week with Luke and she'll be better than Yoda. It's game over. Kylo's nothing, she'll stomp him. And Snoke needing Kylo to do his dirty work can't be up to much either. And if she really was this amazing then why wasn't she doing better for herself her entire life up to a few days earlier? And if it's the force woke up it's Saturday morning cartoon deus ex machina. The human element is gone and they're all puppets and not real characters. I guess they could try to raise it up a level and have force heaven vs force hell with ghost Yoda vs force ghost Emperor or something. Good luck making that work without being comic book fantasy rather than Star Wars.

WHat in God's name is this post. Rey living like a tramp? Get the fuck outta here with that.
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