Went to see the movie again (in glorious 2D), and for some reason I feel like Rey is one of the Boys from Brazil.
My Dumb Theory (apologies if it's mentioned earlier in thread

Empire makes a bunch of clones of Vader after he dies, but none of them can use the Force, or they go nuts, or die, or whatever. So they go all Gregory Peck/Mengele and figure, OK, let's reproduce his DNA AND his upbringing. Annakin grew up in servitude on a desolate planet, so they make a bunch of clones and dump them into servitude on remote planets. Each one has an agent assigned to watch them for signs of Force sensitivity. So:
- That's why Rey was abandoned at an early age on a desert planet
- That's why she appears to have been given to the fat salvage dealer in the flashback/vision
- That's why the fat salvage dealer was able to immediately contact the First Order about BB-8, and why he knew the FA were looking for the droid in the first place.
- And that's why she reacts when she touches Annakin's lightsaber (who had it way longer than Luke, to be fair)
Also, The Boys from Brazil is a badass movie, and seems like the kind of thing JJ might be into.