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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Wanted to add about my 3rd viewing tonight, next to me was a mom and her young (10ish years old?) son watching, and they would both cheer when old characters showed up for the first time, and were both just generally really into the movie. So when Han walked out on that bridge I couldn't help but to watch their reactions instead of the movie. The mom was the first to lean forward, then the kid. When Han grabbed Kylo's saber, the kid looked at his mom reassuringly. Then when the light went dark and Kylo was bathed in red, the kid leaned back in his seat as if he was anticipating what was about to happen and trying to get away, and when Han was killed he covered his eyes and said "No!" Got upset again when Finn got taken out, and didn't seem to breath again until Rey beat Kylo down. Was fun watching all that unfold.

Another thought I had while watching it tonight is about Kylo finishing his training. I know some people have said they want to see Kylo kill Snoke and take full control, but I'm almost thinking that is the completion of Kylo's training. That's what Snoke wants/needs him to do, so he can fully embrace the dark side. The way he commanded Hux at the end there, specifically the way he says Kylo is ready to complete his training, just made me think that's exactly what is going to happen.


Another thought I had while watching it tonight is about Kylo finishing his training. I know some people have said they want to see Kylo kill Snoke and take full control, but I'm almost thinking that is the completion of Kylo's training. That's what Snoke wants/needs him to do, so he can fully embrace the dark side. The way he commanded Hux at the end there, specifically the way he says Kylo is ready to complete his training, just made me think that's exactly what is going to happen.

But what would Snoke have to gain from being killed? That just doesn't make much sense to me. There has to be more to it. Maybe more darkside teachings or something.


Was getting caught part of your plan?

fuck this got me


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
You can bet Ren will be unmasked and have a cool scar for the next two films.


Unconfirmed Member
Snoke is the only surviving child from Anakin's murder of the sand people village.

Don't ask how he is also 1000 years old.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Snoke is the only surviving child from Anakin's murder of the sand people village.

Don't ask how he is also 1000 years old.
Snoke flashback scene



Was getting caught part of your plan?
I did not hit her, it's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. I deeed noooot. Oh hi mark.

Oh hey Snoke what's up?

"So who are my parents, Snoke?"

"Oh Rey, I cannot tell you that. That's confidential. Anyway, how is your sex life?"


Just saw it. So my take was that Ren was a not so talented older boy in the Jedi school and was jealous of prodigies like Rey so Snoke (whoever that is) sensed that and turned him with promise of more power? Ren spared little girl Rey because she's family and that's why the Han test was so important?

That's my guess anyway, I'm sure you guys can tell me why I'm way off haha. My only question with that theory is why doesn't Rey remember anything if she *was* in the academy?


I saw it for the second time this morning, and I feel largely the same away about it as I did the first time. Overall it's fine, the new characters are fun, Rey powers up a bit too easily and quickly w/o any teaching, music and alien design suck, and Death Star 3.0 was unnecessary. I'd say it's probably my least favorite of all the Star Wars movies at this point.

I did find the movie to feel a lot shorter the second time around. When I first saw it, the movie felt simultaneously rushed and to go on forever. The hours flew by this time.
Is it safe to assume there is a basic over arching story already written for the whole sequel trilogy? I mean, they have started filming Ep. 8 now, yes?

I think I read that JJ has read the script for 8. I'm so worried they'll fuck it up after the excellent Ep. 7. I'm also excited for some new shit.

What a time to be a Star Wars fan.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Is it safe to assume there is a basic over arching story already written for the whole sequel trilogy? I mean, they have started filming Ep. 8 now, yes?

Surely. Even Episode IX has to be roughly understood by now. It's all coming in quickly.


Is it safe to assume there is a basic over arching story already written for the whole sequel trilogy? I mean, they have started filming Ep. 8 now, yes?

I think I read that JJ has read the script for 8. I'm so worried they'll fuck it up after the excellent Ep. 7. I'm also excited for some new shit.

What a time to be a Star Wars fan.
8 will be fine, 9 is the one to worry about because there is a monkey in charge of that one.


Is it safe to assume there is a basic over arching story already written for the whole sequel trilogy? I mean, they have started filming Ep. 8 now, yes?

I think I read that JJ has read the script for 8. I'm so worried they'll fuck it up after the excellent Ep. 7. I'm also excited for some new shit.

What a time to be a Star Wars fan.

Abrams has said he and the director of the next film coordinated when making TFA. Some story bits that were important to VIII were made sure to be included in TFA as it developed. He's said they made a few adjustments to both TFA and the VIII as the developed to to make them seamless. I'm assuming at this point the arc for IV is well established as well.

Anyone know if Kasdan is working on all three films?
Abrams has said he and the director of the next film coordinated when making TFA. Some story bits that were important to VIII were made sure to be included in TFA as it developed. He's said they made a few adjustments to both TFA and the VIII as the developed to to make them seamless. I'm assuming at this point the arc for IV is well established as well.

Anyone know if Kasdan is working on all three films?

It looks like Rian is writing 8 and 9. I can't find anything definitive on if Kasdan contributed.


One of my coworkers was just talking to another coworker about not having seen any SW movies and how they marathonned them over the weekend with some friends. They apparently didn't have time for all of them but they saw the OT and TPM and her conclusion was that TPM was by far the best one.

This is not a reasonable way to start a work week. Can I file some kind of complaint with HR?


just saw it, i thought the it's the worst SW movies of all

1. The SW universe is the size of Omaha, Nebraska
- Fin crash landed in planet Jakku, then walked for miles. Coincidentally, he met Rey. they were chased by stormtroopers. Coincidentally, they found Millennium Falcon and got away with it
- They escaped and floated in this supposedly vast galaxy, coincidentally got captured by Han Solo
- Then Han Solo took them planet Takonada, Rey coincidentally found Luke's lightsaber
- Then thre resistance showed up with Princess Leia and 3CPO

srsly WTF, how big is the SW universe?!? within a few hours (max) the movie forcefully chained together all the old SW characters and artifacts, that just sounds so stupid

2. Too much cliche scenes like spaceship battles and shoot-out with stormtroopers, not enough close-up character development scene. Reunion between Leia and Han Solo falls flat, interrupted by the not-funny 3CPO. COMPLETE FAIL!!!
There's only one memorable scene, the death of Han Solo. The rest of the movie is forgettable

3. Kylo Ren is a complete failure as SW villain. He showed up in the beginning like a total badass, able to suspend blaster bolt or laser beam in mid-air. I have seen no Jedi or Sith able to do that before, they either had to take cover or parried the beam with their sabre. And yet this badass Kylo Ren was able to stop and suspend it in mid-air. He's a badass right?!?! WRONG! in the end he got his ass-whooped by some girl who just discovered THE FORCE a few minutes before, give me a break! where's the consistency of Kylo Ren's power and ability??? FAIL!

Overall it's a complete let-down
I agree with all of this but still loved it to death. Definitely rolled my eyes a number of times at the contrivances to bring back all the retro fan wank. But it was primarily the Millennium Falcon, because at this point Luke's saber seems to be a One Ring kind of affair as it's calling out to Rey. The last point can be more easily explained as Ren at that point still wanted Rey alive and turned. Because she's a powerful force user too, and is still their main key to the map.

Haven't watched this yet, but some might be interested:

The Force Awakens and Star Wars Formula - Analyzed Movie Review
First twenty minutes were some stupid fanboy drivel. The Crystal Skull was the worst Indy because it recognized the franchise going stale so it tried to do something different, therefore Star Wars should just copy itself, ugh. Does it get better?


paid requisite penance
First twenty minutes were some stupid fanboy drivel. The Crystal Skull was the worst Indy because it recognized the franchise going stale so it tried to do something different, therefore Star Wars should just copy itself, ugh. Does it get better?

I wouldn't go as far as saying that part is "fanboy drivel", but I didn't think it made that compelling a point either, I agree.

But yes, it gets better. The best part is towards the end, where he throws some historical context by digging up a number of reviews of ESB from back in the day. Some great food for thought.


Is it safe to assume there is a basic over arching story already written for the whole sequel trilogy? I mean, they have started filming Ep. 8 now, yes?

I think I read that JJ has read the script for 8. I'm so worried they'll fuck it up after the excellent Ep. 7. I'm also excited for some new shit.

What a time to be a Star Wars fan.

This is what Kasdan said about Rian's episode 8:

Lawrence Kasdan said:
These movies will all be so different. [“Episode VIII” director] Rian Johnson is a friend of mine — he’s going to make some weird thing. If you’ve seen Rian’s work, you know it’s not going be like anything that’s ever been in “Star Wars.” You couldn’t have three more different people than J.J., Rian and [“Episode IX” director] Colin [Trevorrow]. Those movies will have the “Star Wars” saga as their basis, but everything else will be different. Then Phil Lord and Chris Miller are going to make the Han Solo film and I can’t guess what that will be like — and I’m writing it!

And everyone seems to echo those thoughts so I expect a really different Star Wars with EP VIII.


The more I think about it the more on board I am with the Rey/Obi-wan connection. It really doesn't make sense to have both Obi-Wans in that vision scene otherwise.
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