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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

One of the few times where I lol'd after needing a joke explained to me.

Some good stuff.

You must be a special kind of asshole to do something like this.

I hope someone throws a brick through that rear window.

Yeah wow. Stuff like that genuinely creeps me out, like sure you can say it's just a movie but really think what kind of mindset motivates stuff like that. It's like aggressively anti social.


I agree with all of this but still loved it to death. Definitely rolled my eyes a number of times at the contrivances to bring back all the retro fan wank. But it was primarily the Millennium Falcon, because at this point Luke's saber seems to be a One Ring kind of affair as it's calling out to Rey. The last point can be more easily explained as Ren at that point still wanted Rey alive and turned. Because she's a powerful force user too, and is still their main key to the map.

I'm just irritated that they (JJ/Disney) wasted an opportunity to make a quality SW movie with this new start. I know they have to have some fan service in the movie, but c'mon, put a bit of effort into it, not another shallow entry


I'm just irritated that they (JJ/Disney) wasted an opportunity to make a quality SW movie with this new start. I know they have to have some fan service in the movie, but c'mon, put a bit of effort into it, not another shallow entry

But they did make a quality Star Wars movie?
Ive heard the rumor just secondhand, but I kinda think (and hope) its bullshit.

Yeah, so I doubt it. I will say that there's literally nothing I want more than for Star Wars to never have to deal with time travel.

I'm just irritated that they (JJ/Disney) wasted an opportunity to make a quality SW movie with this new start. I know they have to have some fan service in the movie, but c'mon, put a bit of effort into it, not another shallow entry

Yeah, I'm sure JJ, Kasdan, and all of Lucasfilm put little effort into the sequel to Return of the Jedi.


Just saw it finally! Poe's wardrobe and voice were reminding me of Lone Star at the beginning, but the whole thing was amazing. I was SHOCKED when Han died. I mean the look of the scene shouldve given it away but no way they were gonna kill him.

Han and Leia's reunion... Perfect scene! The emotion in that scene was exactly what I wanted out of the movie.

on further thought, the part when the starkiller blew up the senate, though meant to show the audience the first order was a threat fwlt like the filmmakers talking to the audience. "Remember how bad this senate crap was in the prequels, well now its going boom. No need to worry about it in this trilogy."

And that last shot was total anime.


So why do so many deaths feature people falling down some large hole? And Luke too, he fell down a hole too. So many people falling down holes.


I feel like a character like Han deserved an Independence Day style of death where he crashes the Falcon into something to kill it and save everyone. I dunno just blurting things out here randomly.

IDK... I kinda would take killed by his own son over that, hole or no hole


IDK... I kinda would take killed by his own son over that, hole or no hole

I would want that if there was some emotional connection that had been built up between them but none was really formed in the movie. He is more emotionally attached to his ship. I see the real Han, the Falcon was always his real son and Kylo was second. Episode 9 will be a lightsaber battle between Kylo and the Falcon... and then Kylo will lose and fall down a hole.
Snoke flashback scene




None of those pits have rails. They need to get a galaxywide OSHA equivalent going.

The ones in the OT did. The prequels was where the pits didn't have rails. Obviously they learned something from everyone falling into holes enough to do the bare minimum and get rails up later but then in 7 they obviously spent too much on the laser ray and didn't have any left to do rails.


I feel like a character like Han deserved an Independence Day style of death where he crashes the Falcon into something to kill it and save everyone. I dunno just blurting things out here randomly.
Haha! I hadn't thought of that.

Han and Chewie going out Thelma and Louise style, but taking the entire base along with them, could have been pretty awesome...
...if it had been to save the entire New Republic which he had fought to create 30 years earlier, and not a handful of supposedly intelligent people who couldn't be bothered to evacuate a single planet they knew was being targetted.

Given that Starkiller had served its main purpose, at least dying at his son's hand had SOME meaning to it, though precious little based on the amount of interaction they had.
So why do so many deaths feature people falling down some large hole? And Luke too, he fell down a hole too. So many people falling down holes.

I think it's:
- it convinces the audience that the character's dead in a world where everyone and their mother can be revived with a little bit of fan outcry and comic book culture
- it's emblematic of unfinished business. Han died not being able to bring his son back to the good side. Seeing his grave would make it feel like he went out on better terms than he did. Darth Vader died turning good and saving his son, so he got to be... burned... I guess. Which doesn't sound to much better but I guess it's what his son wanted, heh.


So I'm gonna go see the movie again and I was thinking of wearing a red long sleeve shirt and buying one of those Star Trek communicator pins to stick on the front of it and go there and pretend that I'm thoroughly confused about what's going on.


The thing about Kylo Ren is that he pretty much reveals a particular divide among SW fans on what they expect from a villain and it clearly shows in this thread.

One half wants a villain with more emotional depth and development (especially after the botched attempt at Anakin), while the other half wants a kick ass, chew bubblegum, take names villain who should just be badass plain and simple.
The divide probably also comes extra strong because they introduced him in a way that everyone assumed he'd be the latter.


Saw the movie for a third time this weekend. This time I noticed that when Poe is flying through the inside of the regulator station, BB8 ducks every time they fly through an explosion. That droid is seriously adorable.


New favorite theory (or desperate wish) :

Rey being the daughter of Ezra & Sabine from Rebels.

Sabine being the daughter of Kenobi and Bo-Katan (or Satine) from Clone Wars.

...I mean; I know, I know. But it fits pretty well in the gaps we have so far, and makes me happy, so-!


Almost surely not.

You can't see their desire for them to setup a role reversal nostalgia-laden moment where Luke tells her, "No, I am your father"? To have a rivalry between Luke's child and Leia's child? I think it's really obvious that's where they are heading.


It is still the most logical theory atm

There's dialog in the film that contradicts it though. Maz talking to Rey about going back to Jakku, she says something like, "You already know it to be true. Your family isn't returning. But there is one who still could," and Rey replies "Luke." So her family isn't returning, but there's one person who could return from their disappearance, and that's Luke, which would imply Luke isn't her family.


There's dialog in the film that contradicts it though. Maz talking to Rey about going back to Jakku, she says something like, "You already know it to be true. Your family isn't returning. But there is one who still could," and Rey replies "Luke." So her family isn't returning, but there's one person who could return from their disappearance, and that's Luke, which would imply Luke isn't her family.

Or maybe Maz just doesn't know Luke and Rey are related


There's dialog in the film that contradicts it though. Maz talking to Rey about going back to Jakku, she says something like, "You already know it to be true. Your family isn't returning. But there is one who still could," and Rey replies "Luke." So her family isn't returning, but there's one person who could return from their disappearance, and that's Luke, which would imply Luke isn't her family.

Hmm I'll have to watch to that scene again. Granted it has been almost 2 weeks since I last saw it, but I remember interpreting the line "but there is one who still could" as Maz saying that it was Rey who must return to Luke. I am probably wrong though as I don't have a strong memory of that dialogue.

Seeing it written out like that though, I can definitely see your point. :p
I'm guessing that the family that left Rey behind (sold her into servitude to finance their escape?) was a foster family of some sort, and she was fostered with them because she was the daughter of somebody important and needed to be kept safe and out of sight. With how much that movie mirrors and twists elements from the OT, it would make a lot of sense for her to be the daughter of either Luke or Han & Leia.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
I think if anything chewie will be one of the originals who will be in all 3 of these films
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