ITT I learnt there are people who believe Rey is bad for the "feminist cause"
The idea that the "force shielded her and so she's a weak character" is perhaps the most hilarious thing I've read on the internet in quite some time.
ITT I learnt there are people who believe Rey is bad for the "feminist cause"
Leia was at her best in ANH. Han and Luke come to rescue her, and they do, but get trapped, and she ends up rescuing them.
Maybe that's why I don't view Leia as a particularly great character. She is initially framed as a distresssed damsel (and she is), and the fact that her rescuers shit the bed rescuing her, she doesn't necessarily save herself so much as they all work together to escape. And after that specific sequence, the guys take over the film again, where they pilot the fighter ships that destroy the death star while she just hangs back, and her last significant act is awarding them for their efforts, which unfortunately highlights that she didn't really do shit except deliver data. Where's her metal given to her by her people? And then the other two movies happen where she is sexually objectified and primarily treated as a romance quest for Han, and her only role of taking action by rescuing Han in a badass Bounty Hunter guise is immediately undercut by her being placed in a metal bikini.
I think Carrie Fisher honestly takes pride in the work she did as Leia and brought to her a characterization that has some dignity of personality, and that definitely counts for something, and the background of the setting always places her in a position of respect as a commander of the rebels. But the plot just really undermines her way too much for me to say she's a female character with a significant amount of story agency.
Someone once posted an image that pointed out that Leia lost her home planet, adoptive mother and adoptive father, friend (obiwan), husband, brother, son and she was never even tempted by the dark side. They meant it as a way of showing "Look how strong Leia's integrity is", but really, it just highlight to me that the story focused on other people so much that her lack of turmoil isn't so much because of her moral integrity and more that no one was paying enough attention to her to realize that they inadvertently had any major relationship she had wither and die. Even in TFA, the most we get is Leia looking ruefully at Han as they reminisce about their lives, when she should actually be the most bitter person in the whole damn galaxy.
If anything, TFA is insiduously harmful to feminism.
I think Furiosa or Leia are better representative of feminism than Rey but whatever, I don't like to talk about crap like this, I think she's still better than the majority of women we can find on other media.
the thing is more about Finn, dude is useless and looks like the damsel in distress, his final shot make me laugh so much because it resumed what's happen to him during all the movie, dude need a rest at the end.
If we're talking about Mad Max, this movie has the best gender equality for years, you don't need to make the male useless to make the female shine and vice versa.
Maybe that's why I don't view Leia as a particularly great character. She is initially framed as a distresssed damsel (and she is), and the fact that her rescuers shit the bed rescuing her, she doesn't necessarily save herself so much as they all work together to escape. And after that specific sequence, the guys take over the film again
*Lets check out what they're talking about in the Star Wars thread today*
Why?Yeah threads a mess now.
Yeah threads a mess now.
Yeah threads a mess now.
... A mess of great discussion, opinion positing, and intelligent rhetoric?
guys I dont want politics in my star wars (thats why I only watched like 30 mins of a new hope!) so can we pls tone down the rational discussion on feminism and instead do something more not confusing to me, such as arguing over freezing light particles
I think Furiosa or Leia are better representative of feminism than Rey but whatever, I don't like to talk about crap like this, I think she's still better than the majority of women we can find on other media.
the thing is more about Finn, dude is useless and looks like the damsel in distress, his final shot make me laugh so much because it resumed what's happen to him during all the movie, dude need a rest at the end.
If we're talking about Mad Max, this movie has the best gender equality for years, you don't need to make the male useless to make the female shine and vice versa.
I don't get it myself. He breaks Poe out, takes turret position in both Rey and Poe's escapes, provides an important role in taking down Starkiller's shield, and organizes the plan to save Rey from Starkiller.How is Finn useless?
I don't get it myself. He breaks Poe out, takes turret position in both Rey and Poe's escapes, provides an important role in taking down Starkiller's shield, and organizes the plan to save Rey from Starkiller.
Plus, he has the best character arc in the movie.
How is Finn useless?
If he had a mop instead of a lightsaber he would have kicked Kylo Ren's ass.I know. Did you not see how clean Starkiller was? Best janitor in the galaxy.
If he had a mop instead of a lightsaber he would have kicked Kylo Ren's ass.
Missed opportunity for "mopped the floor with him" joke.
I hope we see Finn get a medal or something later, get all formal and stuff, I bet he cleans up nice.
damnitMissed opportunity for "mopped the floor with him" joke.
If he had a mop instead of a lightsaber he would have kicked Kylo Ren's ass.
Missed opportunity for "mopped the floor with him" joke.
Okay the laser blasters are obviously solid particles surrounded by some kind of energy. You can measure their velocity and they travel MUCH slower than light-speed.
Solid Mass Projectile.
You fucked up Toxi.
But speaking of John Boyega and Finn, I'll just place this here:
Hopefully this means Finn won't be in a coma for long.
2) His escaped is not a keypoint, it's just a plot device to save Poe.
You fucked up Toxi.
But speaking of John Boyega and Finn, I'll just place this here:
Hopefully this means Finn won't be in a coma for long.
I think this is a good enough reason for me to slot TFA into #1, too.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens is equally as important as A New Hope, but for totally different reasons. That is, not because TFA is a benchmark of effects and a new type of blockbuster like ANH was, but because TFA has proven a point about the sorts of characters audiences enjoy and has blown to bits pre-conceived Hollywood notions of protagonists and writing.
You could literally swap Rey and Finn's genders, races, etc., and nothing in the film would change. The writing is utterly non-biased. Which is a complete triumph.
1) Finn was useless at a Storm Trooper standpoint.
2) His escaped is not a keypoint, it's just a plot device to save Poe.
3) Got ass kicked by everyone ( Rey, BB-8, the big pig when he was drinking, Chewie, the beast in Solo space ship, Kylo Ren etc... )
4) He's a bad fighter.
5 ) He's using humour to hide his weakness.
6 ) Everything could have been done without him beside saving Poe/evacuating from Jakku even if Rey could probably have save herself.
7) He was saved by Rey X times...
8) He almost died at the end.
I know some people will disagree but I won't change my mind on him much, I like the character and I think he has the potential to be everything in the series but for now, he's useless and not really what I was waiting for at character standpoint.
They should teach him to fly the Falcon. He can chauffeur the heros around and keep real clean.
1) Finn was useless at a Storm Trooper standpoint.
2) His escaped is not a keypoint, it's just a plot device to save Poe.
3) Got ass kicked by everyone ( Rey, BB-8, the big pig when he was drinking, Chewie, the beast in Solo space ship, Kylo Ren etc... )
4) He's a bad fighter.
5 ) He's using humour to hide his weakness.
6 ) Everything could have been done without him beside saving Poe/evacuating from Jakku even if Rey could probably have save herself.
7) He was saved by Rey X times...
8) He almost died at the end.
I know some people will disagree but I won't change my mind on him much, I like the character and I think he has the potential to be everything in the series but for now, he's useless and not really what I was waiting for at character standpoint.
They should teach him to fly the Falcon. He can chauffeur the heros around and keep it real clean.
Hopefully this means Finn won't be in a coma for long.
ain't it "Hellllo what have we here?"What's the first thing Lando says to Leia?
1) Finn was useless at a Storm Trooper standpoint.
2) His escaped is not a keypoint, it's just a plot device to save Poe.
3) Got ass kicked by everyone ( Rey, BB-8, the big pig when he was drinking, Chewie, the beast in Solo space ship, Kylo Ren etc... )
4) He's a bad fighter.
5 ) He's using humour to hide his weakness.
6 ) Everything could have been done without him beside saving Poe/evacuating from Jakku even if Rey could probably have save herself.
7) He was saved by Rey X times...
8) He almost died at the end.
I know some people will disagree but I won't change my mind on him much, I like the character and I think he has the potential to be everything in the series but for now, he's useless and not really what I was waiting for at character standpoint.
2) His escaped is not a keypoint, it's just a plot device to save Poe.
What. WHAT?!
What. WHAT?!
This was when you were suggesting examples of how the force is used 'correctly' and you're framing the discussion that someone is only empowering if they're doing 'right'. Swing ana miss, heidern.
heidern said:Luke, Anakin, Yoda and Emperor use the force but they do so deliberately. They've been trained to use the force, they've had to work for it.
No, it's an insipid way of framing what are underlying psychological processes that happen whether you're 'trained' in something or not. Instincts has nothing to do with your ability to choose anything. What 'training does' is develop certain instincts, but it doesn't have anything to do with 'choice'
But the fact taht she had training in piloting helped her get into the zone, which let the Force help, even if she didn't know it at the time. But it was her choices that lead her to this.
Statement -> Immediate Contradiction. Swing. Miss.
Luke doesn't blow up the Death Star using the force. He uses the force to help him fire an accurate shot at the previously discovered weak point which leads to the Death Star blowing up.
Especially this part. Oh, he's had training, you say? You mean that single beginners training that he mastered in literally 30 seconds after beginning it? And that is supposed to help him guide the impossible shot?
But I do find it notable how you are willing to contextualize the event using all the other factors that help him achieve that affect (even when the factors are so hilariously poor like "I used to snipe roadkill in by redneck backwater village, I can totally handle a military engagement"), while ignoring all the things that Rey got help with, acting like she literally defeated Kylo Ren on her own and no one else's efforts had an influence.
Personally, I'd just wonder why the fuck I was hearing dead people. Also, you're confusing instructions with training. A guy telling you what to do as your doing it is not training.
The fuck, when was cheerleading established to bolster the force? Ugh, you're making so much shit up, I'm half convinced you dreamed Star Wars rather than saw it.
I'm throwing accusations at you because two posts ago, you were saying you felt it's right for someone to tell a girl who likes Paris Hilton she was wrong and framed it as absurd that a father would not be able to tell his daughter who to like.
It's backtracking.
heidern said:The logical conclusion of what you are saying is that male teachers should be banned from teaching girls and fathers should be banned from talking to their daughters because they might corrupt them with their privileged male opinions.
And this is my last post on the matter. I have sunk way too much time into this. For what it's worth, I don't think you're malicious or anything.
All of that said, I don't think Lucas did her any favors in ESB or ROTJ... which makes me think that her good (not great) characterization in ANH is more a lucky mistake than anything else.