Etrian Oddity
Technically it's plasma, isn't it? It's just redirecting the power of a sun, unless I'm mistaken.ROFL, i thought the same thing
Technically it's plasma, isn't it? It's just redirecting the power of a sun, unless I'm mistaken.ROFL, i thought the same thing
If you could time travel into the 1970s... "This is what Star Wars will look like one day"
If you could time travel into the 1970s... "This is what Star Wars will look like one day"
Pulled this out of that VFX reel:
I always forget to ask, is that sups loses to be a scavenger going to pick up shit from the tie that's not even done crashing yet? If so I love that shot.Still bothers me. :/
Fuckin awesome.
I always forget to ask, is that sups loses to be a scavenger going to pick up shit from the tie that's not even done crashing yet? If so I love that shot.
I always forget to ask, is that sups loses to be a scavenger going to pick up shit from the tie that's not even done crashing yet? If so I love that shot.
It looked like she was hiding, because right after the gif ends she kinda jumps behind the dune and ducks to hide.
Yup, it's a scavenger from the village. It's like Christmas to her. :lol
This is how I interpreted it as well. I loved that bit. The movie would have been more or less the same without it, but adding a scavenger actively following this dog fight to its end so he/she/it could scavenge it is subtle well done worldbuilding.
Some interesting analysis/reading from other forums I thought was worth reposting here:
Still being floored by this post. Specifically this part:
"The first Death Star is the symbol of the technological bureaucratic monstrosity of the Empire. It’s a gray, featureless world brought down by the colorful alliance. The second Death Star is a spider’s web, representative of the labyrinthine plotting of the Emperor as he attempts to pull all his enemies into his trap.
Starkiller Base is nothing short of the Dark Side of the Force itself. It’s a decaying corpse of a world, with the remaining trees a fake organic shell around the cold mechanical might within. And more, it literally sucks the light out of the galaxy as it’s powered. Starkiller Base is the logical extension of what the villains have wished to do to the galaxy all along."
Like I (and many others before) have said ... The First Order just want to be like the Empire. Sure, it's lazy to just have another Death-Star type weapon ... but it works and doesn't bother me
This is how I interpreted it as well. I loved that bit. The movie would have been more or less the same without it, but adding a scavenger actively following this dog fight to its end so he/she/it could scavenge it is subtle well done worldbuilding.
This is worldbuilding done right. Not like the "funny" CG animals added in background shots in the Special Editions.This is how I interpreted it as well. I loved that bit. The movie would have been more or less the same without it, but adding a scavenger actively following this dog fight to its end so he/she/it could scavenge it is subtle well done worldbuilding.
They just needed blood to differentiate who Finn was. I liked it, in universe explanation be damned.
Why that particular trooper was bleeding could be for any number of reasons. Maybe the wound wasn't fully cauterized because of his trooper armor?
Yes please.Hopefully this for Rey as well, now just give her a female "friend" on the level of the Poe/Finn relationship please.
I'm planning to see TFA one more time, near the end of its run. .gifs like this are making awfully hard not to go this weekend.
Has the film leaked? Where are these gifs a coming from?
Yes please.
You know another way Star Wars has treated its female characters badly? We haven't seen a female-female friendship in the movies.
Oh, Star Wars...
That's what I'm wondering. Weird that all these gifs are popping out otherwise.
Like I (and many others before) have said ... The First Order just want to be like the Empire. Sure, it's lazy to just have another Death-Star type weapon ... but it works and doesn't bother me
edit: oh, i just had some inspiration!
has this been made before?
Yes please.
You know another way Star Wars has treated its female characters badly? We haven't seen a female-female friendship in the movies.
Oh, Star Wars...
#almostprogressI think the closest we got to seeing a female-female friendship is in AOTC when Padmé's sister teases Padmé about her "boyfriend" Anakin... in a deleted scene.
What's tickled me even through the old Legends timeline is that in a galaxy where building planet-destroying weapons is not only possible but ridiculously common, out of all the spacefaring species and possible permutations of genuinely warlike dispositions out there, the majority of them are built by humans.
we truly are the worst species
to be fair, the death star was designed by the Geonosians.
A. Those aren't laser beams.A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, laser beams moved at about 80 mph.
to be fair, the death star was designed by the Geonosians.
Rogue Onerumors actually say that the Geonosians never managed to make it work and that it's a human scientist who finally made it functional.
I put that progress picture I posted on here a few days ago on reddit. It's currently on page 3 of /all.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, laser beams moved at about 80 mph.
Rogue Onerumors actually say that the Geonosians never managed to make it work and that it's a human scientist who finally made it functional.
Has the film leaked? Where are these gifs a coming from?
That's what I'm wondering. Weird that all these gifs are popping out otherwise.
I'm talking about Star Wars as a movie. As a whole. That includes the characters, the impacts these things would have, what path the story would take, etc.
Yes because wanting Rey go dark side in a star wars movies that has explored that concept in previous movies(poorly) is as egregious as you wanting to see this hypothetical racist epithet.
I'd really like a gif of Rey eating her dinner where she puts on the helmet.
She just looks like such a nerdy fangirl.
I'm sure someone can answer this but wasn't it a Super Star Destroyer that Rey flew the Falcon into? Was pretty sure due to the back side of it we saw but wasn't 100% sure.
So I just went to IMDB to check out user reviews for movies and in doing so noticed the new Star Wars and was curious about what people thought. To my surprise the user review section was completely spammed with 1 star reviews. Really? 1 star? The WORST possible movie imaginable? All those user accounts should be banned immediately for mucking up legitimate and honest reviews. I really hope this isn't a sneak preview of what we can expect going forward with IMDB. I haven't bumped into this too much with other movies but being such a high profile release seems to have brought out the trolls. Meh.
Considering that MRA is mad and boycotted the movie, I can imagine that alot of petulant men are the ones spamming 1 star reviews. Par for the course for a wildly popular movie @_@
I'm sure someone can answer this but wasn't it a Super Star Destroyer that Rey flew the Falcon into? Was pretty sure due to the back side of it we saw but wasn't 100% sure.
So I just went to IMDB to check out user reviews for movies and in doing so noticed the new Star Wars and was curious about what people thought. To my surprise the user review section was completely spammed with 1 star reviews. Really? 1 star? The WORST possible movie imaginable? All those user accounts should be banned immediately for mucking up legitimate and honest reviews. I really hope this isn't a sneak preview of what we can expect going forward with IMDB. I haven't bumped into this too much with other movies but being such a high profile release seems to have brought out the trolls. Meh.
Ha, that's pretty damn cool. The game looks so beautiful and sounds great to match, pity it's so shallow.
You got to wonder what it took to take down a SSD, those things were so massive. The one destroyed in ESB was nothing but pure luck.
Starkiller Base had some missed opportunities.
For example, given that it was a planet, it might have been interesting if it had a native population that was being used as "human" shields. How do you then destroy the weapon without wiping out an innocent civilization?
Or the inhabitants are villains, too, and their culture's technology, rituals and pursuits power or otherwise enable the weapon.
Or it could have been cool to see the final siege taking place in different environments on and within the planet. Land, sea, air, underground, etc.
Don't get me wrong, I like the silliness of a planet-turned-weapon, but it could have had a bit more to it.