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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

Ha, that's pretty damn cool. The game looks so beautiful and sounds great to match, pity it's so shallow.

Yup :-\ I still lurk in the OT almost daily, hoping for news on additional content. Zero so far. Feels like a huge wasted opportunity, and a waste of one of the most beautiful games/engines of this gen.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Yup :-\ I still lurk in the OT almost daily, hoping for news on additional content. Zero so far. Feels like a huge wasted opportunity, and a waste of one of the most beautiful games/engines of this gen.

It's a fun game for me, but that's only because I'm on more of a dumb-casual basis.

A benchmark in MP it is not.


Yup :-\ I still lurk in the OT almost daily, hoping for news on additional content. Zero so far. Feels like a huge wasted opportunity, and a waste of one of the most beautiful games/engines of this gen.

I still can't believe they didn't have straight up Force Awakens content in the pipes. We should have Takodana and Starkiller Base maps. Old Han, Chewie, Rey and Kylo Ren hero classes.

Limiting the game to the OT across the board, and not even making full use of the content that provides, is such a missed opportunity.
I still can't believe they didn't have straight up Force Awakens content in the pipes. We should have Takodana and Starkiller Base maps. Old Han, Chewie, Rey and Kylo Ren hero classes.

Limiting the game to the OT across the board, and not even making full use of the content that provides, is such a missed opportunity.

Months before SWBF's release, if you would have told me that the *only* TFA tie-in they would have had is a single Jakku map, I would have told you you were crazy. There seemed to be no way that DICE wouldn't capitalize on one of the biggest movies of the year (and, at this point, ever).

I mean, imagine how many sales a "play as Rey, Finn, Kylo, or Phasma on Starkiller base, Takodana, Solo's freighter, or Jakku" DLC could have gotten them. There are a lot of people in the OT who haven't bitten on the Season Pass because they want to know what's in it--that would have been an easy sell if it had TFA content.
Months before SWBF's release, if you would have told me that the *only* TFA tie-in they would have had is a single Jakku map, I would have told you you were crazy. There seemed to be no way that DICE wouldn't capitalize on one of the biggest movies of the year (and, at this point, ever).

I mean, imagine how many sales a "play as Rey, Finn, Kylo, or Phasma on Starkiller base, Takodana, Solo's freighter, or Jakku" DLC could have gotten them. There are a lot of people in the OT who haven't bitten on the Season Pass because they want to know what's in it--that would have been an easy sell if it had TFA content.

Mhm, the Battlefront game is disappointing in alot of ways. Not having Kylo and Rey as playable heroes is a huge mistake tbh. Yeah the Jakku map is nice but...they couldve done more on the eve of a new star wars.


You don't get to bring friends.
Not so much that. Some fans are still angry that the EU got wiped out and have been spamming novels with one star ratings as well. Plus you got fans flipping out about you know what BECAUSE HOW DARE THEY. And then you got the Lucas lovers who think only he should do anything Star Wars.

The whole MRA thing is a non factor for the most part.

Which is kinda silly seeing how lucas never cared too much for the EU


Which is kinda silly seeing how lucas never cared too much for the EU

Oh they're not doing it for Lucas where it got wiped out. Two different instances of two different group of SW fans being angry for different reasons. The EU did have some beloved characters and losing them for some was hard. Kinda happens when you grow up with them. That in turn caused some more outraged due to what happened in the movie due to you know what happening to you know who. Which in turn was something others didn't like.


The overall rating is still at 8.5/10, so that loud minority isn't doing much to the aggregate. Star Wars has so much baggage though that there's always going to be some subset that hates any given installment for some reason, and TFA has the added benefit of having a competent female protagonist that will anger some subset of idiots, and Lucas having nothing to do with the new film which means it isn't a "real" Star Wars movie so some other subset is mad about that, etc.

That may be true but I really wasn't concerned with the overall rating. It's just a pain in the ass for someone like me who wants to read legitimate user opinions. The 1 star ratings go on and on and on. It's ridiculous. All those accounts should be banned.


So I just went to IMDB to check out user reviews for movies and in doing so noticed the new Star Wars and was curious about what people thought. To my surprise the user review section was completely spammed with 1 star reviews. Really? 1 star? The WORST possible movie imaginable? All those user accounts should be banned immediately for mucking up legitimate and honest reviews. I really hope this isn't a sneak preview of what we can expect going forward with IMDB. I haven't bumped into this too much with other movies but being such a high profile release seems to have brought out the trolls. Meh.

IMDB is a notorious hive of Nolan fanboys and assorted nutjobs. TFA came in with such a high rating that they organized downvoting until the movie was below The Dark Knight Rises, after which they slowed down.


Weren't the A-Wings taking over for the X-Wings and the B-Wings taking over for the Y-Wings in RotJ?

Why weren't there any A-Wings or B-Wings?
B-Wings should have definitely been there for the final assault, as they have bigger payloads.

Also, What Happened to the TIE Interceptors or TIE Bombers?

It'll be weird watching RotJ and TFA awakens back to back.

In that regard, feels these movies just forgot about that part of the OT.
Even in ANH had Y-Wings...



This gif has so much potential.
Weren't the A-Wings taking over for the X-Wings and the B-Wings taking over for the Y-Wings in RotJ?

Why weren't there any A-Wings or B-Wings?
B-Wings should have definitely been there for the final assault, as they have bigger payloads.

Also, What Happened to the TIE Interceptors or TIE Bombers?

It'll be weird watching RotJ and TFA awakens back to back.

In that regard, feels these movies just forgot about that part of the OT.
Even in ANH had Y-Wings...

I think it was mentioned in the art book that the reason they stuck to just TIE foghters and X-Wings is they didnt want people to get confused.

I just assume the new X-Wing model far outclasses the old Rebellion era starfighters, making them obsolete. Even the old X-Wings look so bulky compared to the new model.



This gif has so much potential.

That face Ford makes after they leave hyperspace and the mountain is right there, that is a Han Solo as fuck, character-in-way-over-their-head face if there ever was one. Further proof that Ford is one of the best actors to play that type.


The X Wing is a multi role fighter, which is good for you if you're a small organization that can only support so many airframes.

I'd love to see E-Wings make an appearance among surviving Republic forces in ep 8 though.


Listening to the soundtrack.

The Scavenger is such a beautiful, delicate piece of music. It has an otherwordly sense of magic about it. I've heard some say they find the music in the score doesn't stand out, and I have to disagree. Certainly, Abrams has it lower in the mix a lot of the time than Lucas did, but the music itself is as beautiful as ever.

Listening to the soundtrack on its own gives me more appreciation for the film.


Same reason we come here and get our share of nutters.

Common interest/hobbies

We ban the nutters, though. Well, most of them. :p

I think it was mentioned in the art book that the reason they stuck to just TIE foghters and X-Wings is they didnt want people to get confused.


Others mentioned it, but that has been misquoted several times. The actual book excerpt was posted a while back. JJ cited RotJ's ending space battle as an example of excellent visual design, since even with so many different types of ships in the mix, it was easy to tell which side was which.


Listening to the soundtrack.

The Scavenger is such a beautiful, delicate piece of music. It has an otherwordly sense of magic about it. I've heard some say they find the music in the score doesn't stand out, and I have to disagree. Certainly, Abrams has it lower in the mix a lot of the time than Lucas did, but the music itself is as beautiful as ever.

Listening to the soundtrack on its own gives me more appreciation for the film.


I have said it before but the score in this film is severely underrated.

Really good article here.
That face Ford makes after they leave hyperspace and the mountain is right there, that is a Han Solo as fuck, character-in-way-over-their-head face if there ever was one. Further proof that Ford is one of the best actors to play that type.

One of the things I think people take for granted with TFA is that Han Solo was Han Solo as fuck in this movie with a purpose and it was awesome. The character felt better realized than he did in Jedi even I would say for sure.

Even if it is bullshit, why no Ys?

My guess is that they ran out of time.
Since this took me forever to type out (it's from a magazine called lightspeed, they didn't post the opening interview), I thought I'd post it in two places. It was a fun read for me so I thought others might enjoy it.

So did you play any part in Star Wars after Return of the Jedi? Did George Lucas ever reach out to you?

Kasdan:He did but you know, he wanted something completely different than before. I know he's been attacked for doing things for reasons such as selling his toys but he really was invested in the politics of the story. He called it the "boring bit". I was never interested in that and that would play a big part.

Were you curious at all?

Kasdan:Not really. I had my own thoughts but they were very different but it's his baby, I can't tell him what to do. His characters will do what they want and that's the story. I said a few things in passing, things I'll tell you, he never even considered to keep in any fashion. Vader would've been Luke's age, living with his brother and using his powers like anyone would. Winning fights, money, being the popular kid. Even if you hate him, you still love him. He's Luke, right, but KNOWS he's special. So I'd have Obiwan crash on this planet, meet this guy and see he's wasting this massive potential on winning money and fame in this desert wasteland. Very humorous you know? In a weird way, that's kind of a scary thought too, unchecked power. The characters can't see it but we as the audience know he's using the force. Using it to do the greedy, human things we'd do with it. The story came to my head because I imagined a scene right after they meet and Anakin is leaving the planet, they're attacked or something, he saves Obiwan's life using his power. They fly off but Obiwan is a bad pilot so in a cocky way, Anakin takes over. Obiwan doesn't thank him, he gets annoyed. That right there is what I would base the movies on, two friends who instantly become close but are going to go down completely different paths. Of course Obiwan acts more like a dad. This is all the first act, the start. The Jedi are also starting to disappear, they're being killed and this organization is bewildered how it's possible...

So you've got this teen, somebody who wants to control everything, he was always in control at home, he was always the kid on top because he had these powers no one knew about and he took advantage of that, why not use those powers to control the Galaxy one day? Jokes like that from him. Hints of that. This would all be done in the first act in part 1. George said it was too much.
Since this took me forever to type out (it's from a magazine called lightspeed, they didn't post the opening interview), I thought I'd post it in two places. It was a fun read for me so I thought others might enjoy it.

Kasdan:Not really. I had my own thoughts but they were very different but it's his baby, I can't tell him what to do. His characters will do what they want and that's the story. I said a few things in passing, things I'll tell you, he never even considered to keep in any fashion. Vader would've been Luke's age, living with his brother and using his powers like anyone would. Winning fights, money, being the popular kid. Even if you hate him, you still love him. He's Luke, right, but KNOWS he's special. So I'd have Obiwan crash on this planet, meet this guy and see he's wasting this massive potential on winning money and fame in this desert wasteland. Very humorous you know? In a weird way, that's kind of a scary thought too, unchecked power. The characters can't see it but we as the audience know he's using the force. Using it to do the greedy, human things we'd do with it. The story came to my head because I imagined a scene right after they meet and Anakin is leaving the planet, they're attacked or something, he saves Obiwan's life using his power. They fly off but Obiwan is a bad pilot so in a cocky way, Anakin takes over. Obiwan doesn't thank him, he gets annoyed. That right there is what I would base the movies on, two friends who instantly become close but are going to go down completely different paths. Of course Obiwan acts more like a dad. This is all the first act, the start. The Jedi are also starting to disappear, they're being killed and this organization is bewildered how it's possible...

So you've got this teen, somebody who wants to control everything, he was always in control at home, he was always the kid on top because he had these powers no one knew about and he took advantage of that, why not use those powers to control the Galaxy one day? Jokes like that from him. Hints of that. This would all be done in the first act in part 1. George said it was too much.

I kinda love this.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Since this took me forever to type out (it's from a magazine called lightspeed, they didn't post the opening interview), I thought I'd post it in two places. It was a fun read for me so I thought others might enjoy it.


What could have been...Those kinds of ideas are so logical and pretty much what we all imagined in our heads.
Since this took me forever to type out (it's from a magazine called lightspeed, they didn't post the opening interview), I thought I'd post it in two places. It was a fun read for me so I thought others might enjoy it.

I kinda love this.

That would've been so much better than the wet paper bag we got. And it would've given them some personality, too. But George wanted his Jesus.


That would've been so much better than the wet paper bag we got. And it would've given them some personality, too. But George wanted his Jesus.

Yeah it's a good idea. It would be cool to see Anakin be the teenage boy that we'd all suspect we'd be if we had that power. Cheating at everything, using that power in a stealth way to get ahead. It sounds like it would have been a really fun movie to watch. A way to put ourselves right in Anakin's shoes. A great first act.


Aftershock LA
Me and my wife will probably see it for the third time this weekend.

On another note, this is something that I've been really thinking about, but haven't seen much discussion on in this thread:

Despite Rey finding Luke, the ending of the film is really bleak and somber. More specifically, the Resistance actually lost a pretty decisive battle in the long run. The film is set up like this: The First Order is looking for Luke Skywalker, so they can eliminate him. They fear that if found, he can be the deciding factor against the First Order getting a stranglehold on the galaxy and becoming the next Empire (if not in name, then in function). Currently, there seems to be a truce/cease fire in effect between the First Order and the Republic (mentioned by Hux during his Hitler speech), that they believe the Republic is dishonoring by funding the Resistance behind closed doors. They use this as an excuse to nullify the treaty and launch an attack against the Republic.

The thing is, this attack isn't just an attack. The original Death Star's purpose wasn't really to destroy a planet, but to intimidate systems that tried to sass the Empire. It was a big stick they were brandishing. I don't think they'd have really used it unless they absolutely had to. It wasn't until the plans of the Death Star were stolen and delivered to the Rebellion that they used it to blow up Alderaan, in the hopes that it would deter Rebellion. The First Order actually used the Starkiller Base weapon to destroy their enemy. The Republic is gone. It doesn't exist anymore. The politicians, the soldiers, the fleet, it was all wiped out in one fell swoop when Hux issued the order to fire on them.

As it stands, the First Order is no longer opposed bureaucratically. And on the military end, their only opposition is General Leia Organa's Resistance, which, we saw in the movie, is rather pitiful. It seems to consist of a squad of X-Wings lead by Poe (and they lost a few members), and maybe some ground troops. Hardly enough to really put up a front against the First Order, which isn't as big as the Empire, but is significantly bigger than the Resistance.

For me, this sets up an incredibly dark, bleak, and grim tone for Episode's 8 and 9. Sure, the Resistance destroyed the Starkiller, which was more an act of self preservation than a decisive blow against the First Order like the Death Star's destruction was for the Empire (both Death Stars even), because if the Starkiller had destroyed their base, there'd be absolutely no one to oppose the First Order (Leia and all the other Resistance would have been destroyed had Poe's squad not succeeded).

But the point is that the Resistance is pathetically under-prepared to deal with the First Order's military might. The First Order doesn't actually need the Starkiller anymore, since it did it's job (wiped out the Republic). The only hope I see for the Resistance is for Leia to do some mega diplomacy with various Star Systems, in the hopes that they can be convinced to join her cause and strike out against the First Order. I can see episode 8 having Poe and his squad embarking on various guerrilla warfare style campaigns in First Order controlled systems, attempting to dismantle their power behind enemy lines, while Leia is trying to use the return of Luke Skywalker as a means to convince other star systems to fight with her against the Force Order.

I can see those systems being skeptical of Luke, a single Jedi, and an old, tired looking solitary Jedi, being any sort of tide turner for the Resistance. This is where Rey and Luke go on a potential journey to re-establish the Jedi Knights, or at least recruit promising Force Sensitives to train and fight. I can see Episode 9 being an incredibly desperate attempt by the Resistance and whatever allies they have amassed, and Rey and Luke to overthrow the increasingly growing First Order. They will also be fighting against whatever Snoke has planned with Kylo and the Knights of Ren.

This sets up this trilogy to be a lot different and grimmer, and grittier than the first two trilogies. I just hadn't seen a lot of discussion on how bleak the future films actually are in light of the destruction of the Republic in The Force Awakens. I think the obliteration of Hosnian Prime was way more a significant event than it gets credit for.
Since this took me forever to type out (it's from a magazine called lightspeed, they didn't post the opening interview), I thought I'd post it in two places. It was a fun read for me so I thought others might enjoy it.

Wow, thanks for typing this! Thread-worthy IMO. What the prequels could have been...

It's also interesting how part of it is reminiscent of TFA's first half.
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