Don't forget, Kylo hosting SNL tonight!
I'm expecting a whiney Kylo Ren skit.
Don't forget, Kylo hosting SNL tonight!
Just came back from massive shopping. Current Ren collection:
Without the helm and just outside random houses, getting solid photos another day
Just came back from massive shopping. Current Ren collection:
Wow where'd you get this from? Pretty high quality.
Did a bunch of posts just get deleted or am I losing my mind?
Without the helm and just outside random houses, getting solid photos another day
Maybe it's from the VFX reel that was online a few days back?Wow where'd you get this from? Pretty high quality.
This is why I like Ren so much. In many ways he is the highlight of his film the same way Luke was of his, despite being the villain. I know Rey is the "Luke" of the new trilogy but in many ways she comes across as a more capable Leia of the "new trio" of Finn, Rey and Ren. People rag on the movie for being too close to ANH but it inverts its inspiration in so many ways that it feels like an entirely new story (for the most part... Starkiller Base excluded). The parallels are evident, but also blurred. Rey could easily be compared to Luke, Leia or even Han. So could Finn. Ren is an odd mix of Vader and Luke.Me and my wife may see it tonight for the third time, and yeah, Kylo is a top tier Star Wars character, not just villain. He is fascinating, personally. A very different antagonist than we are used to, but unlike Vader, he isn't set up to have a redemption arc. His loss to Rey at the end of the movie cements that he's going to evolve into an even greater threat for the next two films. You don't have the villain in the first movie of a trilogy get defeated and survive, only to keep him neutered later.
Snoke is going to train him, and he's going to kick Rey's ass next time they meet. It's going to be the true low point of Rey's arc, and a high point of Kylo's arc. We don't get to see many antagonists at the starting point of their antagonistic journey. Anakin wasn't a main character in most of the prequel movies, so his rise and fall felt hollow to me. Kylo has an interesting backstory. An inversion of the "seduced by the dark side" trope the heroes face. He is a Skywalker seduced by the light side of the Force, and he's fighting agains it. Him killing Han was his version of Luke destroying the first Death Star in A New Hope. The first steps of his "heroes" journey.
Episode 8 will see Kylo become more versed on the Dark Side, as Luke became more versed in the Light Side. To further the mirroring of Luke's heroes journey, Kylo will best Rey, as Luke lost to Vader, and in Episode 9, Kylo will have Knights of Ren swagger like Luke had Jedi swagger in Return of the Jedi. This will be juxtaposed against Rey and Finn's arcs as our heroes. It's a really interesting take on an antagonist for a Star Wars film.
The dude asking people to PM him if they are Internet Experts (and the replies) were deleted it seems
Im debating whether I should see it again. You guys think itll still be in theatres 2 weeks from now?
It'll be around, yeah. Should still be in the top 10 box office in a few weeks. It's #3 this weekend.
Maybe it's from the VFX reel that was online a few days back?
I'm assuming the bolded is sarcastic. If it's not, I think it's a pretty major problem if the perception is that only black people can have a valid opinion on this. Kind of like how The Librarian had been repeatedly assuming and/or pointing out that those disagreeing with her were male while discussing Rey/Leia. These types of attitudes are a way to shut down discussion and don't get us any closet to a more "enlightened" future.Does it make a difference if the actor playing Poe is Guatemalan/Cuban, as Oscar Isaac is? Or that the character of Finn was not written with a specific race in mind? Or that Stormtroopers of all races/sexes in the film have identification codes instead of names? Or that Poe is rejecting the inhuman treatment of the First Order when refusing to call him FN-2187, which itself was a "name" defining Finn as less than human, nothing but an expendable number, and his "naming" as Finn is the first time someone is defining him as an individual person? It's not as if Poe is taking away Finn's identity and heritage by robbing him of his birth name, he's literally showing Finn that he is a person which only strengthens Finn's existing desire to abandon the First Order.
I don't know what to make of this, and I'm a white dude so my perspective is obviously ill-informed, but this is the first time I've seen this argument against Finn, and I have to be honest it reads kind of like the whole "Mary Sue" thing leveled at Rey. Taking what is ostensibly a good thing and triumph of representation, and cutting it down for...reasons.
can't be. I watched it thrice and that wasn't one of them
(unless im very forgetful)
I'm assuming the bolded is sarcastic. If it's not, I think it's a pretty major problem if the perception is that only black people can have a valid opinion on this. Kind of like how The Librarian had been repeatedly assuming and got pointing out that those disagreeing with her were male. These types of attitudes are a way to shut down discussion and don't get us any closet to a more "enlightened" future.
pretty sure over the past few days you've forgotten that i'm always right at least once
that's very forgetful
In practice, it often seems to boil down to the same thing though. Right here in this thread it's been used to dismiss out of hand thoughtful and reasoned arguments. That's when it becomes problematic. What you're pointing out here is very often used in an ad hominem manner to shut down discussion.Oh lord, no , it means that people who aren't part of the aforementioned group, especially if they are in the empowered majority group, are less likely to be as aware or pick up on things due to not having to consider representation the way minority under-represented groups do.
Wow where'd you get this from? Pretty high quality.
In practice, it often seems to boil down to the same thing though. Right here in this thread it's been used to dismiss out of hand thoughtful and reasoned arguments. That's when it becomes problematic. What you're pointing out here is very often used in an ad hominem manner to shut down discussion.
Nevertheless, it's still an ad hominem that is used to avoid having to address valid arguments. That's a bad thing no matter how you slice it.This would be true except its been demonstrated that unconscious sex-based or race-based bias makes a huge impact on how people see the world around them.
Yes, white dudes do need to check their privilege when entering discussions on these matters, because white dudes are the most catered to demographic on the planet, ESPECIALLY in the context of genre entertainment.
Nevertheless, it's still an ad hominem that is used to avoid having to address valid arguments. That's a bad thing no matter how you slice it.
Jedi steps now my favourite music from all star wars
Then Yodas them
Then Yoda and the force
Then Binary sunset
and so forth
Right after my first viewing I listened to this on the soundtrack because it was so damn good in the theater. It is my favorite track. The Jedi Steps and the finale blend so well.
Jedi steps now my favourite music from all star wars
Then Yodas them
Then Yoda and the force
Then Binary sunset
and so forth
The entire TFA score might actually be my favorite out of all the Star Wars actually.
It's just like how Librarian dismissed Dubbeds concerns of a lack of ethnic female leads, saying that it was a good thing for minorities(All of them, presumably) that Rey(Being a white woman) is a lead. It was a literal dismissal of the argument Dubbed was trying to make. And then there's the whole 'It's ok for most female leads to be white'. Rhetoric she spouted when the discussion sprouted from Dubbeds thoughts on the racial diversity(Which I picked up the mantle for since it interests me as well).
Not only that, but Librarian keeps interjecting on discussions and trying to make things about gender when people are discussing Reys character in a spoiler thread.(Like when I was talking about how neat it would be for Rey to go dark side in a future movie, apparently I was suggesting it because 'Rey is a girl.'). I'm not against having a discussion on diversity, but there are people in this thread coming off as rude and dismissive, that it's hard to hold a conversation.
That's all I'll say about this before the spoiler thread goes anymore off topic then it already has been.
I can't remember any tracks. Granted I haven't heard them outside of the movie yet...I like...I like Poes theme. He has music for his scene right?
Trying to discount Rey as step forward because she's not ethnic is a fairly low thing to try.
Look at the four new characters: White Woman, Black Man, Latino Man, White Man. Thats pretty good on racial diversity, ok at best on gender diversity, mostly because Rey is the main character.
Kylo had to be white because of his parents, and while a female Kylo Ren would certainly be interesting, that would probably result in a male version of Rey, so that would be a wash.
Either Finn or Poe's character would work just fine as a woman, though I really would wonder about the cries of MARY SUE we'd get from a female Poe. As for Finn, eehhh? It again doesn't actually matter what race or gender Finn is.
As for Rey, yes she's white. This does not mean that she is marginalising "ethnic" women by her existence. In fact there is a black woman who (while unnamed) gets a fairly decent amount of screen time as the First Order operator in charge of firing the Weapon, and one of the X-Wing pilots (who gets a lot of focus and is one of the 7 survivors) is an asian woman. Plus Phasma who we know is white, and the unknown female Stormtrooper (who shows that Phasma isn't just an exception, there are ordinary female stormtroopers as well).
This form of argument is basically saying that since this step forward doesn't make things perfect, its effectively useless. Its a variation on concern trolling.
The glee at which some people want Rey to go evil and Ren to become good does seem highly suspect and the claim that it would be "interesting" barely holds water. I don't blame her for getting upset about it.
Is this discussion even actually off-topic?
The glee at which some people want Rey to go evil and Ren to become good does seem highly suspect and the claim that it would be "interesting" barely holds water. I don't blame her for getting upset about it.
Is this discussion even actually off-topic?
Trying to discount Rey as step forward because she's not ethnic is a fairly low thing to try.
Look at the four new characters: White Woman, Black Man, Latino Man, White Man. Thats pretty good on racial diversity, ok at best on gender diversity, mostly because Rey is the main character.
Kylo had to be white because of his parents, and while a female Kylo Ren would certainly be interesting, that would probably result in a male version of Rey, so that would be a wash.
Either Finn or Poe's character would work just fine as a woman, though I really would wonder about the cries of MARY SUE we'd get from a female Poe. As for Finn, eehhh? It again doesn't actually matter what race or gender Finn is.
As for Rey, yes she's white. This does not mean that she is marginalising "ethnic" women by her existence. In fact there is a black woman who (while unnamed) gets a fairly decent amount of screen time as the First Order operator in charge of firing the Weapon, and one of the X-Wing pilots (who gets a lot of focus and is one of the 7 survivors) is an asian woman. Plus Phasma who we know is white, and the unknown female Stormtrooper (who shows that Phasma isn't just an exception, there are ordinary female stormtroopers as well).
This form of argument is basically saying that since this step forward doesn't make things perfect, its effectively useless. Its a variation on concern trolling.
The glee at which some people want Rey to go evil and Ren to become good does seem highly suspect and the claim that it would be "interesting" barely holds water. I don't blame her for getting upset about it.
Is this discussion even actually off-topic?
Rey's theme is a standout.
Putting everything else aside, I still don't understand why, exactly, Rey falling to the dark side would be interesting.I think I've only seen one poster actually want Ren to become good. Most want to see Rey fall to the darkside simply because it would be interesting to explore. t
Putting everything else aside, I still don't understand why, exactly, Rey falling to the dark side would be interesting.
Thankfully she won't![]()
That's all people are saying. It would be interesting.
That said. Ren is not coming to the light. We saw him literally kill his father to take the giant step to the darkside. He'll most likely kill Snoke and usurp the Supreme Leader title as well.
Kylo will die being fully immersed in the darkside. No redemption for him.
But interesting *how*? That's what I don't get!That's all people are saying. It would be interesting.![]()