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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Strangely, I want the penultimate version of Rey we get by IX to be like Ewan's Obi Wan in the prequels.

Definitely wised up (and somewhat damaged depending on what happens in VIII), but keeps a lot of the charm and some sass, hokey one-liners included. Only, a more matured version of it.

The one problem I had with Luke in VI is that his behavior is immediately that of being a monk.


Was getting caught part of your plan?

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I love Luke, I think he was perfectly played (Thats not to say its the best acting ever, but for the character I think Hamill knocked it out of the park)

I like Rey, but still maintain the performance ranged from really good to not very good at all, which I am perfectly fine with, it doesnt take me out of the film.
I love Luke, I think he was perfectly played

I like Rey, but still maintain the performance ranged from really good to not very good at all, which I am perfectly fine with, it doesnt take me out of the film.

What are some examples where she acted ''not very good at all''?. I even paid extra attention because it was her first movie.
I love Luke, I think he was perfectly played (Thats not to say its the best acting ever, but for the character I think Hamill knocked it out of the park)

I like Rey, but still maintain the performance ranged from really good to not very good at all, which I am perfectly fine with, it doesnt take me out of the film.

What is this blasphemy? Daisy was brilliant.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Only time Ridley seemed a little teeny bit off to me was when they were running for the Falcon, but even then, I'm pretty that was because it might've been an ADR job.


Aftershock LA
I just don't find a need to compare them. They're two totally different characters, and acting wise, they come from two totally different eras of the craft.

I think Ridley has a much stronger debut performance as Rey than Hamil did as Luke. It's going to be really fun to see them play off of each other in episode 8. I'm really looking forward to that. I can't even begin to think about comparing Rey and Luke, though. Luke is a wonderful character, and Rey is a wonderful character. I love them both. Luke didn't immediately take with me back in the 80's when I saw A New Hope, but he didn't really click with me until Jedi. Then, rewatching A Ne Hope, knowing what he becomes makes him much more endearing from the vantage point of seeing him as a young, naive boy being thrust into heroism by fate.

With Rey, I can't fully judge her until her trilogy wraps up. So far, she's off to a cracking good start. She's incredibly likable and charming, funny, and powerful. She's awesome so far. Luke is fucking Luke Skywalker. He's a hard act to follow. Rey is going to be in awe of him, and perhaps uncomfortable now being his new apprentice. That's a might big shadow to be under. I could see that affecting her in some way.


It seems unfair to compare Hamill from 3 movies to Rey of 1. Part of working on a consecutive franchise is that Hamill knew more how to play Luke in ESB than he did in ANH and more in RotJ than he did in ESB. The only real comparison to be made is to ANH Luke, which really isn't a favorable comparison at all for him. He was, by far, at his shallowest there.

Luke's conflict with Vader is still the strongest written arc of the movies, but that may very well be overshadowed by Rey and Kylo if they take it in the appropriate direction. It's not now. Now Rey and Kylo only know each other as enemies, like Luke and Vader did in ANH. Rey is the meddlesome student his teacher wants. Kylo is the douchecanoe that killed Han. That's it. But what lays beyond the horizons can be much greater.


to tell yall the truth I enjoyed all the new cast performances but....Rey was defiantly stiff for me she had good moments, but Im not jumping on her wagon just cuz she is one of the new stars, she has a lot to prove before i grade her character.

Her running away from maz's castle seem really awkward like her body was stuck in place while running idk it seemed weird
It seems unfair to compare Hamill from 3 movies to Rey of 1. Part of working on a consecutive franchise is that Hamill knew more how to play Luke in ESB than he did in ANH and more in RotJ than he did in ESB. The only real comparison to be made is to ANH Luke, which really isn't a favorable comparison at all for him. He was, by far, at his shallowest there.

Luke's conflict with Vader is still the strongest written arc of the movies, but that may very well be overshadowed by Rey and Kylo if they take it in the appropriate direction. It's not now. Now Rey and Kylo only know each other as enemies, like Luke and Vader did in ANH. Rey is the meddlesome student his teacher wants. Kylo is the douchecanoe that killed Han. That's it. But what lays beyond the horizons can be much greater.

Yeah, so far it's off to a good start and like I mentioned before I like that TFA hearkens back to the OT instead of the PT, and it's definitely unfair to compare Mark to Daisy right now, you can't really say one is better than the other without having seen all 3 films to compare both with.


to tell yall the truth I enjoyed all the new cast performances but....Rey was defiantly stiff for me she had good moments, but Im not jumping on her wagon just cuz she is one of the new stars, she has a lot to prove before i grade her character.

Her running away from maz's castle seem really awkward like her body was stuck in place while running idk it seemed weird

I just found her to be remarkably expressive, in facial, vocal and body language. Like, incredibly so. You're not alone as a (very) few folks have said this, but across five viewings (I know, I know), I didn't pick up anything; I spent one of those really scrutinizing Daisy, and I couldn't find a moment when she was stiff or off key. Just nailed every scene to an almost alarming degree.

I still can't believe this was her first movie.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I think of the new Folks Finn was exceptional, I think he really got what Star Wars was about, I love his enthusiasm.

Poe still favourite though

All of them put in good performances


Only time Ridley seemed a little teeny bit off to me was when they were running for the Falcon, but even then, I'm pretty that was because it might've been an ADR job.

Oh, that's most definitely ADR. Them running to the Falcon was shot in IMAX, so there's no way they could use the original tracks (cameras are much too loud).
Watched the movie. Wished Kylo would had killed Rey and Finn. Or at least Finn. How can Finn even match Kylo anyway? He's a storm trooper! Are they basically useless?

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
might seem weird but when i see Rey maybe its her delivery it doesnt feel like its coming from a script, like when fin grabs her hand etc, i dunno i get the vibe its more natural to her character you have seen at the time and Daisy's delivery of her lines make things alot more natural and im thinking thats whats also making me like her alot more


Nah. Rey has officially dethroned him.

"No! No! No! The one I'm pointing to! No!"
"I bypassed the compressor!"
"For my family. They'll come back. One day."

Plus Daisy is a far better actor than Hammill ever was.

Give her a few more films at least. This can't possibly be claimed when comparing just ANH to TFA.
might seem weird but when i see Rey maybe its her delivery it doesnt feel like its coming from a script, like when fin grabs her hand etc, i dunno i get the vibe its more natural to her character you have seen at the time and Daisy's delivery of her lines make things alot more natural and im thinking thats whats also making me like her alot more

It's definitely a more natural flow to her acting. It makes me wonder whether she did improv for some scenes or ad libbed compared to just reading a script. I won't really respond about her acting, because in a movie like this it's more about the set pieces with character moments sprinkled in, but it definitely feels she had a natural take on Rey. Like, if you were to talk to Daisy Ridley today, she might come off as Rey-ish.

Like if you're just reading off a script, it's easier to tell compared to acting naturally. I'd really like to know 'behind the scenes' on if she ad libbed or followed the script line by line.


Ok even *if* Force ability is like going to the gym and making gains, Luke is still like six hundred years behind agora in "training".
I wonder how powerful Luke is currently. Surely if he kept up his training, he should be above Yoda and Palpatine, right?

Hrm. Doubt it. Between the OT and TFA it's about 30 years, Palpatine and Yoda in turn have been training since before the PT, easily +50 years for both. Palpatine is probably a magnitude stronger than Yoda, since not only was he able to hide among the Senators and Jedi, but the only way he was killed was being thrown by Vader while he was distracted. And then there's Snoke who was in hiding until Palpatine was defeated, meaning that Palpatine is probably stronger than Snoke.

Luke has barely had about 30 years to train, and he had to presumably do it by himself since there were no Jedi left to train him. But he's supposed to be a Sage-like character in the new trilogy, so I wouldn't be surprised if they just amped him up anyways.
Ok even *if* Force ability is like going to the gym and making gains, Luke is still like six hundred years behind agora in "training".

Palpatine says in episode III that Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of them (Palpatine and Yoda) and Luke apparently has the same potential so it might be possible within his much shorter lifetime (mind you this is dark side Anakin Palpatine was talking about).
The argument you would make for Luke is that he's the child of The Chosen One. Therefore he must have an eleventy million of those little Force-capturing microcritters in his blood (technically Leia has the same). Neither Yoda or Wrinkles have that.

But it's not like he's going to be out there throwing Star Destroyers and shit. He'll spend the next movie in his Jedi Jesus robes sitting back scolding Rey every five minutes about needing to control her emotions and guarding against anger while she trains


Why didn't Leia train at all?

She was brought up as a possible alternative Jedi to train in the originals, and by the end she was even 'sensing' some things, but in this movie it seems she never bothered to learn anything.

Just seems odd given that you'd have to be crazy to turn down the chance to have what are essentially magic powers.
Why didn't Leia train at all?

She was brought up as a possible alternative Jedi to train in the originals, and by the end she was even 'sensing' some things, but in this movie it seems she never bothered to learn anything.

Just seems odd given that you'd have to be crazy to turn down the chance to have what are essentially magic powers.

She's definitely force sensitive, but that doesn't necessarily mean you can be a Jedi. And being royalty as well as taking care of the rebellion, I imagine her plate was full so to speak.
Why didn't Leia train at all?

She was brought up as a possible alternative Jedi to train in the originals, and by the end she was even 'sensing' some things, but in this movie it seems she never bothered to learn anything.

Just seems odd given that you'd have to be crazy to turn down the chance to have what are essentially magic powers.

IIRC, at least in the now non-canon EU she had hang ups regarding being Vader's daughter, she eventually got some though not enough to be a Jedi or anything beyond minor Force user feats.

Vader could be enough reason for her to not want to actually train along with being really busy and then having a kid.
Watched the movie. Wished Kylo would had killed Rey and Finn. Or at least Finn. How can Finn even match Kylo anyway? He's a storm trooper! Are they basically useless?

Kylo was toying with Finn until Finn got in a hit on him (at which point he effortlessly disarmed and incapacitated him in, like, three strikes) and was instructed to bring Rey in alive, on top of dealing with the bowcaster wound.


Why didn't Leia train at all?

She was brought up as a possible alternative Jedi to train in the originals, and by the end she was even 'sensing' some things, but in this movie it seems she never bothered to learn anything.

Just seems odd given that you'd have to be crazy to turn down the chance to have what are essentially magic powers.

I don't think Leia really cares about becoming a Jedi. She's been in the trenches serving in an executive role as a resistance leader for most of her life. That's what she cares about, not mystical powers and spirituality.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Why didn't Leia train at all?

She was brought up as a possible alternative Jedi to train in the originals, and by the end she was even 'sensing' some things, but in this movie it seems she never bothered to learn anything.

Just seems odd given that you'd have to be crazy to turn down the chance to have what are essentially magic powers.

Not when you care about more about the state of the galaxy and its people more than anything and want to make a substantial and functional difference.

Might I recommend the Memento

3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 6, 7



You really get a sense of how the Force in the Star Wars universe is timeless, existing in the now, the then and the tomorrow, also seeing Anakin simultaneously take trips to the light but in opposite directions really gives you a feel for how his world is a perpetual motion machine that fights for and against the balancing of the force.

It's really the only way to enjoy the prequels


She emotes the most with her mouth which is why it's agape almost entirely throughout the movie.
No, it's not. That's literally nonsense.

Watched the movie. Wished Kylo would had killed Rey and Finn. Or at least Finn. How can Finn even match Kylo anyway? He's a storm trooper! Are they basically useless?

There's a lot of story telling happening during the fights. An unusual amount, I'd say. In the prequels - which I know you haven't seen - characters just swing at each other with great style for a while, until it's time to move the story along and then someone does something stupid.

Going to quote plop's posts from the *thread that shall not be named*.


Finn swings at Kylo three times; Kylo parries easily. Then then swings back at Finn three times, ending with a downward smash that puts Finn flat on his back. He walks away pounding the bowcaster wound in his side.


Finn gets up and whiffs completely, while Kylo twirls his saber casually. Then Kylo pins Finn to the tree and tortures him with the hilt of his saber. Finn pushes him back, gets a lucky whack on Kylo's shoulder - at which point he realizes he should be done fucking around.


Kylo is putting Finn in his place. The moment he gets tagged, Finn is face down breathing snow with a saber ripped up his back ~5 seconds later.

It's probably the most lopsided fight in the entire series, and pretty much what one would expect when a stormtrooper picks up a saber and uses it against an experienced force user with a chip on his shoulder. In some ways it reminds me of the Vader/Luke fight in Empire, where the fight is less about the swings and more about the clash of characters: Finn finally taking a stand, to protect Rey (who spent much of the film saying she needed no help - and then found herself very much in need), Ren's joy in intimidation and superiority, streaked with overconfidence.
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