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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Aftershock LA
yeah :) I'm not sure about D actually, I can't remember if he's wearing it or not in the outside lightsaber fight sequence.

B was pitch-perfect with reference to the "Oh really, you're cold?" quip a few minutes earlier, and C was just a cute little touch <3

Right before Kylo kills Han, you see Finn and Rey enter the upper level, and Finn is adjusting the jacket back on his shoulders. I'm assuming Rey gave it back to him as they entered the building, and he was putting it on when we see them approach the balcony to watch Han and Kylo. He then has the jacket on for the rest of the Starkiller Base stuff.

That sucks. Poe gave Finn his cool jacket, and now it has a massive lightsaber burn along the back. :(

What do you mean?

All I'm saying is, you ever see "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers?" Yeah...Solo ain't done yet! "Solo the White." That's the only spoilers I'm giving out.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Right before Kylo kills Han, you see Finn and Rey enter the upper level, and Finn is adjusting the jacket back on his shoulders. I'm assuming Rey gave it back to him as they entered the building, and he was putting it on when we see them approach the balcony to watch Han and Kylo. He then has the jacket on for the rest of the Starkiller Base stuff.
Nice, good eye :)
That sucks. Poe gave Finn his cool jacket, and now it has a massive lightsaber burn along the back. :(
Aw man. Good point.

Hopefully Finn gets a mecha-spine and mecha-jacket upgrade.


I haven't seen anyone here discussing what Stan The Man Lee said

&#8220;Obviously the people who produce these [movies] are looking to be as successful as possible. If they feel that incorporating Star Wars with the Marvel characters will be very successful, they&#8217;ll find a way to do it. Can you imagine Spider-Man saying, &#8216;May the force be with you?&#8217; It may come to that!
I created the Avengers by taking many of our characters and making a team out of them. We can have as many characters join the Avengers as we want to for future movies. That might be fun, all of a sudden Luke Skywalker is an Avenger!&#8221;

Basically merging the two universes... Which is a big NO NO outside of a very short and funny side note, a sketch...
So I watched TPM cuts without the cheese, and while I appreciate it, I don't think I like it. I think if someone had access to all the footage, they could probably rework it into a watchable movie somehow.

Maybe Disney can come out with a Renegade cut.






never left the stone age
Something occurred to me last night. Leia is a Princess because her [adopted] mother was a Queen. So when little baby Ben Solo/Organa was born, was he ever considered some sort of royalty himself?

(Then as I was posting this I remembered that since Alderaan was destroyed, maybe there wouldn't be anyone around who would care)

Technically he'd be the rightful heir of Naboo, no?
The Queen of Naboo is not a hereditary position (and also appears to be strictly restricted to women).

The role of Queen is usually restricted to women, outside of some of the more colourful parades.

Naboo seemed to restrict it solely to teenage girls. You have to wonder what was going on there.


The role of Queen is usually restricted to women, outside of some of the more colourful parades.

Naboo seemed to restrict it solely to teenage girls. You have to wonder what was going on there.

Most teenage girls get parties or big gifts for their sweet 16, Naboo Queens get assassination attempts.
I think that's kind of the same thing. Using CG when practical effects can get the job done as well or better, is badly used CG. TFA vs. the prequels is the perfect highlight for this.

I disagree when we have movies like Sin City or Avatar. It's a tool. Sometimes it's used badly and we get the prequels, sometimes it's used great and you never notice it.

I mean in general, not just star wars. And yeah the prequels, but I don't talk about them. But I'm talking about all films, Like, look at The Hobbit:

Didn't they go with the green screen because they couldn't do the forced perspective with the 3D cameras?


Kills Photobucket
Didn't they go with the green screen because they couldn't do the forced perspective with the 3D cameras?

I thought it was because of how many characters were on screen at once. In LOTR the Forced perspective thing was normally done with only a few characters, usually just two.
It looks like they sometimes filmed actors at different times in the LOTR movies to get the varying sizes. But Peter Jackson didn't like that, apparently, because he couldn't fine-tune performances like he wanted. So on the Hobbit sets, he would film them at the same time, but in different places, with the hobbits and dwarves on one set and Gandalf on the other using movie magic.


I thought it was because of how many characters were on screen at once. In LOTR the Forced perspective thing was normally done with only a few characters, usually just two.
The 3D would ruin the illusion that forced perspective creates, since you would be able to easily see that one actor isn't actually larger than the others but is simply standing closer to the camera.


I disagree when we have movies like Sin City or Avatar. It's a tool. Sometimes it's used badly and we get the prequels, sometimes it's used great and you never notice it.

Those are both good examples of CG being used to achieve the goals of the film. And in the case of Avatar in particular, there were a lot of practical elements, whenever possible (human locations in particular). Most of Pandora and the Na'vi couldn't be filmed.

By contrast, Lucas actually boasted that not one single set of clone trooper armor was built for Attack of the Clones. Nothing for the actors to work off of, no physical characters despite them simply being people. TFA found that balance between lots of actual people in costume, and CG to build out large crowd scenes such as Hux's speech. Imagine if every trooper other than Finn was CG in TFA. That would be what the prequels did.


It just makes sense having a natural light instead of CGing it in

CG is great and all but it's definitely overused these days

There's over 2000 CG edited scenes in TFA: But its was mostly the right kind. Removing things like puppeteers and wires, extending sets, and ships obviously.

They did a great job.
By contrast, Lucas actually boasted that not one single set of clone trooper armor was built for Attack of the Clones. Nothing for the actors to work off of, no physical characters despite them simply being people.
Which is badly utilized CG. I'm not saying that the lit blades were dumb. It's totally smart and awesome. I just get slightly annoyed when people say that CG is overused. CG is in everything nowadays from simple dramas like Grey's Anatomy to the big stuff like TFA. We tend to notice the bad CG more than the good ones (which are hardly ever noticeable).


Which is badly utilized CG. I'm not saying that the lit blades were dumb. It's totally smart and awesome. I just get slightly annoyed when people say that CG is overused. CG is in everything nowadays from simple dramas like Grey's Anatomy to the big stuff like TFA. We tend to notice the bad CG more than the good ones (which are hardly ever noticeable).

Perfectly said. The amount of stuff people don't realize is computer-generated while they rail against computer-generated effects proves that a lot of the furor around "practical effects!" is plain dumb movie hipsterdom.
Perfectly said. The amount of stuff people don't realize is computer-generated while they rail against computer-generated effects proves that a lot of the furor around "practical effects!" is plain dumb movie hipsterdom.

Well, I'm talking more about things like mentioned, like CG sets and props >_>; Less of fixes.
Perfectly said. The amount of stuff people don't realize is computer-generated while they rail against computer-generated effects proves that a lot of the furor around "practical effects!" is plain dumb movie hipsterdom.
This is conflating the two.

People don't want PT CGI where everything is CG. They want a blend. That adds greatly to realism.


DrForester - I changed those to links due to the image size. For anyone wondering they are the comic linked earlier in the page.

Which is badly utilized CG. I'm not saying that the lit blades were dumb. It's totally smart and awesome. I just get slightly annoyed when people say that CG is overused. CG is in everything nowadays from simple dramas like Grey's Anatomy to the big stuff like TFA. We tend to notice the bad CG more than the good ones (which are hardly ever noticeable).
I don't think we actually disagree with each other.
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