It's been 30 years. Shit happened.Question - did I miss some in or out of movie explanation on threepio's red arm?
Question - did I miss some in or out of movie explanation on threepio's red arm?
"The female part's a little underwritten."
He's definitely stretching this to create an argument he doesn't need.Well, I'm talking more about things like mentioned, like CG sets and props >_>; Less of fixes.
That comic is bullocks. Nobody understands Luke. In what world is Luke giving someone a weapon to use to murder an unarmed foe.
That comic is bullocks. Nobody understands Luke. In what world is Luke giving someone a weapon to use to murder an unarmed foe.
Saw it for the third time tonight with my mother and Nephew. They both loved it, mother was really excited when Han Solo first showed up since she didn't know anything about the new movie.
did she
did she cry?![]()
That comic is bullocks. Nobody understands Luke. In what world is Luke giving someone a weapon to use to murder an unarmed foe.
Even though it was my third time seeing it, I teared up as well. THE WAY HE TOUCHES HIS FACE AS HE'S FALLING DOWN MAN. FUCK
The old EU. Dude endorsed torture.
It's a good thing Kylo didn't have the higher ground or he surely would have won.
Was that ever explained by Lucas or something? That line never made sense to me.
What didnt you understand? The high hand has the one who is about to win.
Question - did I miss some in or out of movie explanation on threepio's red arm?
Question - did I miss some in or out of movie explanation on threepio's red arm?
Question - did I miss some in or out of movie explanation on threepio's red arm?
That "high ground"-line feels like it was a reference to something ealier that got cut. As it stands it just didn't make sense, especially considering they were climbing collapsing towers and shit a few minutes beforehand.
Question - did I miss some in or out of movie explanation on threepio's red arm?
I don't think we actually disagree with each other.
Thats a really exciting part of doing this story, says Robinson. I saw a photo of C-3PO with his red arm the other day and I thought Wow, Im the writer who gets to explain that.
If Rey is really Skywalker, and we all know that she very likely is. Skywalkers' standards are deteriorating rapidly. They left Leia with royalty, Luke with prosperous farmers and Rey.... in the junkyard. In just two generations they hit rock bottom with all abandoning own kids business, didn't they?
Luke for sure won't win any Dad of the Year prize if that's the case.
or Master (tutor) of the Year prize, if you think about it
Luke for sure won't win any Dad of the Year prize if that's the case.
I think it's interesting that they left Rey with Unkar Plott. It implies some serious trust on the part of Rey's parents. Maybe Unkar was a friend of sorts, and he was more than likely only expecting to be watching over Rey for a short period of time, not 12 years. Eventually, he got resentful of having to babysit this girl for so long, and made her work for him, and then scammed her out of her proper portions, probably under the justification that she's paying off her debt to him.
I'm actually impressed that despite her upbringing with Plott (she lived with him during her formative years), that she turned out to be such a good, kind person. I mean, in between all of the meanness, was Unkar teaching her shit like "Share and share alike...but you're still only getting one half portion."?
Rey learned to fight and scavenge and survive on Jakku, but she apparently didn't fall into a dog eat dog mentality while doing it. It's interesting. I get how Luke could become a nice kid, because his aunt and uncle weren't asshats. Either Plott was always an asshat, or he became one after Rey wore out her welcome in the longest babysitting job ever.
The way Unkar handles the little girl in Rey's vision, grabbing and pulling her like a prisoner suggest anything but a friend. More like a ransom or a guarantee.
Or a sale.
Or a sale.
I think it's almost more likely that Unkar was paid to take on Rey, and he sees her more as a burden then anything else.
The way Unkar handles the little girl in Rey's vision, grabbing and pulling her like a prisoner suggest anything but a friend. More like a ransom or a guarantee.
If this is the case then the fact he hasnt killed her/starved her/let her die implies that someone is coming back, because he certainly isnt keeping her around out of love.
Maybe its a pay a bit now a bit when shes older deal
Uhm, wasn't that the voice of Max von Sydows character? As in, it was his character holding Rey as the ship flew away?
Is Maz confirmed to be a force user? I know, most likely pretty obivious, is it official?
What did she do?Yes, she's confirmed to be a Force user. There was a cut scene where she uses the Force to help Han and Chewie during the attack on her temple.
Well, there's this theory.If Kylo were older it could have been argued that Luke hid her but as that isn't the case of her being a Skywalker gets much tougher.
She's pretty much the most powerful Jedi we've seen though if you compare the trilogies, which speaks for her being a Skywalker or at least being created by Plageius or something.