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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Chewie needs to throw down with Ren in the next flick. Give him one of those power staff things that can block a light saber or, fuck it, let him bust out his own light saber that was actually the main shaft on his crossbow. He was a bro with Yoda and Kylo broke a fundamental law of nature...
Chewie needs to throw down with Ren in the next flick. Give him one of those power staff things that can block a light saber or, fuck it,et him bust out his own light saber that was actually the main shaft on his crossbow. He was a bro with Yoda and Kylo broke a fundamental law of nature...

Maybe they should add back some limb tearing scenes they cut out in TFA
Yeah I don't buy that.

They obviously liked the twist of making Kylo not Rey end up as Han and Leia's kid instead so I expect a similar reveal for her.

I'm personally fond of the idea that she's still Han and Leia's kid, but they're intentionally keeping that knowledge (and keeping their physical and emotional distance) from her so she doesn't end up like Ben.

Seems to go along with her mirroring Han about all things related to the Falcon and literally inheriting a blaster, ship, and co-pilot from him by the end of the film (vs. just a lightsaber from Luke), as well as her instant affinity with Leia.

And given that their "family" fell apart after Ben turned, Rey definitely isn't gonna end up with the happy family she remembers from life before Jakku.


Worked fine for him, why should he hide his daughter, too when there is a dark jedi running around and doing stuff?

Why hide at all? Lack of explanation for Luke's motivations are one of the bigger annoyances of TFA for me. It wouldn't be so bad if the entire movie didn't revolve around the fact that Luke is missing. The movie even starts with it! But the why is still left pretty vague by the end. I'll be pissed if they shrug it off and say it was just because he failed training Kylo Ren. Clean up your goddamn mess, Luke!
Not hearing it. I think this is a case of seeing a giraffe in the clouds. It's not blatant at all unlike say the Skyward Sword theme being Zelda's theme in reverse. This is just too sloppy to even imagine Williams planning it that way. If it were planned it wouldn't be that haphazard.
I had a dream last night that Rey was a Kenobi. But I am good either way if she a Skywalker too.

These bad parenting choices have devastating consequences, and can lead to a dark path as it did young Kylo.


The Birthday Skeleton
I'm personally fond of the idea that she's still Han and Leia's kid, but they're intentionally keeping that knowledge (and keeping their physical and emotional distance) from her so she doesn't end up like Ben.

Seems to go along with her mirroring Han about all things related to the Falcon and literally inheriting a blaster, ship, and co-pilot from him by the end of the film (vs. just a lightsaber from Luke), as well as her instant affinity with Leia.

And given that their "family" fell apart after Ben turned, Rey definitely isn't gonna end up with the happy family she remembers from life before Jakku.

This is even worse. So Han and Luke failed educating the first child and then abandoned the second child because of that? Worst parents since the Big Bang.

No, the only acceptable way for Rey's parents not be bad people is if they somehow died and thus couldn't get back to get her.
This is even worse. So Han and Luke failed educating the first child and then abandoned the second child because of that? Worst parents since the Big Bang.

No, the only acceptable way for Rey's parents not be bad people is if they somehow died and thus couldn't get back to get her.

Who says they abandoned her? Or do you think an old friend of Luke and Leia just magically happened to be present a half-day's walk away, and Han and Chewie were regularly trolling Jakku's vicinity just so they could "find" the Falcon, despite the fact that it had been hanging out in the same area where Rey lived, an area that Han all-too-conveniently never actually "checked" when it was "stolen" from him by the very person with whom Rey was left?
Who says they abandoned her? Or do you think an old friend of Luke and Leia just magically happened to be present a half-day's walk away, and Han and Chewie were regularly trolling Jakku's vicinity just so they could "find" the Falcon, despite the fact that it had been hanging out in the same area where Rey lived, an area that Han all-too-conveniently never actually "checked" when it was "stolen" from him by the very person with whom Rey was left?

So what you're saying is that, Han and Leia sold Rey for some half-portions.

Wow. Han deserved to die.


There's no way Rey is the second child of Han and Leia. For one, they don't exactly seem quiet about the fact that their son Ben is now the second in command of the First Order and murdered a jump of Jedi students, why would they be extremely hush hush about having a second child? And you know C-3PO wouldn't be able to be hush hush about it either. You'd also think Kylo Ren would know of her if she was his sister.
So what you're saying is that, Han and Leia sold Rey for some half-portions.

Wow. Han deserved to die.

I don't see how this is any different than literally all alternatives that end up with Rey being left on Jakku by someone who she is screaming at to "come back!"

There's no way Rey is the second child of Han and Leia. For one, they don't exactly seem quiet about the fact that their son Ben is now the second in command of the First Order and murdered a jump of Jedi students, why would they be extremely hush hush about having a second child? And you know C-3PO wouldn't be able to be hush hush about it either. You'd also think Kylo Ren would know of her if she was his sister.

The movie is very deliberate about making sure we never hear any conversation either Han or Leia has about Rey, neither the conversation where Maz asks Han "who's the girl?" or the moment when Han discusses Rey with Leia after meeting her on Takodana (which is referred to later by Leia when Finn says he needs her help to rescue Rey, but never explored otherwise). If the film itself is going out of its way to keep whatever they're saying about Rey hush-hush, I don't find it very far-fetched to think the characters themselves are likewise doing the same thing deliberately.

This isn't unprecedented in the Star Wars universe; the Empire's downfall came about because Vader had descendants who were hidden for most of their lives until they were old enough to fight the Emperor. If Ben were sent to Luke when he was fairly young (we don't know at what age he left at this point), it's altogether possible - especially judging by Leia's comment that that's when they lost him - that he simply wouldn't have had any contact with his parents around the time that Rey was born; and as he slips to the dark side, it actually becomes paramount that he doesn't learn about her at all until she's grown.
I always assumed Rey was put on the planet by Kylo. In that vision, you can see she's about to be attacked in the rain and it's stopped by Kylo's saber.

The line "they're not coming back" and looking forward to Luke makes sense this way too. Kylo is never going to be the same but Luke will take her back. When the ship flies off after dropping her off, it flies into a red light (the dark side) that morphs into the forest where she faces him.
I always assumed Rey was put on the planet by Kylo. In that vision, you can she's about to be attacked in the rain and it's stopped by Kylo's saber.

That vision ends with Rey getting attacked by Kylo in a scene that definitely isn't a direct quote from a literal event. (It's definitely foreshadowing, but it's framed uniquely.)

I don't think we can necessarily conclude that the scene in the rain is meant to show a time when Rey was literally being attacked; the only scene where we can definitively say is a flashback to an event in Rey's childhood is when she sees herself screaming at the freighter to come back. (She notably doesn't see herself in the slaughter scene.)


Based on her look and skill,Rey is actually Shmi Skywalker who goes back in time at the end of IX, effectively making her Anakin's mom and explaining his power.

Yes, it is hilariously stupid.

I don't know, the Anakin clone theory is giving Shmi theory a run for it's money.

Rey is Azor Ahai theory coming any day now.


Based on her look and skill,Rey is actually Shmi Skywalker who goes back in time at the end of IX, effectively making her Anakin's mom and explaining his power.

Yes, it is hilariously stupid.

Lol, why anyone wastes their time on convoluted theories like this is beyond me. This is Star Wars, not Star Wars written and directed by Christopher Nolan.


Based on her look and skill,Rey is actually Shmi Skywalker who goes back in time at the end of IX, effectively making her Anakin's mom and explaining his power.

Yes, it is hilariously stupid.

What if Kylo Ren turns out to be Anakin's father??!!?!

[insert futurama reference here]
That vision ends with Rey getting attacked by Kylo in a scene that definitely isn't a direct quote from a literal event. (It's definitely foreshadowing, but it's framed uniquely.)

I don't think we can necessarily conclude that the scene in the rain is meant to show a time when Rey was literally being attacked; the only scene where we can definitively say is a flashback to an event in Rey's childhood is when she sees herself screaming at the freighter to come back. (She notably doesn't see herself in the slaughter scene.)
Let it go, man.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Lol, why anyone wastes their time on convoluted theories like this is beyond me. This is Star Wars, not Star Wars written and directed by Christopher Nolan.
We had someone in this previous thread legit pushing this theory like it was scripture.


I can get behind the Anakin reincarnated theory. It'd at least give an explanation of why she's so freakishly adept at using the force without retroactively changing how it's been depicted in the past.
Let it go, man.

Let what go? This is the first time I've ever actually discussed the idea that Kylo left her on Jakku.

I see the idea that Kylo saved Rey from the guy we see in the scene come up a lot, but I'm not at all convinced that we're supposed to interpret that scene as one where she was literally present (just like how she wasn't present on Bespin).


We had someone in this previous thread legit pushing this theory like it was scripture.

As if they hadn't learned their lesson with the prequels. There's a 10/10 chance the story will flow easily and be written simply from here on out. Not to say there won't be depth for those who seek it, of course.

I can get behind the Anakin reincarnated theory. It'd at least give an explanation of why she's so freakishly adept at using the force without retroactively changing how it's been depicted in the past.

This is the kind of stuff they'll avoid like the plague. And rightfully so.


I still think Ren sparing her as a child and leaving her out in the middle of nowhere (Jakku) is a likely explanation. It's how I interpret the flashback, until we learn otherwise.


Let it go, man.

I don't see how the things he's saying are any more absurd than most of the "grounded" theories (read: ones that don't involve cloning, reincarnation, raising the dead, or time travel).

I still think Ren sparing her as a child and leaving her out in the middle of nowhere (Jakku) is a likely explanation. It's how I interpret the flashback, until we learn otherwise.

This is what I'm leaning towards as well, until proven otherwise. Kylo probably wasn't super hardcore dark side yet at that time, and while he was compelled to tear down what Luke had built, I could see plenty of plausibility to sparing Rey and just dumping her off out of the way, being hesitant to kill her. Hell, he's STILL hesitant to kill her when the face off on Starkiller.
Kylo isn't seen attacking her. His saber is not raised, he simply turns and walks toward her. That cuts immediately to her being left on Jakku. The ending scene of them meeting (again) in the snow, he's definitely using his saber in a threatening way, but that's foreshadowing their later confrontation.

Just because it doesn't seem to have been clear: I'm talking about the foreshadowing scene that ends the vision when I say Kylo is attacking her.

Yeah, i realized that a moment later, but my stealth edit was too slow.

edit: Thanks; I'll still clarify in case someone else arrives at the same conclusion. =)

I still think Ren sparing her as a child and leaving her out in the middle of nowhere (Jakku) is a likely explanation. It's how I interpret the flashback, until we learn otherwise.

Yeah, it's possible; I'm just not necessarily convinced we can assume Rey was literally present for any of the flashbacks save the one on Jakku, since that's the only one where we see her at the age she'd have been at the time. (And the fact that this is omitted from the other scene is suspicious to me.)

Of course, the slaughter of Luke's students is still ultimately the likely catalyst for her being left on Jakku, and I think that's what the vision is telling us.

There's nothing wrong with the interpretation that Kylo spared her and left her on Jakku, of course...


I still think Ren sparing her as a child and leaving her out in the middle of nowhere (Jakku) is a likely explanation. It's how I interpret the flashback, until we learn otherwise.

Sorry if it's been discussed before, but why would Ren go out of his way to do this?


As if they hadn't learned their lesson with the prequels. There's a 10/10 chance the story will flow easily and be written simply from here on out. Not to say there won't be depth for those who seek it, of course.

This is the kind of stuff they'll avoid like the plague. And rightfully so.

Probably. Though tbh, I don't think TFA was written to be all that coherent either.


Probably. Though tbh, I don't think TFA was written to be all that coherent either.

Really? I thought the story as presented was as straightforward as it gets. The speculation is where it gets more confusing, but that's part of the fun until we know the real story.


You mean like he did it because he saw her as a threat?

If he saw her as a threat, why not kill her? And if he saw her as a potential ally, why not deliver her straight to Snoke to begin her training? That's why I don't get why he would go out of his way to drop her off in a desolated location. Makes me think someone else did it so Ren/Snoke couldn't find her.


Sorry if it's been discussed before, but why would Ren go out of his way to do this?

Maybe she's his sister (unlikely). Or his cousin (somewhat more likely). Or maybe he's evil enough to want to wreck Luke's legacy, but not evil enough yet to murder a small child in cold blood, so he hid her from Snoke.

Any number of reasons could have plausibility. It's definitely possible. Nothing else seems terribly MORE likely at this point (including the idea of her being some random unrelated to anyone and everything).


Sorry if it's been discussed before, but why would Ren go out of his way to do this?

A few possible reasons, but I think the simplest would be: Imagine if she was highly gifted in the force (which seems evident) but also the youngest of Luke's trainees, the child we see in the flashback. Killing adults is one thing, but he may have drawn the line there. He simply didn't want to kill a child. So instead of killing her, he took her to a backwater planet, and told the junkyard dealer to keep her there for the rest of her life where she wouldn't cause any trouble.
Right. I just don't think Luke left her there but the visions are definitely from everywhere the saber has "been". Bespin then back in Luke's hands as it cuts to him with R2 which implies Luke had the saber again until somehow Kylo took it (maybe it was given to Rey as a child?). Then, leaving her on the planet while Kylo has the saber in his possession only to lose the saber (to Maz) and ending the vision with her and Kylo (meaning the saber is with her now).

The vision is solely based on the lightsaber's own journey so Luke definitely got it back then gave it to one of the kids only for Kylo to somehow lose it to Maz and have it end up with Rey.
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