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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Agree. Ridley had some really funky deliveries, especially on Jakku. Stuff like "I know all about waiting.......for my family." And "Classified..........me too." That and a lot of mannerisms came across as wooden. She seemed a lot more green than Boyega and co.

it's her first film


Crystals could be pulverized, yes. But heat destroys them more thoroughly. They can be and are vaporized with enough heat and/or pressure.

I'm impressed you actually think you know how fictional space-crystals work and what it takes to vaporise them.
No, I just wouldn't have Finn asking Rey if she has a boyfriend 15 minutes after their first scene together.

It makes sense within the logic of the film.

Finn is trying to get as far away from Jakku as possible; Rey is trying to get back there as soon as possible. Finn (rightly) thinks that there's someone she thinks she needs to get back to, and that comes through in his inquiry about her reasons for wanting to go back; him asking people why the hell they want to go back to Jakku is a staple of the opening act of the film.
I have a problem with Han saying it too.

I.E. How would he or anyone know about the concept of that really scary hot place you go if you've been a naughty person unless the folks who really like them some Jesus showed up in the universe to tell him so?

But I'm getting way more pedantic now than I care to be about a kid's fiction series with flipping space wizard frogs and moving planet sized space stations

Yet you still paid to see the movie and are now posting about it.
Well I could have hardly have known I'd have problems with it if I hadn't gone to seen it, would I? And I am posting about it during my spate time in a thread with other people who have ostensibly seen it, am I not?

Please post more profound observations.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Are we really trying to apply physics to Star Wars? A universe where the force exists and pretty much works as a convenient plot crutch whenever needed? Or a planet can harness the power of a sun somehow, despite the impossibility of that feat.

I don't think that's completely impossible. Plasma can be contained by magnetic fields. The idea is being used in the fusion field.


Did anyone else hate Finn's use of the word 'Boyfriend' in the Star Wars universe? Do people in that world have boyfriends and girlfriends? The word itself sounds so unlike Star Wars.
According to EU book #1432113, the terms were Glorph'ack and Snugglorpha, but I guess JJdolf Abrams doesn't CARE about that.


how do you folks suppose the first order is going to bounce back after the destruction of starkiller base?

another super weapon?

I'm betting not, I think the next episode will have the knights of ren aka of death squad assasinate key members of the resistance. maybe leia will bite the dust.

and then in 9 our cast of new comers are strong enough for payback


Yes and in other words, the art form is fucked for the most part if its not an independent film.

This is why everyone with a brain is flocking over to television.

I disagree as bigger budget films can and are good/enjoyable.

Also I don't think being elitist about is going to help.


It makes sense within the logic of the film.

Finn is trying to get as far away from Jakku as possible; Rey is trying to get back there as soon as possible. Finn (rightly) thinks that there's someone she thinks she needs to get back to, and that comes through in his inquiry about her reasons for wanting to go back; him asking people why the hell they want to go back to Jakku is a staple of the opening act of the film.

I think you're going a lot deeper than you have to with that. All it has to be is 'non-socialized ex-storm trooper awkwardly broaches the boyfriend question with attractive female he just met'.
how do you folks suppose the first order is going to bounce back after the destruction of starkiller base?

another super weapon?

I'm betting not, I think the next episode will have the knights of ren aka of death squad assasinate key members of the resistance. maybe leia will bite the dust.

and then in 9 our cast of new comers are strong enough for payback

They'll send in their most powerful weapon that can destroy their known universe.

Yes, that's right, George Lucas himself.


how do you folks suppose the first order is going to bounce back after the destruction of starkiller base?

another super weapon?

I'm betting not, I think the next episode will have the knights of ren aka of death squad assasinate key members of the resistance. maybe leia will bite the dust.

and then in 9 our cast of new comers are strong enough for payback

It'll be interesting to see how Episode 8 covers the bigger war scenario. Both the New Republic/Resistance and First Order were dealt near mortal blows. Will either fully recover in this trilogy?
Just got back from seeing it for the first time.

I enjoyed it even having most of it spoiled beforehand. I was pleasantly surprised with how much I liked Finn, Rey and Poe as characters.

But even though I generally enjoyed the whole thing, the whole movie seemed to just develop a huge case of ADHD once Han Solo and Chewie showed up. Up to that point, everything in the movie flowed fairly well but after that its like a bunch of disjointed scenes glued together. I mean, I know the main thrust of the plot was "Find Luke" but does the movie ever really explain why everyone wants to find Luke? Just cause he's the last Jedi and the First Order wants to kill him?

I feel like that's where comparisons to A New Hope sort of break down. In ANH, the whole movie from beginning to end centered on the Death Star and the Rebellion trying to take it out. With TFA, it still basically starts with finding Luke, but once Han shows up the main plot thrust gets completely bogged down and drowned out in some real poor exposition explaining what Han and Leia have been doing the past 30 years, some of Kylo Ren's backstory, oh yeah we've got a super Death Star and we'll blow up the Republic capital that nobody seems to care about, let's kill off Han because Harrison Ford wants to be done with these movies, toss in an obligitory trench run and on and on.

I feel like there is a really great movie in there but I don't know if it was just edited really poorly or once Han and the older characters came to the fore, JJ felt the need to check off a bunch of nostalgia boxes or something.

And Kylo Ren and the whole First Order was a total disappointment. The OT and even the prequels had decent villains/antagonists. Once Kylo Ren took off his helmet he just became "Han and Leia's angsty kid" and not somebody to be feared. His whole schtick would have been great as prequels Anakin, but its kind of like we've been there, done that before. And when you've got Rey wiping the floor with Kylo Ren, what is this guy's purpose? The rest of the First Order was just bland and just not threatening. Hux seemed like a poor man's Tarkin. Phasma was a poor man's Boba Fett, although I guess she went out like a total punk like Boba Fett. And Snoke? I just cannot get over how horrible that name is. I know its an impossible job coming up with fantasy character names but "Supreme Leader Snoke"? Snoke sounds about as least threatening or menacing or evil as you think. I just don't quite see where they're going with the First Order going forward and I think that's the biggest problem I have with the movie and possibly going forward. These guys are a bunch of pushover, non threatening dorks. The heroes were all pretty good in the movie but the villains were barely villainous and not even threatening. Sure they blow up a planet but I feel like not even the Resistance really gave a shit about that when it happened. And ok, I guess Kylo Ren killed Han, which is too bad but that was so telegraphed and not knowing much of anything about Kylo Ben, that scene sort of fell flat.

And can someone explain why all the main CG characters have no noses? Are noses hard to do in CG or something? Maz ( I think that was her name) and Snoke I guess being the main examples. Between them and like the apes in the Planet of the Apes movies or Gollum, that dawned on me while watching the movie.
I think you're going a lot deeper than you have to with that. All it has to be is 'non-socialized ex-storm trooper awkwardly broaches the boyfriend question with attractive female he just met'.

Yeah, but that's the audience impressing intentions (about him "broaching the boyfriend question") onto the character. In-context, all we can say for sure is that he wanted to know why she wanted to go back to Jakku, which is pretty sensible given that the last pilot he was with had just taken him back there and he wants to GTFO asap.

If anything, the idea that "the boyfriend question" has any actual undertones involves more assumptions.

This, too:

I thought it was played as intentially awkward and kind of rude. Thus Rey's reply of "It's none of your business, that's why," - she's right. Finn doesn't exactly have the best manners; he uses her face as a surface on which to hoist himself up to get a better view at the ship taking in the Falcon a moment later.
It'll be interesting to see how Episode 8 covers the bigger war scenario. Both the New Republic/Resistance and First Order were dealt near mortal blows. Will either fully recover in this trilogy?
Would be kind of cool if the galaxy was in chaos, sort of a wild west type scenario. I could see Benicio being a crime-lord trying to take advantage of the power void.

That's pathetic.
Feel free to elaborate. I do occasionally flirt with women.
I assume most of what we see of the First Order in VIII will be on the SSD that Snoke is probably on. He didn't seem all that bothered at Starkiller Base's destruction.


I liked the theory that Kylo's lightsaber was using the salvaged, cracked crystal that used to be inside the hilt of Darth Vader's own lightsaber, seeing as how he's coveting everything Vader.

He's a big Vader stan.
You can't deny that sith Lord charisma Vader had going for him.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
how do you folks suppose the first order is going to bounce back after the destruction of starkiller base?

They likely have a fleet. Their enemies possibly don't anymore.
The destruction of those planets was almost certainly meant to reset the "good guys" to underdog status, because it's like poetry.
And there's the agenda.

Its totally ok for male characters to be perfect pretty much off the bat, but Rey is a mary sue because she has passable skills that help her survive alone for years and eventually unlock her own inner power.

Much better to have a single female character treated like shit all movie than have a woman be anything near almost every male hero we get, right?

Holy crap has this whole conversation really gotten that poisonous that this is the go-to reaction?
I said this yesterday I think, but in regards to Finn and the ST, I feel like some people are trying to view the character through the lens of him being some "window into the mind of Storm Troopers". Marketing and expectations may have promoted this idea a bit. But I didn't get a sense that this was a particularly important theme in the actual movie. Finn isn't really used as a portal into the enemies world or anything like that (Except for, when his knowledge of the SK base is necessary for the actual plot).

His arc was clearly about : Running from danger out of fear "We all need to run" -> Running towards danger out of loyalty "Come and get it".

Honestly, all the stuff regarding "how could he kill his own?" seems so minor. Like...that's just a completely strange and obtuse way to analyze what his character was meant to do in this movie.

I'm expecting him to kill quite a bit of Troopers throughout this series. I'm not expecting deep contemplation or some crisis of character over it. They are just minions, same as always.


how do you folks suppose the first order is going to bounce back after the destruction of starkiller base?

another super weapon?

I'm betting not, I think the next episode will have the knights of ren aka of death squad assasinate key members of the resistance. maybe leia will bite the dust.

and then in 9 our cast of new comers are strong enough for payback

I figure the second movie on a First Order Vs Resistance front is all going to be able the mad scramble to grab territory. Neither faction is doing particularly well at the end of this movie and I think both sides are going to be desperate to build up their forces.

I'd like it if there was no super weapon...or super anything for that matter. Though I would be Ok with a new gigantic space macguffin in the third one. I really enjoyed how in the first Knights of the Old Republic, the Star Forge fills this role without being specifically about pure destructive power. It's still a "whoever has this thing wins the war" sort of device in the plot, but it didn't feel like a direct Death Star rip off.

Maybe they could do something like that eventually.
Holy crap has this whole conversation really gotten that poisonous that this is the go-to reaction?

When you have people tearing down the first female lead SW character who very clearly has flaws and calling her a "mary sue", and saying they'd rather see her treated like shit... well what do you think?
Holy crap has this whole conversation really gotten that poisonous that this is the go-to reaction?

Well, when one of the problems observed in cinema is that men tend to get all the tidy hero roles while women have to be battered in some way over the course of their stories to justify their heroism, and someone says they'd rather have their female heroines be (and I quote) "treated like shit" than given a role that's equivalent to the one a male hero would have, can you really blame people?

Especially when it's also being implied that a woman having a role that's equivalent to the past male hero within the very same franchise is somehow a bad thing (a "Mary Sue").
And that's okay! But if you're asking wome if they have boyfriends (assuming they're straight) in awkward situations, that isn't okay.
I was more referencing the fact that it makes sense he would be attracted to her. He's never had a chance to be social in his life, so it makes sense his tact isn't great.


I have a problem with Han saying it too.

I.E. How would he or anyone know about the concept of that really scary hot place you go if you've been a naughty person unless the folks who really like them some Jesus showed up in the universe to tell him so?

But I'm getting way more pedantic now than I care to be about a kid's fiction series with flipping space wizard frogs and moving planet sized space stations

I think you want the world of Star Wars to be different from what it actually is. Religion is a part of the Star Wars universe, just as it is with ours, and the references that come with it naturally. Specifically, on multiple occasions, religion is mentioned; jedi have temples, Tarkin refers to Vader's "ancient religion", several "damn" and "hell" uses.

And that's okay! But if you're asking womne if they have boyfriends (assuming they're straight) in awkward situations, that isn't okay.

I thought it was played as intentially awkward and kind of rude. Thus Rey's reply of "It's none of your business, that's why," - she's right. Finn doesn't exactly have the best manners; he uses her face as a surface on which to hoist himself up to get a better view at the ship taking in the Falcon a moment later.


I have a problem with Han saying it too.

I.E. How would he or anyone know about the concept of that really scary hot place you go if you've been a naughty person unless the folks who really like them some Jesus showed up in the universe to tell him so?

But I'm getting way more pedantic now than I care to be about a kid's fiction series with flipping space wizard frogs and moving planet sized space stations

I have a problem with most everyone speaking American English in the galaxy, when that language won't have been invented on Earth for a long, long time, in a separate galaxy that is quite a ways away from the one Star Wars takes place in.
how do you folks suppose the first order is going to bounce back after the destruction of starkiller base?

another super weapon?

I'm betting not, I think the next episode will have the knights of ren aka of death squad assasinate key members of the resistance. maybe leia will bite the dust.

and then in 9 our cast of new comers are strong enough for payback

Kylo will likely have completed his training. He is the new super weapon.
Well I could have hardly have known I'd have problems with it if I hadn't gone to seen it, would I? And I am posting about it during my spate time in a thread with other people who have ostensibly seen it, am I not?

Please post more profound observations.
Clearly you are already aware that you have a problem with all non-independent movies, as "everyone with a brain is flocking over to television." Either that or you are admitting that you don't have a brain, which I suppose I shouldn't rule out as an option.
When you have people tearing down the first female lead SW character who very clearly has flaws and calling her a "mary sue", and saying they'd rather see her treated like shit... well what do you think?
Hell, earlier in the thread we had someone quite clearly declare they'd rather have Leia with her being the only woman in any scene she's in than Rey!


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I have a problem with most everyone speaking American English in the galaxy, when that language won't have been invented on Earth for a long, long time, in a separate galaxy that is quite a ways away from the one Star Wars takes place in.

Who says they're speaking English? If you're having trouble with that idea then go watch The Hunt For Red October.
So I just watched the movie. I'm surprised I managed to make it this long without any spoilers. I wasn't even being careful either.

My impressions, I can't believe they killed Han, but as soon as I saw the bridge I was internally screaming for Han to get away from it. That specific Star Wars bridge always means someone is going to die. So now at this point, I don't think anything can redeem his son as a character worthy of respect for me. Other than that I like Rei as a character, though found it weird how she only just learned of the force and yet managed to figure out how to use the force and swing a light saber without killing herself.

Anyhow, it was a good movie, definitely better than the prequels. Can't wait for Episode 8
I have a problem with most everyone speaking American English in the galaxy, when that language won't have been invented on Earth for a long, long time, in a separate galaxy that is quite a ways away from the one Star Wars takes place in.

I have a problem with a magic energy that binds the universe together
I have a problem with ships making sounds in space
I have a problem with technically infeasible laser swords
I have a problem with ships too large to be in atmospheric orbit being in atmospheric orbit
I have a problem with people traveling across a galaxy in a day when it should really take years
I have a prob..

Oh wait, its fucking Star Wars. I don't have a problem at all.


Who says they're speaking English?

Good. Perfect response. Because if the characters aren't speaking English, only we as the audience are hearing it that way, then any individual word or idea like "hell" or "boyfriend" doesn't fucking matter, since it is just the "translation" of whatever language they are speaking for us as the audience to understand.

And if they are speaking English, because it's simply a movie made by American film studios in 2015, then it also doesn't fucking matter.

EDIT: Holy shit guys, I don't actually have a problem with the characters speaking English. I was pointing out the absurdity of complaining about any single word when the characters are already speaking English.
Finally saw the movie for a second time last night, and as others have said, I liked it a lot more. In the first go around I was so eager to take everything in, that a lot of the nuance slipped by me. But it was a more relaxed viewing on the second go, and so I ended up having a better time with it all around.

That said, just about everything that has to do with Starkiller Base still bothers me. It's just such a stupid plot device, and I wish they had never included it. For some reason, JJ and company thought they had to come up with a weapon to top the Death Star, and we ended up with this thing, which is just so poorly conceived on every level.

I also still hate that Han and the gang could see the Republic planets get destroyed despite being hundreds of light years away (ala vulcan in Star Trek 09). I hate the fact that the Republic was wiped out so quickly and easily, fleet and all. I hate the whole "use a star for power" concept, which doesn't even make sense if you want to be able to fire the cannon more than twice apparently. Starkiller Base is by far the weakest link in the film for me, and I wish they had put more effort into coming up with something more creative and interesting.
Eh. Didn't land with me. Just came off as kinda jerk-ish.
It felt like an innocent, clumsy way of finding out if a girl was single to me.

Also, call me crazy, but I don't think asking a girl if she has a boyfriend is wrong. Awkward, perhaps, but I definitely wouldn't describe it as "jerk-ish."

And, this is not what I expected to be talking about in a Star Wars thread.


When you have people tearing down the first female lead SW character who very clearly has flaws and calling her a "mary sue", and saying they'd rather see her treated like shit... well what do you think?

What are people's obsession with whether she is a "Mary Sue" or not? Am I just missing something?
It felt like an innocent, clumsy way of finding out if a girl was single to me.

Also, call me crazy, but I don't think asking a girl if she has a boyfriend is wrong. Awkward, perhaps, but I definitely wouldn't describe it as "jerk-ish."

And, this is not what I expected to be talking about in a Star Wars thread.

I didn't expect to see people saying they'd like there to be only one female character, and for her to be treated like shit, as opposed to the lead being a female "mary sue"

Also didn't expect people to be tearing down Finn for not having a complete nervous breakdown about killing stormtroopers in the middle of him trying to escape from being killed.

I could go on... but here we are. Such is Star Wars culture I guess, lol.
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