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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Welp. The boyfriend surprised me with five o'clock tickets for The Force Awakens tonight. That'll be the third time. I'm not complaining though, it's cool to me that the movie has turned him into such a fan.
Honestly I don't get why people complain about the usage of the old characters in this film when Han has just as much screen time as Rey. It's the most used his character has been since Empire Strikes Back.

People get off on bitching about nostalgia pandering regardless of how much sense it makes.


A random aside: according to the script, the planet Luke is on at the end is called Ahch-To. The homeworld of the first Jedi Temple is a sneeze.
edit: Since we're talking about fighter pilots, where the hell is Wedge Antilles :/
you dropped the ball on this one JJ

They asked Dennis Lawson to reprise his role as Wedge Antilles but he declined, saying it would be "boring" to him. He's one of those Star Wars people who are fan favorites but who don't care about Star Wars, like Alec Guinness.

I don't mind though, as Wedge's presence would have made Poe kinda pointless in the second half of the film.
This would be a great gateway drug style movie. I imagine a lot of people are seeing this without having ever seen the original trilogy, and will come away with a desire to see what they missed.

As a stand alone movie its fun, though you will not know the importance of some things and probably not understand why they shot things certain ways.

For example, the scene with Finn and Rye running for a ship at Tie Fighters fired on them on Jakku was magical for me when you hear Finn say "what about that one" and Rey says "thats a piece of junk", the camera doesnt show what they are talking about but every fan knew instantly and got a smile on their face. then when you see them change direction and the camera slowly pans to reveal the Millennium Falcon, its like a warm feeling just engulfs you. Thats nostalgia and the film makers played us fans like a fiddle with it during the film, using it as a tool to "highten" some scenes, to great effect.

The use of nostalgia as a tool wont work on you, so some of the scenes may not be as "fun" or "happy" for you.

Ya I got a chuckle out of a few of the nostalgia scenes. If you noticed, in the Falcon when Finn was helping Rey do repairs. He picked up Luke's training droid from ANH and tossed it aside giving it an odd glance.

But I think the acting is what made those nostalgia scenes work. John Boyega did an amazing job with his expressions, he pulled off those scenes where he activated the holo chess board on the Falcon or when he looked disoriented in the gunner seat.

edit: That's a bummer about Lawson, oh well :/


Is the book worth picking up? Is it different than the book much?

Loved the movie and just want more from all the cool characters.
I still dont get the critique of the rey-ren fight. How she wouldn't have stood a chance against an experienced saber wielder. Who trained kylo with with the saber? Luke was never trained with one, why would he train kylo with one? Who would he practice with or fight?

Was he just toying with her like vader-luke fight?

Even luke got a hit on vader and he was never trained with one.

If you ignore ultra jedi ninja baddassness of the prequels. Its not that far fetched


Aftershock LA
I was actually enjoying Spectre until the third act. It just fell apart and got so messy and unfocused, and the main threat felt so boring and unintimidating. And this coming from the blockbuster defense force captain. Opening was good, a lot of the second act was fine, but the action just lacked any oomph or thrills and yeah the last act was just dull as dishwater to me. The Skyfall climax, while people poke fun at it for having a similar setup as Home Alone (which I think is a dumb as fuck complaint) was extremely exciting and we'll done. Spectre's finale was shit by comparison.

Like that car chase with Bautista... I mean nothing happened. It was just fast car driving. No real suspense, just shots of cars going vroom vroom. Absolute zero creativity.

I think the real problem with James Bond is the fact that it's James Bond. There is pretty much zero tension in every single one of his movies, because you know, no matter how insane the scenario is, he's going to escape and live to fight another day. I agree that the third act of SPECTRE was so/so, but I got some enjoyment out of it. I went into it with pretty low expectations to begin with (I haven't really been a big Craig as Bond fan since Casino Royale, despite enjoying that movie). This was, I think, the first Bond movie where Craig actually looked like he was enjoying himself, and felt more Bond like.
Holy shit

Rey Feels the Pull of the Dark Side

During the lightsaber duel at the end of the story, the screenplay gives us some insight into what’s going on inside Rey’s head during the end of this big battle. As Rey slashes Kylo again and again with Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber, the script says that as Ren goes down, suddenly he is “a fearful man, a large burn scar slashed across his face.”

As he reaches for his saber, the screenplay adds: “And she could kill him — right now, with ONE VICIOUS STRIKE! But she stops. Realizing she stands on a greater edge than even the cliff — the edge of the dark side. The earth SHAKES. The earth splits. A gully forms.” Its interesting that Rey also feels the internal pull of the dark side in this moment.

In the official novelization, Rey actually hears a voice insider her head say “Kill him.” The voice is described as “amorphous, unidentifiable, raw” and “powered by “pure vengeful emotion.” But the audio book seems to reveal it’s the voice of Supreme Leader Snoke.






It says Kylo is the most gifted apprentice of Snoke. Seems to imply Snoke has more than one, of had more than one.
It says Kylo is the most gifted apprentice of Snoke. Seems to imply Snoke has more than one, of had more than one.

Maybe the other Knights of Ren.

Why does this shock people?

Any Jedi who was inches from a killing blow against an opponent they'd just disarmed would probably have to combat the same impulse to finish them off.

I'm shocked that 1/ Snoke was inside her head, 2/ telling her to kill his apprentice.


I enjoyed both Skyfall and SPECTRE. This is another one of those times when I just don't agree with the majority of gaffers when it comes to movies. I thought they were very Bond like movies. Very 70's era style flicks.

I feel the same about The Force Awakens. It's a very 70's style movie, but with some slick presentation that we just haven't seen in these movies before. The Prequels were doing a Flash Gordon esque film, even moreso than the Original Trilogy, despite the over abundance of CGI.

Wow, we have about the same opinion on about everything you wrote honestly. All of the characters and universe really are in an interesting trajectory leading into VIII and IX. I think the quote from Hamill in that Comic Con video sums up the state of the universe for TFA and beyond really well: "You've been here before, but you don't know this story. Nothing's changed. I mean, everything's changed but nothing's changed."


Han said he is just using you for your power. He will destroy you once he no longer has any use for you.

That's why I'm fairly certain eventually Rey will go to the dark side, even if temporarily. Snoke has to replace him with someone, unless Kylo kills him before then.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Palpatine established 2 as a theme, at the very least.

Anakin -> Dooku (worked!)
Luke -> Vader (not so much)

Maybe the solution to the Rule of Two is that there always three. Two open, one hidden.

Group one:
Jar Jar

Group two:
Jar Jar

Group three:
Jar Jar

Group four:
Jar Jar

Group five:
Jar Jar resurrects Plagueis
Darth Maul (did he die?)

Rotating groups of three that work together, to keep the order going through betrayals, coups, etc.


I kept wondering who Zuvio was after seeing the figure.

As far as the controversial duel, a couple things are at play here and the one thing I never see anyone mention is that Snoke commanded Kylo Ren to bring Rey back to him alive. Ren was NOT going to kill her so he was already handicapped (among other handicaps) in this fight. The final moment of Zen Rey has when she recalls the grace of the force is a great Star Wars moment and the scene has been overanalyzed to death. The moment is a battle of will and connection to the force. Rey lets go, she is free of conflict and the force guides her to dominance. Ren is not as clear minded and is racked with conflict, feeling the pull of the dark and the light. This is what the force has always been about and its expressed beautifully in that scene.

That's an excellent point.


KOTOR spoilers (not sure I need to tag a 10+ year old game but just to be safe):

I wonder if Rey is going to follow Bastila's path from the game. Powerful but able to be enticed to the dark side. I could see Finn pulling her back the same way the player is able to after her boss fight.
That's why I'm fairly certain eventually Rey will go to the dark side, even if temporarily. Snoke has to replace him with someone, unless Kylo kills him before then.

I think it's way more likely that Snoke puts Kylo out as soon as he shows signs of repentance or Kylo begins to become suspicious of Snoke and kills him.
Just watched again, second viewing was even better than the first. Prolly helped that this theater has a better sound system, especially the bass. Sound effects were so good you could nearly feel the lightsaber duel. Ren's saber is a beast.

Love this damn movie


quantum of solace was terrible

Quantum of Solace was exactly what the title indicated. It was a small amount of peace Bond was able to get after the death of Vesper by outing and seriously damaging the organization that caused her death. I think of it as an addendum to Casino Royale and like it very much from that standpoint. Skyfall was weird with the total story shift from Casino Royale and QoS, and for Spectre, all I can think about is that guy walking around without socks. :lol At least Bond gets a love interest that he (conceivably) could walk away from MI6 for without her dying immediately. (^o^)


KOTOR spoilers (not sure I need to tag a 10+ year old game but just to be safe):

I wonder if Rey is going to follow Bastila's path from the game. Powerful but able to be enticed to the dark side. I could see Finn pulling her back the same way the player is able to after her boss fight.

Bastilla's weakness was her pride, but it could be interesting if they went that route broadly speaking.
Maybe the solution to the Rule of Two is that there always three. Two open, one hidden.

It's still the rule of 2 as long as the apprentices don't know about each other.

This, of course, is based on a reading of the Sith Lord, Darth Costanza. "It's not a lie if you believe it." I believe it has broader meaning.
Am I the only person who thought about why they only took X-Wings on the star killer bombing run when Y-Wings would have been perfectly suited for it >_>
Tempted is fine -- Luke was tempted!

Seduction is out of the question. If Star Wars had a better history of treating its female characters, maybe. As it stands she's the hero of our new trilogy; there will be no Dark Side for Rey.
Seduction is out of the question because she's a female? I think it'd be cool to see her rise and fall and then rise again through the series.
Seduction is out of the question because she's a female? I think it'd be cool to see her rise and fall and then rise again through the series.

I think her falling to the dark side would make the audience wonder why even bother with Jedi at all if they're all so easily manipulated. Which they aren't of course, but we've already seen Anakin fall, we know Ben Solo fell, Count Dooku... for yet another to succumb, and another one of Luke's (presumed) apprentices to fall, it would just be ground that has been covered too many times (in my opinion). It's also why we won't see Kylo Ren's redemption... it's too much of a thematic retread.

Tempted: Sure.
Actual fall? I hope not.


Maybe the solution to the Rule of Two is that there always three. Two open, one hidden.

You're joking, but this actually is the case.

First group:
Sidious and Maul (with Dooku working in the background with the Kaminoans as "Tyranus")

Second group:
Sidious and Tyranus (with Sidious grooming Anakin to take over)

Inter-second group:
Sidious and Tyranus (with Tyranus grooming Ventress to become his Sith apprentice after he deposed Sidious)

Inter-second group Pt. II:
Sidious and Tyranus (with Tyranus grooming Savage Opress to become his Sith apprentice after he deposed Sidious)

Inter-second group Pt. III:
Sidious and Tyranus (with Tyranus trying to make a deal with Quinlan Vos to become his Sith apprentice after he deposed Sidious, although Vos is actually trying to use Tyranus to get to Sidious)

Darth Maul also used Savage Opress as his apprentice when he claimed that Sidious and Tyranus were the false Sith and that he and his brother were the true Sith, but Maul's real goal was to resurrect Mother Talzin

Third group:
Sidious and Vader (with Sidious funding Dr. Cylo's research to see if he could find a suitable replacement, until Luke came along)

Inter-third group:
Sidious and Vader (with Vader trying to tempt Luke to become his Sith apprentice after he deposed Sidious)


Am I the only person who thought about why they only took X-Wings on the star killer bombing run when Y-Wings would have been perfectly suited for it >_>

Lore answer: Y-Wings were pretty decrepit and slow in ROTJ. B-Wings are better but massively expensive and also slow.

Now, a recon force like the Resistance would probably use only X-Wings because they are multi-role, shielded, and decently fast. (certainly outclass TIEs in the atmosphere.)

From the nerdy lore perspective it makes complete sense to exclusively use X-Wings.

Real answer: to keep it simple for the audience.
Seen it four times now.
Love it except for the nostalgia and...

...the resistance running club. On the resistance base people are just jogging and running around. At one point we see two pilots run past every ship off to god knows where. Maybe they're just doing laps. Everyone seems to run everywhere. Maybe they're in a rush but not to get to or from ships.


I think it's way more likely that Snoke puts Kylo out as soon as he shows signs of repentance or Kylo begins to become suspicious of Snoke and kills him.

I don't see Snoke left on his own. Heck the guy might not even be that powerful, just very wise. If he takes down Kylo he has a replacement, so it would likely be Rey, although I don't think she'll fall to the dark side to join him, just to kill him. Could be a moment where he has her kill Kylo as the final step to join him but she doesn't.

I think her falling to the dark side would make the audience wonder why even bother with Jedi at all if they're all so easily manipulated. Which they aren't of course, but we've already seen Anakin fall, we know Ben Solo fell, Count Dooku... for yet another to succumb, and another one of Luke's (presumed) apprentices to fall, it would just be ground that has been covered too many times (in my opinion). It's also why we won't see Kylo Ren's redemption... it's too much of a thematic retread.

Tempted: Sure.
Actual fall? I hope not.

I think they would do it but not in the usual way, she falls to the dark side to take out someone, not to join them.
Seduction is out of the question because she's a female? I think it'd be cool to see her rise and fall and then rise again through the series.

I think that because she was alone for most of her life she's more fallible than Luke. Luke at least had Owen, Beru.

Rey was abandoned and alone on a planet with no friends. Ren even pointed out her "loneliness" when he interrogated her.

One thing that kind of bothers me is there was no real motivation explained for Ben Solo's turning. He had everything that Rey didn't.


Seen it four times now.
Love it except for the nostalgia and...

...the resistance running club. On the resistance base people are just jogging and running around. At one point we see two pilots run past every ship off to god knows where. Maybe they're just doing laps. Everyone seems to run everywhere. Maybe they're in a rush but not to get to or from ships.

Noticed them on my 3rd watch. Chuckled inwardly.
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