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*SPOILERS* The Walking Dead TV show, leaks, and comic book SPOILER discussion thread


official tease of Negan and Lucille


Awesome tease. Please.. don't ruin it all with another shitty cliffhanger/cop out.


When will we know the correct and definitive spoilers from TSDF? Next one / two days?

I would like to know only if the cliifhanger is/isn't confirmed but not the name of the potential Lucilled.


When will we know the correct and definitive spoilers from TSDF? Next one / two days?

I would like to know only if the cliifhanger is/isn't confirmed but not the name of the potential Lucilled.

Yup, I'm in the same boat. Just wanna know if it's confirmed cop out or not.


When will we know the correct and definitive spoilers from TSDF? Next one / two days?

I would like to know only if the cliifhanger is/isn't confirmed but not the name of the potential Lucilled.
We will most likely just have to wait and watch the episode to figure out if there's a cliffhanger or not. If AMC and the writers are trying to keep the death under wraps TSDF might not even be able to officially confirm it. They most likely are going to say the same thing that the subtitling person said, that it ends in a cliffhanger. We just gotta wait and see.


I'm really interested in the full plot spoilers because I just don't see how they're going to fill an extra-long episode with junk that'll likely be as bad as most of the last few episodes when all I really want to see is Negan, who I'm sure won't show up until the last 5-10 minutes...
We will most likely just have to wait and watch the episode to figure out if there's a cliffhanger or not. If AMC and the writers are trying to keep the death under wraps TSDF might not even be able to officially confirm it. They most likely are going to say the same thing that the subtitling person said, that it ends in a cliffhanger. We just gotta wait and see.
The reactions on the spoiler sites are ridiculous. Like I get being pissed by a cliffhanger, but it's unconfirmed, it's likely AMC was smart enough to withhold it because it would have been spoiled because everything else about the finale was spoiled, and they don't even want to entertain the possibility that it might not be a cliffhanger


I'm really interested in the full plot spoilers because I just don't see how they're going to fill an extra-long episode with junk that'll likely be as bad as most of the last few episodes when all I really want to see is Negan, who I'm sure won't show up until the last 5-10 minutes...

This is what I'm afraid of. More poorly written content with a couple minutes of awesome footage at the end.
Is All Out War just going to be 1 season? The show is quickly catching up to the comic. I think the show might just go its own route if thats the case. Not to mention that not many big players really show up after Negan.
Is All Out War just going to be 1 season? The show is quickly catching up to the comic. I think the show might just go its own route if thats the case. Not to mention that not many big players really show up after Negan.

I really think anything more than half a season for All Out War would drag. There's just not much to it. There are twelve issues and barely anything happens in about half of those issues.

I don't think we'll get there until S8 though
The problem with everything post All Out War and Negan is that for a good long while, not a whole lot happens. The Whisperer stuff is interesting but even that takes a while to get going.

My bigger question is whether they'll do the time jump after they do everything with Negan and give us a TV version of crippled Rick.


The showrunners will probably do half of a season building to All Out War, especially if they want to introduce the Kingdom next episode (unlikely) or early next season (more likely). It wouldn't surprise me to see them do some Negan/Dwight flashback stuff, ala The Governor, as well.

Like most are saying, between Seasons 7 & 8 seems like the best place for the time-skip to happen, if they go that route. I don't think they'll do longer than a year, though, with Carl's actor already as old as he is.

By the time Season 8 rolls around and we start to see The Whisperers and Alpha, we'll likely have 24+ more issues of the comic out. I don't know where that will put them in regards to the overal Whisperer's arc, but I'd imagine it'd be wrapped up by that point.

I'd guess the show would catch up with the comic midway through Season 9, unless they drag their feet. And who knows if we'll even get that many seasons of the show? I don't see Andrew Lincoln and the rest of the unkillable characters' cast members sticking around much longer than a 9th Season, unless there are already contracts signed that I don't know about.
wonder if they will have Carl finally get some ass then lose his damn mind. (i trade wait TWD so i left off when he goes searching for the girl i believe)
Is All Out War just going to be 1 season? The show is quickly catching up to the comic. I think the show might just go its own route if thats the case. Not to mention that not many big players really show up after Negan.
I have a feeling Kirkman put the time jump in so the show could fill in the gap and keep a distance between it and the comic.

Alpha would beg to differ I think. :)
Other than her actions I don't find Alpha to be interesting. She's basically like Negan only without the fun personality.


In the interests of getting this thread humming again, here are some comments shared yesterday from jacksparrow1992 on Reddit who has convinced some people (the ever-faithful at least) that he's a genuine insider...

Alright, let me start off by saying that I have seen so much false information about the Lucille scene and have been a bit of a lurker on reddit. Well I'm coming out of my shell because I can't sit by and watch everyone's dreams get crushed when it's still a almost a week away and you will want to save the soul crushing for when it airs. You can believe me or not I don't care, but I was present when this scene was being shot back in November and was part of the production team.

This is the biggest moment in the franchise and let me tell you, Kirkman, Gimple, and even JDM (JDM by the way is going to absolutely hit this role out of the park. His passion for the role was extremely contagious and caused the rest of the cast to elevate their performance) were really trying their best to get AMC to let a few "fucks" slide during the live viewing. But sadly, it doesn't appear that's going to happen because for some reason AMC does not want to tread those waters (Breaking bad had some fucks so it's not entirely clear to me).

But fear not, like Nicotero and JDM have said, they are going to give you as close to 'full octane" negan as possible on the blu ray releases. Since most of Negan's scenes are going to be fimlmed a couple of different ways like when Rick said "they're fucking with the wrong people" on the blu ray. So lets get back to the Lucille scene shall we?

First of all I want to say that this scene does NOT end with a cliffhanger. If you look at this footage here https://vimeo.com/146156494 (which is 100% real by the way) you'll notice something. Now if there has been anyone who has seen the full episode (which I highly doubt) the fade to black they are most likely talking about is after that swing, but if you look the scene comes back with a long look at JDM doing the famous "taking it like a champ!" line. Another thing I want to be clear about is this post from earlier https://www.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdead/comments/4cb3gu/future_spoilers_possible_script_leak_for_s/

That is 100000% percent fake, Negan's dialogue in that scene is not a word for word copy of the comic book. Gimple and Kirkman were very very adamant about not making this scene a carbon copy of the comic's scene in order to surprise comic book readers as well. They are trying to recapture the feelings you got from reading issue #100 for the first time. Now there definitely are lines from the comic scene, but it isn't a 1 to 1 copy of it with all of the "fucks" replaced.

Bottom line is you WILL know who gets Lucilled as the scene is shot from different angles. You will see a mix of both PoV shots and different angled shots. While the scene is not as gory as it's comic book counter part but It's still horrifying and heart pounding. Oh, and what's cool is with each swing Negan takes, if you look closely you can see chunks and blood of the victims heads on Lucille's barbed wire so definitely look out for that. But bear in mind in order to preserve the surprise I am not going to reveal who get's Lucilled in this post or via PM...you'll thank me later.

To clear another couple of things up, the cliffhanger comment by Lauren Cohan isn't incorrect. It's possible that she's talking about a scene where morgan and carol meet the armored man from S06EP15 as he comes in after morgan and carol kill a saviour along with some walkers and offers aid to carol (and Morgan stole his horse). He tells them that he's from a place called the kingdom and then the episode ends. Not sure if they moved this to an after credits scene or not because a lot of editing can happen.

Also, while it may be possible that they cut the Lucille scene to more of a cliffhanger during the editing process, I really highly doubt it. It would be extremely out of place and would totally destroy the flow and impact of that scene. Gimple, Nicotero, and Kirkman didn't get where they are by being idiots.

Another reason why it wouldn't make any sense for it to end on a cliffhanger like that is because we couldn't even keep JDM's casting a secret which is what the plan was. You guys weren't even suppose to know that Negan was going to appear this season much less who was playing him. This happened because one of the people in the crew sold the story to the media about JDM getting the job. Next episode was being set up to be a gigantic surprise. So there's absolutely no way anyone expects to be able to hide who Negan kills for a whole 7 months. Like I said, they aren't idiots. You can guarantee the price will be paid.

I'll try to answer any questions if you guys have any. But like I said, I will not reveal who get's Lucille'd at all. It's too fun and crazy of a scene to just give away and I can't do it!
Thing is, I can actually sort of believe this guy is telling the truth... AND that it's now a cliffhanger and he's not privy to that development. I mean, we've all reached a consensus that they filmed the scene as intended to be aired in its entirety back in November and made the call to cliffhanger it afterwards (as mandated by AMC).

Most of the above is filming testimonial which would stay the same regardless of the cliffhanger nature of this episode.
Nobody is saying that Gimple, Nicotero or Kirkman are idiots. A lot of people are saying that AMC executives are idiots.

That said, I can certainly buy him debunking the script that leaked.


Alright, let me start off by saying that I have seen so much false information about the Lucille scene and have been a bit of a lurker on reddit. Well I'm coming out of my shell because I can't sit by and watch everyone's dreams get crushed when it's still a almost a week away and you will want to save the soul crushing for when it airs. You can believe me or not I don't care, but I was present when this scene was being shot back in November and was part of the production team.

This is the biggest moment in the franchise and let me tell you, Kirkman, Gimple, and even JDM (JDM by the way is going to absolutely hit this role out of the park. His passion for the role was extremely contagious and caused the rest of the cast to elevate their performance) were really trying their best to get AMC to let a few "fucks" slide during the live viewing. But sadly, it doesn't appear that's going to happen because for some reason AMC does not want to tread those waters (Breaking bad had some fucks so it's not entirely clear to me).

But fear not, like Nicotero and JDM have said, they are going to give you as close to 'full octane" negan as possible on the blu ray releases. Since most of Negan's scenes are going to be fimlmed a couple of different ways like when Rick said "they're fucking with the wrong people" on the blu ray. So lets get back to the Lucille scene shall we?

First of all I want to say that this scene does NOT end with a cliffhanger. If you look at this footage here https://vimeo.com/146156494 (which is 100% real by the way) you'll notice something. Now if there has been anyone who has seen the full episode (which I highly doubt) the fade to black they are most likely talking about is after that swing, but if you look the scene comes back with a long look at JDM doing the famous "taking it like a champ!" line.

Another thing I want to be clear about is this post from earlier
That is 100000% percent fake, Negan's dialogue in that scene is not a word for word copy of the comic book. Gimple and Kirkman were very very adamant about not making this scene a carbon copy of the comic's scene in order to surprise comic book readers as well. They are trying to recapture the feelings you got from reading issue #100 for the first time. Now there definitely are lines from the comic scene, but it isn't a 1 to 1 copy of it with all of the "fucks" replaced.

Bottom line is you WILL know who gets Lucilled as the scene is shot from different angles. You will see a mix of both PoV shots and different angled shots. While the scene is not as gory as it's comic book counter part but It's still horrifying and heart pounding. Oh, and what's cool is with each swing Negan takes, if you look closely you can see chunks and blood of the victims heads on Lucille's barbed wire so definitely look out for that. But bear in mind in order to preserve the surprise I am not going to reveal who get's Lucilled in this post or via PM...you'll thank me later.

To clear another couple of things up, the cliffhanger comment by Lauren Cohan isn't incorrect. It's possible that she's talking about a scene where morgan and carol meet the armored man from S06EP15 as he comes in after morgan and carol kill a saviour along with some walkers and offers aid to carol (and Morgan stole his horse). He tells them that he's from a place called the kingdom and then the episode ends. Not sure if they moved this to an after credits scene or not because a lot of editing can happen.

Also, while it may be possible that they cut the Lucille scene to more of a cliffhanger during the editing process, I really highly doubt it. It would be extremely out of place and would totally destroy the flow and impact of that scene. Gimple, Nicotero, and Kirkman didn't get where they are by being idiots.
Another reason why it wouldn't make any sense for it to end on a cliffhanger like that is because we couldn't even keep JDM's casting a secret which is what the plan was. You guys weren't even suppose to know that Negan was going to appear this season much less who was playing him. This happened because one of the people in the crew sold the story to the media about JDM getting the job. Next episode was being set up to be a gigantic surprise. So there's absolutely no way anyone expects to be able to hide who Negan kills for a whole 7 months. Like I said, they aren't idiots. You can guarantee the price will be paid.
I'll try to answer any questions if you guys have any. But like I said, I will not reveal who get's Lucille'd at all. It's too fun and crazy of a scene to just give away and I can't do it!

I'm not buying this for a second.

Re: The first bolded, we have the translator here no? I can't remember their name, do they say if they translate the "taking it like a champ" line? If so, that already disproves this. They seem to say the cut the translator would've seen ends without that line happening.

Second bolded just made me laugh.

I don't see anything that proves they would have this kind of information. They don't seem to provide any new info either. They just take things we've already heard and just twist it around.

I hope I'm wrong, I truly do, but I don't believe it.


Not sure I buy the JDM being a secret thing or Negan appearing being a surprise. He's a well liked character actor by TV nerds but he's not exactly famous, and a lot of the season has clearly been pointing to an appearance.
I do recall there being an issue with JDM's announcement regarding his casting so there may be some truth to it. However I can't remember exactly what the fuss was about.


There's no way it's going to be Rick, right? I would secretly love it if they had the balls to do it. Plus it would totally shift the dynamic of the characters on the show.
There's no way it's going to be Rick, right? I would secretly love it if they had the balls to do it. Plus it would totally shift the dynamic of the characters on the show.

Unless the actor wants off the show, he's one of the two characters that are pretty much guaranteed to make it to the final season.

It won't be Rick.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
There's no way it's going to be Rick, right? I would secretly love it if they had the balls to do it. Plus it would totally shift the dynamic of the characters on the show.

Me too. I think that's the only victim on the show that would make me lose my shit. Or Carl. But no way Gimple does that since Negan and Carl actually have a unique relationship further down the line. Plus he's a kid. And it wouldn't gel with Negan's ethics.

Only death that would legitimately piss me off is Michonne.
Me too. I think that's the only victim on the show that would make me lose my shit. Or Carl. But no way Gimple does that since Negan and Carl actually have a unique relationship further down the line. Plus he's a kid. And it wouldn't gel with Negan's ethics.

Only death that would legitimately piss me off is Michonne.

Negan doesn't have a problem with killing kids.

It was mentioned earlier in the season that he beat a 16 year old boy to death which isn't much older than Carl. He has no problem killing women either. His big no-no is sexual assault.
I'm not buying this for a second.

Re: The first bolded, we have the translator here no? I can't remember their name, do they say if they translate the "taking it like a champ" line? If so, that already disproves this. They seem to say the cut the translator would've seen ends without that line happening.

Second bolded just made me laugh.

I don't see anything that proves they would have this kind of information. They don't seem to provide any new info either. They just take things we've already heard and just twist it around.

I hope I'm wrong, I truly do, but I don't believe it.
His name is Jurec84 and this definitely conflicts with things he's said here and to me via PM. I'll ask him to weigh in.
Well, that extra three minutes on AMC's schedule gives me a little hope that I didn't have before. I think I will leave the spoiler thread for now and return to you all on Sunday. I hope we can all be satisfied with the outcome. Take care


Unconfirmed Member
Nah, the information from the "leaker" on Reddit is definitely false. The dialogue from Reddit is 100 % legit, because it was translated this way and why would I translate stuff, which will later on be different. Sure, I could be making stuff up, but I have provided two pics to a few of you, which prove that I am in fact one of the subtitlers for the various languages the series is being translated into. I can send proof to one of the mods so they can confirm that I am real if you don't believe me - but the leaker on Reddit is certainly fake.
Nah, the information from the "leaker" on Reddit is definitely false. The dialogue from Reddit is 100 % legit, because it was translated this way and why would I translate stuff, which will later on be different. Sure, I could be making stuff up, but I have provided two pics to a few of you, which prove that I am in fact one of the subtitlers for the various languages the series is being translated into. I can send proof to one of the mods so they can confirm that I am real if you don't believe me - but the leaker on Reddit is certainly fake.

What are your thoughts on them adding an extra three minutes?


Unconfirmed Member
What are your thoughts on them adding an extra three minutes?

Nah, it is what it is - the scene was shot in such a way it just doesn't seem plausible, the fade to black and the screams from the others ... where I stand and what I saw it def ends on a cliffhanger and then the credits roll. And there's nothing after that. They could of course add some non-dialogue related text or pictures after this, but it wouldn't make any sense.


I could easily see the POV shot and sound fading out to black as the character dies, then staying in black for a few seconds before smash cut to the dead body revealing who it is. No dialog needed.
I could easily see the POV shot and sound fading out to black as the character dies, then staying in black for a few seconds before smash cut to the dead body revealing who it is. No dialog needed.

That's basically our last remaining plausible hope. We fade back up from black and the victim is revealed. Either cut to or pan over to Rick's tormented reaction in the aftermath. Roll credits.

Not holding my breath, though...


Unconfirmed Member
Screeners I get but is there precedence for withholding it from creative staff?! Even if the extra scene has no dialogue?

And thanks, as always, for popping by Jurec!

No problem :) To be honest, even I am getting nervous now about this scene because so many rumours are floating around.
Just heard from a friend of a friend of gimples cousins wife's babysitter that they drag out and kill ......wait for it ...... A still alive Lori who negan caught cheating on him with another savior ....
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