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Spring 2004 GA Mix Exchange Review Thread

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Now that NeoGAF has been established, it's time for everyone who took part in the original mix exchange to review the mixes they've received - and, if you haven't sent your mixes out yet, well, it's about time you did so.

Thanks to Wellington née Crazy Killah an archive of the original mix review thread is available for you to peruse. Alas, the temporary mix review thread is beyond our reach, but we'll have to carry on somehow.

Again, while song-by-song reviews are a thing of beauty and the goal all should strive for, a simple paragraph talking about what songs you particularly liked or disliked will do. Just make sure you put up at least some sort of a review for each CD you receive.

If you need to be reminded of who your mix exchange partners are, what their addresses are, and whatnot, just drop me a private message.



I will most certainly try to get my reviews up sometime this week..I admit I've only listened to one of the cd's so far but it was awhile ago so I'm gonna give it another listen.


now that i can finally post again, i'll get to work on the rest of my reviews...

in the meantime, here's my review of revenant kioku's mix which i copied/pasted from the old thread...:

rk's mix was pretty much straight rock, a lot of late 60s early 70s classic rock with a few songs thrown in from the late 80s early 90s too. (so rock from the past 4 decades) mostly stuff that i haven't listened to in ages and/or don't really listen to very often, so it's a good change of pace from the monotonous electronica and throbbing techno that i've been listening to lately.

1. violent femmes - add it up - a nice vocal-only intro adds a nice touch to the beginning of the mix. i haven't listened to the violent femmes in probably a year or so. i remember singing along to this when it was still played on the radio fairly often. good lyrics/vocals, good pacing to start off the mix. 3/5

2. blue oyster cult - joan crawford - i'm glad this wasn't fear the reaper, because i can't think of anything other than more cowbell when i hear that song. opening with piano, the song soon escalates to guitar, tight harmonies, a sweet chorus, and some seemingly random samples thrown in for good measure. 3.5/5

3. pink floyd - see emily play - i'm generally more used to hearing later pink floyd...i think this song is from their first album..don't really remember. i guess this song is lighter than the pink floyd songs i like (mostly stuff from dark side of the moon and the wall) i didn't really like this song that much. again, i don't usually listen to this kind of stuff, so maybe its just the fact that i only listened to this song a few times. 1/5

4. eric burdon and the animals - paint it black - the lazy, kind of floating guitar intro, vocal melody, and escalation into a somewhat frantic climax, this song is a classic and there's really not much to say other than that. 4.5/5

5. cream - sunshine of your love - pretty much everyone and their mother (well, especially their mother) has heard this song...it's got a really distinctive guitar riff and chorus. when i think of the 60s, this guitar part from this song is one of the first things that comes to mind. 3.5/5

6. the cure - the walk - this song's ok...synth driven relatively early cure stuff...different from the more guitar driven songs i'm used to listening to from disintegration. 2/5

7. dire straits - sultans of swing - i'm don't really listen to dire straits...but this song is still pretty decent, if only for the nice guitar. the vocals didn't really do anything for me, but i still dig the guitar. 2/5

8. jefferson airplane - white rabbit - i suppose this is one of jefferson airplane's better known songs, if not the most well known song. very mellow and lazy...and great lyrics. i'd list this among the songs from the 60s that almost everyone has heard. 4.5/5

9. traffic - dear mr. fantasy - another one of those definitive songs from the late 60s. great guitar and really distinct lyrics (who hasn't heard the words "dear mr. fantasy" about a million times in their life?). 4/5

10. edgar winter - frankenstein - this track is one i'd list as one of the definitive songs of the early 70s, if only from it's guitar part. dundun dun dun dundun dun duuunnnnn...coupled with a bout a dozen solos from a gazillion different instruments (slight exaggeration), this song rocks. 4.5/5

11. yes - roundabout - opening with fast bass and guitar, and sprinkled with some nice guitar solos, this song is a good time. 3.5/5

12. the who - happy jack - i think the who's vocals are one of their strong point, and this song really caters to their strenghts. there really isn't much to listen for instrumentally, but there are nice vocal harmonies and a nice buildup to a drop off at the end. 2.5/5

13. david bowie - ashes to ashes - david bowie rocks. i would say enough said here, but this is actually not among my favorite bowie songs. and even as one of my less liked, i still like this song quite a bit. bowie's usual awesome songwriting, coupled with some piano effects and a nice bass part. 4.5/5

14. the cars - moving in stereo - the cars rock, and this song is no exception. great keyboard synth stuff. the cars are sort of the link between guitar rock and synth pop, and it's really a great combination. 4/5

15. tom petty and the heartbreakers - the last dj - a lyric driven song, nice chorus, some good vocal harmonies. unfortunately i'm not a huge fan of the rest of the vocals outside of the harmony parts. 2/5

16. rush - spirit of radio - another song with a truly recognizable guitar riff. the guitar alone makes the song for me, and the vocals and lyrics don't hurt that much, although they don't really do all that much for me. 3.5/5

17. the beatles - the end - nice drum part, nice vocal harmonies, a decent guitar solo, pretty much good musicianship all around. it's really hard to have a beef with this song...for the most part i think most of the beatles' stuff is at least decent. 3.5/5

overall: i don't really listen to a lot of classic rock anymore so this was a pretty good change of pace for me. some of the songs just reminded me of how much music has changed (whether or not i think it has changed for good or bad depends on the song), some were definitive songs of their times, and others just did nothing for me. overall i'd say it was a good mix...there wasn't any real direction or feel to the mix, it was just a collection of (mostly) classic songs.


Unconfirmed Member
Listening to them now while doing some work I should have Yoshifumi's review up some time tonight

\m/_ (^,^) _\m/


here's my review of ucb/scola's mix (sad songs for happy people):

well, the mix was titled "sad songs for happy people" and i guess it delivered for the most part; the vast majority of the mix was extremely mellow, with a pretty wide range of artists. my only specific beef was that it gets a little too mellow at times...but sad songs were on the menu, so i guess that's what i should've expected. not a mix to listen to if you don't feel like being kind of drained, but great for lying around and doing nothing to.

i should've probably reviewed auslander or fart's mix considering i've had them longer, but this cd was closer to my computer.

1. michael miller - lonely suite: the start of the mix is one of, if not the slowest song on the whole disc. i think i would've liked it better had it been somewhere else in the mix, instead of right at the beginning. 2/5

2. elliot smith - waltz #1: i liked this song, despite the fact that it was almost as slow as the first. pretty solid all the way through, great vocals, overall a sort of surreal, dreamlike song. but still, really slow. 3/5

3. elvis costello - you left me in the dark: elvis costello is good stuff. flowing strings and slow bass intro, slow smooth vocals + piano. a good lounge piece. 4/5

4. the postal service - suddenly everything has changed (flaming lips cover): postal service is kind of hit or miss for me; and this one is a definite miss. i guess they're not really to blame considering it's a cover, but i don't really like the song to begin with. 1/5

5. tortoise - in sarah, mencken, christ and beethoven there were women and men: a long, instrumental song, kind of a mix a bunch of stuff maybe post rock, jazz, stuff like that. i tend to like instrumental music a little more than vocal music, considering it's hard to write lyrics that don't sound douchebaggy, so this one gets an extra point for that. however, the fact that it is almost unreasonably long and repetitive takes the extra point away. 1.5/5

6. aimee mann - just like anyone: i like aimee mann a lot. no drums, just stringed instruments and vocals, short and sweet and sad. 4/5

7. tom waits - johnsburgh, illinois: another good lounge song i guess, and it's fairly decent stuff. very fleeting, melancholic sounding. 3.5/5

8. beck - sing it again: i really love beck's more country sounding stuff i guess. basically anything with those wacky lap steel slide guitar dealies. on a side note, i thought the mix was picking up earlier, but i guess i was wrong. but that doesn't change the fact this song is awesome. 4/5

9. tortoise - eden 2: another track from tortoise, but not one that's on the overly long side. i like the crisp drums and sort of off sounding guitar. 2.5/5

10. elvis costello - distorted angel: it seems that the mix is picking up a bit here, about the halfway point (oh my the second quicker song in a row!) more elvis costello, and more good stuff. 4/5

11. muse - falling away with you: i haven't really listened to muse at all, but i think i should, because they remind me of radiohead a lot. at least the vocals do. strictly rockish, just guitar bass drums with vocals that seem to have been stolen from radiohead...but the way i see it, why listen to something that sounds like radiohead when you've got radiohead right there? i guess i didn't really get into it. 2/5

12. the postal service - nothing better: this is more hit on the hit or miss spectrum of postal service for me. about 50-60% of ben gibbard's vocals irritate the hell out of me and make me think he's some kind of moron, and the rest make me think there may be someone really awesome behind that voice. this one fits somewhere in the middle. but it has jenny lewis, so it's all good. 3/5

13. dashboard confessional - the brilliant dance: i tend to knock dashboard a lot, but chris carraba really does have a good voice and plays a good enough guitar, even if it's still totally emo and blown out of proportion. 3/5

14. johnny cash - in my life (beatles cover): well this one's a classic in pretty much every way possible. kind of understated and subtle, and just plain great. 5/5

15. elliot smith - ballad of big nothing: more elliot smith, and i like this one more than the first one, if only because things seem to have picked up quite a bit since the last elliot smith song on the mix. good chorus, but not as many interesting sounds to listen for as in waltz #1. 4/5

16. aimee mann - nothing is good enough: a song about a jerk. i didn't like it that much, just because of the chorus which kind of irritated me. other than the lyrics i don't think i minded it, but then again those are pretty much the focal point, so it's kind of hard to look past it. 1.5/5

17. pat metheny - over on 4th street: nothing but guitar and bass on this one, and it's not really complicated or technical stuff, but that's just fine, because it's still a pretty sounding piece. really bright guitar sound. i like it. 3.5/5

18. warren zevon - el amor de mi vida: when i read the title of this song before i heard it i thought it would be in spanish and i was a little disappointed by the fact that only part of it is. more lounge sounding music, and nice sounding. spanish is a nice sounding language for music. 3/5

19. beck - lost cause: i think this is by far the best song on sea change. beck always manages to make good stuff, and i really like this song. 4/5

20. tom waits - innocent when you dream: i thought the washed out piano sound was going to give way to something stupid sounding, but it stayed washed out sounding, which was cool. it's a good sound for vocals. kind of folky, which is good. i like it for the most part. 3/5

21. brad mehldau - elegy for william burroughs and allen ginsberg: just smooth, jazzy piano. pretty good closer for the mix. 3/5

overall: overall this mix was slow as cold mollasses. i mean that in a good way though (for the most part)...it was titled "sad songs for happy people" and it wasn't lying. it sort of speeds up towards the middle, but then it just sort of coasts to a stop at the end. it's (for the most part) a melancholy mix of lost love and bitterness, which is stuff i usually like, but the last month or so i've mostly been listening to lighter, brighter sounding stuff. had i been in the right mood when i was listening to this, i would've loved the hell out of it, but unfortunately i wasn't most of the times that i listened to it. but the same goes for pretty much all music though, so i guess that makes sense. well that's my explanation.


Kudos to Yoshifumi for kicking off the new review thread. Woo!

Would a mod be so kind as to sticky this? I figure having the thread glaring at mix participants at the very top of the page will help remind folks to write up reviews.

Speaking of which, swoon, I haven't seen your CD show up just yet, but I expect it'll be here before too much longer.


Edit: Hurrah for mods!


Hey, I notice this thread now! Thanks mods.

Still waiting on my other two CDs/reviews.

Alucard's (much delayed) review will be up next week. Frankly, I go to review it, get stuck on a certain song, and end up downloading that band's album and listening to that. It's good. Real good. So good that I declare I am to be in Alucard's group in every mix exchange from here on out.
BuddyChrist83 said:
Hey, I notice this thread now! Thanks mods.

Still waiting on my other two CDs/reviews.

Alucard's (much delayed) review will be up next week. Frankly, I go to review it, get stuck on a certain song, and end up downloading that band's album and listening to that. It's good. Real good. So good that I declare I am to be in Alucard's group in every mix exchange from here on out.

Did you post my review on the old thread?


DJ Demon J said:
Did you post my review on the old thread?


I'll get to it this week, actually, I'll get that done tomorrow. Your mix brought out my love for Tenacious D once again, and for that, I am grateful.


Banstick Emeritus
This review is for the first of two CDs that Dskillz sent me: "Downward Spiral of Crime". As you would expect from such a title, it's filled with hateful ghetto music from those rapper types, swearing and fornicating across 15 tracks of pure filth. To wit:

1. Lonely People, by Talib Kweli - ok, the track is based off "Lonely People" by the Beatles, how Taleb didn't get sued into oblivion by EMI is beyond me, but whatever. The rhymes are tight, and I could listen to this song over and over again without getting sick of it. I gotta say though - the Beatles' original is my favourite Beatle track ever, so should I be angry that it's being plundered for sampling purposes, or grateful that a new generation is exposed to one of their best songs? Things like this keep me awake at night, staring at the ceiling in the dark while my child slumbers in the next room. 9/10

2. Overnight Celebrity, by Twista - great backing track, great delivery. Subject matter is kinda dry, Twista going on about some hot girl he wants to make a celebrity overnight, but man is it hilarious - "GIRL, LET ME BE YOUR MANAGER" is the "GIRL, LET ME TOUCH YOU" of the rap age. Funny shit, a completely disposable club song that's catchy and hell and won't stick with you once it's over. 6/10

3. Won't Catch Me Running, by Ras Kass - I like xylophones as much as the next cat, but this song left colder than a nun's pussy. So-so lyrics, uninteresting delivery, and the track didn't grab me at all. 4/10

4. Escape, by Pete Rock and CL Smooth - two of the best deliver again with a heavy track that encapsulates everything good about summertime. Seriously, the instrumental is banging and Pete Rock's lyrics are the capper. Not their best track ever (T.R.O.Y. forevah!), but definitely one of the better ones on this CD. 7/10

5. Poppin' Tags, by Jay Z, Big Boy, Twista, Killer Mike - uh...nothing's coming. Nothing memorable, anyways. 4/10

6. Music of the Business, by Ras Kass, Xzibit - AWESOME LYRICS. Crappy music track, but I'll forgive it because the subject matter is so fucking good. Breaking down the money trail. "Rich niggers only kick it with other black people with cheddar!" 8/10

7. What More Can I Say, by Jay Z - this wasn't on the CD listing, which threw me off at first - it's the Grey Album version, and my feelings on that are well known across this great land of ours. 9/10

8. No Feelings, by Kurrupt - "I'm hard! I'm a killer! You're going down! I wrote these lyrics while walking to the studio!" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 5/10

9. Anything Goes, by Ras Kass - money does make the world go around, doesn't it? Straight up in dissecting the way of the world, reporting at arm's length on an amoral setup. Thoroughly depressing in its accuracy. 7/10

10. They Don't Dance No Mo, by Goodie Mob - bouncy track, good lyrics, typical smooth GM delivery and the subject matter is all too real. Player hating? Idiot hating, more like. This song made me go pull out some of my older GM albums for the first time in a long time. 8/10

11. Rosa Parks (Sanford and Son Remix), by Outkast - I'm not completely sold on this track. I love Outkast's Rosa Parks, and I love Sanford and Son. But instead of "peanut butter and chocolate", I'm getting a "eggs and rollerskates" vibe instead with this mix. I guess after the Grey Album's masterful mixing, I've been spoiled. A shame, I really wanted to like this one more. 6/10

12. Down South, by Big Tymers - nice drum beat, the sample is straight from the Commodore 64's SID chip, and the lyrics are the usual "saying a lot of stuff without actually saying much at all". Catchy as HELL though - this track should come with a warning label or something, it's so addictive. Easily one of new favourite rap tracks, for the backing track alone...and now that I think about it, the lyrics aren't all that bad. Damn, I like this song a lot. 8/10

13. Feds in Town, by UGK - aaargh! So-so music. Shitty lyrics. Shitty drum kit. Shittier delivery! Take me home, Black Baby Jesus, I'm ready. 1/10

14. Benz or Beamer, by Outkast - I honestly don't know what to say about this song. It didn't stick with me at all, just like Poppin' Tags. 4/10

15. What a Nigga Know, by KMD - where do I know KMD from? Where where where...catchy song that starts out strong and falters in the middle...where is the main sample from? It's going to drive me nuts. Anyways, they could have done a lot more with this song, shame how it turned out. 6/10

16. Now I Feel Ya, by Scarface - now THIS is what I'm talking about. From way back with the Geto Boys up until the present day, Scarface has always had that edge to him that makes you feel like he's just sitting down conversing with you, and this song is no exception. His take on growing up and battling with his mother and stepfather while becoming a man is very affecting. Now that I'm a dad myself, the constant struggle to keep things on track while looking out for one's family is a theme I can identify with wholly. Finally clueing into what my folks tried to drum into my head growing up...great song and a great way to end the CD. 9/10

I'll do the 2nd CD and fart's CD later on.


well not really...yet
I was about to review Jackfrosts CD, but I dont have a tracklist for his Mix CD, if you read this can you post the tracklist?

By some stroke of chance the mix CD I got is the only one whose tracklist isnt on Jack sites :-/


BuddyChrist83 said:
Hey, I notice this thread now! Thanks mods.

Still waiting on my other two CDs/reviews.

Alucard's (much delayed) review will be up next week. Frankly, I go to review it, get stuck on a certain song, and end up downloading that band's album and listening to that. It's good. Real good. So good that I declare I am to be in Alucard's group in every mix exchange from here on out.

Haha. I'm glad you're liking it so much. I wasn't pleased with one or two of my track selections, but on the whole I think it's a pretty good mix.

Still waiting on all 3 of my reviews and for two of my teammates to send me mixes. :p


keep your strippers out of my American football
Here is my review of Bishop's 2-CD set. I am going to only do one disc and do the other tomorrow. The disc I am doing is the Not So Urban CD. The other was the, wait for it.....Urban CD. I must first say Bishop's cover was cool as hell. IT features a young Bill Cosby looking very pimpish with a open vest and a cigar.

1. "Lovercall" - Denko Jones: I had never heard of this song at all or the artist. I like it, an upbeat song and a perfect way to start the CD. Basically the song is about a guy who might not be the best looking or best dressed guy, but he knows how to hit it. I can identify with this so I give this a 8/10.

2. "Inhale Exhale" - Rollins Band: This is a song full of angst and a driving chorus. I like it, but I wish there were more lyrics. Kind of a like 4 lines and then chorus. That really si my only gripe with the song. 7/10

3. "Seven" - Sevendust: I had heard of only one song by this group and that was on Tiger Woods 2004. I really didn't connect with this song. To me it was kind of generic. Kind of was like some low-octane Fuel, (hehe, I made a pun) 4/10

4. "Ashes to Ashes" - Faith No More: I really got hyped for this song before I heard it. I was looking for "This is it" pt. 2 But it definitely wasn't that. A good song, but the who song kind of sounded like a intro. 6/10

5. "Wicked Garden" - STP: This is an acoustic track of a song I like alot. Maybe I like it because most of the times I have heard it I was in a strip club getting a lapdance or looking at some boobs, but either way, I like it. Never heard the acoustic version before. But I am down. 10/10

6. "How Would you Know" - Big Wreck: This is another strip club classic. I fondly remember walking to the stage and tipping Mia to this one. I like this one. Actually I like the guitar arrangement in this one. Especially during the chorus, seems country infleunced. You know how liek bluegrass music has all the guitars doing totally different stuff, but it sounds good together? This has it. 7/10

7. "Long Gone Day" - Mad Season: I never heard this song before but I am liking it alot. Kind of quiet. I love the use of the sax in this one. Are all thier songs like this? 7/10

8. "Bad Luck City" - R.L. Burnside: This is a pure fucking song. Old school song. I fucking love it and my women love it too. The ONE song that can compare is "Somewhere down the Crazy River" by Robbie Robertson. 10/10

9. "I never Picked Cotton" - Johnny "DA MAN" Cash: I love me some Johnny Cash. 'Nuff said. 10/10

10. "Dry the Rain" - The Beta Band: Not really feeling this one. A bit too mellow for me. 3/10

11. "Sweet Eurphoria" - Chris Cornelll: Not really felling this one either. I have never really liked one-man acoustic songs. 3/10

12. "Kid A" - John Mayer: I never heard this song before. Kind of mellow, but very dark. I like that alot. Not sure why I like this, but didn't like the Chris Cornell song though.7/10

13. "The Way I Feel" - Robert Plant: I like Robert Plant alot. Ever since I heard "Little by Little". This one is not as good as that song, but I like it. 6/10

14. "Drive" - Incubus: Another strip club classic. This song rocks. Visions of titties and girls climbing poles run through my head as this plays. The only sad part is that I think about wishing I could afford to go to the champagne room. But back to the song, really good. 8/10

15. "Fresh Tendrils" - Soundgarden: Never heard this song before, but this is exactly what I am talking about. This could be a strip club classic very fast. Driving beat and guitar, intelligble chorus, perfect for a mid-day romp. The only thing I wish was the song just was extended to like 6 or 7 minutes. I like it that much. 10/10

16. "Breakthrough" - Big Wreck: 2nd Big Wreck song. Not as good as the other, IMO. I do like the chorus though, it is very different than the norm. I like them better than the verses by a long shot. The song got real good at the end. I am going to look into getting some Big Wreck. 6/10

17. "Over Now" - Alice in Chains: I was never a big AIC fan. This song really makes me want to check out more of their stuff. It sounds different than what I have heard before. A positive change for sure. 7/10

OK, there is my review. Sorry not really descriptive as could be, but I am writing this after some heavy duty working out. I liked the CD, really opened my eyes to groups I had never heard of and had some old favs on it too. I'll get Bish's other CD up and review fart's CD by Sunday.


Banstick Emeritus
I really glad you liked "Fresh Tendrils". Of all Soundgarden's compositions, it's my absolute favourite - I want to have it played at my wake.

Mad Season has Alice In Chain's Layne Staley (RIP) as the lead singer, but it's very dialed back in comparison to AIC. Go download River of Deceit, another very good song they did. November Hotel, Wake Up and Artificial Red are pretty good too.


yoshifumi said:
also when is somebody going to review mine? are they that bad? :(

I know how you feel. I sent out my mixes ages ago and no one has reviewed them! Still waiting on two mixes to come my way as well. Wondering if I'll see them at all. :p


Unconfirmed Member
yoshifumi said:
also when is somebody going to review mine? are they that bad? :(
sorry Yoshi. :( I am a slacker (been busy too but mostly I am a slacker.)

But I have started to write your review, I just want it too meet the level of the great review you put up on mine.

Here is a preview

"Yoshi's rock disc was my favorite of the mixes I received" ;)


since i'm up, not remotely tired, and feel like accomplishing something, here's a review of auslander's audio mix:

this one is more funk/jazz/whathaveyou, mostly instrumental and pretty kickass. the kind of music that makes good background music for just about anything, and makes you want to saunter around like you're cooler than you really are. also, it was mixed really well; each track fades into the next really well.

1. herbie hancock - bring down the birds: nice instrumental to start off the mix, a very recognizable tune...i could recognize that bassline from a mile away. 3.5/5

2. the meters - joog: this song makes you want to strut your stuff in a technicolor dreamcoat and maybe get arrested for your trouble. even better that the album title is "struttin." a little repetitious, but it's short so it doesn't matter. 3/5

3. chi-lites - are you my woman?: another pretty recognizable song, mainly because of the brass part. in addition, it has kickass backup vocals, especially on the low end. 4/5

4. incredible bongo band - apache: more brass, but the standout part of this song (for me, anyways) is the drum part. there's some nice organ going throughout the whole thing, some guitar stuff, and more brass. but i really like the beat. 3.5/5

5. rotary connetion - respect: starting off slow and mysterious, and getting slightly less mysterious but not really anywhere at the same time (i have no idea what that was supposed to mean) but this song didn't really click with me. it was just ok i guess. 2/5

6. gil scott-heron - the revolution will not be televised: kicks ass. repeating bass, drums, and a flute part under spoken vocals repeatedly informing you that you won't be able to watch the damn revolution on tv. which is fine, because who needs tv when you've got a cd player. 4.5/5

7. raymond scott - powerhouse: this felt like more of a transition song than anything in the mix. it's been used in about a gazillion cartoons, so i don't really know what else to say about it other than that it seems like more of a song that's supposed to go with visuals. 2/5

8. the eagles - journey to the sorceror: nice stringed instruments in a good instrumental song that rises to repeated climaxes and consequent dropoffs. 3/5

9. simple minds - theme for great cities: a nice bass and synth part over a pretty good drum beat...it seems repetitive for awhile, then sort of rises and then decides to get repetitive and dull and then gets cool and then gets dull again and i'm kind of torn on this one because i liked it about half the time i listened to it and hated it the other half. 2.5/5

10. rip-off artist - sway: a nice start followed by some pretty cool stuff. cool glitchy hats, neat sounds, and an overall cool beat. good times. 4/5

11. green velvet - preacherman: i didn't like this song too much. a harsh beat with some preacher yelling stuff. yeaaaah. it was cool for awhile but that fact that it was 8 minutes long kind of ruined it for me. 1/5

12. sigue-sigue sputnik - love missle f1-11 (westbam remix): this song sounded really familiar for some reason, but i couldn't put my finger on why. didn't like the beat that much or the vocals even though the vocals i guess are a pretty major part. 2/5

13. mc solaar - solaar pleure: french is a cool language...the beat is just ok i suppose, but i always find it interesting to listen to other languages, especially ones that sound nice like french. as an added bonus, being in another language prevents me from thinking any lyrics could be stupid because i can't understand a thing. 3.5/5

14. david byrne, marie daulne, and scratch - gnit: um...it started off retarded, then broke into some sweet beatboxing, which totally redeemed it. spectacular beat, just because of all the vocal samples used. 4/5

15. 4 hero - les fleur: the only 4 hero album i've heard is parallel universe, and i didn't really find it all that spectacular. i didn't find this song too different. it's ok i guess. the vocals weren't all that great, and the beat was ok but nothing too special. i gave it an extra point for the chorus though. 2/5

16. the bug/daddy freddy - run the place (afx remix): hard fast beat, which kind of drowns out any vocals at parts. it's good though, i like the beat, and the vocals i can hear are pretty cool. 4/5

17. soundhog - i feel you really caught me on edge: fun beat, and hilariously awesome girl-powerness. funny chorus that's just "I HATE - YOUSOMUCH RIGHT NOW!!" fun song when i don't take its subject matter too seriously, it's basically gender reversed angry emo when i think about it. 4/5

overall: overall i liked this mix. it was a lot of stuff i normally don't listen to, a lot of stuff i'm glad i was exposed to. and because there weren't really many lyrical songs, i don't get to complain about vocals and lyrics which usually just makes me sound hypocritical because i really like a lot of songs with bad lyrics/vocals anyway. so i liked it; even though some songs didn't really click with me, the majority had my attention. a good mix for any occasion.


yoshifumi said:
8. the eagles - journey to the sorceror: nice stringed instruments in a good instrumental song that rises to repeated climaxes and consequent dropoffs. 3/5[/b]

Fanboy trivia note: this song was used as the opening theme to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio show.

Gil-Scott Heron? MC Solaar? Sigue-Sigue Sputnik? Auslander is my new hero.

I listened to Spontaneous Aerial Combustion a few times this weekend and should review it soonish. I think it's DeadStar's? There's no name on it. :( Quite good, tho. And The Wrens are fucking incredible. I'm going to find all the people who knew they ruled and never told me and kick them in the face.

My other two group members never sent me anything and I hate them. I'M MOVING NEXT MONTH, PEOPLE! Get crackin'!


well not really...yet
JackFrost2012 said:
I listened to Spontaneous Aerial Combustion a few times this weekend and should review it soonish. I think it's DeadStar's? There's no name on it. :( Quite good, tho. And The Wrens are fucking incredible. I'm going to find all the people who knew they ruled and never told me and kick them in the face.

My other two group members never sent me anything and I hate them. I'M MOVING NEXT MONTH, PEOPLE! Get crackin'!
yeah that ones mine :)


JackFrost2012 said:
My other two group members never sent me anything and I hate them. I'M MOVING NEXT MONTH, PEOPLE! Get crackin'!

It's coming. I have all the time in the world now that I dont' have a job. :(


JackFrost2012 said:
And thus did the guilt tripper become the guilt trippee.

Nah, I've had the tracklisting done I've just been really busy. Didn't intend for it to come off the way you took it. :)


Here's my review of JasonA's DJ Demon J or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Popular Culture.

01. Tenacious D - Tribute

I haven't listened to Tenacious D in a while, I almost forgot how hard they rocked. A great opener that grabs your attention and commands "listen, bitch."


02. The Donnas - Take It Off

Nothing too great, but nothing too bad either. I really can't pinpoint why I don't dig this song much, apart from that it's just mediocre. Maybe because it's less than three minutes long and half of that seems to be the chorus.


03. Eve 6 - On The Roof Again

I can't believe I like an Eve 6 song. Damn you JasonA, damn you to hell. It's catchy as hell, and gets stuck in your head easily. Unfortunately, the latter half of the song is repeated so much it ends up burned in canals of your ears. I certainly dig it lots, but it gets weaker with each additional listening.


04. Pushmonkey - Handslide

I'm writing this review without glancing at artist/track names, but this one sounds oddly familar. Dunno why. This song just sounds bored, and the lead singer sounds strung out.


05. The Start - Gorgeous

The song takes the rock level of this CD and ups it a notch. It's good, not great, but I like it anyways.


06. Fountains of Wayne - Stacy's Mom

The sad thing is, even though Jason's CD is called " ", I still haven't heard most of the songs on it. I know this is a popular song and all, but I'd never heard it before this mix. This continues the rocking trend set up by the previous track, and, uh, I guess Stacy's mom has got it going on.


07. The Refreshments - Banditos

Not only does this song keep the rock going, but it preaches the truth: "the world is full of stupid people." Can you tell I'm bad at reviewing music yet? Yea, me neither. Anyways, like most of the other songs on the mix, I dig it at first, but it gets weaker every time I hear it.


08. The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Someday I Suppose

"Hi, I'm the Mighty Mighty Bosstones. I'll be here to rock you hard." Now here's a song I can hear multiple times. It's good, it's great, and it makes me happy.


09. They Might Be Giants - The Statue Got Me High

At times, the singer can sound rather nasal. It doesn't affect much though, the song doesn't make much sense, and for that, it gets my approval. "The statue got me high." Well, okay.


10. Fastball - Fire Escape

Hey, I know this song! I'm pretty sure I listened to this album, a lot, five or six years ago. Man, that makes me feel old. It's alright, I guess.


11. They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse In Your Soul

Hahaha, what is this? I'll find out when I go to fill in the tracklisting, but this is great. It's quirky, it's weird, it's my favorite song on this mix. "Make a little birdhouse in your soul." What does that even mean? I don't care!


12. Crash Test Dummies - Afternoons and Coffeespoons

Ignoring the lyrical content for a moment, this has a very "praise Christ" sound to it. It just reminds me of being young and dragged to Church. Listening to the actual lyrics, well, uh. It's all happy and awesome and nice. Yay.


13. Hybrid - Steal You Away

It seems that the second half of this mix is rather, um, not pop culture-y. This track is all dreamy and drifty. I like it.


14. David Bowie - Everyone Says Hi (Metro Mix)

SONG LET ME PLAY YOU. Ever since Amplitude, I've been trying to find a copy of this mix. Well try no harder child, for JasonA will provide. If you're really paying attention, you'll notice I didn't even mention any aspects of the song here. Hrm.


15. The Baldwin Brothers - That's Right

This sounds like something from JSR or JSRF. This appeals to me, and I like it. It's a nice, chilled out song.


16. Hybrid - If I Survive

Hybrid? Yes, I think this is Hybrid, If I Survive if I remember right. Yup, cool. Hybrid rocks. JasonA rocks. The whole second half of this mix rocks. Overusing the word rocks, rocks.


17. BT w/ Sarah McLaughlin - The Great Escape

Is this BT? I think it is. It's good with awesome vocals. Hooray for JasonA and his musical tastes!


Overall - 8/10

The mix had a great start but dipped into a sea of mediocricy. It pulled out though, and kept rocking till the end. Thanks Jason!

Next up? Alucard.


Knows the Score
11. ? - ?

Hahaha, what is this? I'll find out when I go to fill in the tracklisting, but this is great. It's quirky, it's weird, it's my favorite song on this mix. "Make a little birdhouse in your soul." What does that even mean? I don't care!

That's 'They Might Be Giants'.
Hundreds of years ago when I played 'records' to 'students', I would start playing that to get them on the dancefloor, then quickly cut to some scary gabba.
Thanks for the review Buddy! Glad you liked it. Here's images of the front and back cover so you can fill in the "?"s.




I'm guilty of not putting up my reviews for the 2 mixes I received. I'll try to do both by the end of this week.


sonic compositions for night things (an experiment in contrasting styles)
by Alucard
a review

01. The Walkmen - What's In It For Me?

Who are these "Walkmen" and why was I not aware of their awesomistic music? It's a gentle introduction to the mix that lulls you in gently.


02. Camera Obscura - Before You Cry

Yes. Good stuff. Especially dig the male/female vocals and the sort of dialog they have.


03. The Exploding Hearts - Jailbird

This sounds like old, classic (Beatles-era) rock. And damn if I don't dig it immensely. Word I'll probably overuse here: "dig."


04. Metric - Dead Disco

The intro grabbed my attention, and the rocking kept it. I love the way she sings in some parts, like each word itself is a sentence. Multiple listens have caused me to download the entire album, which I enjoy immensely. "Old World Underground, Where Are You Now?" indeed.


05. John Vanderslice - When It Hits My Blood

Uh oh, party foul. I got into Vanderslice when he was mentioned in a thread a while ago, but I'm not too keen on this particular song. The latter half rocks, but the beginning just rubs me the wrong way. It doesn't flow that well from Metric either.


06. The Twilight Singers - Follow You Down

This is all peaceful and calm and ambient and awesome and I like it a lot and the lead singer reminds me of the guy from Blur.


07. Explosions in the Sky - Yasmin The Light

It starts out all relaxing and ambient, and then it goes rocking but still remains relaxing. And then it's over, and I'm left waiting to download the rest of the album off of Soulseek.


other half will go up later tonight.


08. Meanwhile, Back in Communist Russia - Chinese Lantern

This song is rather soft and pretty. After the dreamy vocals it goes all awesome instrumental. It's pretty and nice. I like it.


09. A Northern Chorus - Red Carpet Blues

Instrumental goodness. It's just flows with the nice, relaxing mood of the mix.


10. Do Make Say Think - Ontario Plates

Chilled, mellow, good. I'm running out of adjectives.


11. Maserati - Moving With Heavy Hearts

Relaxed. Instrumental. I'm sleepy, and this isn't helping. Ambient, perhaps?


12. Mogwai - 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong

I'm out of adjectives. It's Mogwai, it's good, I enjoy it.


13. Fog - No Boys Allowed

It's kinda quirky, but I dig it.



As you can see, I got rather tired by the end of the review. This mix was my favorite mix I've received in any mix exchange thus far, and I look forward to hearing Alucard's next creation. The packaging kicked ass too, with a special handwritten note underneath the CD to warm the cockles of your soul. A+



goddamit, Griese!
fuuuuck. I had reviews written for all the mixes I got, but was waiting until now to post them because of the forum screwery. but the HD they were on is now dead =(

I'll rewrite them in the near future.


Unconfirmed Member
yoshifumi said:
alucard's mix sounds like its pretty cool. anyway...anyone want to review mine? anybody?

Youll have it tomorrow night. I promise.

I have to get up at 5:30am tomorrow or I would do it now. X|


Haha, glad you liked it. I'm even happy that you actually liked the Maserati track I picked out since I really wanted to change it after the mix was done. And download more Explosions in the Sky. In the next mix exchange someone is going to get blown away by "The Only Moment We Were Alone". :)

The Vanderslice song was another one I wasn't totally sure of and I probably should have changed it too. Ah well. At least you're into Metric now! And that Meanwhile, Back in Communist Russia track is one of my favourites on the entire mix...love the talking and then love the exploding rock at the end.


..now where are my other two reviews? come to think of it, where are my other two mixes i should have received by now?

you've had months!
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