Lafiel said:Don't trust duckroll guys, I'm not even sure if he's a kenji nakamura fan, considering his post above.![]()
Maybe you simply do not understand what I'm saying!
Lafiel said:Don't trust duckroll guys, I'm not even sure if he's a kenji nakamura fan, considering his post above.![]()
Geneijin said:30-sai no Hoken Taiiku - 2
Yeah, I'm dropping this. It isn't so much the censorship was as bad as the previous episode, but that there wasn't much to censor. What remained was a sex comedy (?) that still isn't engaging me with its exploits. The beginning of the episode had the MC unhooking a bra, which the God of Sex advised it's an essential skill to learn to do skillfully.On a random note, the mixer the MC was forced to go to or else his sex doll would be punished reminds me of the fat version of Hilda in Shadow Hearts 3. The point of the mixer apparently by the God of Sex was to invite the most unappealing women and advise him to ignore outward appearances and accept the inner beauty of people. When he did, they became more mildly attractive. Yeah, didn't work either for me. There was more to this episode like how the first potential lover/soulmate a virgin communicates with is deemed extra special in their eyes and how girls can setup AK (AT fields), but I wasn't laughing at much this episode.But then, it became known the little brother of the God of Sex was crossdressing after the MC refused to have sex with her. Uh what? Exactly. It didn't work for me.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Wow I was going to check out the 2nd episode, to see if it actually turns into a sex comedy, but it looks like I shouldn't bother at all.
And wow does browsing Gaf feel wierd with no avatars at all. @_@
I don't know his post actually made me want to watch it.Lafiel said:Don't trust duckroll guys, I'm not even sure if he's a kenji nakamura fan, considering his post above.![]()
duckroll said:In reality the difference between the two is a very fine line.![]()
zeroshiki said:WTF happened to the avatars?
So we're one step closer to becoming 2ch right? Next we're all gonna lose our handles and then we're gonna start arguing about whether the art director for Code Geass ep2 is better than the one for ep3.
I doubt any BONES fan until other people confirm what they say!trejo said:He was kinda sorta right about X-men so I see no reason to doubt him now!
Well it personally made me more anxious to watch it then i already am!I don't know his post actually made me want to watch it.
duckroll said:I think I need to clarify that my comment was not about the difference between Trapeze and Code Geass. But rather the difference between how entertainment is perceived. Entertainment is entertainment. I don't believe that high brow and low brow stuff are automatically better or worse, nor is it impossible for high brow writing to have low brow execution, or vice versa.
Also, I'm deliberately not commenting on anything regarding C in specifics, because well, it's the sort of show that is better enjoyed if you have no idea what to expect going in. Lol.
You haven't seen Lotte no Omocha yet?InfiniteNine said:Hrmmm... Vote! Which first episode should I start with?
Hanasaku Iroha
Seikon no Qwaser II
Kanon 2006
The World God Only Knows 2
Lotte no Omocha!
Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai
Only one person is saying bad stuff about it.Miri said:I take a break from anime, and ultimately GAF, for a few days and I come back to find out that C is said to be shit? That's great. I was figuring that something that I was anticipating was going to be trash, for Hanasaku Iroha to have turned out so well.
Who said it was shit?Miri said:I take a break from anime, and ultimately GAF, for a few days and I come back to find out that C is said to be shit? That's great. I was figuring that something that I was anticipating was going to be trash, for Hanasaku Iroha to have turned out so well.
Let's not jump to conclusions here, it isn't confirmed to be shit yet.Miri said:I take a break from anime, and ultimately GAF, for a few days and I come back to find out that C is said to be shit? That's great. I was figuring that something that I was anticipating was going to be trash, for Hanasaku Iroha to have turned out so well.
Aigis said:Only one person is saying bad stuff about it.
So sullen!icarus-daedelus said:Make sure they get my face right!
Sometimes I wonder if he can even move his facial muscles anymore.
So dreamy!firehawk12 said:So sullen!
flawfuls said:C isn't bad, it's actually better than I was expecting given the meh trailers. What duckroll is saying isn't exactly wrong, but it's kind of misleading.
icarus-daedelus said:This would be the first time that ducky has ever misled anyone at GAF.
duckroll said:Who?
But I didn't know! I was on a media blackout and only had the description to suffice.flawfuls said:Ha I guessed the spoiler based on the trailer and description.
It is a sex comedy, but the execution doesn't work for me. I say you should still give it a try if my comments gave you the impression of it becoming more like an instructional video.Steroyd said:Wow I was going to check out the 2nd episode, to see if it actually turns into a sex comedy, but it looks like I shouldn't bother at all.
duckroll said:Also, I'm deliberately not commenting on anything regarding C in specifics, because well, it's the sort of show that is better enjoyed if you have no idea what to expect going in. Lol.
duckroll said:C is amazing.
Take Death Note, Eden of the East, Persona 3, Code Geass, Yugioh, Beyblade, and some other random shit, put it all in a blender, add in really low production values, terrible character art, cheap animation, and awful background art.... and you'll get something like C ep1! Somehow, even with all that in mind, it is STILL entertaining! This is going to be a glorious trainwreck.![]()
Miri said:You.
duckroll said:When did I say it was bad?
Miri said:I glossed over your post, and took the initial "amazing" as sarcasm. A misread on my part.
He reminds me a bit of the white top hat and suit dude from Blue Exorcist. Will definitely keep watching C so, if nothing else, I can figure out what I've already watched. And we should add a dash of Back to the Future in the mismash, it was all I could think of watching the car as it entered the financial district.Geneijin said:is an awesome character though.Masakaki
Battle Girls. Or Hanasaku Iroha.InfiniteNine said:Hrmmm... Vote! Which first episode should I start with?
Hanasaku Iroha
Seikon no Qwaser II
Kanon 2006
The World God Only Knows 2
Lotte no Omocha!
Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai
hosannainexcelsis said:I see what duckroll was saying, but I think it's too early to declare it a trainwreck - it could go anywhere. I'll certainly keep watching, at least to find out more about Masakaki and this crazy Financial District. I love the ED.
duckroll said:A trainwreck also has many possible outcomes though. Everyone in it could end up trapped but still alive as the train catches fire after crashing into the woods, with no rescue in sight as everyone burns to death slowly and painfully. Everyone on the train could miraculously survive inside the train even after it crashes right into the town hall, making the journey the most exciting, unpredictable, and thrilling event of their lives. People could start jumping off the train slowly before it completely derails, and survive to watch the actual crash safely from the distance. Etc.
It could indeed go anywhere, but I think we can safely say that out of all the shows airing right now, C is one show which is basically off the rails right from the start of ep1!
duckroll said:A trainwreck also has many possible outcomes though. Everyone in it could end up trapped but still alive as the train catches fire after crashing into the woods, with no rescue in sight as everyone burns to death slowly and painfully. Everyone on the train could miraculously survive inside the train even after it crashes right into the town hall, making the journey the most exciting, unpredictable, and thrilling event of their lives. People could start jumping off the train slowly before it completely derails, and survive to watch the actual crash safely from the distance. Etc.
It could indeed go anywhere, but I think we can safely say that out of all the shows airing right now, C is one show which is basically off the rails right from the start of ep1!
Geneijin said:It is a sex comedy, but the execution doesn't work for me. I say you should still give it a try if my comments gave you the impression of it becoming more like an instructional video.
zeroshiki said:WTF happened to the avatars?
So we're one step closer to becoming 2ch right? Next we're all gonna lose our handles and then we're gonna start arguing about whether the art director for Code Geass ep2 is better than the one for ep3.
zeroshiki said:I think duckroll is thinking trainwreck in the Code Geass sense.
Which is awesomeness.
InfiniteNine said:            ∧ ∧
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duckroll said:I think I should state for the record that I think Code Geass is clearly a bad show. I would not actually recommend it to anyone, but I was entertained by how progressively nonsensical and bad it got from episode to episode throughout both seasons.
I consider Code Geass the sort of train wreck where as a passenger, after the train initially derailed, my left arm got ripped off from the impact, and I managed to jump off and prevent severe blood loss before it killed me. Yet because I had many friends still on the train, my concern for them made be follow the train throughout the disaster, from a distance. Eventually the train crashed into a lake deep into the woods, and as I only had one arm and could not swim, I could only watch helplessly as they all drowned.
But yet I did not regret it because it was thrilling, and it was a learning experience. I carry the scars with me to this day, and the memories of those who did not make it out alive. I am who I am because of what I have gone through in life, and it is with that knowledge that I look towards the future.
It looks too stupid/self-serious for that to happen.Lafiel said:I wonder if C is going be a deconstruction of the shonen battle genre much like Madoka was a deconstruction of the magical girl genre mmm.
It's a kitty!zeroshiki said:Is that... a Korean UFO?