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Spring 2011 Anime Thread of ZAWA ZAWA, Money, emo Cyclops, and fun^10xint^40=Ir2

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trejo said:
True. But it's like he thought we were hailing it as the Citizen Kane of anime or somesuch and is dead set on proving us wrong for some reason.

At least that's the impression I get.

its because you placed it in the same "Magnificence" that is Wandering Son :p


Only series I'm remotely interested in this season is Moshidora. Need some sort of baseball fix without any new Oofuri. :(


Infinite Justice said:
its because you placed it in the same "Magnificence" that is Wandering Son :p
Meh. Both have their cons and pros. My tastes just happen to give Madoka the edge, is all.


I would like to say screw you to whoever posted the break dancing dinosaur gif, which I can't find to start off my post.

You are Umasou

I came into this not knowing what to expect, and I came out with a surprisingly feel good entertaining show, it sets the tone at the start when they show the reals of the herbivore and carnivores, and practically runs away with that theme.

Basically it's about a semi herbivore raised carnivore called Heart looking after a herbivore who think it's his daddy who named him Umasou which is a nice play on words because Umasou mean tasty and hearts first sentence he said to him was "You are tasty", the show has nearly everything, drama, a training arc, humour and ass kicking action at the end with a dinosaur that was at least twice Hearts size.

Now that I've got that out of my system, goodnight.


trejo said:
Meh. Both have their cons and pros. My tastes just happen to give Madoka the edge, is all.
I get the impression that doomed1 is the kind of guy who'd get upset if you suggested you thought Star Wars deserved best picture over Annie Hall.
Geneijin said:
This talk of Mushishi got me to check out Episode 7 again. It was always one of my most favorite episodes above the others even though Mushishi as a whole is superb. Not sure why it particular sticks out to me.

Anyone have any special favorites as well?

Episode 12 was very special, not only because of the insight into Ginko's past, but also because of how well directed it was. I also like Episode 16, because of how emotionally effective and thought-provoking about the concept of memory it is, and Episode 20, because I like the idea of living character strings and it was interesting to see the motivations of different kinds of Mushi-Shi. I could go on though; the series is extremely consistent.


Branduil said:
I get the impression that doomed1 is the kind of guy who'd get upset if you suggested you thought Star Wars deserved best picture over Annie Hall.

Except he likes OreImo so this doesn't seem to be your usual "cultured elitist" type of deal.


I Am Now said:
What the hell is ZAWA ZAWA anyway?

It's an onomatopoeic phrase used in the Kaiji series to indicate someone being tense or stressing out or something. Every time that happens the "ZAWA ZAWA" hiragana appear all over the screen. It's kind of ridiculous and over the top - but then so is Kaiji.

Anyway, this season seems a bit of a snooze aside from [C]. I'm sure there'll be some half-decent shows in there but half-decent doesn't really cut it for me any more :(


jman2050 said:
Except he likes OreImo so this doesn't seem to be your usual "cultured elitist" type of deal.
I think he just sees holes in the show and finds it distasteful. It's like two people looking at a hunk of swiss cheese. One sees nothing wrong with it. The other dreams of suppositories.


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doomed1 said:
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica 10
I've seen this movie before! I think Bill Murray was in it...



icarus-daedelus said:
Yeah, but he was arguing against it before having seen any of it, and then went to watch the series to gripe about it more effectively. I guess it lived down to his preset expectations of suck.
Oh, didn't know about that.

flawfuls said:
That was great, they crammed a nice satisfying story in that 25 minute length. How many other shows are part of this Young Animator Training project thing? If they all end up being this good I will be very pleased.
There should be three more.


icarus-daedelus said:
Yeah, but he was arguing against it before having seen any of it, and then went to watch the series to gripe about it more effectively. I guess it lived down to his preset expectations of suck.

He doesn't actually hate the show, he just doesn't see what's so special about it. Which is reasonable enough I guess even if I disagree.


XiaNaphryz said:
Only series I'm remotely interested in this season is Moshidora. Need some sort of baseball fix without any new Oofuri. :(

My thoughts almost exactly. I'm interested in [C] too but not too hyped yet. Now I just need something to fill up my Sunday dose of terrible after Star Driver finishes.


jman2050 said:
He doesn't actually hate the show, he just doesn't see what's so special about it. Which is reasonable enough I guess even if I disagree.

To that extent, I can agree with him. I think nothing special of Madoka. It's a fun little romp that I almost enjoy talking about more than watching. It was his mechanics-diving I found funny. The trolling doesn't bother me.


Steroyd said:
I would like to say screw you to whoever posted the break dancing dinosaur gif, which I can't find to start off my post.
Why? What's wrong with it?
I'm the culprit


Also, this was good (spoiler), wasn't it? So good. Glad you liked the movie. I'm a happy person right now.

Joule said:
It's difficult to just pick any one out. They're all so good.

The ones that stick out in my mind right now are the episode 4 with the blacksmith and his pillow and episode 24 with the traveling musician. The former was really quite haunting with regards to how it ended and the latter similarly with a certain part in the end (those eyes...).
Oh, Episode 4 was also a favorite of mine, but Episode 9
with "the tooth," or the seed, to help fertilize crops was dumbfounding for me to say the least because I didn't know how to begin contemplating about the general theme of that episode.

hosannainexcelsis said:
Episode 12 was very special, not only because of the insight into Ginko's past, but also because of how well directed it was. I also like Episode 16, because of how emotionally effective and thought-provoking about the concept of memory it is, and Episode 20, because I like the idea of living character strings and it was interesting to see the motivations of different kinds of Mushi-Shi. I could go on though; the series is extremely consistent.
16 was a classic too. It stood out for me because
I remember saying something along the lines of "Wow, is it really a bad thing to want to forget memories" when she saw what she did. The execution of that episode was phenomenal.
If Funimation had the subbed version up, I wouldn't have forgotten about it! Honestly.


Droplet said:
My thoughts almost exactly. I'm interested in [C] too but not too hyped yet. Now I just need something to fill up my Sunday dose of terrible after Star Driver finishes.
There's always X-men. You can watch it with Duckroll.


jman2050 said:
Holy shit I'm not the only one.
shintoki said:
Let's Clannad After Story this bitch up.
Anything is not scary anymore.
cosmicblizzard said:
Ooh, Mai Hime talk. Actually about to start it. Hope it's good.
Infinite Justice said:
i think i'll finally watch this after all this time. :eek:
It's also worth to note(that is if you have any interest in Mai Hime at all) Manga is completely different from the anime.
Geneijin said:
*Crazy gifs*
You're such a tease.
trejo said:
There's always X-men. You can watch it with Duckroll.
I personally can't wait for bishounen Cyclops.


Everything is tsundere to me
jman2050 said:
Except he likes OreImo so this doesn't seem to be your usual "cultured elitist" type of deal.
Yeah, I'm not really. I'm a snob, sure, and I'm cultured, but I'm not really elitist. There are alot of plot holes in the show, and considering, it's understandable that they're there, but I'm just not a huge fan. OreImo I liked because I have two younger sisters. If you had younger sisters and watched OreImo, you'd get that I liked it for the commentary on sibling relationships. Same with K-On, except trade out sibling relationships for high school rock bands. It's more a values thing than a QUALITY EVERYONE CAN LOVE thing, but that's what taste is all about, and we all know there's no accounting for it...

DrForester said:
I understand now! :lol
Solune said:
It's also worth to note(that is if you have any interest in Mai Hime at all) Manga is completely different from the anime.

yea ive heard about this (they did it with Mai-Otome also) but i just never bothered to go further.
I'm expecting a few meh's from you guys in regards to Sket Dance, if it follows the manga straight up the first few episodes will be relatively standard high school hijinks shonen. Once the series loses all pretence of being set in a remotely realistic world is when it starts to get good and gets better from there.

I really enjoy the Ao No Excorcist manga aswell, its only up to around chapter 24 if you want to check it out.

Will be giving everything at least 3 eps before dropping, excited to see just how bad X Men will be.


doomed1 said:
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica 6
it was pretty obvious once Homura went after the gem
You mean, like, seconds before they explained what was up? How sloppy, indeed!

There are plenty of narrative loose ends that won't get tied up and when you're fucking with time travel you have to throw ALL logic out the door.
... What?
doomed1 said:
Yeah, I'm not really. I'm a snob, sure, and I'm cultured, but I'm not really elitist. There are alot of plot holes in the show, and considering, it's understandable that they're there, but I'm just not a huge fan. OreImo I liked because I have two younger sisters. If you had younger sisters and watched OreImo, you'd get that I liked it for the commentary on sibling relationships. Same with K-On, except trade out sibling relationships for high school rock bands. It's more a values thing than a QUALITY EVERYONE CAN LOVE thing, but that's what taste is all about, and we all know there's no accounting for it...

your posts really give off that vibe though (more so than others), which is unfortunate.


I'm expecting a few meh's from you guys in regards to Sket Dance, if it follows the manga straight up the first few episodes will be relatively standard high school hijinks shonen. Once the series loses all pretence of being set in a remotely realistic world is when it starts to get good and gets better from there.

I'd just read the first 7 chapters recently and was about to ask if it got more interesting or introduced a hook of some kind, because I'm really struggling to keep going.

So that's good to know, I'll try to keep with it.
doomed1 said:
Yeah, I'm not really. I'm a snob, sure, and I'm cultured, but I'm not really elitist. There are alot of plot holes in the show, and considering, it's understandable that they're there, but I'm just not a huge fan. OreImo I liked because I have two younger sisters. If you had younger sisters and watched OreImo, you'd get that I liked it for the commentary on sibling relationships. Same with K-On, except trade out sibling relationships for high school rock bands. It's more a values thing than a QUALITY EVERYONE CAN LOVE thing, but that's what taste is all about, and we all know there's no accounting for it...

I understand now! :lol

Going by your analysis of Madoka, you're the 8th biggest elitist in this thread.
pieatorium said:
I'm expecting a few meh's from you guys in regards to Sket Dance, if it follows the manga straight up the first few episodes will be relatively standard high school hijinks shonen. Once the series loses all pretence of being set in a remotely realistic world is when it starts to get good and gets better from there.

I think it will end up in that group where its mainly the fans of the manga checking it out (eg TWGOK, Bakuman, Beelzebub, etc)


doomed1 said:
What I'm saying is that it's really not that special of a magical girl show..

compared to what? mai hime?
you're judging something when you arent even half way through it? rofl


Everything is tsundere to me
Infinite Justice said:
your posts really give off that vibe though (more so than others), which is unfortunate.
I'm an academic. People tend to label academics as "elitist", which is unfortunate. I don't think people SHOULDN'T like Madoka any more than I think they should, I'm just saying that it's relatively shallow from a literary standpoint and that's okay. It's got other things going for it than just the academic aspects. Like I said, I enjoyed the action and music quite a bit, and the
Groundhog Day
twist, while I thought it was rather silly, was entertaining. It had me laughing the whole episode.

And, if they leave the show on that last episode 10, not to be returned to, that would be a fantastic statement as well, i.e.,
the show's really about Homura
and creates a dialog that renders alot of my plot-hole complaints moot.

But of course, that's only if Episode 10 remains the last time this franchise is visited.

So in conclusion: You can like Madoka all you guys want. Just don't go saying it's objectively better than Wandering Son. Because then you'd be wrong.
jman2050 said:
Wait then who's the 7t--- ooooooh

cosmicblizzard's totally accurate and unbiased elitist ranking list of animu thread regulars:

Class S: Super Monocle People
1. Branduil and Jexhius (tied)
3. Nonoriri

Class A: Fake Monocle People
4. Macodin
5. 7th
6. Jerk

Class B: Refined Retina Displacement Theory
7. Aigis
8. doomed1
9. icarus-daedelus
10. Lafiel
11. Hellsing321
12. trejo
13. shintoki
14. ABF
15. Jman2050
16. Drforester
17. Halycon
18. Firehawk

Class C: All around mustache club
19. Dresden, flawfuls, Kuwabaratheman (3 way tie)
22. zeroshiki
23. Geneijin
24. cosmicblizzard, steroyd, Lain, infinite justice, Regulus Tera (5 way tie)
29. tiff

Class D: Boys in Dresses
30. Infinitenine


cosmicblizzard said:
cosmicblizzard's totally accurate and unbiased elitist ranking list of animu thread regulars:

Some day i will make Class S, i guess i haft to start acting like more of a ass in the anime threads.:3


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I resent that list, if only because flawfuls is a distinguished gentleman and scholarly appreciator of the arts.


cosmicblizzard said:
cosmicblizzard's totally accurate and unbiased elitist ranking list of animu thread regulars:

Class S: Super Monocle People
1. Branduil and Jexhius (tied)
3. Nonoriri

Class A: Fake Monocle People
4. Macodin
5. 7th
6. Jerk

Class B: Refined Retina Displacement Theory
7. Aigis
8. doomed1
9. icarus-daedelus
10. Lafiel
11. trejo
12. shintoki
13. ABF
14. Jman2050
15. Drforester
16. Halycon

Class C: All around mustache club
17. Dresden, flawfuls, Kuwabaratheman (3 way tie)
20. cosmicblizzard, steroyd, Lain, infinite justice (4 way tie)
24. tiff
25. Infinitenine

And I don't even make the list... :( I don't know whether I should feel bad, or better, about that.


Kills Photobucket
cosmicblizzard said:
cosmicblizzard's totally accurate and unbiased elitist ranking list of animu thread regulars:

Class S: Super Monocle People
1. Branduil and Jexhius (tied)
3. Nonoriri

Class A: Fake Monocle People
4. Macodin
5. 7th
6. Jerk

Class B: Refined Retina Displacement Theory
7. Aigis
8. doomed1
9. icarus-daedelus
10. Lafiel
11. trejo
12. shintoki
13. ABF
14. Jman2050
15. Drforester
16. Halycon

Class C: All around mustache club
17. Dresden, flawfuls, Kuwabaratheman (3 way tie)
20. cosmicblizzard, steroyd, Lain, infinite justice (4 way tie)
24. tiff
25. Infinitenine

To scared to rank the mods I see....
So in conclusion: You can like Madoka all you guys want. Just don't go saying it's objectively better than Wandering Son. Because then you'd be wrong

icalledit.gif :p

as for your post not a big fan of placing all media in that "academic" limelight as it makes it way too critical imo. I'm in it to be entertained first, everything else can come after.

lol @ that list
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