EmmanuelMunoz said:Has anyone watched A-Chanel Ep. 2? I did not love the first episode but it seemed moderately interesting so i am curious how it went
Really? I always thought it was scheduled for a single season. I don't think they have enough material for two seasons, anyways.flawfuls said:Isn't it a two season show?
Who knows, the filler stuff might be good.cosmicblizzard said:Well that's still disheartening. I don't know why they do this shit with short shows. They could at least wait a few episodes before breaking off from the manga storyline unless they want to go fully original.
Whatever, I'm gonna try to go in it with as little bias as possible since I haven't read the manga. May still like it.
Dresden said:Really? I always thought it was scheduled for a single season. I don't think they have enough material for two seasons, anyways.
I like wordy comedy, but I realize that most people don't... I think the only show I think that sort of fits into the Gintama style of comedy that came out recently is Squid Girl/Ika Musume.FlyingTeacup said:which is the funniest, besides gintama? I watched dororon, it wasn't very funny.
Oh, damn, you're right.flawfuls said:Fansub wiki says it's slated for 25 episodes.
FlyingTeacup said:which is the funniest, besides gintama? I watched dororon, it wasn't very funny.
Dresden said:Oh, damn, you're right.
Instro said:Slightly better than the first episode. Still mediocre, but with more lesbian stuff.
Sounds like it's worth a watch still. ~ ThanksJoule said:I guess it was a little more amusing than the first ep but it's pretty much the same standard gags. There was more lesbian subtext even if it's not very subtle at all. Also one of the girls got a face full of Wii controllers.
zeroshiki said:Hanasaku Iroha 03
Great episode! I foresee more converts to Team Ohana today.
Hah I'm actually watching the show with my family to! doesn't bother me at all though, since it was tastefully done in a sense, but it does prove that the show really is a seinen according to what this site tagged it as.Hanasaku Iroha kind of blew its chances at being a 'family' show by showing as much about the ero novel as they did. I think they could have gotten away with just saying stuff from it without visuals.
zeroshiki said:The first episode was excellent. At first you find her annoying but eventually, as it dawns on you what happened and then the confession scene and the scene with her family, the waves of sadness hit. Excellently manipulative. The bastards.
If I wasn't firmly on Team Ohana, I'd be flying the Mono no Aware flag. But Alas.
Because anime-gaf likes to make a war out of everything?Team Ohana?
Why are we being split into teams?
Jerk said:Team Ohana?
Why are there any teams?
The 30 Year Old thing seems fairly innocuous. It basically feels like a tamer version of 40 Year Old Virgin.icarus-daedelus said:I don't want to make anyone feel bad, so - I watched it and you didn't, so technically you're still ahead of me in the dignity stakes!
Although I think pretty much everyone is now. Gotta watch Sex Manual for 30 Year Olds and Lotte no Omocha to complete my debasement for the season, and then never commit myself to watching everything at least once -again-.
Ah, speaking of which, the Seitokai Yakuindomo OVA was mostly more of the same. I forgot that the show was mostly girls making sense jokes. I guess that dissonance is still mildly funny, but after Hen Zemi, I'm totally immune to PG-rated sex jokes.FlyingTeacup said:thanks for all suggestions!
watched two series lately, kore wa zombie, seitokai yakuindom,o baka no test, which are pretty good...
I really don't see how anyone would have thought the show would have any dramatic streaks in it though. The first two episodes pretty much poured on the sentimentality to the point where you couldn't help but assume this was going to be a happyhappy show.Lafiel said:Actually i can see some people being disappointed in this episode, who had the expectation of this show being a full-on drama, Anohana will probably be closer to that then HanIro, so we might see some converts to AnoHana. (sadly)
In fact i was checking other sites and there's already some disappointment in the episode!
Well that comes as no surprise, I'm let down by the internet again!Lafiel said:Actually i can see some people being disappointed in this episode...In fact i was checking other sites and there's already some disappointment in the episode!
I brought that up in the main thread, and yes, assuming that we are actually seeing things as they really are and it's not some kind of unreliable narrator.Aigis said:AnoHana related: Couldn't the main guy just lead all the friends and her parents to a sandbox and let her draw messages or something.
They are some dramatic overtones throughout the series so far though, but they haven't made it the forefront of the show, which is the kind of tone i prefer, so I'm pleased!I really don't see how anyone would have thought the show would have any dramatic streaks in it though. The first two episodes pretty much poured on the sentimentality to the point where you couldn't help but assume this was going to be a happyhappy show.
Because Ohana is awesome.Jerk said:Team Ohana?
Why are there any teams?
Even if you forget the rest of the production and focus on the plot, being abandoned by her mother should be the worst thing to happen to her and it's played off as a joke...Lafiel said:They are some dramatic overtones throughout the series so far though, but they haven't made it the forefront of the show, which is the kind of tone i prefer, so I'm pleased!
Dresden said:Because Ohana is awesome.
Hanasaku Iroha: [i]that[/i] kind of anime.[/QUOTE]
Well excuse me... I have to...uh... water my cat.
I think the flashbacks indicate they are taking it seriously in a sense, as the portrayal of her mother isn't exactly positive you know.firehawk12 said:Even if you forget the rest of the production and focus on the plot, being abandoned by her mother should be the worst thing to happen to her and it's played off as a joke...
Well, even Aria had one beach episode (even though they wore real swimsuits and not string bikinis)!Branduil said:I doubt that kind of fanservice will become a regular part of the show. It was mainly show the kind of hack the writeris.anime fandom
Yeah, but she isn't exactly the mother from Aishiteru ze Baby or anything. She's more like the "herp derp" parents form Hayate the Combat Butler.Lafiel said:I think the flashbacks indicate they are taking it seriously in a sense, as the portrayal of her mother isn't exactly positive you know.
7Th said:Shows I'm expecting to remember once they're over: nothing
Shows I'm expecting to enjoy, at least during their run: Tiger & Bunny, Enma-kun, HanaIro, AnoHana, X-Men
Shows I'm watching because I have nothing better to do: Nichijou
Shows I'm not watching: everything else
firehawk12 said:Yeah, but she isn't exactly the mother from Aishiteru ze Baby or anything. She's more like the "herp derp" parents form Hayate the Combat Butler.
I mean, the other "angst" moment was when the childhood friend confesses his feelings to Ohana and even that isn't like, slit your wrists Toradora level angst. It just happens and both characters move on, Voices of a Distant Star style.
BluWacky said:Did you really not like C, 7th? I thought Nakamura's direction elevated it above the poor art (clearly Toei have been working on One Piece for too long) and the writing was half decent at least. It's hardly what I'd think of as a Noitamina show, though, and I guess it has none of the things that made Bakemono/Mononoke interesting in it at all.
Considering he's being mentioned in like every episode past 1 so far, I'm expecting him to appear in the series somehow later on!Infinite Justice said:Being fair he finally sent back a fucking message so
duckroll said:Because Ohana is superior to Menma.
icarus-daedelus said:Ohana is also superior to Jintan, comparing protags by their first episodes, though there's nothing clearly wrong with him [other than being crazy but at least he recognizes it] yet. So that's a plus I suppose.
Maybe he'll be some kind of ghost that solves peoples problems!Lafiel said:Considering he's being mentioned in like every episode past 1 so far, I'm expecting him to appear in the series somehow later on!
I swear he's in the OP, but it could be another guy. Anime dudes all look the same I guess.Infinite Justice said:Being fair he finally sent back a fucking message so the show is still acknowledging his existence.
Which is why I made the Voices of a Distant Star reference. :lolLafiel said:Considering he's being mentioned in like every episode past 1 so far, I'm expecting him to appear in the series somehow later on!
Only to get (mistakenly) cut down, I hope.Lafiel said:Considering he's being mentioned in like every episode past 1 so far, I'm expecting him to appear in the series somehow later on!
duckroll said:Because Ohana is superior to Menma.
He is, but it looks like a flashback to Tokyo. It stills seems relevant, it's not like they're going to let that plot thread dangle with 26 episodes to spare.firehawk12 said:I swear he's in the OP, but it could be another guy. Anime dudes all look the same I guess.
Well Clannad is 4 times longer than Kanon 2002 or Air and twice as long as Kanon 2006, I'd hope that it would have more character development in all that additional time...Instro said:Generally speaking the first season a lot of harem type stuff mixed with some drama, the 2nd season is pretty much all drama and overall significantly better than season 1. I think what separates the protagonist of Clannad from Air and Kanon is that his growth and change as a character is pretty significant and relatively well paced over the course of the 2 seasons. Also what I liked about Clannad vs the other two is that basically every major character in the show has their backstory's pretty well fleshed out by the end of the show.
But it doesn't matter if they love eachother, it's pretty much impossible for such a relationship to not exploitative in some way. That's my point, "love conquers all" is a very flawed premise in this case.KuwabaraTheMan said:The student/teacher thing may seem creepy, but pretty much everything we see of Fujitaka indicates that he really is the perfect father, and not the type of person who would take advantage of such a relationship. I think they're just trying to make a point that if two people love each other, why should it matter what society thinks of that relatonship? Yeah, not allowing students and teachers to date (or marry) is logical, and I'm not going to argue it should be different, but I get the point they're trying to make.
It would be so awesome if that was the actual explanation... that one's actually realistic.doomed1 said:Heh, it might just be guilt. I mean, imagine you were some aloof self-righteous young teacher, and a high school girl falls for you. Cool story bro! You hit that? Hi-fives everywhere! What's this? she wants to marry? Eh, seems sorta clingy, but hey, maybe this way I won't get fired if people find out! Also, free poon! And then... Shit, she died? And now you have two kids? Rough time bro, now I sorta feel bad convincing you to tap dat...
Basically, I think it's a sort of interesting reading to frame Fujitaka as a man who is driven by guilt to be the perfect father, that his late wife's death drove him to be the man that she "saw" and as thus, Sakura sees with the best of her memory and Toya being too young to really understand. The narrative that Sakura hears is a romanticism of what happened between them. Technically "true" in most respects, but from a point of view that wouldn't be utterly traumatizing to a normal 10yo girl. By all respects, Fujitaka is that perfect father to Sakura, but he hasn't remarried nor dated nor done anything to try and put a positive female role model in his children's life. This isn't the behavior of the "perfect widower father", this is the behavior of a man wracked with guilt, but knows better than to show it to his children!
Or am I reading to much into this?
Oh come on, look at his list there. Star Driver, better than SnW? Yeah, you quite overstate things here to say the least.mAcOdIn said:Now since I sin less will my stay in hell be better or will it be worse since I know what a grave sin it is to like Sora no Woto? Hmm????
What's that spoiler about? Haven't watched that series.mAcOdIn said:He'll probably pick Tatami Galaxy.n
So only one show you dislike at a time, then, you mean?It's rare I actively try and hurt myself, I don't feel like it right now, I've already comitted myself to Glass Fleet once I'm done migrating everything on my PC.
Last Exile is way better than mediocre.Lol, so, but it could be better! This is what I'm talking about with Gonzo, you're so happy for them to just aim for mediocrity when greatness is so close, I like to dream bigger.
Hmm, perhaps. I'm not sure. If having the stories was necessary, though, it could have been presented better. Fantasy series often have multiple viewpoints, but most modern fantasy series and movies do it by alternating between them, not by having big blocks with each one. It's a better design because it keeps things moving without bogging you down for too long in any one storyline if you like one less. The Lord of the Rings books did stick with each group for a long time, but the genre in general has not followed that lead, and indeed even the LotR movies changed things to go to the more standard frequent-switches approach, which I think is better.I dunno! I think some of it was to flesh out some of the concepts, like we didn't know really what a Kirin was so they showed us one "growing up" but just somewhere else, but it seems like they followed the order of the novels so I don't think it's the anime's fault. As for some of the other stuff, like King En's arc, it does somewhat tie into Youko's but I think there was more of a theme than a story with The Twelve Kingdoms that makes everything not related still related, almost as if a message rather than a single story was meant to be conveyed, I dunno how to put it.
It did have flaws, but no, it was better than that.It's few major flaws were pretty major though, in a decent season Sora no Woto has no right being highly ranked so Sora no Woto's biggest asset was nothing on it's part but the below average quality of it's competition.
You can say that on a probable basis, but not without certainty unless you watch it.Still, I ain't going to like them.
Didn't I say already? Nichijou!Oh and I gotta know, Iroha or AnoHana?
I expect him to come visit anyway - it seems like they're setting that up slowly by reminding us of his presence.Jexhius said:He is, but it looks like a flashback to Tokyo. It stills seems relevant, it's not like they're going to let that plot thread dangle with 26 episodes to spare.
I think at this point it's really hard to judge whether the show will be more interesting than mononoke or not. The second episode will probably make or break the show at this point, but the first episode definitely had me intrigued in what potential directions they are going take the series in.BluWacky said:Did you really not like C, 7th? I thought Nakamura's direction elevated it above the poor art (clearly Toei have been working on One Piece for too long) and the writing was half decent at least. It's hardly what I'd think of as a Noitamina show, though, and I guess it has none of the things that made Bakemono/Mononoke interesting in it at all.
No, there were some reviews and such a few pages back.Ezalc said:Am I the only one watching Hyougemono?
Ezalc said:Am I the only one watching Hyougemono?
Sure when you turn out to be wrong, and the show ends up to be a another nakamura masterpiece.It's not going to be more interesting than Mononoke, unless you mean like "potentially interesting failure" type of interesting. You can quote me on that later if you'd like!![]()
doomed1 said:The universe doesn't "LOSE" energy in entropy, energy cannot be lost! And yet, the death of the universe is coming because the universe is losing energy in entropy. This is bad science.