Hanasaku Iroha 1
As far as high school dramas go, it was pretty solid. Ohana being kind of dumb and wishy-washy in your typical angsty teenager sense, and the "cruelty" the real world that Ohana experiences (outside of the urban city all places) is at least half-born of her own adolescent stupid. Ko was also interesting enough, considering he at least grew the balls to admit how he felt, but him running away was a slight disappointment. Grandma's a bitch, but I figure she'll just get shown for practicing tough love in the end and transform into "cool traditional grandma".
Anyway, there was one unrelated thing that the show did: it sorta drove home on how I'm sort of becoming less and less interested high school genres, even less so in HS dramas. Guess I really just want a good solid college aged one, because it's after people gather their answers in life (right or wrong) and so the dynamic is different. Watching the same old moronic pubescent attitudes and mannerisms is starting to get tiring for me.