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Spring 2011 Anime Thread of ZAWA ZAWA, Money, emo Cyclops, and fun^10xint^40=Ir2

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
zeroshiki said:
Anime is entertainment. Not everything needs to be an art film.
doomed1 would disagree with you


Branduil said:
The source material is terrible if it's anything like the anime. They should have changed it to something good.
I think it's fine the way it is. The premise itself isn't flawed, and they do address the issues regarding the convenient post-seduction amnesia later on.


Pachael said:
Yeah, the pacing was molasses. Ah well, more firetrucks would be appreciated.
Indeed, and Ayumi only got one episode for her arc, terrible. Plus they had the filler episodes, but the last episode was good.
Unknown Soldier said:
Well, maybe they're going to string it out for 3 seasons? I wouldn't mind too much, it's not as if there's been a huge huge gap between seasons 1 and 2, if there was to be a season 3 it would probably be late 2011/early 2012.
If only this were the case
Dresden said:
So no Yui.
At least I get Haqua animated, woot!
luka said:
Episode 20 was fuckawesome. My heart stopped for a minute at the end.

The whole series is pretty good as a whole, too bad the ending ruins everything.

Was that really in 2005? Seems like ages ago I watched this. :p
It was indeed good until the ending.


Dresden said:
I think it's fine the way it is. The premise itself isn't flawed, and they do address the issues regarding the convenient post-seduction amnesia later on.
There's everything wrong with a premise that assumes dating-game tactics work in real life.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Branduil said:
There's everything wrong with a premise that assumes dating-game tactics work in real life.
Good thing it's an anime and not real life.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Why aren't they making Code Geass.

It's like they have the plans for a gold mine and a site all scouted out but nope, nothing.
That doesn't work when the anime attempts to delineate between anime and real life.
You mean anime and games!


Rolling Girl
Branduil said:
That doesn't work when the anime attempts to delineate between anime and real life.
I'm pretty sure we don't live in a world where people are contracted to capture demons residing in troubled girls for fear of their head being taken off.


InfiniteNine said:
I'm pretty sure we don't live in a world where people are contracted to capture demons residing in troubled girls for fear of their head being taken off.
Sadly the demons thing was the most realistic part of the show.


icarus-daedelus said:
Are you trying to imply that it feeds into my masochistic tendencies? Well, you'd be right. To imply that.
Odin Photon Super Sexy Space Soldier Sailer Starlight actually manages to be really boring, though, in spite of all the bright disco lights and 80s rock music. If I finish it someday I'll be sure to take more sparkly screencaps of it.
This was such a good movie back in the day I took part of the title to make my current screen name. Seriously.

icarus-daedelus said:
Speaking of which, slightly inebriated and fresh off Clannad the Movie I am ready for some Glass Fleet.
Nice, I can't wait, somehow other's impending suffering brings me comfort.
icarus-daedelus said:
Glass Fleet

Terrible CGI logo? Terrible CGI spaceships? Ugly backgrounds and character designs? Oh Gonzo, how I've missed you!

I nearly lost my shit when the guy with the ridiculous hat and the girls draped on each side of him was crushed to death by a giant falling statue. This after probably the least interesting space battle I've ever seen, in spite of hundreds of ships being blown up all around, and is followed by the strangest marriage ceremony I've ever seen. During the latter a spontaneous ground battle breaks out. All of which happens in about ten minutes; it is hilarious and indescribable.

You probably couldn't make anything more incompetent if you tried. This is ugly, badly edited, and nonsensical in every aspect. mAcOdIn and Geneijin really weren't kidding with this one.

There really are no words though. You have to see it for yourself. It's even on Hulu, everybody Americans!
And here's what I was waiting for all day while at work! Yes. Honestly this was the most offensively bad show I've seen, I don't know what it is about the show but everything just like the worst thing ever.
icarus-daedelus said:
The best part of Glass Fleet might have been right at the end of the episode, where the show tries to pretend that it's SRS BSNS for all of 30 seconds as wistful harmonica music plays, and BAM, guy in a spaceship shows up out of the blue as the heroine intones "...and that was when I first met you. At that moment, everything began...Cleo." in voiceover. As if this weren't an utterly cliched framing device they just introduced in like the last ten seconds of the show. Like we're supposed to give a fuck.

I did not give a fuck, but I did laugh, and how.
What pisses me off is they're passing off the heroine as a boy in the show when she looks nothing like a guy. Nothing. I assume her being a she's supposed to be some big important reveal in the show and it's just so fucking totally obvious.

And the whole time they were building how awesome she is she was narrating how week she was and how she really just needed a guy to save her, fuck this.

And for someone famous enough to have a trap set for her she sure sucks at her plans and their execution.

Not that those are my only gripes with the show I just don't want to make too long a post. I think I may try and finish the show though since two other people are watching it now, might as well see it through.
Aigis said:
Also, I got my Honneamise BD/DVD set today. It has really nice packaging too. Guess that was a given considering it had an MSRP of eighty fucking dollars when it came out.
When I got my copy I actually posted about how happy I was with the packaging. The shrink wrap wasn't shrink wrap but resealable plastic baggies! How fucking awesome is that? And none of that security tape on the top of each box, how fucking quaint, like back when DVD first came out, so refreshing to not have to sit there picking at it with your fingernails for 5 minutes to open it up.


Rolling Girl
Branduil said:
Then they shouldn't have framed the premise in a way that encourages looking for that contrast.
...I don't see that frame at all. It seems like you're trying to fit it to be something it isn't and dismissing it because it's not the right piece for the hole.


InfiniteNine said:
Manglobe didn't come up with anything~! Well maybe they came up with the horrible pacing that they went with. The manga does pretty okay and is quite a bit more entertaining.

I marathoned it, and didn't find too much of a problem with the pacing. They could have covered more, but it was still a damn funny and pretty enjoyable ride all the way through, especially that last episode, with that awesome ED.


InfiniteNine said:
...I don't see that frame at all. It seems like you're trying to fit it to be something it isn't and dismissing it because it's not the right piece for the hole.
Yes, I'm trying to fit it to be something good.

Don't make a character who's obsessed with digital girls, and then make "real" girls who act exactly the same. It destroy believability.
Lain said:
I marathoned it, and didn't find too much of a problem with the pacing. They could have covered more, but it was still a damn funny and pretty enjoyable ride all the way through, especially that last episode, with that awesome ED.

If there isn't going to be a season 3, manglobe needs to fucking man up and actually try to cover as much manga material as possible. There's no excuse for knowing in advance that you're not getting another shot and still having no sense of pacing of your series. This isn't a case of Madhouse and Highschool of the Dead being money in the bank drawing interest so pace it however you damn well please.

Branduil said:
Yes, I'm trying to fit it to be something good.

Don't make a character who's obsessed with digital girls, and then make "real" girls who act exactly the same. It destroy believability.

Do you know what the fuck a parody is?

Parodies don't have to be "believable", whatever that is supposed to mean when talking about anime, a medium which is by definition animated. In the case of TWGOK it's obviously supposed to be a completely unbelievable premise which is intentionally played as a satire of the whole JP dating sim genre and otaku culture in general. So where the fuck is believability supposed to come into the picture?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Night, Jessica!

Wandering Son 10 and 11: This series really deserves more but it ended on a good note. Wish the manga came out faster.


Unknown Soldier said:
Do you know what the fuck a parody is?

Parodies don't have to be "believable", whatever that is supposed to mean when talking about anime, a medium which is by definition animated. In the case of TWGOK it's obviously supposed to be a completely unbelievable premise which is intentionally played as a satire of the whole JP dating sim genre and otaku culture in general. So where the fuck is believability supposed to come into the picture?
A parody only works if it's different from the thing itself. Spaceballs works because it's not just a carbon-copy of Star Wars, it alters things in a clever way that pokes fun at aspects of the original.

If you're trying to parody something, but everything is the same as what are you're parodying, it's not parody. It's just the same thing.
Branduil said:
A parody only works if it's different from the thing itself. Spaceballs works because it's not just a carbon-copy of Star Wars, it alters things in a clever way that pokes fun at aspects of the original.

If you're trying to parody something, but everything is the same as what are you're parodying, it's not parody. It's just the same thing.


A parody (pronounced /ˈpærədi/; also called send-up, spoof or lampoon), in contemporary usage, is a work created to mock, comment on, or make fun at an original work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of humorous, satiric or ironic imitation. As the literary theorist Linda Hutcheon (2000: 7) puts it, "parody … is imitation, not always at the expense of the parodied text." Another critic, Simon Dentith (2000: 9), defines parody as "any cultural practice which provides a relatively polemical allusive imitation of another cultural production or practice." Often, the most satisfying element of a good parody is seeing others mistake it for the genuine article.

My work here is done.


Unknown Soldier said:
Moving the goalposts, a sure sign that you've lost. Give it up.
It's just a wikipedia line. I've never seen a good parody which is exactly the same as the thing it's parodying. That doesn't even make sense.
Branduil said:
It's just a wikipedia line. I've never seen a good parody which is exactly the same as the thing it's parodying. That doesn't even make sense.

Aha, now we've progressed from Moving the Goalposts to Attacking the Source. Keep it up, you'll get to Knock Down the Strawman and Your Face is a Logical Fallacy soon enough!


Unknown Soldier said:
Aha, now we've progressed from Moving the Goalposts to Attacking the Source. Keep it up, you'll get to Knock Down the Strawman and Your Face is a Logical Fallacy soon enough!
Well I have to attack something since you've made absolutely no legitimate arguments so far. Maybe you could try coming up with one.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
mAcOdIn said:
TWGOK is a parody but it also does suck, both the anime and manga, so you're both sort of right.
I'd expect this from Branduil, but not from you mAc.

You wound me.


Halycon said:
I'd expect this from Branduil, but not from you mAc.

You wound me.
What? I've always maintained that it sucked, the only positive I could give the manga was that it moved from girl to girl quickly before the Goddesses showed up as that hadn't happened when it(the show) was announced, but that even then that that was a double edged positive as none of the girls were interesting due to the fact they weren't fleshed out. Oh and I thought the art was sufficient but that's kind of a given, really hard to find art I find offensively bad these days.
Branduil said:
Well I have to attack something since you've made absolutely no legitimate arguments so far. Maybe you could try coming up with one.

Wow, and you totally went straight for Knock Down the Strawman! I didn't need to make an argument myself, my purpose was purely to disprove yours as fallacious. Which I did. Which is why you tried to move the goalposts, attack the source, and now you've set up a strawman and knocked it down with impressive force!

I'm waiting for your attempt at Your Face is a Logical Fallacy! Go go go!


Unknown Soldier said:
Wow, and you totally went straight for Knock Down the Strawman! I didn't need to make an argument myself, my purpose was purely to disprove yours as fallacious. Which I did. Which is why you tried to move the goalposts, attack the source, and now you've set up a strawman and knocked it down with impressive force!

I'm waiting for your attempt at Your Face is a Logical Fallacy! Go go go!
You haven't disproved anything. All of my points are valid, and you have failed in any way to injure them.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
mAcOdIn said:
What? I've always maintained that it sucked,
Sorry, sometimes I gloss over your posts because if the sheer length.


Halycon said:
Sorry, sometimes I gloss over your posts because if the sheer length.
Is this where I say "you won't be glossing over this tonight" as I point to my pants? Because that's totally what I'd say in real life, but here, this is what I'd say:

Hey now, the posts I made like 2 threads ago over TWGOK were not that long! Maybe twice as long as my previous post. Although I don't expect people to remember everything I post even if they've read it, hell I can't even remember everything I posted.


Unknown Soldier said:
Ah, I believe this one is called Proof by assertion.
Yes, that is what you have been guilty of so far. I've provided detailed arguments for all of my points, you've provided... wikipedia links.

I really don't see what you're trying to accomplish. You could win this argument, and tomorrow, TWGOK would still suck. 100 years from now, no one will remember this discussion, but someone on Mars or a distant space colony will remember that TWGOK sucked.


mAcOdIn said:
Although I don't expect people to remember everything I post even if they've read it, hell I can't even remember everything I posted.

I remember you making that awesome post about Strike Witches 2, and I'd swear it's you that defined it the voice of our generation. Am I right, or am I remembering it wrong?!


Lain said:
I remember you making that awesome post about Strike Witches 2, and I'd swear it's you that defined it the voice of our generation. Am I right, or am I remembering it wrong?!
Hmm... I made a lot of posts about Strike Witches, including a fake positive one for the second season although I don't know if I'd have called any of them awesome, but I believe it was Firehawk12 that defined it as the "voice of our generation," but it might have been someone else and his post was just the first I saw using that phrase.
Lain said:
I remember you making that awesome post about Strike Witches 2, and I'd swear it's you that defined it the voice of our generation. Am I right, or am I remembering it wrong?!
I made that mistake before and was corrected, I think at the end of the Winter thread. It was Cowie who called Strike Witches the voice of our generation. Where is Cowie, anyways??


Lol, maybe it was Cowie. No idea where he's at now.

My favorite Strike Witches discussion was the argument over which season was more perverted, some were asserting that season 2 was more perverse while I was saying that both seasons were equally perverse, to this day I still think I won that round.
Branduil said:
Yes, that is what you have been guilty of so far. I've provided detailed arguments for all of my points, you've provided... wikipedia links.

I really don't see what you're trying to accomplish. You could win this argument, and tomorrow, TWGOK would still suck. 100 years from now, no one will remember this discussion, but someone on Mars or a distant space colony will remember that TWGOK sucked.
Further examples of Proof by assertion. Your saying TWGOK sucks doesn't make it suck, and all the reasons you've provided so far have been refuted. Quick summary, so far you've said it sucks because the premise is unbelievable, which it's supposed to be because it's a parody. Then you claim it's not a parody because it's just like the real thing, which I demonstrated is actually one criteria for being a good parody. Then you claim it's not a good parody because the source material is itself not good, which has nothing to do with the definition of a parody and is in fact an example of Circular reasoning.

Also, continuing to attack Wikipedia is further examples of Attacking the Source. I'm merely using Wikipedia to demonstrate how your arguments are flawed, I don't have to prove that TWGOK is good or bad here, merely that your methodology of argument is fatally flawed, which it is.


mAcOdIn said:
My favorite Strike Witches discussion was the argument over which season was more perverted, some were asserting that season 2 was more perverse while I was saying that both seasons were equally perverse, to this day I still think I won that round.

Yeah, that was the one I was remembering! 'Twas awesome.
Too bad I didn't remember right about the other thing.


Unknown Soldier said:
Further examples of Proof by assertion. Your saying TWGOK sucks doesn't make it suck, and all the reasons you've provided so far have been refuted. Also, continuing to attack Wikipedia is further examples of Attacking the Source. I'm merely using Wikipedia to demonstrate how your arguments are flawed, I don't have to prove that TWGOK is good or bad here, merely that your methodology of argument is fatally flawed, which it is.
You're merely asserting they've been refuted. That doesn't mean you've actually refuted them. Now you can keep playing your cute, stupid game, or you can actually engage in an argument. Which will it be?
Branduil said:
You're merely asserting they've been refuted. That doesn't mean you've actually refuted them. Now you can keep playing your cute, stupid game, or you can actually engage in an argument. Which will it be?

Oh, I've refuted them. See above, sorry about the edit.

Now I want you to tell me WHY TWGOK sucks. Don't use the reasons you've already given, since they have been refuted. Come up with new ones. If you can't besides just saying it sucks because it sucks, then this argument is over and you are substantially the loser.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Branduil's arguments are fine, I just think they're misplaced considering the nature of anime and manga.


Lain said:
Yeah, that was the one I was remembering! 'Twas awesome.
Too bad I didn't remember right about the other thing.
Yeah, for some having to type out examples where underage teens got off on various items such as brooms or someone else's underwear, the amount of lesbian scenes or how often they were topless really stuck with me. Even though I was kind and didn't post pictures I think I lost a little bit of my soul for going back and verifying scenes myself for those arguments.
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