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Spring 2011 Anime Thread of ZAWA ZAWA, Money, emo Cyclops, and fun^10xint^40=Ir2

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Abridged version has nothing on Episode 1!

Dresden said:
Why am I wasting my life studying when I haven't watched this yet?
Because you hate male Rie Kugimiya

icarus-daedelus said:
6 episodes? Jesus, dude, you need to pace yourself so you don't suffer from irreparable brain damage.
I'm waiting to watch episode 10 to confirm a certain scene's authenticity before I post my impressions so far. I already knew beforehand before 7th posted it.


I'll refrain from comparing Madoka and Wandering Son until the former finishes
i.e., never :(
but right now the latter is winning.


Geneijin said:
Because you hate male Rie Kugimiya

Wait, this is the wrong reaction.


icarus-daedelus said:
Are you in the United States? Because you can easily rectify this mistaken direction your life is going in, as Glass Fleet is available on Hulu.
Hulu it is.

trejo said:
I'll refrain from comparing Madoka and Wandering Son until the former finishes i.e., never :( but right now the latter is winning.
WS is the better show but I do enjoy the experience of Meduka more. A lot of it has to do with the fandom, art, etc. It's also hilarious and fun to watch. Either way, two excellent shows in Winter.
Infinite Stratos 12 - And so one of the best shows of the decade finally ends... it was such a moving episode too, the parts with the fight scenes with sad music really worked. Also, it resolved everything too. IS's consistency is one of its best traits. My expectations were high, but it exceeded them!


Well those fight scenes with sad (or sentimental or whatever) music did work at making me laugh at how horrible IS is, at least... :) And it was consistent, consistent at being incredibly inconsistent. As always, this episode almost feels like a new reality from the previous episodes. This happens in pretty much every episode. This show has incredibly poor continuity, beginning to end...

Also, America vs. Japan, China, Britain, France, and Germany combined? Bah, the US would win. :)

On the battle... um, as I say above, they attempt to make the battle more stylish and dramatic with the long parts with no sound effects and different-tone music playing. You know, to show how it's really about their feelings, etc. It doesn't work at all. Sure, good shows could do that and make it great, but these people aren't good, and it doesn't work, unless the goal was making me laugh at how bad it is, which I somehow doubt was the goal. :) Sure, flashy CG battle, but the overall presentation was completely lame and not well thought through. Ep. 12 of Samurai Girls blows this away, seriously. Not even a contest.

On Ichika/Houki:
So now Ichika likes or maybe even loves Houki? Sure, I called it in episode 1 because she's the first girl, but I really can't think of any other reason whatsoever why he'd do that, unless he likes all five of them that much but he just hasn't entirely shown it yet for the other four. It could well be that, but if it is "Houki wins", um, shouldn't you have had ... just about anything... showing them ... um, just saying more than a few words here and there, or in some episodes even being in the same scene together... much for the six episodes or so before the last one and a half? No? It's fine to have it just come out of nowhere for no apparent reason because of the events of eps. 11 and 12? Okay, there's also the unstated reason that because she's the first girl she has a 98% chance of winning if anyone does, but the "childhood friend" issue hasn't been mentioned in several episodes, so if that is part of the reason they didn't bother mentioning it.

Oh, and I hope that those ribbons were the secret gift Ichika bought in the shopping trip episode several episodes back... if so, my prediction that that was a setup for a later misunderstanding was almost right. There wasn't a misunderstanding about the gift, but there was a "other girls interrupting the almost-kiss that followed the gift" scene, as the very last scene in the show. I was pretty close, though with a show this predictable it wasn't too hard.

But anyway, the Ichika/Houki "romance", it was so brain-hurtingly stupid... and the worst part is that the show doesn't even ATTEMPT to explain it. Houki asks him "do you see me as a woman", he says "yeah sorta", she's happy, they almost kiss... I know, in ep. 11 Ichika criticized Houki, which I guess made her love him more (using the same utter failure of "logic" that got us the reason why Cecilia loves him, are they?), but that explanation is almost too bad to even want to write, and there's nothing else.

So, overall, the final episode was a perfect representation of this show -- stupid, mindless, badly written drivel. The only thing it might have going for it is that it's almost so bad it's good... but it's mostly just so bad it's terrible.
That final scene though, that is one of harem anime's most classic themes. It had to be used sometime, so why not have it as the final shot? I mean, usually it's something that happens early and often in the series, but in this one, with this guy, it's understandable why it doesn't happen until the final seconds. We are talking about Ichika after all.

Overall, I'm looking forward to season 2! :D
trejo said:
I'll refrain from comparing Madoka and Wandering Son until the former finishes
i.e., never :(
but right now the latter is winning.

They're 1 and 1a in my mind, but Wandering Son is the superior show. It's possible the final two episodes of Madoka (
in 2013
) could change things, however.


Junior Member
Index season 2 busty lusty babe arc

Touma once again saved the world with his moral speeches and his trusty punch.

Seriously, Just make Accelerator the main character and be done with it.


I don't think it's possible to make a Victorian space battle setting more boring than this without trying really really hard.


Kizuna Ichigeki was also really good. I had a smile on my face while watching it. The very fun cartoony vibe I got from it was enjoyable. The action was pretty sweet too. That cat is one bad ass.


Dresden said:
So, yeah.

This is a really weird fucking wedding.

Branduil is right, that whole section in the abridged video with "Dog Creation" was so much funnier after the nonsense in the actual episode.


Geneijin said:
A person carrying an injured person is faster than an attacking airship while walking away from it obviously.

They blew up 20 surrounding buildings and consumed them completely in fire and annihilated them and the dudes are standing there without a scratch ahhhhhh


Glass Fleet 2


Did I miss an episode, or is this anime really bad at being coherent?

Vetti: [some of the most ridiculous destiny BS ever spouted by a ridiculous destiny-obsessed tyrant archetype].

Girly little brother: I understand.

Cleo sure likes talking about things in his pockets. Also Cleo is the worst pirate name ever.

Oh man I need a gif of Michel dropping the hanky.


Also I need to find a subbed version of this just cause I somehow have trouble imagining what Kugimiya sounds like as a shota
I'm guessing exactly the same


jman2050 said:
They blew up 20 surrounding buildings and consumed them completely in fire and annihilated them and the dudes are standing there without a scratch ahhhhhh
Actually, that's how bad the animation is. It's hard to tell. I thought they literally outpaced the airship while walking away from it while the airship misses for who knows why
Well, Rie Kugimiya was aiming!
Your alternate explanation sounds good too. :lol

jman2050 said:
Also I need to find a subbed version of this just cause I somehow have trouble imagining what Kugimiya sounds like as a shota
I'm guessing exactly the same
She also voiced Rokujou in Nabari no Ou.


Why does the orange-haired girl sound and look twelve why is she wearing a BDSM outfit with a school backpack what is this shoow aaaaagh


This little brat wants Vetti's erm... manhood so bad it hurts. I'd say the fact that he happens to be male makes this creepy but eh, this is a Victorian-style setting we're talking about.


jman2050 said:
This little brat wants Vetti's erm... manhood so bad it hurts. I'd say the fact that he happens to be male makes this creepy but eh, this is a Victorian-style setting we're talking about.
Finally some realism!

No wonder I was confused, Funimation showed me episode 3 and I thought it was 2.

Still want a .gif of that Michel hanky drop in 3.


On the Origins of mAcOdIn
Jexhius said:

Wait, what?

This is for real?
icarus-daedelus said:
What? No way. Macross and Odin I'm guessing. But why Odin...why?!
Honestly, it's absolutely
true. Mac is part of my name and Odin is just for the God Odin, while I'm positive something from the movie Odin stuck with me I'm sure it was bad because all I remember were solar sails and a desire to never watch the movie again, not the kind of thing I'd like to remind myself of every day, it'd be like naming myself after syphilis. So really, it was my lame April Fools joke.

Glass Fleet
icarus-daedelus said:
Really, everything about it is so awful. Everything from spaceships to marriages is ugly and nonsensical in this society they've created. The weird lightning-pace execution and lack of explaining shit just exacerbates things. Why do I care about this communist people's army revolution again? Just because it has 'people' in the title and the aristocracy on this show wears ridiculous clothing? Because they're interrupting that ridiculous wedding where two giant platforms are pushed together to, uh, bring together man and wife? Yeah, okay, that second one might actually be a pretty good reason.
It's just so uninspired and, well, loveless. I know I've bashed Last Exile and on the technical front Last Exile is every bit as bad as Glass Fleet but with Last Exile you can tell they have this story they want to tell, someone, somewhere in Gonzo came up with a world and a story and wanted to tell it he just unfortunately lacked the ability to write it and flesh out the characters and Gonzo didn't really have the ability to animate it, or good sound design, or good direction. Any other studio besides Bee Train and Gainax could have probably made it a masterpiece but alas all we can do is think of the possibilities.
icarus-daedelus said:
Yep, that was my problem too. Damn, she's such an awesome lady that she still can't do shit properly without a man around to save her!
I think it'd be funny to see this reversed for once, star some guy who's almost cool but pines for a heroine who can carry him. Sure the concept of the main male being pushed to higher heights by a woman is common but I'd like to see a show where that's what he asks for from the beginning instead of it being some grand revelation in the final episode where the hero's standing over everyone with his sword in the villains chest.
icarus-daedelus said:
I'm thinking I might actually watch the whole thing too, if only because the first episode was so unintentionally entertaining. I mean I did laugh, probably more than at most comedies, so if they can keep up the awful it should at least end up not being a waste of time in some paradoxical sorta way.
I can't believe you're taking this so seriously, now everyone's way ahead of me, I'll have to follow through now, I can't bring it up and then sit by as everyone else watches it. Shit, even more people are watching it!

Also, I like how my name is different with every single quote, lol, I don't know if it's cute or some kind of code I'm supposed to pick up on and have the cops break down your door and save you from, umm, more Glass Fleet?

Infinite Stratos
Geneijin said:
Chifuyu-nee confirms your suspicions for you. It happened as you predicted.
Well, even if she's wrong since she said it I imagine the universe will accept her word and reality will be altered to reflect it, she's that cool.

Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru
trejo said:
I liked the ED more, to be honest. Yes, even with you-know-who's voice and all.
I hope what you meant was that you like the ED more in spite of Chiaki Omigawa not being the main vocalist.


It's easy to just pigeonhole a poorly written series into the "pretentious" category more as a quick convenient critical tag than as any sort of real assessment of the show's content in and of itself, regardless I can safely say that this show is goddamn pretentious as hell.

Also I already know that my masochistic tendencies have gotten the best of me and that I will very likely finish this entire series because hell, it's not like Madoka is airing anytime soon


Maid: "Oh Black Cross forgive me of my sins, purify my body of the evil that's about to defile it!"

Cleo: "Is the Black Cross some type of soap now?"

Holy shit these writers. Total Code Geass vibes right now.
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