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Golden Boy: 01

This is so educational!

Classic. Enjoy. the car is a Koenig Competition Evolution by the way.



Wouldn't the reason for Hyouka be that Kadokawa just wants alot of money for it?

This is the reason for not licensing something in nearly all cases so I'd imagine it's the case here as well! Also, who'd even bother trying to licence it, it's hardly a hot property.


I can definitely see how giving Nagumo that sort of history creates tension with her and Gotoh, though since I haven't seen the TV series, I may be missing the full extent of its importance. But I think it bothered me the most at the end, in particular.
Even if they had a passionate affair at one time, and even if she still cared about him for whatever reason, the storyboarding really plays up their affection for one another with the hand-holding and handcuffing. I wish they'd played that part with a little more subtlety, because it made her seem like less of a professional.

I was struck a bit more when I looked through part of the Archives booklet and saw an excerpt from an interview with Nagumo's voice actress about how her character was different in Patlabor 2.

I don't want to say that it's inherently sexist to depict vulnerabilities in a strong, female character (certainly the events of the movie had taken an emotional toll on her to that point), but I don't feel like that was quite the time or place for it, and even though it didn't go that way, it reminded me more of things Corvo said about how women behave in Tomino shows than I would have liked.

Maybe I'm being too harsh, especially given that I might be missing some important context from earlier stories in the Patlabor franchise.

How can I put this best, hmm. Oshii's films tend to be rather...cold, from an emotional point of view. Logical, rational, perhaps even blunt. They often, but not always, lack that 'warm' sense of human affection. I can only imagine this is by design as it's a recurring element of his works. Nagumo never really had the chance to act outside the role of being an extremely efficient robot but in Patlabor 2 Oshii chose to give her a very human weakness and I don't think there's anything wrong with that, it just makes her character more complicated and I don't feel it comes off as excessive.

You could, of course, argue that's all a load of rubbish and Oshii just weakened her as a character because he's a bad writer but it never struck me as a cheap conceit to insert drama into the proceedings.


This Week in Puchimas

Chicchan is adorable. Yukipo's become much more endearing since she picked up the ability to speak.

Inugami & Nekoyama 03

That was unexpectedly lewd.


Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san Episode 3:

I wonder if this actually would lead them to getting a time slot change? Though to what hour, the dark hour?


Ping Pong 3

Amazing episode. This is show of the season for me right now, and that's saying a lot because it's competing with Mushishi and Jojo! It does a really cool job of expressing characters' psychological complexities through the game, and it's sooo stylish. The use of comic panels is really cool, and it's used with enough style and cleverness that it doesn't just feel like an excuse to cut down on animation. Complete OP is awesome too.
About half the dialogue spoken in this episode was "ONII-SAMA ONII-SAMA ONII-SAMA" while the MC is unawares of his magnetic dickwaves, while maintaining that girls do not observe his deep dark past.
Also he sucks at magic, but it's alright because he's like Rock Lee.
That being said it wasn't a bad episode and the MC isn't bad. And Magic class-wars, that can't possibly be dumb!
Ping Pong 3

God damn he's good when he gets serious. The match was pretty involving. The guy who wanted to go to the ocean lol. Also they finally have an OP animation, about time.

Only thing that disappointed me is that we didn't have more robot/mechanical sounds. I liked those in the last episode.

Naruto Shippuden 360

Guessing the fillers are ending soon.

Kinda wish that with all the Kakashi focus they've done, they would have revealed his minor obsession with the Icha Icha books.

Interesting to see how he actually got a bell from Minato and the results from failing the students.
Mirai (Young Animator Training Project) - Ryo

Some shit about the shinsengumi. Seriously, this is the most incoherent, confusing, disjointed, badly directed thing I've watched all year. I understand that the history is more famous in Japan and that's why they don't need to explain some characters and events, but I think even if I would happen to be Japanese, this is a mess. They tried to tell way too much in 25 minutes.
But at least the drawing and animation work is good.


selector infected WIXOSS 04

Relatively low-key episode. The classmates were rude, but at the same time, they have no real idea what's going on. If the Lrigs really are reflective of their characters, than I don't think saying Ruko has "no wishes" quite encompasses it. She's not exactly fighting for peace either. She just wants a challenge, to battle. Tama's been pushing for it for some time, but Ruko has yet to realize it herself. I suspect the moment she does, the dream from the first episode will get closer to coming true.
selector infected WIXOSS 04

Relatively low-key episode. The classmates were rude, but at the same time, they have no real idea what's going on. If the Lrigs really are reflective of their characters, than I don't think saying Ruko has "no wishes" quite encompasses it. She's not exactly fighting for peace either. She just wants a challenge, to battle. Tama's been pushing for it for some time, but Ruko has yet to realize it herself. I suspect the moment she does, the dream from the first episode will get closer to coming true.

If this show had more

and less incest drama, I would watch it.
Ping Pong the Animation aka the truth, ep 3

Why did he go soft at the 3rd round? He's an amazing player but like everyone said he's a softy that doesn't want to hurt people's feelings. Come on, you're out there to kill on the table Mr. Tuskimoto! Op is pretty awesome and the animation direction with the panels is still on point.
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