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Maturity, bitches.
Did you just insult my favorite anime, Excel Saga?
Odd, I don't recall mentioning any shows in my post.
All I'm saying is that I find it to be an odd reason for watching something. I mean I enjoy Gintama a lot and that does have reference comedy in it but to call it a reference comedy show would be doing it a disservice. On the other hand Nyaruko realises far too much on it so as a comedy it is pretty bad. The reason I consider it a low form of comedy is because most of the time it boils down to simply namedropping something and hoping the audience will laugh simply because they recognise that thing.


I haven't seen Hyouka, and it's not available anywhere. :(

its not officially streaming nor released in non japanese markets.

Is there any reason it hasn't been licensed or anything? Seems sort of odd to not even have shown up for streaming stuff in this era where next to everything gets grabbed, but then I guess there's always going to be one or two exceptions that frustrate a lot of people.

probably stuck in licensing hell but its a tough show to market too.

Gainax, man. Panty & Stocking's ending still hurts my soul.

that ending is legendary. Nobody saw it coming and it will infuriate people forever.

Nah, Disappearance. Also Fumoffu but that's more subjective I guess.

Fumoffu is correct. Not that it was difficult to make a top notch comedy out of a solid series like Full Metal Panic.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
I just started watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood episode 4 and I'm already raging. Part of me wishes this was one of the episodes from the original series that they skipped. I'm so pissed.

EDIT: Wow! I heard that Brotherhood follows the manga more closely but having never read the manga, I didn't know that the original anime series diverged this much so early. Crazy!


Odd, I don't recall mentioning any shows in my post.
All I'm saying is that I find it to be an odd reason for watching something. I mean I enjoy Gintama a lot and that does have reference comedy in it but to call it a reference comedy show would be doing it a disservice. On the other hand Nyaruko realises far too much on it so as a comedy it is pretty bad. The reason I consider it a low form of comedy is because most of the time it boils down to simply namedropping something and hoping the audience will laugh simply because they recognise that thing.

But Nyaruko is witty. I love witty things. And ahoges. Ahoges are grand.


Chaika the New Scrapped Princess - Episode 3


The show's getting more and more enjoyable, and the Scrapped Princess vibes are just getting stronger and stronger. Gillet and his team totally reminds me of Christopher Armalite from Scrapped Princess. The fantasy stuff in the show is plenty of fun too. I have to say though, I got this HUGE smile on my face when they said "dragoon" over and over. Goddamn, I'm such a Scrapped Princess fanboy. :D :D :D


Chaika the New Scrapped Princess - Episode 3

The show's getting more and more enjoyable, and the Scrapped Princess vibes are just getting stronger and stronger. Gillet and his team totally reminds me of Christopher Armalite from Scrapped Princess. The fantasy stuff in the show is plenty of fun too. I have to say though, I got this HUGE smile on my face when they said "dragoon" over and over. Goddamn, I'm such a Scrapped Princess fanboy. :D :D :D

I dont blame you for being excited. Bones is finally adapting something worthy (and very cute)
Maison Ikkoku 80

The show has a cycle with the tenants. You think they are terrible people, but eventually you start to warm up to them over the course of many episodes, but then you get episodes like this that remind you, that no, the tenants really are just scumbags. And then it begins again, but I won't fall for it another time. You'd think I'd be used to Godai the doormat after 80 episodes...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
No Game No Life 03
It's really disheartening to set up a complex game like chess as a potential battleground for characters only to tear apart the ruleset until things just become lame anime shouting of NEET rhetoric. As expected, the remedial understanding of the games at play gives this show no legs to stand on.


Yuasa, huh. I range from mild indifference to seething hatred for his prior stuff, but I suppose his excessive energy and style vomit could be harnessed for good when the underlying source material is already so expressive and visually malleable. And great.
Aw, does this mean you're taking next year off?


Yuasa, huh. I range from mild indifference to seething hatred for his prior stuff, but I suppose his excessive energy and style vomit could be harnessed for good when the underlying source material is already so expressive and visually malleable. And great.

Only two episodes so far, and my only Yuasa expereince is Tatami Galaxy, but it feels like he's keeping his style a little more reined in to let the manga source do its stuff. As you said, there's more than enough to play around with on the page that you don't really have to go out of your way to make something more visually exciting than anything else being made.


Yuasa, huh. I range from mild indifference to seething hatred for his prior stuff, but I suppose his excessive energy and style vomit could be harnessed for good when the underlying source material is already so expressive and visually malleable. And great.
Yuasa's taking a backseat in this adaptation for the most part as it's pretty much all that Matsumoto so far.


Don't normally worry about these deals since shipping is a few dollars extra iirc but CR has the Flowers of Evil bluray at $34.99 for subscribers ($39.99 for non-subscribers) as part of an expiring deal. Figured someone might want to jump on it at that price.

edit: caved myself at that price.


Dunno if that's a fair comment, considering Yuasa himself is also writing and storyboarding every single episode of the show!
Ehh, I'm just going from my experience with the source material as it feels more like that and less like your typical Yuasa show.
Maison Ikkoku 84
You think? Oh god, please tell me Mitaka got the hint and this is almost over. I had actually come to like Mitaka, but he's been so sleazy these past few episodes that I can't sympathize with him even though it's clear that he's just desperate.


Maybe I'm being too harsh, especially given that I might be missing some important context from earlier stories in the Patlabor franchise.

No, your reaction mirrored mine(in regards to the depiction of women) and I had watched the earlier stuff in Patlabor. I was complaining about the same thing earlier.


Crest of the Stars 2

The good news is that I found a way to watch the show in a language I understand well.

The bad news...


Yes, Lafiel, you've been spelling her name wrong this whole time.

I don't feel like my criticisms have meaningfully changed since the first episode. I really like how the art direction and score remind me of stuff like Star Trek, and I think it's a shame that this sort of "high sci-fi" space utopia world isn't really a thing people do anymore. But with the exception of a few decent devices (like the opening conversation with his childhood buddy) they're really taking the story slowly so they can soak the viewer in this sci-fi universe. It's a nice universe, but I kinda wanna get somewhere.


Also this stuff feels like a waste of my time, even if it's foreshadowing. At least try to be coherent.

I wonder if we'll even get to the military school next episode.
Maison Ikkoku 86

This was one of the better episodes of the show. It's episodes like this full of great character moments that make getting through the more frustrating parts of the show worthwhile.


Aikatsu! 79

My favorite episode for some time. The fallout from Tri Star dissolving and attempts to find a new partner means that Yurika and Kaede have more screentime than they've had in several months. To say nothing of the yuri goggles. Yurika really wanted to pair up with Ran, which pixiv has been doing for them for a long time, and then there's the sequence where Kaede rushes after her in order to get her heart in line. Kaede arrived so late in the first season that any chance of characterization was cut short, so an episode like this is much appreciated. I get to hear more of Kaede's English and see Yurika being at her most tsundere. A win on all sides!


Happiness Charge Precure: 12

Hime da best.

So we've got a precure who's terrible at tests. OK, don't think that's a first. So she tries to study and everybody helps her, and then they fight and do some baseball. Yes. I may be oversimplifying things.


The lowest form of comedy is the drug pun.

Dry/Deadpan is pretty good though.
You sound K-ONfused.

zach's ava reminds me there is a season 2 of strike witches that i need to consume someday
Why not make someday today?

The witches are the most pure beings in the universe, bringing the world together to fight a common enemy with their butts hanging out.
Such purity.

Octodad managed to keep me away from anime and manga for a decent amount of time.

Nobody suspects a thiiiiiing.

Crest of the Stars 2

The good news is that I found a way to watch the show in a language I understand well.

The bad news...

I don't feel like my criticisms have meaningfully changed since the first episode. I really like how the art direction and score remind me of stuff like Star Trek, and I think it's a shame that this sort of "high sci-fi" space utopia world isn't really a thing people do anymore. But with the exception of a few decent devices (like the opening conversation with his childhood buddy) they're really taking the story slowly so they can soak the viewer in this sci-fi universe. It's a nice universe, but I kinda wanna get somewhere.

I wonder if we'll even get to the military school next episode.
For the love of god get better subtitles.
Also things get somewhere as you say from the next episode even!
Guys, no fighting. Let's all get along. Here, let me bring up a topic that everyone will agree on.

Hyouka is the best anime of the last couple years.

Boring as hell, high school romanticism divorced from reality. Dropped it at episode 4. At least KILL-la-KILL was somewhat entertaining.


Is The Order a Rabbit? 03

Finally! Sharo is here! Any chance to hear Mayayan's voice is a welcome one. I like the performance style she's using - a quieter, Rikka-type voice for much of the performance, but she's allowed to slip into the Mao register when Sharo gets significantly excited. Her character is also adorable, with her love for Rize and desire to try and appear well off. And I'm really starting to take a shine to Chiya, too. She's got a wicked streak to her with that storytelling. Such a peaceful show. Also, I can't tell if this show or Gaworare has the lengthiest, weirdest episode titles of the season.
Boring as hell, high school romanticism divorced from reality. Dropped it at episode 4. At least KILL-la-KILL was somewhat entertaining.

Kill la Kill entertaining you must be kidding. Animation wise it looked like a Saturday morning cartoon, I mean Tom and Jerry the older episodes had better visuals than that. Especially the way it was hyped and if their was anything entertaining it would be Mako but thats just being generous.
Detective Conan 310:
That phone conversation with Vodka was great. Conan got a chance to be manipulative and manage to get the Organization dancing his tune for a moment, but this episode also did a pretty good job of establishing Vodka being a legitimate threat and not just someone to stand around next to Gin. There were lots of feints going on both sides. Conan is being kind of reckless here, but I guess he still thinks there's a decent chance of using the police to combat the Organization right now.

Yamamura is an idiot like normal. Conan all but handed him the solution he needed, and he still completely whiffed on that one.


Is Uchuu Kyoudai/Space Brothers finished? It's something I've been wanting to sink my teeth into, but also want to wait until it's done. Also, is there a compelling reason to read the manga first (other than the fact that it was first)? Which is ultimately the better format? Thanks!
Is Uchuu Kyoudai/Space Brothers finished? It's something I've been wanting to sink my teeth into, but also want to wait until it's done. Also, is there a compelling reason to read the manga first (other than the fact that it was first)? Which is ultimately the better format? Thanks!

The anime is finished for now (minus a prequel movie that's coming out soon), though they may continue it once there is more manga material to adapt. The anime doesn't end with any sort of conclusion either, though they do a good job with making it feel like a decent point to stop at.

I haven't read the manga, so I can't help you there.
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