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Link Man

Is the Order a Rabbit? 3


The :SDBurton was strong in this one.

This is a cute show, not a bad way to spend 23 minutes each week. Not really something worth looking forward to, but not displeasing either. I'll stick with it for now.


Is Uchuu Kyoudai/Space Brothers finished? It's something I've been wanting to sink my teeth into, but also want to wait until it's done. Also, is there a compelling reason to read the manga first (other than the fact that it was first)? Which is ultimately the better format? Thanks!

Anime has 99 episodes and is over.
Manga still ongoing.

The anime is a direct adaptation of the manga. No fillers, no changes, it's literally identical to the manga but in color and with sound. It has a great OST, solid cast...

So basically you can do what you want, like watching the 99 episodes then switch to the manga...
Saki: Episode of Side A END - On the fence about this one. Overall I enjoyed it, but the pacing was weird and I don't think they really fleshed out the Achiga players nearly enough.
They blow through the prefectural tournament like it was nothing and then moving immediately on to the Nationals. They then blow through the first round of the Nationals. And then there's like three episodes focusing on the first match of the semifinals. But the weird thing is how little they focus on the Achiga players. Kuro just quietly sits through the match being useless while all the focus is on the other players and their Super Mahjong Powers. Particularly on Toki as she tries to MAHJONG HERSELF TO DEATH. Then all the other matches are given like an episode or less to play out. Its tough to grasp a flow to the matches because of the radically different amount of time given to each one. Some matches end right away, some drag on. And all the while trying to keep track of everyone's Super Mahjong Powers.

Also, first commentator team=Awesome, second team, not so much.

So, naturally with that out of the way I jumped into:

Saki: The Nationals 1-2 - So, I watched OG Saki a couple months ago, just finished Episode of Side A, and jumping straight in to Nationals. And frankly, my timeline is all messed up. OG Saki ended after the Prefecturals and finished off with the start of a training camp with some of the teams they had beaten. Then Nationals starts off the first episode with everyone arriving in Tokyo, but the second episode they're back at the training camp. It feels like they should have swapped episodes 1 and 2. But in the meantime they've introduced like a hundred new teams, so I'm concerned how much time they're going to devote to the quarter/semi finals, since I assume the real focus should be on the finals match and 13 episodes doesn't seem like enough time to squeeze that all in.

Also, I still no fuckall about how mahjong is played.


I went into Spice and Wolf pretty blindly knowing nothing except it had something to do with economics. I was not ready for Holo though omg she's so awesome.


I got no idea, but that song is quite good...

Yeah I know. The series isnt bad either. DTL would like it probably with all the reverse harem guys.

Kill la Kill entertaining you must be kidding. Animation wise it looked like a Saturday morning cartoon, I mean Tom and Jerry the older episodes had better visuals than that. Especially the way it was hyped and if their was anything entertaining it would be Mako but thats just being generous.

Kill La Kill was supremely entertaining. It was inconsistent and honestly sometimes bad but always entertaining.

I went into Spice and Wolf pretty blindly knowing nothing except it had something to do with economics. I was not ready for Holo though omg she's so awesome.

congratulations on blindly stumbling into a goldmine. I love when that happens.

Link Man


Hidamari Sketch 1

Yeah, this is my new serving of cute, to replace Hanamaru Kindergarten. Not much to say so far, it's cute girls doing cute things. At the very least, it hasn't veered off into yuri territory yet, which is kind of amazing in comparison to this season.

Love and Piece!



Thanks mobile GAF.


Installing now


Hidamari Sketch 1

Yeah, this is my new serving of cute, to replace Hanamaru Kindergarten. Not much to say so far, it's cute girls doing cute things. At the very least, it hasn't veered off into yuri territory yet, which is kind of amazing in comparison to this season.

Love and Piece!

55 inch HDTV + Hidamari sketch bluray on widescreen mode = Bliss. Try it!


The Spice and Wolf ED kinda destroys tension... Just finished episode 12 and the once the piano kicked in to start the song I couldn't help but laugh

Hidamari Sketch 1

Yeah, this is my new serving of cute, to replace Hanamaru Kindergarten. Not much to say so far, it's cute girls doing cute things. At the very least, it hasn't veered off into yuri territory yet, which is kind of amazing in comparison to this season.

Love and Piece!
Like I tell everyone, stick with this at least until the end of season 2. It goes from serviceable slice of life with some sometimes overbearing Shaftness (including a not so great budget) to the most perfect show with better production values and direction.
Getting into some Final Fantasy stuff now.
It seems like Toru has literally no plan for anything he does. Attacking a random person without thinking? Sure that's great. Jumping into a pack of electric shooting dogs? Excellent idea. But he makes silly faces so I'll forgive him for now.


Getting into some Final Fantasy stuff now.
It seems like Toru has literally no plan for anything he does. Attacking a random person without thinking? Sure that's great. Jumping into a pack of electric shooting dogs? Excellent idea. But he makes silly faces so I'll forgive him for now.

I really hope this doesnt happen.
I clicked the spoilers, they all sound great. That's a shame they're forgoing a 3rd season to instead just release a final movie.

Maybe the third TV-series was dropped in favor of the movie because of how Forte ended, despite the fact that enough source material was available.
Chaos was one of the final battles in the manga, so with her already reformed at the end of Forte there would have to be an anime-original ending to keep consistent with the anime adaptation.
Would have also liked to see more of
, as there were a few more of his appearances in the later volumes, along with the section about the
two Harpies' time with Tomoki

Hidamari Sketch 1

Yeah, this is my new serving of cute, to replace Hanamaru Kindergarten. Not much to say so far, it's cute girls doing cute things. At the very least, it hasn't veered off into yuri territory yet, which is kind of amazing in comparison to this season.

Love and Piece!

Going to need a wider monitor.


This item is currently not available in your country. Geez, even a simple waifu game needs a fucking region lock? Fuck region lock or whoever started all this bullshit.


Nanana's Buried Treasure 03

What are the limitations of the Wizard's Cane? Because mind control and teleportation are broken powers if not unrestrained by something. The teapot's quaint and kinda charming, though. Great showing for Detective Asumin in the spider web maze - she's definitely my favorite character in the show. Yuiga was suspicious from the moment he appeared, and that is no less the case now. It's obvious why someone would want the Collection (at least on the surface), but does any of this have to do with her killers? Because the sub-mystery within the treasure hunting is equally important.


Maturity, bitches.
Somehow I ended up with a recommended outfit consisting of stuff I don't own. Also everything costs money, real money.

Link Man

Nanana's Buried Treasure 3

Man, this show doesn't waste time, does it? Already we have our second ruin, and OP artifact, double-crossing (?), and the Suspension Bridge Effect.


Haven't been able to keep up with this thread for a while, and now that Dark Souls II PC is coming out, it'll be even harder, but THANK GOD for this (Nanana spoilers, I guess):

He act like a girl. Truly a grade A trap

Can't wait to watch it. Cute brown maid best girl of the season, easily.

At last the OP is here, and it is glorious.
This show has so much style. I beg to anyone who has not picked up this show because of the art style or the concept or whatever to give it a try. It's way ahead for AOTS for me.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
"Style vomit" is my new favorite phrase.

SHAFT is style vomit.
Bayonetta is style vomit.


The Spice and Wolf ED kinda destroys tension... Just finished episode 12 and the once the piano kicked in to start the song I couldn't help but laugh
That's how I felt about the second Gundam Build Fighters ED. It ended up being pretty funny.
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