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The Light of El Cantare
Isn't it neat how Ao crossdressed and looked exactly like Eureka?

That just left be numb because I made it through the first half of AO, so E7's grave had already been pissed on six ways from Sunday by the time I saw the OVA. I'd like to think that Narag is remembering something extra-horrifying that I've actually repressed, because the crossdressing is too blatant and too iconic a "fuck you" to ever forget.


well not really...yet
There are horrible sequels. Like crappy straight to DVD sequels full of shitty writing that either everybody hates or forgets. Then there's AO. AO deserves to be in that BTTF gif more than Spider-Man 3. It attempts very hard to shit not only on itself but also to reach inside your mind and rip out your memories, only to shit on them too. It goes to great lengths to fucking disgrace the original series.

It really is like the anime version of the Star Wars prequels.

Fuck, I'm getting pissed just thinking about this shit. Fuck you Kyoda and Aikawa. Straight up fuck you.
I wouldn't go that far

Would still rather watch AO than anything SHAFT. Nothing worse than that.

I mean, it's an awful sequel, but on its own merits, its a mediocre mecha show with a typical nonsense plot with some sweet music and nice action here and there. If I were to get angry at any part of it, it would be Sho Aikawa as he obviously couldn't even be assed to check continuity with the original series and Kyoda probably had his head up his ass worrying about the music or some shit so he couldn't notice..


I will say, for whatever reason JJ Trek killed me way more than the PT. Maybe it's because the NJO/post-NJO did so much to fanfiction up the Star Wars canon that it lost all meaning anyway, or maybe I just didn't have as much of an investment in the franchise (despite still owning the OT in that VHS box set).

I can safely compartmentalize the various Treks despite crossover material. I think it's like Gundam or Macross in that regard where one bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch but man, the prequel trilogy just irked me the wrong way.

Then again, I only think 1/6 Star Wars movies are actually good anymore. : lol Thank you, Irvin Kershner.

reminds me that my current wallpaper is still this:

I don't think he's 100% serious. But then again every other time I've seen him post an impression of a show this season it has been "this show was such fucking horseshit that I'm going to be so nitpicky about every issue I had with it to the point I'll make you feel bad about enjoying it GOD DAMN MURICA"

Some people are just naturally angry at the world.

I wouldn't go that far

Would still rather watch AO than anything SHAFT. Nothing worse than that.

Nice joke. Shaft made Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru, after all.


That just left be numb because I made it through the first half of AO, so E7's grave had already been pissed on six ways from Sunday by the time I saw the OVA. I'd like to think that Narag is remembering something extra-horrifying that I've actually repressed, because the crossdressing is too blatant and too iconic a "fuck you" to ever forget.

No, that was it. I like to imagine you recoiled in horror and have since sort of let it blend in with the other disappointment experienced so as to not stand out and hurt you anymore.

He's just there to Finish the Fight (against your childhood).

Guess I should be glad that by the time someone (Peter Jackson) came along to destroy what I loved as a child (The Hobbit), I didn't really care about it anymore.

If there was ever a time for a brown elf girl to win us over...


That just left be numb because I made it through the first half of AO, so E7's grave had already been pissed on six ways from Sunday by the time I saw the OVA. I'd like to think that Narag is remembering something extra-horrifying that I've actually repressed, because the crossdressing is too blatant and too iconic a "fuck you" to ever forget.

Why? No seriously, why would you do this? I don't even


He's just there to Finish the Fight (against your childhood).

Guess I should be glad that by the time someone (Peter Jackson) came along to destroy what I loved as a child (The Hobbit), I didn't really care about it anymore.

There's a good Hobbit movie in there, it just needs a competent internet editor to bring it out.


If there was ever a time for a brown elf girl to win us over...

This is why Jackson sucks. If you're going to stuff and bloat a small novel into three three-hour features, at least make the sort of interpretive leaps that would benefit the story, like cute brown elves!


I mean, it's an awful sequel, but on its own merits, its a mediocre mecha show with a typical nonsense plot with some sweet music and nice action here and there. If I were to get angry at any part of it, it would be Sho Aikawa as he obviously couldn't even be assed to check continuity with the original series and Kyoda probably had his head up his ass worrying about the music or some shit so he couldn't notice..

I might buy that if they hadn't cast Holland as Renton's adult VA.


The Light of El Cantare
No, that was it. I like to imagine you recoiled in horror and have since sort of let it blend in with the other disappointment experienced so as to not stand out and hurt you anymore.

Maybe we watched Apocalypse Zero the next day or something. lol

Why? No seriously, why would you do this? I don't even

When Elena Peoples is a character in your show, is there any doubt about the demographic you're trying to attract?


Subete no aware
I thought you were joking, then I googled it.


Come the fuck on. Well better that than Star Wars I guess.
"better" is a relative term. Like, being shot in the leg is probably better than being shot in the stomach.

He's just there to Finish the Fight (against your childhood).

Guess I should be glad that by the time someone (Peter Jackson) came along to destroy what I loved as a child (The Hobbit), I didn't really care about it anymore.
So you don't hate Dark Souls 2? lol

That just left be numb because I made it through the first half of AO, so E7's grave had already been pissed on six ways from Sunday by the time I saw the OVA. I'd like to think that Narag is remembering something extra-horrifying that I've actually repressed, because the crossdressing is too blatant and too iconic a "fuck you" to ever forget.
Why is Sidonia's animation so jittery, like the frame rate is bad. Does it have to do with the studio's budget because they could have done better.


When Elena Peoples is a character in your show, is there any doubt about the demographic you're trying to attract?

But why would you humiliate your main character like that? It's also not like Ao is some sort of trap or that he even looks feminine for the most part.


Speaking of love;
I felt lonely last night because I had no one to text because I am single even though I am a lovely romantic girl! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Ah! I'm always happy to talk to you. Please talk to me whenever you are available. Bye see you~

She also wants to introduce me to her sister.
Now if only she wasn't in Seoul I would actually make a move ;_;


well not really...yet
I might buy that if they hadn't cast Holland as Renton's adult VA.
Misguided? Sure. Dumb? Yeah. Unfortunate connotations? Totally

Made with the intention of ruining the character? No lol. Its easy to understand why they did it. It's just dumb. Again, its all symptoms of the lack of a true creative understanding coming from the entire staff and production. Real lesson is that a proper sequel could not be made in 2012. Studio was compromised, and in the position where they feel they need to pander to a certain audience to succeed while not realizing that that audience is not who the original appealed to, different landscape. They shouldn't have tried and should have instead encouraged Kyoda to just do something else if they really wanted him to direct something.

Though If anyone had any idea what they were doing in the show, it was Yoshida, he felt he didn't need to involve himself to the extent of the original, but he sure as fuck made sure anytime Eureka was on screen, he was somehow involved.


I guess I'm lucky that I always liked LotR better.

I get the feeling Jackson intends for the hobbit to be watched before lotr when it's all said and done what with all the little additions, I guess, for stupid viewers so they don't have to actually infer what athelas or a morgul blade is later on.

Arby's is pretty good for fast food. Dem curly fries.

The week when I realized they sold frozen arby's curly fries was arguably the best of my life.

Head up, a weeklong Yen Press sale just kicked in earlier today over at Right Stuf, meaning this is a good chance to collect the entire Haruhi novel series or all of the currently released Spice & Wolf books.

Or the first volume of SAO, if you so choose.


And for my part, I must ask again: is the Book Girl series recommended?

I just ordered SAO this morning. noooooo
I live in Texas, I can get real brisket.

Sadly I don't live in Texas anymore.

Arby's is pretty good for fast food. Dem curly fries.

This too.

I mean, I can understand being a snob and dismissing all fast food whatsoever. But I can't understand singling out Arby's as the fast food restaurant deserving of special scorn. If there's a restaurant that deserves to be singled out it's McDonalds. They're everywhere and their food is absolutely dreadful.


The Light of El Cantare
I stopped going to Arby's because the food is always cold and I get as much meat on the classic roast beef as I do the dollar sandwich. Roy Rogers is the roast beef chain of the gods, and I pity anyone who doesn't live near one. It's, like, one of the only things keeping me where I live.


well not really...yet
Everytime I drive by Arby's it is fucking empty. I don't understand how they stay in business. Every location I drive by, every time, empty, no cars. Who the fuck even works there as I don't even see employee parking...
I get the feeling Jackson intends for the hobbit to be watched before lotr when it's all said and done what with all the little additions, I guess, for stupid viewers so they don't have to actually infer what athelas or a morgul blade is later on.

I don't know. So much of the additions to The Hobbit have basically been fanservice for people who liked Lord of the Rings. It feels very much like Jackson feels obligated to make 'more Lord of the Rings' and is shoehorning all that stuff into The Hobbit so that people who loved the previous films will enjoy it more.


Misguided? Sure. Dumb? Yeah. Unfortunate connotations? Totally

Made with the intention of ruining the character? No lol. Its easy to understand why they did it. It's just dumb. Again, its all symptoms of the lack of a true creative understanding coming from the entire staff and production. Real lesson is that a proper sequel could not be made in 2012. Studio was compromised, and in the position where they feel they need to pander to a certain audience to succeed while not realizing that that audience is not who the original appealed to, different landscape. They shouldn't have tried and should have instead encouraged Kyoda to just do something else if they really wanted him to direct something.

Though If anyone had any idea what they were doing in the show, it was Yoshida, he felt he didn't need to involve himself to the extent of the original, but he sure as fuck made sure anytime Eureka was on screen, he was somehow involved.

It really is on the same level of shitty decisions made by George Lucas over the past couple of decades. I don't think he, like Lucas, intentionally tried to sabotage his own franchise but the level of decision making is so piss poor that it comes off as hostile to the fans. The show does such a great job crapping all over the canon and characters that how else is a fan supposed to interpret it? There are so many profoundly bad decisions from people who should have known better.

Well except for Aikawa. He's just a hack writer that shouldn't been hired in the first place. I would be fine if he never worked in the industry again. Fucker also did Conqueror of Shamballa.

Yoshida seemingly just took it as a way to get paid for drawing pictures of Eureka. God bless his soul.


I don't know. So much of the additions to The Hobbit have basically been fanservice for people who liked Lord of the Rings. It feels very much like Jackson feels obligated to make 'more Lord of the Rings' and is shoehorning all that stuff into The Hobbit so that people who loved the previous films will enjoy it more.

Never really considered that. Makes sense!
I stopped going to Arby's because the food is always cold and I get as much meat on the classic roast beef as I do the dollar sandwich. Roy Rogers is the roast beef chain of the gods, and I pity anyone who doesn't live near one. It's, like, one of the only things keeping me where I live.

I was distinctly unimpressed by the Roy Rogers burger I had recently; it was dry, barely better than your average McDonalds burger. Though perhaps it was a bad location, being in a turnpike service area and all.


I'm with hosanna in the Arby's Defense Force. The French Dip and Swiss is pretty great for fast food. Same with their regular sandwiches.
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