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JoJosona 3

So I'm confused. I thought that Ripple powers were retconned out and Stands were the new hotness? So how come Old Man JoJo used a Ripple Overdrive to kill the flesh bud?

Ripple isn't retconned. It just isn't as useful now. And Joseph is the only one who knows how to use it.


Eh. I see what you're trying to get at, but I'd like to point out Gunbuster as my counterpoint. Those people were willing to win at the cost of planets. They took Jupiter, turned it into a bomb, and blew up the galaxy to save the human race. You can't half ass this stuff, and that's exactly what's wrong with this episode of Yamato. Every decision made in this episode was outstandingly stupid.

I realize I'm doing that thing I do where I dare point out stupid things about shows you all love, but this entire episode was a tactical blunder of massive proportions.

First, I'm gonna point out what Jex said about what this series is. It's not interested in realpolitik analysis. When this series was originally made in the 70s, the Yamato was a redemptive symbol for Japan, a tool of aggressive war recreated into a savior of humanity that stands for its best qualities. If they used the Wave Motion Gun indiscriminately, it'd reflect that Japan had learned nothing from the experience of war. The Yamato exists not to conquer, but to save mankind from extinction. So even if it were the most efficient method, it's not ideologically viable for the creators to endorse it.

Secondly, concerning turning Gamillas into scorched earth, the Yamato's situation is wholly dissimilar from the situation mankind faces in Gunbuster. The aliens in that show are an animalistic force that can't be reasoned with, and humanity still has its infrastructure. They have no choice but to commit to total war, because the alternative is annihilation. If they succeed, all of mankind will be saved.

Gamillas is an aggressive empire, but it's not impossible to reach peace. More importantly, if the Yamato does not complete its lengthy journey as quickly as possible, they will be the only members of humanity left. They barely have time for this Pluto mission, which is only really being attempted for the sake of keeping Earth's morale from collapsing completely. If they attempt to bring down an empire spanning numerous star systems with a single vessel and somehow succeed, they will reduce mankind's population to under 1,000 people: the equivalent of choosing to engage in total nuclear war. While if they can successfully reach Iskandar, they can save millions of lives and keep the Wave Motion Gun as a deterrent to future invasions, the way that some third-world nations today attempt nuclear weapons programs.


Gamillas is an aggressive empire, but it's not impossible to reach peace. More importantly, if the Yamato does not complete its lengthy journey as quickly as possible, they will be the only members of humanity left. They barely have time for this Pluto mission, which is only really being attempted for the sake of keeping Earth's morale from collapsing completely. If they attempt to bring down an empire spanning numerous star systems with a single vessel and somehow succeed, they will reduce mankind's population to under 1,000 people: the equivalent of choosing to engage in total nuclear war. While if they can successfully reach Iskandar, they can save millions of lives and keep the Wave Motion Gun as a deterrent to future invasions, the way that some third-world nations today attempt nuclear weapons programs.

Here's my problem: the Yamato sure as fuck isn't behaving at all the way you guys are selling it as. It has a gun capable of destroying planets "for self defense" yet Humankind hasn't bothered using that power to bluff or threaten the Gamilas in any way. It's supposed to be in a hurry, but it stops for a little picnic at Pluto. Humanity is supposed to be desperate, but they're pulling all their punches.

It's all very contradictory, and honestly if I'd known you were all going to be so upset when I suggested using a Death Star like a Death Star I'd have not bothered posting.


Here's my problem: the Yamato sure as fuck isn't behaving at all the way you guys are selling it as. It has a gun capable of destroying planets "for self defense" yet Humankind hasn't bothered using that power to bluff or threaten the Gamilas in any way. It's supposed to be in a hurry, but it stops for a little picnic at Pluto. Humanity is supposed to be desperate, but they're pulling all their punches.

It's all very contradictory, and honestly if I'd known you were all going to be so upset when I suggested using a Death Star like a Death Star I'd have not bothered posting.

Honestly this is something that is handled much better in the remake.


Subete no aware
To be fair, the time thing really isn't a factor.

But it's a clear nuke metaphor. So it'd be like asking why Bush didn't nuke Afghanistan right after 9-11 or something similar.


honestly if I'd known you were all going to be so upset when I suggested using a Death Star like a Death Star I'd have not bothered posting.

Honestly by the tone of everyone else's posts compared to yours, you seem to be the one who's upset for having their viewpoints challenged.

It's fine to be bothered by certain aspects of a series and feel obligated to call out something but once you hit that Submit Reply button you better be prepared for someone to challenge your points if they don't agree with what you say. No one is questioning your intelligence, this is just the basics of discussion and debate.


Here's my problem: the Yamato sure as fuck isn't behaving at all the way you guys are selling it as. It has a gun capable of destroying planets "for self defense" yet Humankind hasn't bothered using that power to bluff or threaten the Gamilas in any way. It's supposed to be in a hurry, but it stops for a little picnic at Pluto. Humanity is supposed to be desperate, but they're pulling all their punches.

It's all very contradictory, and honestly if I'd known you were all going to be so upset when I suggested using a Death Star like a Death Star I'd have not bothered posting.
I don't want to spoil you if you haven't seen much of the series yet, but all of their actions make perfect sense in the grand scheme of things, especially when you consider what their foe is capable of and their reach.

It'd be ridiculous to tempt fate when you literally are the last hope for mankind to survive or go extinct. Not to mention they have a really strict flight plan that needs to be followed or everyone will suffer.

In the end the show does an outstanding job of explaining all these circumstances to the viewers.


Hmmm, haven't been in here for a while, what's going on guys?

Whisper of the Heart

Of the two "mundane" Ghibli films I've seen, I like From Up On Poppy Hill better.

Yamato 5

Holy shit. The Wave Motion Gun can destroy fucking Pluto. And you want to run a stupid bombing run? That's not what you do. You call those bastards on Pluto, tell them to surrender the planet under threat of Holy Shit this Gun can Blow Up Pluto, and if they stay, you fucking blow up Pluto. This isn't a peace mission, Cap'n. These fuckers wrecked Earth. I don't give two shits if Minmay or Hikaru want to make peace/love to the Zentradi. You can fuck these bitches up. That WMG is obscene, dude. That's some fucking Gunbuster weaponry there.

Yamato drinking game: every time you see a female crew member who isn't ridiculously attractive take a shot. Game recommended for designated drivers only.

Oh hi I am an accountant and in perfect physical condition and also I am an ace pilot. Nothing about me strains credulity!




Here's my problem: the Yamato sure as fuck isn't behaving at all the way you guys are selling it as. It has a gun capable of destroying planets "for self defense" yet Humankind hasn't bothered using that power to bluff or threaten the Gamilas in any way. It's supposed to be in a hurry, but it stops for a little picnic at Pluto. Humanity is supposed to be desperate, but they're pulling all their punches.

It's all very contradictory, and honestly if I'd known you were all going to be so upset when I suggested using a Death Star like a Death Star I'd have not bothered posting.

You have a point; it is contradictory. The Wave Motion Gun represents something very different from the Yamato's core mission philosophy as defined by Okita.

That's not something the show ignores. Different people expect different things from the Yamato, and the crew has to make choices as to what they want their ship to symbolize and accomplish. Okita believes that there's a moral code in war that's worth protecting, even with humanity's survival on the line. He judges that, though things are desperate, they can complete their mission this way, and he'd rather do that than become something monstrous. As shown in the leadup to their attack on Pluto, this is not a position that everyone on the Yamato wholeheartedly agrees with.

It's fair to disagree with that choice, but it's one worth respecting.


Just going to drop Yamato. Not really feeling the bad CGI and I'm not allowed to say anything fun about the show's scenario. Probably will elect to never watch shows AnimeGAF votes number 1 in the future, either. I think it's for the best, really. I mean best case scenario would be to stop watching anime, but you win some you lose some.
Wolf Children

For some reason I had not watched this, It was cheap on amazon so I bought it and decided to check it out.

Holy shit that was a great movie, everything about the movie is fantastic and I loved it.

I haven't watched Summer Wars, I should probably buy that too.


Wolf Children

For some reason I had not watched this, It was cheap on amazon so I bought it and decided to check it out.

Holy shit that was a great movie, everything about the movie is fantastic and I loved it.

I haven't watched Summer Wars, I should probably buy that too.

If you've seen the first Digimon movie you've seen Summer Wars

I've been Dark Soul 2'ing for too long today and I read this and thought "yes I need more faith for my eventual faith scaling weapon". Fuck. Too much vidja gaemz.

Just going to drop Yamato. Not really feeling the bad CGI and I'm not allowed to say anything fun about the show's scenario. Probably will elect to never watch shows AnimeGAF votes number 1 in the future, either. I think it's for the best, really. I mean best case scenario would be to stop watching anime, but you win some you lose some.

I only skimmed through your complaints but it seems to me like you find one point of the series to nitpick on that isn't at all the point of the series, and when arguments started now you're making a bigger deal out of it. It'd be a shame to drop such a fantastic series over something so trivial. The sexy female designs are a bit of a bother but one can learn to live with it. The fact they're not overusing the deathstar is for multiple reasons, one major one being revealed at the end, which may have not been a reason early on but surely fucking helped them.

The show is not for everyone, but if you're able to get through some of the bullcrap Gundam has pulled, you should be able to watch through this. You don't have to of course, just seems a bit of a double standard.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Selector Infected WIXOSS Episode 1
So it's kinda sorta like Rozen Maiden, cept with the heart of the cards.


I can't help but think this is some necessary consequence of having watched so much of THE LIST that corvo is now seeing shadows of doubt everywhere he turns


bad sportsmanship corvo. -10 points

Easy come, easy go.

I only skimmed through your complaints but it seems to me like you find one point of the series to nitpick on that isn't at all the point of the series, and when arguments started now you're making a bigger deal out of it. It'd be a shame to drop such a fantastic series over something so trivial. The sexy female designs are a bit of a bother but one can learn to live with it. The fact they're not overusing the deathstar is for multiple reasons, one major one being revealed at the end, which may have not been a reason early on but surely fucking helped them.

The show is not for everyone, but if you're able to get through some of the bullcrap Gundam has pulled, you should be able to watch through this. You don't have to of course, just seems a bit of a double standard.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR I just don't care much for the show anyway and am dropping it out of convenience. But no, it's definitely that I'm an awful person. That's the best answer anyway.

I can't help but think this is some necessary consequence of having watched so much of THE LIST that corvo is now seeing shadows of doubt everywhere he turns

Shoulda never tried to branch out.

Everybody else survived it relatively unscathed!

Did anyone else watch the whole thing nonstop, though? That's what I shouldn't have done.


It's one thing to just drop it, it's another thing to go on a massive passive-aggressive snit about it

Massive passive aggressive snits are my forte, though! If I cannot force this thread to focus all of its attention on me me me, then what am I truly left with in the end?


I think perhaps what's done is done, eh? CorvoSol has pretty clearly, and thoroughly explained his position on the matter and you can't ask for any more then that.
Yeah I'm heading to sleep, I've seen Corvo get this passive-aggressive before and I'm not up for it, plus the whole conversation this late at night has revolved around it. Shame you're dropping a great show, but I've done the same before so it isn't the end of the world.


First you guys say Pluto isn't a real planet, now you want to blow her up throwing unprecedented debris throughout the solar system. So mean.
Clearly these people should watch Mari & Gali.

Makoto gained weight. Ami became the new panderbait.

I refuse to get hyped until I see actual animation.
I am fine with that turn of events.

That's just Makoto's talent.

Also, Mercury having no shoulder pads is manga design, but man do they look exposed here.

Hmmm, haven't been in here for a while, what's going on guys?


That's no boxloli.

Did anyone else watch the whole thing nonstop, though? That's what I shouldn't have done.
Most of it. How do you think the list was written?


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood- 19

Man I just love how this show has no sacred cows.
It won't hesitate to kill off a developed character but does it in a way that pushes the plot forward and keeps interesting. It excels over shows that tries to pull the same stunt just to make the viewer feel a sense of loss that ultimately amounts to nothing.
Maoyu 1-12 END

This show was a surprise for me. I was just browsing crunchyroll looking for a new show to watch -- and I decided to check out the first few mins of Maoyu. Man was I surprised to find out it comes from the Spice and Wolf staff -- even the actors. And it also has a lot of world building with a focus on the economy and how the world operates. I didn't like the show immediately but half way through I was thoroughly enjoying it. Needs a second season, but I'm not sure if it will happen. Can only hope.


daimidaler 3

See, all the penguins need is some fine caressing and front tail polishing from an obsessive penguin fetishist with a weird hang up of referring to herself as "we." Maybe there's some split personality lurking underneath the surface just waiting to burst out and put an end to the conflict with an orgy of highly concentrated Hi-EROs?! Only time will tell!
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