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Subete no aware
Then the story not following with what you seeking that troubling you, not the lack of invention.But you're not wrong.
Oh sure, it's more that the anime that get adapted are all the same, which just makes it boring. "Trying hard" and the lessons learned from losing are great and all (and really Japanese, really), but how many times can you tell that story? Maybe in real life, you're supposed to watch one of these shows and then just move on with your life. lol

A Teppuu adaptation would be sweet.
You have shounen fighting matches, but with girls!

Speaking of which, whatever happened to Cross Manage?


Speaking of a shounen with female leads... I wonder how TTGL would have been received if it was released today but every main character was gender swapped?
If Her Flag Breaks 4
I'm already pretty sure this will not be so happy go lucky as most haremy animes. Still, the flag raising and breaking and other ridiculousness is quite funny


Oh yeah, I forgot about wheelchair basketball manga. I always meant to read it but... manga and all that. Maybe I'll get to it now.

fire-kun pls

Do it for the god that is Inoue Takehiko

unf unf
Oh yeah, I forgot about wheelchair basketball manga. I always meant to read it but... manga and all that. Maybe I'll get to it now.

Avoid Real, its one of the worst sports series around. It does everything wrong in the genre.

Speaking of which, whatever happened to Cross Manage?

Ended just before its first year anniversary, sadly, if its major game had started the manga off then it might have survived jump as its art and plot were pretty great after that point and the way they visualized the teams attacks and such. And it had fairly decent bl artists support even though it was focused on girls lacross, glorious Wakamoto had the best fandom.



Our white whale.

Well, maybe not THAT far, but it's one of the series I'd most want on blu-ray and naturally it's also the most expensive.

If I put a little bit away a paycheck, I could just grab it next month... But I wouldn't feel right spending $700 on a single BD set.


Love Live! S2 4

Oh hey look, it's a best girl episode. Unsurprisingly, that makes it best.

I mean, there were imoutos and everything!

(Even the non Nico-focused part at the beginning of the episode was golden, so I'm pretty sure Nico cast some kind of spell of amazingness on this episode or something. Nico-nico-nii actually a magical incantation confirmed?)


If I put a little bit away a paycheck, I could just grab it next month... But I wouldn't feel right spending $700 on a single BD set.
Yeah, it's no where near the bracket of "only for millionaires", but it's a single 27 episode series and two movies. Even with nice packaging it's just too extravagant if you're not fairly well off.

One of these days.
I can't imagine they'd ever actually sell that.

But that's OK, we could use more to scale Gundam statues in the world anyway.


Yeah, it's no where near the bracket of "only for millionaires", but it's a single 27 episode series and two movies. Even with nice packaging it's just too extravagant if you're not fairly well off.

I was under the impression it didn't even include Gurren-hen and Lagann-hen.

Also, holy hell. :lol


Subete no aware
Avoid Real, its one of the worst sports series around. It does everything wrong in the genre.
lol, I don't know what to think.

Ended just before its first year anniversary, sadly, if its major game had started the manga off then it might have survived jump as its art and plot were pretty great after that point and the way they visualized the teams attacks and such. And it had fairly decent bl artists support even though it was focused on girls lacross, glorious Wakamoto had the best fandom.
Man, Jump just likes to murder its new series.


Oh sure, it's more that the anime that get adapted are all the same, which just makes it boring. "Trying hard" and the lessons learned from losing are great and all (and really Japanese, really), but how many times can you tell that story? Maybe in real life, you're supposed to watch one of these shows and then just move on with your life. lol

Its all government scheme to producing better athlete, power up them with dat shounen harto yo.

On otherhand I don't know what purpose of gazillion Billionaire super-heroes in US Comic serve.
lol, I don't know what to think.]
After all that complaint about sport manga being too much sport, you gonna hear DTL's word? smh.


They basically did the equivalent of releasing a game ONLY with the super premium Collector's Edition as an option. Seriously, watch an unboxing video, it's no bare bones set even if it's probably not worth $700 or even $550.
Don't listen to DTL...
Heh, I was going to say something but wasn't going to be so straightforward. You definitely want second opinions rather than taking ONLY DTL's at face value.


They basically did the equivalent of release a game ONLY with the super premium Collector's Edition as an option. Seriously, watch an unboxing video, it's no bare bones set even if it's probably not worth $700 or even $550.

And yet I'm seeing two people here buying it lol.


Say "I love you" Episode 13

Weak end to a great series
. Would recommend this to anyone. Great slice of life that avoids the harem shit and a lot of other shitty tropes.


And yet I'm seeing two people here buying it lol.
There's a lot of things not worth their cost that we knowingly buy anyway because we just want it THAT much and know there isn't really going to be another option. Not like you can go up to Aniplex and bargain for a lower price after all.


There's a lot of things not worth their cost that we knowingly buy anyway because we just want it THAT much and know there isn't really going to be another option. Not like you can go up to Aniplex and bargain for a lower price after all.

I think you better treat them as collector item.

I have more interest buying those pricy boxset than importing 100+ bucks plastic figure.


There's a lot of things not worth their cost that we knowingly buy anyway because we just want it THAT much and know there isn't really going to be another option. Not like you can go up to Aniplex and bargain for a lower price after all.

It's all relative. I paid whatever the ridiculous price was for Animeigo's (yes they used to release shit) Macross back in 2001 without regret.

Superboy punching the timeline so hard that it reverses time negates Vertigo's existence.

It's a shame he didn't wipe Naruto from the timeline too.


Oh neat they put the liner notes up on their site it seems:

Episode 1 "Booby Trap" (July 17, 1999-February 7, 2009)

When the series debuted in 1982, the creators deliberately inserted no scenes of Hikaru in a Valkyrie cockpit into the opening, and only one fleeting shot of the Valkyrie in Battroid mode, substituting other shots in order to keep the Valkyrie's transformation and Hikaru's exploits a surprise until the very end of the episode. (After the debut broadcast, the standard opening animation that's on this DVD release was used instead.) A similar shot substitution was used in the first episode of Macross 7 to conceal another plot surprise.


I can finally source that after passing it on second hand to someone last year lol
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