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Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
A mini-vocalizer! Honestly, I think it's pretty neat. If I had more disposable income (Grrr, Golden Week!), I probably would have bought it.

I need to get me one of these at some point.

Finished the Steins;Gate location visit posts on my blog:
http://mikehattsu.blogspot.com/search/label/steins gate

I managed to make a few additional Oreimo tourist location ones too:

And that's it. Finally finished all of it, except for the InaKon one which I need to watch the anime first before updating.

You are a man among men, good sir! Thank you for all of the great photos! :D


You are a man among men, good sir! Thank you for all of the great photos! :D

I absolutely loved them too, I felt really moved to see those places. I am few days away from my voyage through Steins;Gate (game+series+ova and film) and those pics came just in time. Thanks for them MikeHattsu!


Mekakucity Actors-4

This is a fucking waste of my time. I hate the fact that I have such issues dropping shows.

The epilogue/side story is the best thing about this.


One Week Friends 05

Saki, Kaori and now Meme. It seems that being forgetful is a recurring trait this season. I like Saki. It's a more subdued kind of performance from Rumi Ookubo, and her easygoing attitude has let some breakthroughs happen that would've taken a much longer time otherwise. Having her as part of the main four is going to make things a lot more fun, or at least sweet.


The World is still beautiful ep 5
Man, I can't get enough of Tomokazu Sugita's crying, it's so awesome.

How many times are they gonna rehash the song? ugh.


Mekakucity Actors 4

People may complain about Shafts animation, but I have to say I love the art style and it's just unique in my eyes. That continuous cycle was a bit confusing I hope they explain it and the ending just left me with questions. The insert music was great and can't wait till next week. Oh yeah I said this a bunch of times but that ending is so amazing, sooooo good.


Yeah its a really nice ED. One of the best of the season (not difficult)

Yeah, especially in the next arc.

Unlike regular magic show , magic in mahouka work in term of processes.
If you want to move an egg from a table to another , you need 4 processes :
1-Levitate the egg
2-Move the egg in a direction
3-Stop the egg movement
4-Stop levitation.

All complex magic that everyone uses are actually various set of process, done at high speed , and that is the requirement of being able to make all this process in a row that is widely wanted in the world of magic.
In the "egg" example , The mc would not be able to activate process 3 & 4 because he is slow.
Tatsuya compensates this situation by being able to read magical activation in advance, meaning that he can anticipate and counter a magic before it's activated and the fact that he can change the parameters of 1 activation on the fly.
But both of those skills aren't part of the regular evaluation of the students , Another reason why he is a course 2 student or a "weed"

in a regular battle this is not a problem for him because he has other advantages and one effective process is better than a multiple of simple ones

One thing I do appreciate about Mahouka is what you described. The magic is more of a technical ability instead of just a given talent. You really get the sense that magicians have to practice it, like a skill rather than innate ability. Thats cool and rarely done.

I've really been digging the new season of Mushishi. I've never seen the first season, which I assume is worth it? I hope so, because I ordered it from Amazon earlier for $18.

Yes its worth your while.

Mekakucity Actors 4 & Captain Earth 5
Yeah, I'm done with these. I was forcing myself to watch at this point and I have better things to do on my Saturdays.

Such as what?

If only we still had animated avatars:

It took me a while to realize her dress has a cage thing around it instead of it just being part of the design.


Subete no aware
Finally, a place where I can list how many times I ended up rewatching Early Edition thanks to TV reruns.
Young Coach Taylor moe.

I thought this was already confirmed and it was going to be similar to the second one; i.e set 90 minutes after the end credits of movie 2?

I still maintain Raid 2 at least had some brilliant action scenes if nothing else.
Ewww, really? Even after the final word of the film?
The action was fine, but I don't need all that story stuff. I bet what will happen is that
his family is in danger and he has to be cry for 40 minutes before throwing the first punch

Mekakucity Actors-4

This is a fucking waste of my time. I hate the fact that I have such issues dropping shows.

The epilogue/side story is the best thing about this.
Origin stories, gotta do them.
I absolutely loved them too, I felt really moved to see those places. I am few days away from my voyage through Steins;Gate (game+series+ova and film) and those pics came just in time. Thanks for them MikeHattsu!

Ah. I'm glad that people liked the pics!

The Idolmaster 06



Oh dear, what a blunder.

That new Ryuuguu Komachi unit seems to be popular and the producer makes a lot of mistakes. Good thing the girls help out. And Azusa cut her hair? Boo!
One Week Friends 5

This show never fails to bring a smile to my face by the end of the episode. And it still manages to remain restrained when it could very easily slide into overblown melodrama territory. Reminds me of Wandering Son in that way.
Mekakucity Actors-4

This is a fucking waste of my time. I hate the fact that I have such issues dropping shows.

The epilogue/side story is the best thing about this.

You know it's really Shaft's fault because the the original PV is so awesome and makes you feel for the characters, look watch this.


I know I've been showing this a lot but it's so good but Shaft ruined it. Just hope that for next week they do a better job. Though they really should off aired this in the summer as it probably would of gave them more time to flesh it out.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Haikyuu! - 05


Little sis don't play that shit!

Fun episode, that was cool how
they broke down the court positions and gave a brief summary to how their role serves the team as a whole.
You know it's really Shaft's fault because the the original PV is so awesome and makes you feel for the characters, look watch this.


I know I've been showing this a lot but it's so good but Shaft ruined it. Just hope that for next week they do a better job. Though they really should off aired this in the summer as it probably would of gave them more time to flesh it out.

Ew why are you linking to that terrible one, the actual original one is way better than some chorus song one.


You know it's really Shaft's fault because the the original PV is so awesome and makes you feel for the characters, look watch this.


I know I've been showing this a lot but it's so good but Shaft ruined it. Just hope that for next week they do a better job. Though they really should off aired this in the summer as it probably would of gave them more time to flesh it out.

Fucking Shaft. Feels like they're too busy giving themselves fellatio rather than trying to tell a story.


Kamisama Dolls 1-13 END

Goddamit. That's a terrible way to end the series. Sucks that a season 2 never got greenlit. This was surprisingly good. The OP is one of the best I've seen thus far and the ED theme is awesome. The way it ended was more like a mid-season break and there was even a tease for the next season...which isn't happening!

This show wasnt anything special. enjoyable but that OP created high expectations it would never meet. Utao is adorable.

Mahouka 5

Something feels off about either the animation or the character designs in this anime. Not sure what. But something.

The character designs suck. Except Azusa. she looks like Yayoi and is amazing.

Goddamit Madp you ruined pancakes for me forever.

God. Damn.

Yami transcended pancakes to a higher plane. You just cant appreciate it Corvy.
Waffles have some catching up to do.

For duckroll (source)

The Love Live poster is nice but I'm not too impressed: link, though I suppose some might appreciate the DAL one more due to lewdness: link.

I always appreciate these!

Seikoku no Dragonar - 04

Not a bad episode , it was quite good actually ,

So , lots of forshadowing in this episode , from the princess past ( twice ) the MC past ( that is sealed ) , or even the shinobi in hiding ( that will probably have a change of heart now that she tasted a glimpse of a world without war ).

Eco speech was 200% perfect , i certainly wasn't ready
Princess sister is nicknamed the valkyrie, but damn that's kinda bloody.
The Maid , cosette is hiding something , after this episode and that one ( ep 2) that's obvious , the uncut version scene was glorious.

Entering the fray of characters , we have an oujou-sama with a "oh oh oh " laugh and her clan of retainees following her ... BUt WAT , there is a twist !
she is not of nobility , she is just faking it !
ahah i love this twist

After 4 episodes i enjoy dragonar ..it's fun , thinsg are happeining and the dialog level is intresting...uncensored/uncut version is the best.
Mad scientist need to come back , so we can have a delicious taste of comedy before thing get too serious.

Youve got my attention.

Engage Flashback: Kiss Dum - Episode 8

Swimsuit Girl does make a very valid point at the end of the episode. It's interesting but lacking excitement. The interest stems from the fact that this episode throws up some pretty hilarious mouth flaps one of which had only their teeth were showing. The lack of excitement is because nothing really happened in this episode, it was just Shu moping around a bit and punching a tree accompanied by two flashbacks, the first of which was the first thing we see in the episode, which was a bit jarring considering we had no context in the last episode for why we were even having a flashback.

One other thing of note is that the sound effects used for some of the actions this episode doesn't fit at all. The stand out one being when Swimsuit Girl was licking her fingers. It sounded like a swamp monster and not a young girl.

I heard this show had some of the most turbulent production processes ever and I really believe it.

Finally time to watch some anime again...

The Idolmaster 01

All the characters were introduced and even the new producer got to say something in the end. Watching this as a watchbet with somebody from K-On GAF.

Should be a very easy watch.

The Idolmaster 03

All men are monsters.

Quite the rural place they go to, but a gig is a gig. Yukiho overcame her fears and managed to perform so everything worked out.

Oh, and Takane looks a bit like that girl in World Conquest Zvezda Plot (or the other way around). Not even seen World Conquest Zvezda Plot, but yeah.

Other way around. As Theonik said, theres lovely crossover art. a loli Takane is a good thing.

So good.

Not watch anime.

Actually, there's still plenty to watch on the weekend.

Ive been watching River monsters on Animal Planet as well as putting a PC together (very slowly).
Enjoy the Makoto!
Is there any other way to watch Idolmaster?
Traded for Hidamari Sketch so there were no losers.
The Idolmaster 03

Oh, and Takane looks a bit like that girl in World Conquest Zvezda Plot (or the other way around). Not even seen World Conquest Zvezda Plot, but yeah.
The mini-Takane comparisons were there from the beginning, yes. Takane is a goddess and Venera-sama is a cutie, it's only appropriate!
Lol, Harada changed his Twitter for Iori's birthday again. :D
Good taste as always.
It's an upgrade!
As a known supporter of all short hair, it's about 50/50. Azusa's long hair had some fuwafuwaness to it but her short hair is short hair which is always hnnnnnnnnnnng. Conflicting.
Nah. I liked her more with long hair.

As a known supporter of all short hair, it's about 50/50. Azusa's long hair had some fuwafuwaness to it but her short hair is short hair which is always hnnnnnnnnnnng. Conflicting.

I suppose I'm fortunate enough to think that the redesigns that half of the cast went through were for the best. But I'll settle with Azusa's long hair still looking good!


Is there any other way to watch Idolmaster?


The mini-Takane comparisons were there from the beginning, yes. Takane is a goddess and Venera-sama is a cutie, it's only appropriate!

Good taste as always.

As a known supporter of all short hair, it's about 50/50. Azusa's long hair had some fuwafuwaness to it but her short hair is short hair which is always hnnnnnnnnnnng. Conflicting.

You have a habit of being absolutely right about a lot of things.
You know what irritates me is when people say that Log Horizon is boring or even shit because it doesn't contain that much action. Just because it relies heavily on world building doesn't make it boring, that's like the best thing about Log Horizon to me. Instead of making a generic world and characters, it creates a lively atmosphere with characters you feel for. By building upon that it helps the viewers adjust to the world and become mesmerized, without pointless action.


Mekakucity Actors 4

This is going to be the first time I've dropped a show in a long time. The entire episode just felt so mehhh. The pv definitely made me feel sorry for the characters, but in the show I didn't even care.
I heard this show had some of the most turbulent production processes ever and I really believe it.

From what I've seen, I can believe that too.

Engage Promise: Kiss Dum - Episode 9

Roki just can't catch a break can't he? He tries so hard to help people out but then everyone dies! It's a bit like Shu really, only this time the people telling him that he's a failure aren't invisible women but other humans. He really shouldn't have promised them complete safety.

On the music side. The old Nokia 3410 returned with yet another amazing tune. Just beeps and a small clicking noise for about a minute and a half. I can't remember if this is the same music that the 3410 was bought out for in Episode 3 but I don't want to rewatch that episode to find out so I'll just say it's a new one.

This episode also has the biggest insult that Shu's ladies have dished out to him. How does he put up with them!?
Mekakucity Actors 04


All that SHAFT in this episode. I felt I was going through an overdose, so gooood

The first half of the episodes definitely did a good job establishing our new set of characters. Though can't imagine why anyone will ever like her.

The second half was pretty damn amazing.
Had a good laugh when she fell off the third time
That ending was excellent. A great reverse from what has been happening.


Baby Steps ep.5

After he took the first set, I knew his serve would be garbage, but I thought he'd get completely wiped out, not crank up the analysis power in the last game and start to put up a fight again. Interested to see how this turns out... though I bet he'll still lose in the end anyway, just after a longer match than expected.

Haikyuu!! ep.5

Ahaha that imaginary Hinata rocket launcher.
Nice transition into the first full team battle next week. Looking forward to it.


I'm hearing a lot of murmurings from people about dropping anime so I thought I'd drop my own list of shows I've given up on:

Dropped Like a Rock

[Nisekoi] - 15: This show is surprisingly inoffensive but I have no motivation to continue.

[Mekakucity Actors] - 3: This show is boring and dumb.

[Haikyuu!!] - 2: I no longer have any tolerance for standard sports shounen, even one's as well done as this one.

[Mahuoka] - 1: Dropped for obvious reasons.

[Knights of Sidonia] - 1: Generic and somewhat ugly sci-fi anime. I may be desperate for my sci-fi anime, but not that desperate.

[Chaika] - 5 minutes in: I can't get through any show that starts with a medieval looking dude telling a quirky loli about how much of an unemployed NEET he is.

[Captain Earth] - 5: I held out hope longer than usual but see no reason to continue.

Shows I'm still watching:

Mushishi, JoJo's, Ping Pong.

So it's been a pretty good season!


Where's one week friends, man?

That show looks just fine but all my attempts at watching average of even above-average shows has strengthen my resolve to only dedicate my limited amount of time to the very best shows currently airing.
I haven't dropped Mahouka or Mekaku City Actors yet despite how average/bad they are and I keep saying I'm going to watch episodes of Kanojo ga Flag, Kawai Complex and Nanananananana but I won't
I think I'll stick through Captain Earth until the end. There's got to be something there.


So why are you watching JoJo?

You make a good point. While I have been thoroughly enjoying Stardust Crusaders it appears that the series overall is unlikely to hit the same kind of highs as Battle Tendency due to the pacing and structure of the story. It's more unusual than it's other shounen brethren though so I will stick with it.

Oh yeah, I guess I'm technically also watching Hunter x Hunter.
You make a good point. While I have been thoroughly enjoying Stardust Crusaders it appears that the series overall is unlikely to hit the same kind of highs as Battle Tendency due to the pacing and structure of the story.

Of course it will, there are multiple. And it seems episodes won't be slideshows this time around like in Battle Tendency
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