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Soul Eater Not - Episode 5


What is going on and why is SDBurton suddenly writing all the shows I'm watching this season. It's really weird! This entire show feels like it has no reason to exist other than to have random yuri adventures in the world of Soul Eater. This episode in particular felt like on long yuri doujin without the sex. Someone stop SDBurton before he takes over everything this season!


Kino's Journey 4

This show gets dark sometimes.

I'm kind of reluctant to talk too specifically about what happens, but I'm growing to appreciate just how well this show sets a mood. The shading is very flat and the world is sketched very simply, but that means that simple changes in lighting and framing have a big impact.

The climax of the episode was really striking, and I think what was most impressive about it was how the framing shifts between Kino's perspective and the perspective of the villagers. One side is struck by a violent tragedy, and the other is incapable of registering it. That makes it all the more disturbing.

This isnt even the darkest it will get!
Kinos Journey does excellent work with themes and settings without getting full of itself. It says what it has to say and moves on,, though there are some ideas present throughout.

It's a start, but it isn't as good as Miyukichi with a mofu-ass tail.

This sounds like one of the best things.


These three delinquent characters in Eyeshield 21 may be the most annoying anime characters i've ever seen. Every single time they're on screen they'll each go huh? huh? huh? I'm only like 20 episodes into this show and i have a feeling that's going to keep up every single episode.



Shuffle! Memories 12 (25)

I knew it was a beach/swimsuit episode, and in that regard it delivered just what I was looking for. The world of the gods got a bit of screentime, there was tasteful nudity, less tasteful eels, and the general sorts of hijinks one would expect from this sort of thing. The mystery being that everyone was shrunk was alright, and the misunderstanding with Primula walking in on what looked like a "party" got a small laugh, but mostly, the moment that stands out is the momentary return of Yandere Kaede, played more for laughs here than drama. Fun side story and palette cleanser before I jump into the last of my The List items on my backlog.

It's time for BRS. First the OVA this afternoon, and I start the TV series tomorrow.


Shuffle! Memories 12 (25)

I knew it was a beach/swimsuit episode, and in that regard it delivered just what I was looking for. The world of the gods got a bit of screentime, there was tasteful nudity, less tasteful eels, and the general sorts of hijinks one would expect from this sort of things. The mystery being that everyone was shrunk was alright, and the misunderstanding with Primula walking in on what looked like a "party" got a small laugh, but mostly, the moment that stands out is the momentary return of Yandere Kaede, played more for laughs here than drama. Fun side story and palette cleanser before I jump into the last of my The List items on my backlog list.

It's time for BRS. First the OVA this afternoon, and I start the TV series tomorrow.



So I'm rewatching Cowboy Bebop, goddamn this show looked mighty fine on blu-ray. dat episode 5.

There's something that bug me though, I don't like episode 6.. I don't like it at my first watch, and I still don't like it now, I can't finger fault though.

Were this episode regarded as one of the weaker eps? Or I'm the misguided one here lol.
Not going to spoil it for you're but that plot point is one of the few nitpicks I had about the series. Still, you're in for quite a ride. I think along with FLCL, this is at the pinnacle of the anime I watched. Savor it.

Also: Aoi>Natalia> Rest

I see. Yeah it just kind of irked me. Rubbed me the wrong way. The thing is up the that point I actually really liked his character. Now I still like him but now he has that "but" to him.

Edit: Also Corvo, before I go through 30 pages, I am gonna start back up on G Gundam after I catch up on my weekly episodes. You've been pretty good about Clannad so it's only right.


Keep in mind that I like Wixoss, and I've seen the TV series compared to that. Bring it.

I like Wixoss as well, and can definitely see the comparisons (hell, I may have been the one making some of them). But BRS TV is on a whole different level of trainwreck.

I'd say Wixoss is the result of Okada trying to make something similar to that show but learning from her mistakes the first time around. It feels a lot better executed (so far, anyway) and a lot less bizarre and arbitrary.

It also has the advantage of not having a legitimately great OVA version to be unfavourably compared to =p

All that said, BRS TV is definitely quite the experience, so enjoy XD


I can handle bizarre and mostly arbitrary. If things work on an emotional or symbolic level, that's just as good a thing to aspire too. But I'll decide that for myself.

Link Man

Chaika 5


Tales and Soul Calibur? Today's episode brought to us by Namco-Bandai, it seems.

Oh god, the "torture".


An offering to Cajun.

Well, things just got all sorts of interesting!


Chaika 05

So there really are multiple Chaikas out there, each one believing themselves to be the real one. Now I can't get the idea of a Chaika Sentai out of my head. This makes things a lot more interesting. Though she didn't do a lot this episode, I can appreciate Fredrica being another chance for Chiwa Saito to use her crazy voice. It's my favorite voice of hers. I knew that cats were always plotting to kill everything.
Soul Eater Not - Episode 5

What is going on and why is SDBurton suddenly writing all the shows I'm watching this season. It's really weird! This entire show feels like it has no reason to exist other than to have random yuri adventures in the world of Soul Eater. This episode in particular felt like on long yuri doujin without the sex. Someone stop SDBurton before he takes over everything this season!
I'm not complaining , May sdburton soul shine upon every anime this season !
Elfen Lied 1


You find a naked, bloodied, uncommunicative, cognitively-impaired young girl washed up on a beach. Do you:

a.) immediately take her to a hospital and contact the police?


b.) immediately think MOMMY CAN WE KEEP HER? and take her home with you like a stray kitten?

If you answered B, you are the protagonists of Elfen Lied.

If nothing else, this is probably going to serve as some unintentional, very unflattering commentary on the behavioral preferences of Japanese otaku and why they find "cute" what they find cute. Nyu is, for all intents and purposes, a small, fuzzy animal in the (often-naked) body of a supple young female, and no amount of "but she can't help being a murderous esper!" or "she was a prisoner and a victim of science gone mad!" or whatever angle the series decides to throw at her is going to lessen the cognitive dissonance it must take to actually find this character adorable. It's the kind of series that anti-anime extremists would love to throw in our faces if they knew about it because of how frequently it simultaneously depicts the same character as an innocent, cute creature and a sexual object, breaking down the distinction between the two. Is this kind of thing that, under the right circumstances, can actually contribute to conditioning someone to feel aroused by childlike behavioral traits?

I'm not even going to comment on the gore because this show is 20 years too late to the party to be remotely notable for it. It's a blood and guts show. They're all universally juvenile and tawdry. Whatever.

This is also clearly a show with mature, complex, rational characters designed to appeal to a seasoned anime-watching audience.

The best thing about this guy is that the antagonists puff him up as some kind of unstoppable super-killer because a.) he punched a girl and b.) he shoots lots of things with a gun. The second of these points is especially hilarious if your memory is good enough to recall a whole ten minutes ago when we're given a nearly seven-minute montage of Nyu effortlessly slaughtering wave after wave of PMCs in full body armor with automatic weaponry. And I'm supposed to believe that this guy isn't just cannon fodder too just because he's a jackass? lol.

I really don't know why I'm doing this, except for the fact that I'm just not in the right frame of mind to appreciate anything good this weekend and people keep namedropping this in relation to the hilarious Goukoku no Brynhildr. Also something something anime cultural literacy.

So your watching this now huh? I am so sorry.

Oh youre watching Elfen Lied.
This will be excellent.

If he's already questioning things at the beginning I wonder how he's going to take the stuff towards the end. :3

Haven't watched it myself, but apparently it was violent enough to be mentioned in that awesome song.

"Crazy violent, like Elfen Lied".


I wish I could quit you...


Yes I know these well.
I have Dusk Maiden on bluray but Im not sure if Sankarea was. I think it was cancelled or something which is upsetting cause I want it.

It came out but it was censored. They are suppose to re-release it uncensored but I think that will probably come more closer to Halloween.


It came out but it was censored. They are suppose to re-release it uncensored but I think that will probably come more closer to Halloween.

Yeah I think I recall reading something about they released a censored TV version which is kind of hard to believe.
Clannad 8

I liked this plot more when I played it in Persona 3. I can't say I'm really sold on this show or that I particularly like the cast. I definitely hate the art style and consider it a constant detriment to the show and would willingly tell you it negatively impacts my opinion of the series as a whole.

That said, I did feel that roachmom's breakdown over her inability to see starfish kid was somewhat touching, so I will commend the show for that.

Uh spoiler for P3!!! Was right in the middle of the game too...

I never liked Fuko all that much so that moment was very meh to me. I like the Kotomi and Furukawa arcs wwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyyy more. And After Story is just down right great. S1 is pretty tropey but necessary.
Elfen Lied 06:


ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha yessssss, just what this show needed to make its shitheap of cheap suffering complete.

Was waiting for this reaction. Didn't let me down.

Now you know pain.


Dai Shogun 05

At last, the curse is broken. Keiichiro's still a horny idiot, but it's the idiot part that prevents him from becoming offensive. He likes to think of himself as a ladies' man, but that he remains a huge dork is alright with me. He still cares for his family, may be getting somewhere with Kiriko after all, and generally has a good heart. Chiharu's plotline was amusing enough, but she's already falling behind in the romance department. The show's animation is still kinda cheap, and it's being deliberately crude at times, but there's enough of a heart in there that I can't fault it too much. It is trying to do something.



If nothing else you have to applaud Sora's Gumption at being willing to drop everything to conquer the animal (ear girl) kingdom.

Also "
Laputa does exist!
" they went all out on that one.


Futari wa Pretty Cure: 01

What is it with anime and having the athletic girl be popular with the other girls, and the girly girl be popular with the boys? All the dang time!


Futari wa Pretty Cure: 01

What is it with anime and having the athletic girl be popular with the other girls, and the girly girl be popular with the boys? All the dang time!

I can only presume that the garden chooses to shine upon Nagisa because she is da bes.

Not that Nagisa is interested in the garden. But oh well. It's the thought that counts.
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