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Seikoku no dragonar - 05
Not a bad episode , full of drama ...

I do understand the hero, i think i would be in those circumstances too.
However , the princess do need to stop being so naive even if it look like she will get stripped 2 episodes in a row. I hope that by this arc , we'll get the confident princess from ep 1,2,3 because as of now she is not that intresting to watch.

Meanwhile the useless yet preverted scene of the episode wasn't bad. The each escuse is pretty stupid. can they stop giving her alcohol for no reason ?

And what was that exposition for the rebels ? hopefully this will lead somewhere.

Ps: That maid was just too competent , she is not a maid , she is a ninja
Ps: ( bis) : That other maid is just too incompetent , she is not a maid , she is a perverted dunce.



Nah. Sounds like a cause for celebration. If I were him, I would totally get into a heated argument with someone in a tipping thread over whether the customer was being sexist or the establishment owner is a racist. No time like the present imo!

You know me better than I know myself, duckroll!
Nisekoi 17

For Raku's pragmatism he sure is dumb at times. The best girl Onodera got the farthest in this episode. Now if Raku just stayed with Onodera instead of
going after the damn cat
then they could've moved along in the relationship.

Then we progress to the worst girl of the series Chitoge. And all of a sudden Raku realizes "
you know this charm thing is more of a girl thing" and gives it to Chitoge "just cause
". Really? Why not give it to Onodera? Or literally anyone else? Chitoge did nothing but make fun of him the entire time. (And admittedly have some funny faces)

Don't know. Seems like flimsy reasoning to me.

Anyways this episode was not as good as the last episode but it still had great Onodera moments. Actually I feel this episode, bar the Onodera moments, was pretty weak. Probably one of the weaker episodes of the series. I had a few laughs but not as many as I usually do. It also loses points for trying to push Chitoge and using flimsy storytelling to progress whatever relationship those two have.

It gets a few points back for the Shu/Ruri moment. The show needs a serious injection of more Shu and Ruri.


Um, I think Duckroll was being sarcastic with his "host/hostess" answer.

At least, I dunno. That's what I'd like to think?


Chaika the New Scrapped Princess - Episode 5

Yup, they seem to have skipped over book 3 of the novels. Either they want to introduce Red first, and keep people interested in the developments on the show, or they just felt it was completely unimportant. We'll see. I really like how the adaptation is done though. It feels so much like Scrapped Princess, and I think at this point it's not just nostalgia for me. The world and characters are actually interesting, and the action is a ton of fun to watch. Chainwhipswords make everything better. Soul Calibur and Brotherhood of the Wolf paved the way after all! Chaika's interactions are really cute too. I can't say I approve of the terrible torture methods the Acuras use though. (looool)


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
It's rare but every now and then, I read something on YouTube comments that blows my mind. Is it true that the first 7 crew of One Piece were based on the 7 deadly sins:

Luffy - Gluttony
Sanji - Lust
Nami - Greed

... I can't frankly map the rest easily though
It's rare but every now and then, I read something on YouTube comments that blows my mind. Is it true that the first 7 crew of One Piece were based on the 7 deadly sins:

Luffy - Gluttony
Sanji - Lust
Nami - Greed

... I can't frankly map the rest easily though

Don't think so, at least not that Oda has ever said.


It's rare but every now and then, I read something on YouTube comments that blows my mind. Is it true that the first 7 crew of One Piece were based on the 7 deadly sins:

Luffy - Gluttony
Sanji - Lust
Nami - Greed

... I can't frankly map the rest easily though

I doubt it's intentional and it's just a funny coincidence, since the seven deadly sins are basically generic human traits to begin with. You can fill the rest in pretty "easily" too. Zoro = Pride, Usopp = Sloth, Chopper = Wrath, Nico Robin = Envy. But you can just as easily rearrange some of them, since they are all characters with multiple human weaknesses and baggage.
I don't think blank can be beat. however steph can become a "disciple of "blank"" at some point ..she is not dumb , she is just tied down by concept she couldn't have learned from people aside from "blank"

The thing above are my predictions , even if i'm way ahaed in the books , this is just a guess , not a spoiler.

Yeah, I do think shes heading towards the disciple route and. However, the student has to overtake the master someday.


Chaika the New Scrapped Princess - Episode 5

Yup, they seem to have skipped over book 3 of the novels. Either they want to introduce Red first, and keep people interested in the developments on the show, or they just felt it was completely unimportant. We'll see. I really like how the adaptation is done though. It feels so much like Scrapped Princess, and I think at this point it's not just nostalgia for me. The world and characters are actually interesting, and the action is a ton of fun to watch. Chainwhipswords make everything better. Soul Calibur and Brotherhood of the Wolf paved the way after all! Chaika's interactions are really cute too. I can't say I approve of the terrible torture methods the Acuras use though. (looool)

Red is pretty kawaii
Ginga e Kickoff!! 12

All this Reika character development.

Puchimas!! 34

Penguins are evil.

Mahouka 05

Cool we're running right through this arc. Also means the anime is going to catch up to where I left off in the LNs >_>

Youkai Watch 10

Robonyan shows off the power of the future!

No Game No Life 05

That ending slayed me.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The measured approach to mushi as a metaphor for an invisible, uncontrollable force in the lives of humans mired in ignorance and fear and the very low-key drama and horror that emanated from that seemed to be dispensed of in favor of a far more sentimental approach than what I'd have liked, too.
I think this might be why I tend to prefer the Mushishi episodes that end with some kind of loss. An upswing at the end where everything just works out can pull me out of the story as the writer's hand comes into frame to sympathize with the characters. Not to say everything should always end in tragedy, but it's possible for these stories centered around hardship to end too cleanly.

Link Man

Hidamari Sketch 9

Well, now that i'm awake...forever.

I hate to say it, but this cake has gone a bit stale.


Miyako is so best. And she even had a :chet moment there at the end.


Oh no, not at all. Just on quarters after wisdom tooth surgery. I appreciate the concern, though. :)

congratulations ( ≖‿≖)

But really, now that I'm on the other side, it's impressive to see someone survive the junior gauntlet given how shockingly stupid people can be during this stage. Good on you, and good luck in your future life at GAF!

Yeah, I think this describes my feelings a bit better than I could. I specifically remember the montage sequence of the image of the eclipse overlaid on the people it was going to affect feeling particularly on-the-nose and disappointingly like it was trying too hard, contrasted against the normally subtle and effortless direction of the show. The measured approach to mushi as a metaphor for an invisible, uncontrollable force in the lives of humans mired in ignorance and fear and the very low-key drama and horror that emanated from that seemed to be dispensed of in favor of a far more sentimental approach than what I'd have liked, too.

Not only did I survive the Junior gauntlet, but I managed to live through two bans! As Woofington so elegantly put it, I'm like the herpes of Juniors.


Getter Robo G 25

I really like the way scientists are portrayed in Getter Robo. Like, nowadays in anime the scientist is just some fey guy in specs who was an uber genius at age ten spouting nonsense about your libido and how it effects the Earth's magnetic psychic brainfield or some bullshit, but scientists in Getter Robo and Mazinger are actually these sort of eccentric old guys who are extremely curious about the world. They're not masters of intellect and wits, they're men who want to know things, and despite being older than modern anime science guys, they're much more innocent. Doc Saotome is a grizzly, occasionally violent father of two, but there's a sort of child-like sense of wonder as he and his colleagues go about researching things. This episode's Professor Higashiyama was an old man with gray hair, but at the discovery of a horn with metal alloy in it from an ancient era, rather than go "why yes that's impossible because blah de harvard fucking yale blah" he's all "NO SHIT? LET'S GO TO MEXICO AND STUDY THIS SHIT, BOYS." Of course, Gundam sorta takes this and goes "Also Tem Ray is seriously fucked up because war makes deadlines makes pressure makes seriously fucked up people." Scientists in Gundam tend to skew toward that, toward people under severe pressure who wind up doing evil things. When it doesn't veer into stupid mad science territory (still hands down the dumbest part of 08th MS).

I also have to say that it's surprising to see how competent "the chick" is in shows like Mazinger, Getter and occasionally UC Gundam. Like, Jun isn't on Tetsuya's level, but she's still able to bail him out every once in awhile, and she's by no means a slouch like Boss. Likewise Michiru, who doesn't get a mech and whose Lady Command's strongest attack is two quickly expended missiles (that have almost NEVER been useful) spends this episode on a daring rescue mission, dodging bullets and gunning down demons like the best of them. And in Gundam you sometimes get an Emma, Roux, or Sayla.

Sometimes I think watching Getter Robo isn't really about the plot so much as the things you can learn about the era and the founding stones of a genre being laid down as you watch. Which is why, even though the show can sometimes be boring as hell, at the same time it never really ceases to be fascinating to me.


Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam 25

Uuuugh. Katz and Sarah Zabiarov times. UUuuuugh.

Anyway, Kamille is some kind of psychic chick magnet so that's like, one thing total in being a Newtype's favor. Also, I know the show wants me to believe that grown ass captain Radish's crush on teenage Emma is cute but it has always been the weirdest thing about Zeta Gundam to me.
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