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Seikoku no Dragonar 6

I think one of these days this show is just going to abandon the concept of putting clothes on its female characters at all.

Wasn't expecting
Jessica to find out the identity of her beloved Silver Knight so soon, but considering the outcome I'm glad she did XD That girl knows how to get straight to the point <3 I don't think I've ever seen such a lewd HanaKana.


I imagine
it simply didn't occur to him, or he wouldn't have been able to let go until he matured more and was put into an even more desperate situation.

FMA:Brotherhood spoilers
I dare say he was desperate enough after losing his limbs and Al's body. :p But yeah I suppose he might have needed a few more encounters with the "Truth" and gates to even arrive at the idea of that trade. So his journey in pursuit of Philosopher's Stone wasn't as completely pointless as it seemed to me at first.


Decided to finally watch brown Shinji Nadia, what's the consensus here on the 2 infamous arcs later on? Pretty much everyone I know suggested to skip them (expect for 2 episodes), GAF opinion?
The island arc and Africa arc should be erased from mankind's knowledge. The only redeeming thing about them is the reveal that the island
is really Red Noah



I wish it would only be $35. Unfortunately since I live in Canada, RightStuf charges me $10 shipping for any order, no matter how small. Then they also charge me Ontario sales tax. Then there's the conversion rate (right now our dollar is 92 cents American). So a $35 item from Rightstuf usually ends up costing me close to $57 in the end. It ends up being only a few dollars less than what Amazon.ca would charge me.
Mekakucity Actors 5

Man do I love Ene, I love the way she interacts with Shintaro it's just so dynamic. The way she trolls Shintaro is just hilarious and during this episode their were a lot of funny moments that I enjoyed. As for Marry I also like her voice too, and she's so adorable especially in the moment where she gets embarrassed. I really do enjoy every character in this anime as they add something interesting to the table. Oh yeah got to love the way Konoha smashed the ground and went flying towards Hibiya and Hiyori that was awesome. Can't wait till next week and that ending twist was nice I hope we find out more about it.


Hm... $30 for the DVDs. I should order.

And heh, Yuyushiki is cheaper on BD than DVD? Ok then.

Wait what? Yuyushiki bluray? OMG OMG OMG *changes order

I wish it would only be $35. Unfortunately since I live in Canada, RightStuf charges me $10 shipping for any order, no matter how small. Then they also charge me Ontario sales tax. Then there's the conversion rate (right now our dollar is 92 cents American). So a $35 item from Rightstuf usually ends up costing me close to $57 in the end. It ends up being only a few dollars less than what Amazon.ca would charge me.




Yeah, I liked the show and there's really no cheaper option. I just wish I could get the same great deals that American's get on RightStuf! It really sucks. Thankfully for everything outside of Sentai and Aniplex titles I can use Amazon (or in the case of NISA, their own website).
I can notice some minor compression when I pause it (so far), but it's impossible to notice while it's in motion. Part of it may be my TV calibration as well. I'm using a 55" Samsung smart TV.

When in motion I can sit like 1 foot away from my TV and not notice anything, but when I pause it you can see some. If I sit back at the recommended distance I can't see much.

If you have a smaller television or are watching in 720p, you probably won't even notice a thing.

Overall it's still pretty great so far and worth it.

I only have a 20'' HDTV to use, so I don't usually notice any minor video quality changes. Probably should save up for a larger HDTV though.

I wish it would only be $35. Unfortunately since I live in Canada, RightStuf charges me $10 shipping for any order, no matter how small. Then they also charge me Ontario sales tax. Then there's the conversion rate (right now our dollar is 92 cents American). So a $35 item from Rightstuf usually ends up costing me close to $57 in the end. It ends up being only a few dollars less than what Amazon.ca would charge me.

You could go import the Japanese BDs instead and spend an extra $350 or so...
All right, I'm about to start A wakening of the Trailblazer right now.

Time to see what exactly qualifies as the worst Gundam of all time when this is the first Gundam show I finished!


I'm really scared right now.

You have every right to be.

Gundam 00 A wakening of the Trailblazer - First 30 minutes


This is a normal reaction to this film at the time you're at.


I only have a 20'' HDTV to use, so I don't usually notice any minor video quality changes. Probably should save up for a larger HDTV though.

You could go import the Japanese BDs instead and spend an extra $350 or so...

Ehh. PQ doesnt matter much. Blurays are so durable though! I *hug them


Nisekoi 18

Ah, of course, they're going to end the anime with this arc. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Butyeah, fanservicetastic beach episode is fanservicetastic, best Onodera is best, lewd end card is lewd, fun Nisekoi is fun.

As for the lol-enforced-status-quo moment of the week, this one didn't really bother me that much since
Onodera didn't mean to say anything, it just slipped out. It would be one thing if she had actually worked up the courage to say something so forward and then Raku had conveniently been asleep, but since it was a contrived accident on both sides, I figure it sort of cancels out =p (And hey, at least they didn't play it as a cliffhanger and leave us hanging for an entire week like the manga version >.>)

Andrew J.

Samurai Flamenco 02

Ishihara scolding Masayoshi was really, really creepy. I think that might have been sexual harassment.

Is that thing about umbrella-stealing being common in Japan true? Just endure the rain for a little bit, jeeze.

Is Masayoshi a chuunibyou? He's more realistic than the examples that come to mind, he's not imagining things that aren't there or anything, but still.
Mekaku City Actors 05

Every time something mildly interesting starts to happen in this show it just randomly shifts off to something else. I guess this episode was decent-ish, but I'm still waiting for something to happen. Saturday is the "waiting" day.


[Patema Inverted]

Okay, so why were people so mad about this movie again? I mean, I have a list of problems but I need to hear other's problems too! I guess it's been awhile since those early screenings.

Edit: Searching through other people's earlier comments on the movie reveals objections nearly identical to my own.
The main problem most people seem to have is the antagonists motivations and reactions are just wildly over the top and unbelievable.
My main bugbears are Patema's lack of development and the overall plot having a few points I could pick at.

It's a good movie just not outstanding really.


Mekakucity Actors 5

Seeing Ene interact with all the other characters is fun.

Various interesting things are also happening, but it's hard to make much sense of them just yet. Next episode now pls?


Okay who do you think is the Best Girl in all anime? And I mean a best girl who has class and excellent qualities. Let the arguments begin.

I can only think of one correct answer to this question.




This right wing shit pisses me off more than the faux incest. Also this whole thing being a bunch of misunderstandings pisses me off too.
Mahouka 6

At of all the episodes shown so far this is the best one. It had some nicely done fights showing off Leo's skills in kicking some ass. As well as showing a fight between Erika and Mibu which was great and showed us a little of Erika's spunky personality. The OST is great and splendidly added the the action scenes which makes it a lot more enjoyable. We get to see Tatsuya's cold personality which makes me wonder about his past, and also find out that Kirahara has a soft side. The scene with Mibu at the end was pretty sad and it also showed Miyuki having a bit of self control. Can't wait till next week to see them attack the Blanche hideout.


Mahouka 6


Best girl.




This would be pretty badass if it was anyone else saying it.
Ok it's a little badass here.

Not a bad ep, second in a row like that actually. Heavy focus on action and giving everyone time in the spotlight was nice in this regard. Kendo Girl's motivations seemed to have some basis to them as well given the world prizes magical skill over anything else, no matter how good you are.
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