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Happy Mother's Day, AnimeGAF!
I really don't understand what this comment is supposed to mean, but you just reminded me that Hyouka hasn't been picked up by anyone. Someone should get on that.

I'll be starting Hyouka next week along with TTGL and picking up where I left off on G Gundam.

Edit: Hopefully... someday... I'll get back to Monster too.


I wonder why he makes so many different pixiv accounts rather than sticking with just one.
Yeah, quite unnecessary while having such a characteristic way of illustrating.

For reference to anyone else interested, this two links below are both accounts that were attributed to Mr. Yoshinari (the little one), going by the usernames Otonari Kobo (おとなり工房), handle he already used times before, and maru:

「おとなり工房」's Profile [pixiv]

「maru」's Profile [pixiv]


Subete no aware
He doesn't even have a fedora though (that meme on this site is so played out btw).
Haha, yeah. Although it's because of GAF that I seem to see it everywhere now.

It's more of a continuation/spin-off I guess, but follows the Middle School version of GJ-bu. Sadly that means no older Jill. According to the MAL page the original cast may appear from time to time.

Yes, and there appears to be three new main characters that are introduced throughout the short stories.
I guess they won't cross over because the high schoolers will graduate by the time the sister's group hits? I don't remember the ages.

That said, I can't remember how well it did... but it almost seems a bit unlikely. Willing to be proven wrong though.

he is what now?

It's like internet slang for white-knighting, though it occurs in real life.

Except it usually comes with major personality issues, and their overzealous attitudes towards what they perceive as chivalry and affection often push women they pursue much farther away from them because of how over-the-top they tend to be. Tipping the Fedora, so to speak, is like a symbol of acknowledgement from a fedora-wearing denizen. They tend to wear fedoras and think that it makes them look cool, when it has slowly become a negative connotation in identifying them.

There's more to it, but I don't feel like typing any more about it.

There is that aspect, but the other aspect is the whole "friendzone + nice guy" persecution thing, where guys are being "nice" not because they want to help the other person, but because they are trying to get something out of the relationship (sex) without being brave enough to ask for it. The GAF thread describing that "Fedora revenge" thing was hilarious. :p

The guy in One Week Friends is like that inasmuch as he expects special treatment just because he's the "first" to try to help the girl with her memories and gets jealous whenever she shows affection to anyone else.



[imagining hamburger internally]

Maybe it's just that he fancies being hidden so he just makes new accounts in vain.

Yeah, quite unnecessary while having such a characteristic way of illustrating.

For reference to anyone else interested, this two links below are both accounts that were attributed to Mr. Yoshinari (the little one), going by the usernames Otonari Kobo (おとなり工房), handle he already used times before, and maru:

「おとなり工房」's Profile [pixiv]

「maru」's Profile [pixiv]
Though at the same time each of these accounts seems to host slightly different stuff, so maybe he's also trying to not combine the streams per se.


Ace of Diamond - 31

Damn, even when Seidou not playing we got good ass game.. this show pitcher is always been so likeable, I like that Manaka dude already.

And I don't know which one that gonna win this game, they seem gonna pull a twist with unlikely team that gonna win
,but I also can see this team with crazy rookie batter is just set-up for future fierce rival for Seidou's rookie and losing this one.


Maturity, bitches.
Think about it, surely you'd want to deceive people into thinking someone else is the best girl so you can keep the lass you really think is the best to yourself.
I was told that this girl was the best girl. Was I lied to?

I can't speak for anyone else, but for a very long time it was hard for me to think of her as even a character rather than a walking plot device made to disrupt Oreki's inertia.

She does become less one-dimensional as you keep watching(and in a fairly subtle way), but the above impression I got lingered for a pretty long time.

She has the most/biggest soul-devouring eye scenes in the show, so she's at least the best there!


So I got a chance to the movie version of Anohana. Wondered how I'd react to seeing what was a summary of the series with some slight tweaks. Was just as moved as when I saw the show. Not sure what it would be like for someone coming to it cold, but I did really quite like it, and the additions were interesting. Though I did want more of an epilogue.

I do think getting those extra scenes from Menmas pov made it better. Those montages of scenes at the end though, not sure how they would work for people who hadn't seen the show, for me they just work as a image to spark my memories of the full scenes from the show.
Haikyuu!! Episode 6

Excellent episode my favorite parts were done so well especially the scene with the crows behind Tanaka and three of the first years when they were approached by part of Aoba jousai, and then the comedy moments in the match (TsukKage blocking moment, and Tsukki's comments again , and again, and again (
especially in response to Hinata hitting Kageyama with the ball

Iwaizumi was excellent and my Oikawa finally. Best leaders of a team in the series, IMO. (but not my favorite team overall).


However, he also wrote the sceenplay and all the films problems begin and end there. I almost found myself asking if Gen Urobuchi had written it because it was littered with all the hallmarks of trashy, over the top plotting and characterisation. It's really quite bad in places especially with regards to the main villain.

However, leaving him aside for a moment, the real problem with the writing is the characterisation and pacing. It feels like we've only known our leads for about 5 minutes but suddenly they've developed this bond for no apparent reason that we're supposed to care about and then it's right into the action. The script really needed to give a lot more time to fleshing out both characters and their relationship before the action kicked off. Unfortunately they ended up barrelling through what should have been the building of a solid foundation for the film so that it can get straight into the action and plot.

With regards to both the script and the films climax:
I could see the revelation coming a mile away because the main villain spent so long spouting racism against the inverted people that the only fitting end for him would be to discover that he was inverted. That's just how shitty, Urobuchi style scripts have to be! Because I knew the script was cliched I also knew that had to happen.
I didn't really think about the villain in the same terms as you did but if I had I can see why that revelation may not have been entirely unsurprising.
I totally agree about the main characters though. I feel the male lead gets more noticeable development overall than Patema who just seems to be a driving force than a central figure.
Whether this was just me or not but I found that on the first viewing,
the journey upwards to the fake sky doesn't really click with the inverted twist, mainly because there had been so much going up until that point, it's quickly drowned out as a plot point.
My bugbears with the story are that
it feels odd that the remainder of the Earth would simply leave these people alone like this with only the group of scientists left behind to "look after" them as such. Not only that but when communications between the two breakdown, what are they even doing there? They lack the numbers to suppress them and since they're not in contact how can they hope to reach any form of understanding?
A lot of these questions feel like they could be answered but lack the time to do so.


Thread's favourite studio Pablo twitter account is sharing a couple of image-boards from the production of the film Niji-Iro Hotaru ~Eien no Natsu Yasumi~, beautiful one throughout:

Twitter / studio_pablo: 2012年の劇場作品「虹色蛍」の川遊びのイメージボードを公開 ...

Twitter / studio_pablo: さきほどご紹介した下流に対して、こちらは上流のイメージボード ...
Kamigami no Asobi Episode 6

Weak episode with the love rings to put focus on one of the most boring of the gods. At least Yuki Kaji's character cameo'd. Was more entertaining by Totsuka Takeru's (Susanoo) reaction to his brother there.


Haikyuu!! 6

For a while there I almost thought this match was gonna be done by the end of the episode but I was wrong as usual. :/

Think I'm just gonna read the manga for this one.
Haikyuu!! 6

You might want to get that net fixed.

I don't mind the pacing in this, or at least I don't object to drawn out sports matches, but neither the characters nor the portrayal of the sport are really doing it for me. Everything about this except the production values is just so incredibly mediocre. I'm at that tipping point where I'm not sure if I want to keep watching.
For those watching Chaika and wondering about how far the anime might go, there are some pretty strong indications from this month's anime mags. There's an interview with the author and the anime director about the series, and they've indicated that the novels are indeed planned to end in the near future, and everything has already been decided between the novels and anime. They've indicated that the anime will have certain changes around the middle portion where there it will handle the material differently, but the director says that in the end they will conclude in the same way. Seems to suggest that the series could definitely be split-cours, since there's no way the 12 episode season that's airing now will finish the story.

The upcoming episodes will cover
the rest of book 4 with episode 6, and then they'll be returning to book 3 with episode 7. Episode 8 looks to be a sort of anime original bridge episode introducing the Neo-Gaz faction. While Episode 9 will use some original content to bring the story back into book 5's content. Since books 5-6 are one continuous story which ends with a major climax of sorts, it seems likely that episodes 9-12 will cover that, and conclude the first season.
Well if they decided that this order is better why not?
At least knowing that you have a plan for adapting this book properly is great

mahouka 6

so wait, sister's logic is that... the difference between you and my brother is that, my brother has a sister that wants to fuck him and you don't?
No idea how you reached this conclusion.

i dont like how they keep on giving random characters backstories. who the fuck cares about anybody when the protag is some ninja ice lord gunslinger?

Mibu is anything BUT a random character


Majin Bone 6

If there's one thing that keeps this show entertaining, it's gotta be the innuendo that spawns from all the card game terminology constantly used throughout the show. Sometimes I think they're talking about their boners, lines of coke, or doing lines with their boners. A shame it doesn't just fully embrace it and pull a RICKS BREAD. :(


Looks like they've finally removed it now :

They removed the first season when the license expired but forgot to remove season 2 or something.

I started with Chobits, and that's still up there.

That was my first thought as well :p

Thats exactly why I dont trust digital streaming over physical media.
Thats exactly why I dont trust digital streaming over physical media.

i feel the same way , make it harder to get some things when it's not popular anymore or if nobody knows what became of the license holder.

I understand the Pros and the Cons , but for me i like having my stuff in my hands , even if i'm currently running out of space to store them all.


i feel the same way , make it harder to get some things when it's not popular anymore or if nobody knows what became of the license holder.

I understand the Pros and the Cons , but for me i like having my stuff in my hands , even if i'm currently running out of space to store them all.

Theres just something special about collecting a physical product and being ale to see it, display it, touch it, hug it, lend it to friends. I wont give that up ever.
Ace of the Diamond 31

Introducing Raichi like a JRPG villain was pretty funny. The show didn't lose its stride after the previous game ended, they've made this matchup between two previous unknowns compelling. If only Haikyuu were this good.


Theres just something special about collecting a physical product and being ale to see it, display it, touch it, hug it, lend it to friends. I wont give that up ever.

I've passed that stage. Mostly because with probably 90% of media I watch it once and that's it. Of course not being able to buy the same quality thats on disc bothers me to some degree, which is why i still buy the occassional Bluray. Of course with anime (TV at least) thats not really a concern.
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