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One Week Friends - 06

Enjoyable episode. The bro levels are so high and Kaori is now friends with the entire group, yay! Kaori's mom is an enjoyable char and it was nice learning how Kaori's obtained her 'unique' amnesia. I'm betting
someone importance to Kaori such as Hase (perhaps childhood romance?) is the reason why she has her amnesia.

Mahouka - 06

Not sure what's going on, we're still in the Enrollment arc? Geesh. I love how they put sword girl and magic sword girl up against each other and how 'honorable' and 'intense' the battle they made out to be except
it literally was a repeat of the first fight the MC went in with no real tension as it lasted less than a second

[NEW CONTENDER] Brynhildr in the Darkness 01-06

Didn't think much of this series when it came out. The past few days boredom took me and I decided to give this show a go. The OP is just fucking awesome. Aside from that, it's an enjoyable show with an okay premise. The fanservice (especially in the most recent episode) is unneeded but I can deal with it. So far this and One Week Friends are the animes I look forward to during this season.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Thread is finally getting interesting.

I'll be here all night.

Surely Woofington will deliver.


It's okay Woofington, I still have the lewd Facebook pictures from your Summer vacation.

Colorful 1-16 END

And here's my first night with my friends watching a full series! Colorful! Which I had no idea what it was.... and then it started. I felt like I needed to on some hard drugs for some of this, and this was like lewd art to the max on how to achieve artist perfection on panties, cleavage, plumber crack, armpits, collarbones and how to use reflective imagry.

This was really funny, but could be seen as repetitive, but with some friends, it make this whole thing a blast for me to watch. The dub just made it more amazing

Yamamato is our best girl, because she's a tomboy, and I could potentially identify with that coach dude, if only for tomboys.

Again, this is a great watch if you have friends to watch this with. How this fucking show has a lower MAL average than fucking Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart is beyond me.

I would like to add that sometimes, this really feels like Haruyama: the Anime.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Nanana's Buried Treasure 01-03

Well, this is a cute little show. Fun too.

Nanana's Buried Treasure 04

Wow. That went in a direction I wasn't expecting.

Nanana's Buried Treasure 05

Tensai is love.


paranoia agent really beats the shit out of you

It is rather emotionally draining, like a good dosage of Lain.

Yes, that will stop soon, sweet, sweet repression.

Cant stop the squeeing cause the squeeing DONT STOP

Colorful 1-16 END

And here's my first night with my friends watching a full series! Colorful! Which I had no idea what it was.... and then it started. I felt like I needed to on some hard drugs for some of this, and this was like lewd art to the max on how to achieve artist perfection on panties, cleavage, plumber crack, armpits, collarbones and how to use reflective imagry.

This was really funny, but could be seen as repetitive, but with some friends, it make this whole thing a blast for me to watch. The dub just made it more amazing

Yamamato is our best girl, because she's a tomboy, and I could potentially identify with that coach dude, if only for tomboys.

Again, this is a great watch if you have friends to watch this with. How this fucking show has a lower MAL average than fucking Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart is beyond me.

I would like to add that sometimes, this really feels like Haruyama: the Anime.

Oh I see you watched the GOOD Colorful.


Zeta Gundam 26

In which Yazan Gable feels up a guy, proving that the miserable, butt monkey state we'll see him in in Zeta is perfectly befitting of the guy. Or at least well deserved. I mean his entire plan in this episode is to just get lots of people, his own commander included, killed. That's a great plan if you're a psychopath, which he is, but it hardly makes you a great threat in the greater scheme of things. Yazan Gable feels more like a Zanscare soldier than a Titan in that regard.

That said, his fight against the Zeta Gundam was still rad, even if it was constantly being interrupted by Katz trying to get Kamille Senpai's attention.


Zeta Gundam 26

In which Yazan Gable feels up a guy, proving that the miserable, butt monkey state we'll see him in in Zeta is perfectly befitting of the guy. Or at least well deserved. I mean his entire plan in this episode is to just get lots of people, his own commander included, killed. That's a great plan if you're a psychopath, which he is, but it hardly makes you a great threat in the greater scheme of things. Yazan Gable feels more like a Zanscare soldier than a Titan in that regard.

That said, his fight against the Zeta Gundam was still rad, even if it was constantly being interrupted by Katz trying to get Kamille Senpai's attention.

Gundam Build fighters is SO FUCKING GOOD


Of course, even supposedly reliably imagehosts have turned out to not be in the past. Who knows what all of my minus links will turn into 5 years from now.


Gundam Build Fighters 07

Hot springs episode!
I like that its not completely a typical one.
Misaki is yet another cutie in an ever growing line.
Defend their honor!
War of the Worlds!

And now for Aila :D


With all the programs/browser extensions designed for easy image rehosting there's no excuse anymore.

Well unless the source in question is wrapping their images behind whatever terrible interface they desperately want random users to see, but thankfully that's pretty rare.


Armored Trooper VOTOMS 23

Man, that was just a really good episode. For starters, I love the way this show handles warfare. Probably the most realistic depiction of war I've ever seen in an anime. On the one hand, Boroughs' war efforts are completely shot and Kanjleman is quickly losing faith in the alliance because the Perfect Soldier Project has totally fallen apart, with Proto One out and out falling in love with public enemy number one Chirico (and subsequently losing her ability to fight and even basic combat thinking like picking a better hiding spot than way out in the open!) and Ypsilon similarly becoming a liability because he's in love with Proto One. None of what's really falling apart on Boroughs and Kanjleman are due to villainous incompetence. It's just a lot of stuff piling up on top of them.

What sells it, though, is that though Chirico's team is doing pretty damn well, they've had numerous snags along the way. Kan Yu completely ruined the stealth aspects of the mission by starting a huge fire fight in a temple, and his unwillingness to cooperate with Chirico in the operation to seize the Perfect Soldiers has resulted in the loss of time and effort, confounding his own army's best attempts and dealing the swift, decisive, final blow it set out to do in this episode.

Kan Yu himself is perhaps the picture of villainous incompetence, since his blunders are often accompanied by bloodshed, as with his murder of the family on the fishing boat, or the debacle at the temple. His petty, smallish behavior throughout the arc and constant clashing with Chirico have come to a head in this episode, though, as Kan Yu kidnaps Fyana, aims to rape her and to take credit for her capture for himself. His plans go awry when Chirico gets the jump on him and a brutal struggle in the rain begins.

Chirico takes a goddamn dagger to the gut right at the beginning of the battle, rips it out of himself and turns it on Kan Yu. As they grapple and fall to the mud, Chirico displays real, actual emotion for the first time in the entire series. Before this we've gotten a lot of cold stares and some surprise and some wry smiles, but now Chirico is just fucking MAD. The anger and violence that has been building, the tension that has been rising between these two characters erupts in this really primal struggle between the two, with no need for words nor motivations between them aside from the urge to smash the other's skull in that's been rising this entire arc.

But that's not the full extent of emotions that Chirico really gains in this episode! After passing out, Chirico awakens to find that Fyana has somehow recovered the basic knowledge of wilderness survival and field medicine, as she's bandaged him and constructed a makeshift shelter for him, too. As Chirico fumbles badly at talking to girls, she laughs at him, and soon, Chirico of all people is laughing, too. He's shy, bashful, and laughing about it with her by the end of the scene. This is Chirico of all people! Chirico "I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY EYES" Cuvie.

The episode ends with him adopting a new and stonier resolution, which at a glance seems like Chirico has dropped back to his old self and the episode's achievements are undone, but Fyana makes a passionate plea to him that they both run away from everything that's going on and never look back. Chirico shuts her down with a cold "Did I not make you the same offer three months ago?" and stares right past her toward Castle Kanjleman, where the arc presumably is set to end. "Why do you have to do this?" she cries, and Chirico, unflinching, responds, "You know the reason only too well." However, his own narration admits that he himself has begun to question his reason, his need for battle.

In so many ways Chirico's arc has become the sort of perfect template for characters like Sosuke, Heero, and Setsuna to build out from if they so choose. You really could not ask for a more solid hero to this show, nor its unusual feeling of simultaneously glorifying the valiance of combat in the world during the Vietnam era and taking every possible pain to show that war is Hell, that people can be brutal, and that it takes its toll on the soul of a man more surely than any human experience.

A seriously, truly good episode here tonight.


Maturity, bitches.
Rather than get any work done, I have instead painstakingly gone through all 200'ish characters on the IM@S Cinderella Girls wiki and identified the best idols. Because reasons.

Cool > Cute > Passion.
Started doing this on my lunch break yesterday so I've made a mental note of a few of them so I'll try going through the rest tonight. Problem is I can only judge by appearance so my opinion may change completely with the anime.
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