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I used to not do imgur. People warned me. The I saw a hot link gone bad. Some "no hot linking" images are downright mean lol
Hahaha, yeah. I recall another example someone had to be warned about quickly on another forum which involved some hobo guy, I didn't see it before it got swapped out. I can understand why they wouldn't want hotlinking, even though those kinds of replacement images are kind of crazy.



A surprisingly dark and serious film, considering everything that came after it. The black-and-white format helps to hide a lot of the limitations of the special effects at that time, although nothing can hide the fakeness of those model airplanes. The slow and atmospheric buildup in the first third of the film before the reveal is an effective example of classic horror filmmaking. The scene where you finally see him feels very King Kong-ish. The prototypical Tokyo rampage was more disturbing than you'd expect, with very obvious nuclear parallels, in the aftermath especially. And as usual,
the childhood friend loses. RIP.

Oh, and dat main theme.


This, on the other hand, was freaking awful. I can't even begin to go into everything wrong with this movie. The plot makes no sense(why would the plane arm its nuke so that it would explode when it crashed? How did Tibby Sr. get stuck in the ice in the first place?). The characters are universally awful and annoying(freaking Kenny), and act in irrational ways. Apparently it's totally normal behavior for a reporter to creep on a female scientist to the point that he becomes a pyromaniac. Also, why didn't Kenny just die. And unlike ゴジラ, the applied phlebotinum is ludicrously unbelievable. I mean they really just had a
rocket capable of lifting thousands and thousands of tons, with a cargo bay with thousands of feet of volume, and taking it to Mars?
Did they have any idea how much power that would require? With that kind of force, you could just a make a much smaller projectile go supersonic and bore holes in him, LOL.

Also, why didn't Kenny just die.


You shouldn't disallow someone the right to buy a Miyukichi!
Miyukichi belongs to everyone! Don't try to hog a Miyukichi!



No Game No Life 6

Jibril a best girl

They adapted that game brilliantly.

Oh and the "Suitable for all ages" is an outright lie.


Looks like I still have much to learn about WebMs if I can't link that one and have been reduced to just posting the lewd No Game No Life NSFWx4 pictures.

Suitable for all-ages my ass.
Wait. Mofukichi finally appeared? YESSSSSSSSSSSSS.


Gundam Build Fighters 08

Aila is such a badass. Shes great already but still hasnt really shown up much yet.
Looks like Sei and Reiji are going to have some very insane competition. Some of them are just ridiculous. Man this is so much fun!
Next episode could be adorable from the previews.



That article...does a remarkably bad job of actually showing what the comparisons are getting at.

From the article, you'd think it's just a bizarre superficial comparison of the visual layout of the scenes, but looking at the video at the bottom, the whole conversation the characters are having is very similar. Particularly the very end of the conversation, where both Kotori and some-Glee-girl put emphasis on the line "this is your costume", and immediately follow it up with a line about "It's when everyone is working together that [the team can really shine/a beautiful future will be waiting for us]". In the Japanese dub, the "It's when everyone is working together" part is phrased word-for-word identically.

Rather than get any work done, I have instead painstakingly gone through all 200'ish characters on the IM@S Cinderella Girls wiki and identified the best idols. Because reasons.

I don't see Anzu. Your opinion is invalid.
I am very disturbed in how Anzu can be an Idol. She's like a elementary student. Idolmaster has changed......though best girl is still the same:



Maturity, bitches.
I am very disturbed in how Anzu can be an Idol. She's like a elementary student. Idolmaster has changed......though best girl is still the same:


You know kids in our countries can be fashion models, actors, singers while still in school. The trick is to still study in case you crash and burn so you still have qualifications to fall back on.

Glad you agree Haruka is the best girl.
Ranko and Koume da best. I like Syoko's look though.
There's another girl who narrowly missed my cutoff with a similar punkish style to Syoko, but less extreme (in appearance and personality). I figured you'd probably appreciate her design:


Started doing this on my lunch break yesterday so I've made a mental note of a few of them so I'll try going through the rest tonight. Problem is I can only judge by appearance so my opinion may change completely with the anime.
The wiki has basic in-game quotes / introductions for the majority of the characters, so you can often make a fair guess about their personalities from those. There were a handful I couldn't get much of an idea about though so I kinda glossed over them (Noa being the most memorable case).

Holy shit, Syoko is on shrooms. Seriously.
Im gonna have to agree with A huge Battleship.
I know, right? She actually has a shot at best girl status, and she's popular enough that she may well feature in the anime in some form. Apparently she's seen as quite a tragic character.

Are they gonna have all of them in the anime? Wonder how they'll handle that.
There've been 3 major popularity polls ('elections'), so the popular characters are pretty well established and'll doubtlessly form most of the core cast. Some of the 2nd tier ones'll likely make occasional appearances. A lot of them probably won't feature at all, unless there's some brief scene where they have all the characters together.

I don't see Anzu. Your opinion is invalid.
This is where I'd :cnet, but she's generally pretty popular so I'm gonna assume there's more to her than that. Also 17 years old wat.


There's another girl who narrowly missed my cutoff with a similar punkish style to Syoko, but less extreme (in appearance and personality). I figured you'd probably appreciate her design:


The wiki has basic in-game quotes / introductions for the majority of the characters, so you can often make a fair guess about their personalities from those. There were a handful I couldn't get much of an idea about though so I kinda glossed over them (Noa being the most memorable case).

I know, right? She actually has a shot at best girl status, and she's popular enough that she may well feature in the anime in some form. Apparently she's seen as quite a tragic character.

There've been 3 major popularity polls ('elections'), so the popular characters are pretty well established and'll doubtlessly form most of the core cast. Some of the 2nd tier ones'll likely make occasional appearances. A lot of them probably won't feature at all, unless there's some brief scene where they have all the characters together.

This is where I'd :cnet, but she's generally pretty popular so I'm gonna assume there's more to her than that. Also 17 years old wat.

Yes Mirei is on my personal list. So cute!
Its going to be a fun show.


Gundam Build Fighters 09


China takes part in an all girls event and does pretty well. I want a figure of her Bear gunpla.
This episode contained no Aila sadly but a generous helping of Drills and ojou laugh so it was a nice consolation prize. This show is so much better than the vast majority of shows airing lately it aint even funny.
Gundam Build Fighters 09


China takes part in an all girls event and does pretty well. I want a figure of her Bear gunpla.
This episode contained no Aila sadly but a generous helping of Drills and ojou laugh so it was a nice consolation prize. This show is so much better than the vast majority of shows airing lately it aint even funny.

The Power Duo of Gundam Build Fighters and Log Horizon make Fall 2013 one the best seasons I've ever watched. It was just too good!
Well someone need to make a LN about it , so we can "live the dream" when an anime adaptation is green lighted !

*Sound of cajun wallet crying *
The mental image of animeGAF as a visual construct is pretty entertaining.
It's a strong part of the appeal.
Rather than get any work done, I have instead painstakingly gone through all 200'ish characters on the IM@S Cinderella Girls wiki and identified the best idols. Because reasons.

Cool > Cute > Passion.
Well this isn't bad, but i could have put 6 more girls in this.

When did IDOLM@STER become Pokemon?
Several years ago


Heartcatch Precure Episodes 5-47

This is definitely the most enjoyable show I've watched in a long time, I haven't marathoned a show this hard since Beelzebub and Ranma 1/2.

Each of the main Cures are awesome, the monsters of the week are equal parts cool and emotional, and the final stretch of episodes has been everything I could have hoped for.

Spoilers for the last 10 eps or so;
Watching Coppe roar in anger and attack Dune was BONE CHILLING, especially the way he fights against the Sunackies. And Marine's fight against Kumojacky was amazing, all her blows on him towards the end of their fight had impact, and Kumojacky certainly got his ass handed to him. Best girl and best Cure still the best. Moonlight's fight against Dark Precure and the revelation of Sabakuu's true identity being her father was shocking and cool as hell. They didn't even need their super forms throughout these eps, that could change based on what's gonna happen in the final two, though.

Definitely a great show, there were plenty of times I even almost teared up, like when
Moonlight's fairy dies or when Blossom/Tsubomi gives up, breaks down, and cries after seeing the world more or less end in front of them.

The movie takes place after the series ends, right?


I guess it should shock no one at all that the new Yamato 2199 movie is about... fighting Gatlantis. They sure left a ton of hints throughout the series! :p


Crest of the Stars 5

When this episode followed the OP with a full three minutes and forty-five seconds of recap of the previous episode, I was prepared for the worst. Fortunately, there was nothing to fear in the end. The first real space battle of the series was handled exceptionally well.


We do see some ships explode, but the main feedback about the battle comes from closeups of the ship's UI.

Ship-to-ship space fights tend to be very fast paced, but Crest takes a different approach. The ships see each other well before they can engage, so a lot of care is taken to emphasize pre-engagement preparations, which also serves as a good opportunity to build personalities among the crew that had largely been ignored to this point.


I don't know if standing up with her sword drawn made her a more effective captain, but it certainly made her a more dramatic one.

Even when ships enter firing range, they seem to stay fairly distant from each other. But at that point the directing ratchets up the energy, moving quickly between crew members, firing guns, and outside shots of the results of their actions. It's an exciting, meaningful fight that made good use of what the prior episodes established.

I don't expect another climax like this one to come again in the near future, but I hope that this marks a turning point for the series in terms of the overall energy level of each episode.


Trigun 1-11


That's because you morons spend 99% of time on content of episodic nature !

Humor in anime is usually hit and miss for me but this has been hitting the sweet spot pretty consistently. Vash and Milly crack me up. Hope they will shed more light on the past of the former soon. Even Bebop had the decency to go main plot in the 5th episode.
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