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Andrew J.


Although I've done it a couple times myself, I'm actually kind of sympathetic to people who say the "write a live-action film's title in Japanese" thing is annoying.

However, anyone who can't recognize this particular set of characters can fuck off.


Nisekoi Vita game??? :OOOOOOOOOOO

Quickly, someone remind me it'll never be localized so I can stop being excited

Ohshit I think I might need that.

I mean, all they need to do is make it like the OreImo PSP games - a VN with original routes for each girl - and that would be pretty much perfection. Nisekoi with actual endings instead of eternal status quo, and a chance at victory for every waifu? What more could anyone ask for?

EDIT: I was reading some of the Japanese responses to the news, and one commenter suggested that it should be a simulation game where you play as an invisible force preventing Raku from getting together with anyone. lol


I guess it should shock no one at all that the new Yamato 2199 movie is about... fighting Gatlantis. They sure left a ton of hints throughout the series! :p

So, it's a remake of the Farewell Yamato movie? I wonder if they're going with something closer to the original movie or the tv ending...


I can't believe they changed the Comet Empire's design considering how iconic it is... Might as well have updated the Yamato too. Now it just seems like the Death Star...

Also, regarding my previous question, the teaser scene shown there seems to imply we're getting something closer to the tv ending.


Ohshit I think I might need that.

I mean, all they need to do is make it like the OreImo PSP games - a VN with original routes for each girl - and that would be pretty much perfection. Nisekoi with actual endings instead of eternal status quo, and a chance at victory for every waifu? What more could anyone ask for?

EDIT: I was reading some of the Japanese responses to the news, and one commenter suggested that it should be a simulation game where you play as an invisible force preventing Raku from getting together with anyone. lol


It should also be on PSP so it could at least be fan translated :/

When the fan translation of that Oreimo game is finished, I might be able to play it, even if I have to buy another PSP in order to do it, but Nisekoi? Never gonna happen :C

That idea could actually be really fun though.


Aikatsu! 82

After all that buildup, the Partners Cup came and went pretty quickly. Most of the performances didn't have songs to go with them, merely images. Kaede and Yurika's duet looked really nice, too. The combination of gothic lolita and clown/circus works well together. Both rely on mostly harmless but still slightly creepy things. Their song would've been nice. I did like Ichigo and Seira's duet. The lightning in particular, and the choreography, was a step above what's come before. Song was alright, too. Couldn't beat Double M - even in high school, Ichigo's still trying to overcome this obstacle. Nice little mini-arc that made good use of both schools, and brought some forgotten characters back into the fold.

And speaking of that, next week is an Otome episode. We haven't had one of those in forever.


Trigun 1-11


That's because you morons spend 99% of time on content of episodic nature !

Humor in anime is usually hit and miss for me but this has been hitting the sweet spot pretty consistently. Vash and Milly crack me up. Hope they will shed more light on the past of the former soon. Even Bebop had the decency to go main plot in the 5th episode.
A show doesn't need to be main plot all the time... just enjoy it!


Is The Order a Rabbit? 06

I don't think I've mentioned this before, but that CR is translating the titles as "Bunnisode"s is too adorable. And this being a Chino focused episode, it was equally, if not more, adorable. Maya, Megu and Aoyama all got some more spotlight time. Cocoa's spaciness is great. Her bike riding fantasy got the most laughs - she's so enraptured by the idea of a romantic bike ride that she has no way to follow through on. And Chiya even got in a bit of a lewd moment (lewd relative to this show). Of all the shows from this season, this is the one I'm going to miss the most.


So, it's a remake of the Farewell Yamato movie? I wonder if they're going with something closer to the original movie or the tv ending...


I can't believe they changed the Comet Empire's design considering how iconic it is... Might as well have updated the Yamato too. Now it just seems like the Death Star...

Also, regarding my previous question, the teaser scene shown there seems to imply we're getting something closer to the tv ending.

I wouldn't assume that they've changed anything for the worse. There's very little context with regards of what we're looking at so far, clearly because they're not ready to show it off yet. Considering how faithful 2199 has been in terms of what matters, I'll be really surprised if the floating city concept doesn't show up in the actual film. Don't forget that we've already seen a number of Gatlantis ships in 2199, and they mostly retained the aesthetic design of the original ships, while looking more refined.

It's funny because the Gatlantis battle scene in 2199 was also the only ship battle scene in the entire show which was completely hand drawn, probably because they didn't want to put extra money into doing complete CG models of stuff which would appear in just one episode. Lol.


EDIT: http://www.yamato2199.net/

Looks like they finally updated the site itself too. The staff remains largely the same for the movie. Izubuchi is writing the script for this one too. Makoto Bessho is the chief director under Izubuchi for this one. He worked on the TV series too as an episode director (one of his episodes was episode 20). Seems promising enough.

The weirdest part is the story blurb, where they mention that the Yamato runs into the Gatlantis fleet while returning to Earth from Iscandar. Sounds like it's a slight retcon on the TV ending. Weeeeeeeeeirrd.


Just saw Short Peace last night! For some reason the screening was 20 minutes late. Anyway, I can't decide whether I liked Possessions or Combustible more. Possessions' story really worked well, and it feels a little more "complete" in a sense than Combustible. Combustible had some great style to it though, and a pretty shocking conclusion!

A Farewell to Arms also was pretty fun, though the whole thing felt like a build-up to that ending scene (which was really great!). I wasn't huge on Gambo, but I did enjoy it. I think I was just surprised at how violent and messed up it was. This one probably had the best CG though, at times I seriously couldn't tell!

Overall, it's a great collection of short films. Will definitely get once it hits Blu-Ray.


The weirdest part is the story blurb, where they mention that the Yamato runs into the Gatlantis fleet while returning to Earth from Iscandar. Sounds like it's a slight retcon on the TV ending. Weeeeeeeeeirrd.
Obviously it's because they need all its characters if you know what I mean.

Andrew J.

I mean, all they need to do is make it like the OreImo PSP games - a VN with original routes for each girl - and that would be pretty much perfection. Nisekoi with actual endings instead of eternal status quo, and a chance at victory for every waifu? What more could anyone ask for?

Harem ending.


I have just one question: Will Golden Time get any better? I was excited when it came out, because I heard it came from the same brillant mind that created Toradora, but so far the Anime is a mess. I'm 16 episodes in so far and it gets more ridiculous and embarrassing by every episode I watch.

I think of dropping the anime based on your comments.
I have just one question: Will Golden Time get any better? I was excited when it came out, because I heard it came from the same brillant mind that created Toradora, but so far the Anime is a mess. I'm 16 episodes in so far and it gets more ridiculous and embarrassing by every episode I watch.

I think of dropping the anime based on your comments.

It gets worse from where you are standing. If you don't like it at episode 16, I can't imagine you'll be pleased by the things to come.


I have just one question: Will Golden Time get any better? I was excited when it came out, because I heard it came from the same brillant mind that created Toradora, but so far the Anime is a mess. I'm 16 episodes in so far and it gets more ridiculous and embarrassing by every episode I watch.

I think of dropping the anime based on your comments.

Personally I thought Golden Time was pretty great all the way through, but if you're not liking it after 16 episodes I doubt the rest will be to your liking either.


I have just one question: Will Golden Time get any better? I was excited when it came out, because I heard it came from the same brillant mind that created Toradora, but so far the Anime is a mess. I'm 16 episodes in so far and it gets more ridiculous and embarrassing by every episode I watch.

I think of dropping the anime based on your comments.

I'm amazed you got that far then. You're almost done, just finish it up and type up an angry post about it wasting your time after lol.


I'm amazed you got that far then. You're almost done, just finish it up and type up an angry post about it wasting your time after lol.
I'm amazed myself, because I started the anime when the first episode aired and still bring myself to watch an episode now and then, hoping it'll get better and more like Toradora^^
I think you're right. You should look forward to my angry post :)


Ping Pong 6
Really did not expect to see
the insert song montage showing what everybody is doing during Christmas. It's a nice touch, but I don't quite see the need for it since we really already know what each of the main characters are doing with their life at this point without having to resort showing it like this.



I have just one question: Will Golden Time get any better? I was excited when it came out, because I heard it came from the same brillant mind that created Toradora, but so far the Anime is a mess. I'm 16 episodes in so far and it gets more ridiculous and embarrassing by every episode I watch.

I think of dropping the anime based on your comments.

I HATED it after the car accident episode, I just wanted to punch ever character that wasn't Nana or Yama-san, but for some reason I made myself go back to it and finish after I dropped it, and I'm glad I did it. Not entirely satisfied with the final episode, but the two that came before both made me cry, there are some really good moments later on, stick with it. Definitely worth watching.


Nanana's Buried Treasure 06

The promised hot springs, and through artistically censored nudity, they delivered! Mostly Tensai, but I'd be lying if I said that Daruku didn't have his charms. The hot springs jumping puzzle looked like something straight out of Zelda - and though there's already two or so factions working towards the treasure, who was the third party that
stole the thing in the hot springs and replaced it with the stuffed cat?
Since the utility bil was explained, I'm thinking the girls from last time may be in it for themselves.

I HATED it after the car accident episode, I just wanted to punch ever character that wasn't Nana or Yama-san, but for some reason I made myself go back to it and finish after I dropped it, and I'm glad I did it. Not entirely satisfied with the final episode, but the two that came before both made me cry, there are some really good moments later on, stick with it. Definitely worth watching.

I thought the ending was a little more satisfying than Toradora, though I though Toradora was better overall.


Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin 6

Needed more Tensai fanservice. The reversal of the usual onsen peeping routine was entertaining, though.

Not particularly impressed with the outcome of the episode's actual treasure hunt, mostly because
I want to see more cool treasures, dammit!

Oh, and insert obvious joke about this episode's table-tennis match being better than Ping Pong here.


This Week in Puchimas

I'm sure Hibiki will find a way to take care of the penguins. And the walrus. Anytime Miura does the "standby", you know something good is about to happen.

Inugami & Nekoyama 06

The sisters on both sides were cute, but my favorite part was the endcard drawn by Yui Hara (Kinmosa).


The manga has been so bad that honestly fillers made me interested in the anime.

I haven't even been reading it for the past 4 or 5 weeks, and I'm not sure I'll ever go back, even though it should be about to end.
I think so too, but I will definitely finish it. I've been reading the manga for far too long to just drop it.

The last chapter hasn't been TOO bad, so it might get better... I hope :(


I think so too, but I will definitely finish it. I've been reading the manga for far too long to just drop it.

The last chapter hasn't been TOO bad, so it might get better... I hope :(

I've been suffering through it for the last 2 or 3 years with that "but I came this far" mentality. Not anymore, fuck Madara, fuck Kishimoto, fuck Plot no Jutsu.
Personally I thought Golden Time was pretty great all the way through, but if you're not liking it after 16 episodes I doubt the rest will be to your liking either.

If you don't mind me asking, did you find at the ending where Linda
went nuts and hugged Ghost Banri and went over a random tangent over all Banris
great too? If so.... why?


If you don't mind me asking, did you find at the ending where Linda
went nuts and hugged Ghost Banri and went over a random tangent over all Banris
great too? If so.... why?

It sounds even more stupid when you read it instead of watch it.

Nah, it's just as stupid.


I've been suffering through it for the last 2 or 3 years with that "but I came this far" mentality. Not anymore, fuck Madara, fuck Kishimoto, fuck Plot no Jutsu.
Naruto has been a mess since the war started. The chapter where Madara appeared was pretty cool imo, but the conclusion to Tobi's identity...
I understand your choice^^


selector infected WIXOSS 07

This episode brought to you by the techno track backing Ruko and Iona's battle. Ruko's love of battles is finally at the forefront, but she's trying really hard to deny that aspect of her. Akira's out of the game, too - at Ruko's hands. I'm not sure what Akira's penalty for losing was, but since it was for Iona to be ruined and she needs to wear a mask, no doubt the wish came back to bite her in the ass and she ruined herself. Having seen BRS in the week between this episode and the last, and I can see some of the similarities. BRS is more metaphorical, and Wixoss is operating within a Ryuki/Future Diary-esque tournament setup, but the idea of alternate worlds and wishes is the same between both of them. If Ruko's white and Iona's black, she seems to be set up as the greatest foil for Ruko. Fun show to think about.
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