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Here’s something I’ve been thinking about lately, but haven’t thought to put it to words: Why is it that was see less weathering and “detailing” in typical drawings than we did in a older, pre-digital age of anime? Take this basic shot of a net gun in Cowboy Bebop.

The accentuating lines aren’t some labored addition, and the shots of the gun later scale the detailing down or erase them for ease in animation— as one would expect.

I’m not really referring to the kind of detailing you’d only see in a lavish big budget production, but rather the simple kind that gives the normal subject of a drawing some character. I understand that the more detail something has, the rougher it is to animate, but as with the example above it just seems like an extra bit of spice. I liked that taste! I think it’s easy to say that productions don’t get the time and budget that they used to and, as a result, don’t have the luxury of small details, but it almost seems more like a fundamental shift in design. Or maybe a technique that never graduated to a new generation? I’m curious, because this is something that’s synonymous with an older look and something I’m quite fond of. Perhaps this is just a symptom of the larger, industry-wide design shift towards cleaner looking anime? It's almost like the detailing is less gone, and more replaced with (subjectively) less attractive digital filtering alternatives, as opposed to a more hand drawn look.

I know I’m by no means the first to bring this up or anything. Any production level junkies have something to say about this to a pleb?

It’s worth noting that it’s not entirely absent in modern titles. And when it does show up, it’s striking and memorable:

David Production generally seems to put their character art over animation and it results in some nice detailing; I really love the look of Stardust Crusaders. And the bit of scuffed mechanical equipment that Meow's father used in Space Dandy stood out in the otherwise clean looking aesthetic of the show.



chaika 5 - 6

Fun stuff. These episodes keep getting more qualitas as time goes on, but the action is still pretty good.


The power of hero pheromones.


Persona 3 : Spring of Birth

Well that's okay I guess... to be honest its like watching one of weaker entry Kara no Kyoukai movie, due somehow the looks and format remind me to it, and with P3's tone that close to it with edgy chuuni stuff, I can't help to compare.

Anyway the visual is okay I guess, some good looking action cut here and there, the filter can make it look butt ugly at time though.. I love the chara design btw, its look nice and pretty, outdoing the game artwork even for some case.. but I have one big complaint to it. this bang closing eye thing really gone wild for this movie

Jebus I know the design is like that but still.. that make them like had cataract or something. And that bang barely moving throughout the movie.

For the content itself the pacing is all over the place, sometime its feel right but sometime its goes to hell... the movie feel disjointed most of the time and your knowledge of the game are the the only thing that help you cover the hole. Some of adapted scene and characterization are hit and miss, the last fight of the movie for example are hilariously bad, its feel so forced with all the drama addition and shitty game mechanic shoutout..

I think my favorite scene is the totally new stuff, like Makoto's interaction with Fuuka that tied nicely to
Yukari confronting him about his no fuck attitude
damn that's pretty nice character dynamic that they making there despite Makoto's characterization as whole also hit or miss.. its big shame the last fight is such a shitty climax for that buildup lol.

One more thing, the music placement is way too forced for many scene.

Overall, well its entertaining if you like the game I guess.


Huge Nickleback Fan
It's about that time again.

- Offer one non-backhanded compliment for a show from this season that you otherwise dislike

- Offer one fair criticism for a show from this season that you otherwise like

I'll think up my own answers and post them in a bit.

- Captain earth have great mecha design.

- Chaika plot feel rushed and not so good opening song (and i usually like Manzo stuff!)

You make me want to replay Planescape a little.

What a great bunch of stories contained in the shell of an okay game

Hmm, i really should play or read Planescape script...


Kino's Journey 6

I knew Kino was pretty badass, but goddamn.

I really like the art direction for this episode. I can't say it's better than usual, but it's yet another example of the show's powerful command of contrast and lighting. The dungeons and underground are dark and bleak, but the surface arena feels no more pleasant, its light absolutely blinding. There's no happiness to be found in this place.

The initial image of the town reminded me of the old Capitalist Pyramid political cartoon for some reason, and I kind of had it in the back of my head while I watched the episode. It doesn't have much relation to the current king's backstory or anything, but when I think about the slaves laboring for the sake of the people on top, or even the people coming to this country in search of a new life, but forced into a life-or-death struggle if they want to succeed, it feels like a meaningful parallel.

I wonder if Kino will be able to get to the end without killing anyone.


Kino's Journey 6

I knew Kino was pretty badass, but goddamn.

I really like the art direction for this episode. I can't say it's better than usual, but it's yet another example of the show's powerful command of contrast and lighting. The dungeons and underground are dark and bleak, but the surface arena feels no more pleasant, its light absolutely blinding. There's no happiness to be found in this place.

The initial image of the town reminded me of the old Capitalist Pyramid political cartoon for some reason, and I kind of had it in the back of my head while I watched the episode. It doesn't have much relation to the current king's backstory or anything, but when I think about the slaves laboring for the sake of the people on top, or even the people coming to this country in search of a new life, but forced into a life-or-death struggle if they want to succeed, it feels like a meaningful parallel.

I wonder if Kino will be able to get to the end without killing anyone.

Finally you watched it.
Easily one of the best episodes. Kino is a total badass and has all sorts of creative ways to defeat opponents. That king is legit fucked in the head though.
For better or for worse Clannad is the least revolting of keyshit.

Clannad is the only Key thing I've watched all the way through. It really is a very good show at its core. It's just too bad one has to get through the lackluster first season to get to the really good stuff in After Story.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
For better or for worse Clannad is the least revolting of keyshit.

Clannad AS is by far the best work KyoAni has ever done. It's a fucking masterpiece really.

My MAL says I've spent 158.71 days of my life watching anime and Clannad AS is right up there for the very best.


Aikatsu! 83

A self-contained, Otome-centered story that also continues the Constellation Dress thing. It was a very enjoyable half hour. Finding out that Otome grew up in a kindergarten (her parents run it) goes a long way to explaining her personality. Otome wasn't the kind of person I thought would be afraid of slides - but the way the slides, her childhood friend who was Dorthy in a production of Wizard of Oz, and the Taurus dress (okay, the Taurus doesn't really blend as neatly) all came together made for a good song and dance. Season 2's been a lot busier than season 1, with at least three or so different storylines going on simultaneously.


Is The Order a Rabbit? 07

A Sharo-heavy episode is just what I like to hear. Her secret's finally out (Cocoa took longer than everyone else to realize it, of course), but the cuteness and friendship is as strong as ever. One of my favorite jokes was a brief flashback. Chiya's been teasing Sharo ever since she was young, some of those things Sharo believes even today. It says a lot about their relationship from that one exchange. The "Rabbit Horse" joke was also pretty good, and the puzzle segment tied nicely back to the end. I don't want this kind of fluffiness to end.

Link Man

Bunny Cafe 7


A fun little episode. The
Rabbit Horse
was pretty great, and I got a nice reaction image from the cooking segment. Also, :corvo

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