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5 Centimeters per Second

Beautiful, nostalgic and sad. I can see where all the praise is coming from.
Very glad that you enjoyed it. One of my top three anime of all time across both movies and TV series.


Puchimas S2 ep.whatever, I seriously lose count when it's a daily thing like this

Puchi-powered Rube Goldberg machines are the future of innovation, that's for sure.

No Game No Life ep.7

Sadly this show is really starting to fall down my list for the season. It only really gets good when the logic and game parts come into play. Jibril is pretty cool though and probably the best character out of the whole lot so far.

Hitsugi no Chaika ep.7

Now that I'm comfortable with watching this series again, this is definitely the stronger Wednesday show for me. That bit right at the end was hilarious.


Getter Robo G 28

Sort of an odd episode. The episode is in a way all about Michiru, and to accentuate that point Michiru isn't ever seen in the episode, because most of it is done through her eyes, giving a kind of weird 1st person thing to the episode. It's about a dude named Jouji who Michiru knew as a kid and who know works for the Demons because when he was a kid they saved him after humans had poisoned his home. He finds out that's a lie and betrays the demons, foiling their plot and saving the Getter Team.

In a way, the episode sort of feels like it is about what happens when you find out your life is a lie, since Jouji spends much of the episode denying that to Michiru, only to find out she's right and throwing away his life to save hers because he cannot bear to live as he has.

It's sort of a downer episode in that respect.
No Game No Life 7
Very good episode. The unraveling of the mysterious plan from the former king and references and the feels from Steph all so good. Jibril is excellent


Why can't I hold all these Tippys (and some Ankos)




I don't have those sets, but I've heard similar things. Honestly, I have no idea why they do it. Maybe there's some technical reason behind it that I just don't understand.

I saw this on another forum:
http://www.fandompost.com/oldforums/showthread.php?25636-FUNimation-licenses-Eureka-Seven-(TV-amp-Movie)&p=241909&viewfull=1#post241909 said:
As far as why the brightness issue exists, old analog TVs used to have a roughly 10% brightness difference between Japanese and US TVs, so it made sense to increase it for the US to offset that. Now though, with digital TVs, it's really not an issue but Funimation continues to do it for some reason.


RIP in pepperoni, Aqua

There's a special kind of irony behind his ban caused by piracy, when his PSN id is OnePiece22

The Dark Duelist (CV: Takagi Manpei) looks like a great addition to the Yugioh Arc V (pronounced five) anime, ep 7 hurry.

Let me guess: He's also Yugi, Yami, and Kaiba's forgotten son and owns every single millennium item etc etc etc
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