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All dat Chitoge pressure. SHAFT did a super job with the show, despite how shitty the source material is. At least they know who is best girl so they deserve points for that.
The purest love.


Riddle Story of Devil 09

That fills in some of the holes in Tokaku's backstory. That she showed restraint and said "I can kill you, but I won't" is the moment when I may have smiled. She didn't need to torture Isuke, just knock her out. They're both out of the game anyway, and that scene with Tokaku and Haru against the moonlight was kinda sweet. Their relationship has certainly been the most consistent, yuri-wise, this season.
Decided to restart/finally start watching this show, since I've got some free time over the next week.

Kill la Kill - 01

Fun introduction. Ryuko is pretty cool (I really like her voice), Mako is hilarious, and the scale and action is seriously pretty cool.


Kill la Kill - 01

Fun introduction. Ryuko is pretty cool (I really like her voice), Mako is hilarious, and the scale and action is seriously pretty cool.

Ep 1 is my fave ep of the whole series. So well done.


I love Nike. Such a good character. Everything in this ep was fun and good until it all of a sudden had a really dark cliffhanger ending.

While I really enjoy the show, characters, and mild politics, the way they handle dark and serious themes is really weird. All the conflicts have seemingly dire consequences, but they're all sort of resolved really quickly and nonsensically. Nike's cave trial incident comes to mind, as well as the current "conflict". As a result, no matter how serious they try to make a situation, it never really seems like that much is at stake.



I can't comment on the story or anything - I know who Char is, but Gundam isn't "my bag" - but I'm afraid I think that looks awful.

Many of the children look to me like they have heads that don't fit their bodies - like adult heads on small bodies, rather than being of the right proportion. The character designs in general look like rejects from early 00s Sunrise shows and display limited animation or nuance. The CG is bog standard stuff i.e. fairly poor.

Is this a remake of the original Gundam but with some extra backstory made into four films? That's what I'm getting from the Wikipedia page, and to be honest I wish they'd put more effort into something so seemingly significant.


Decided to restart/finally start watching this show, since I've got some free time over the next week.

Kill la Kill - 01

Fun introduction. Ryuko is pretty cool (I really like her voice), Mako is hilarious, and the scale and action is seriously pretty cool.

Ooh you are in for one hell of a crazy ride here!


Escha & Logy 08

I knew ahead of time that this show's hot springs episode would be light on hot springs content. Only one scene that was slightly lewd, and a single misunderstanding at the end, the rest of the time being precoccupied with a flame spirit. Wilbell was the center of this episode, really. Also my favorite character. She always livens things up when she's on screen, in this case her grandiose entrance in order to get everyone to come to the hot springs to begin with. The story was simple and charming, and that's all I really need this show to give me.


Kill la Kill Episodes 1-24

Overall an enjoyable series but I never felt like we got to see Ryuko just obliterate anyone. Even the in the final fight she still struggled. Maybe this isn't so much a problem with Kill la Kill though as it is shonen in general. My favorite characters were Gamagoori and
and I'd totally watch a show with
as the main character.

While I did enjoy Kill la Kill I still don't think it was as good as Gurren Lagann.


Man, people complaining that the Hannibal 'finale' really dragged it's heals in terms of pacing really need to sit down with some Hunter x Hunter. Their minds would be blown.


Kill la Kill Episodes 1-24
My favorite characters were Gamagoori and
and I'd totally watch a show with
as the main character.

While I did enjoy Kill la Kill I still don't think it was as good as Gurren Lagann.

Agreed, both are really fun characters. KLK knocked it out of the park as far as supporting cast goes; I found them all likable, and the designs are fantastic. The issue I have with the story is that the antagonists never seem all that formidable; the same could be said for the protagonists. KLK felt like the first half of TTGL stretched out to 2 cours.
Man, people complaining that the Hannibal 'finale' really dragged it's heals in terms of pacing really need to sit down with some Hunter x Hunter. Their minds would be blown.

And people complaining about Hunter x Hunter could sit down with a lot of other stuff and have their minds blown by the pacing issues.
I am only watching for the mofu. I see little other reason why you'd bother.

I bothered with Dog Days cause it was kinda going all out with its silliness and I found it kind of charming. Yeah it wasn't exactly a serious plot like I thought it would be (though quite frankly I didn't know why I expected something serious at the time, must have been tired).

Kill la Kill Episodes 1-24

Overall an enjoyable series but I never felt like we got to see Ryuko just obliterate anyone. Even the in the final fight she still struggled. Maybe this isn't so much a problem with Kill la Kill though as it is shonen in general. My favorite characters were Gamagoori and
and I'd totally watch a show with
as the main character.

While I did enjoy Kill la Kill I still don't think it was as good as Gurren Lagann.

And that's the name of the game. The hatred I see for this anime in some places comes from most people expecting another Gurren Lagann and being horribly dissapointed. On its own, KLK is a good show. Hell, KLK being the show it is kinda makes me love Gurren Lagann even more.


And that's the name of the game. The hatred I see for this anime in some places comes from most people expecting another Gurren Lagann and being horribly dissapointed. On its own, KLK is a good show. Hell, KLK being the show it is kinda makes me love Gurren Lagann even more.

I'd say even without comparing KLK to TTGL it's still just a mediocre show after the first couple episodes. The animation was poor, the story was inconsistent and hard to care about, if the supporting cast wasn't as strong as it was I would have dropped it, though they still squandered a lot of the potential of the supporting cast. I was excited for Kill la Kill because I thought it would be a well animated action show with fun fights and a fun story. It didn't deliver on that aside from about two fights.


I'd say even without comparing KLK to TTGL it's still just a mediocre show after the first couple episodes. The animation was poor, the story was inconsistent and hard to care about, if the supporting cast wasn't as strong as it was I would have dropped it, though they still squandered a lot of the potential of the supporting cast. I was excited for Kill la Kill because I thought it would be a well animated action show with fun fights and a fun story. It didn't deliver on that aside from about two fights.

I agree with pretty much all of this.
I'd say even without comparing KLK to TTGL it's still just a mediocre show after the first couple episodes. The animation was poor, the story was inconsistent and hard to care about, if the supporting cast wasn't as strong as it was I would have dropped it, though they still squandered a lot of the potential of the supporting cast. I was excited for Kill la Kill because I thought it would be a well animated action show with fun fights and a fun story. It didn't deliver on that aside from about two fights.

Yeah, I agree. It had a pretty strong start then never did anything with it. Awful fights too. Didn't like a single one.


Yeah, I'd been seeing the bad impressions and how even if the rest of the movie is great the last 5 or so minutes just trash it all. Still, there's morbid fascination, and I would want to argue that the journey matters more than the end though in this case we ARE talking a story that was building up to a point rather than something purely/primarily episodic or a fun video game.

While it's true that the final bit isn't really written in well, I will say that it does make sense. It just is very abrupt and not inserted well into the film.

If there's one great thing about Rebellion though, it's the visuals. In fact, with how inspired by ballet and theater Rebellion is, I think it actually tells a good part of its story through the visuals by themselves. It's easily the best work that InuCurry (the group that designed and animated the Witches) has ever done, and it's worth watching for that alone.


While it's true that the final bit isn't really written in well, I will say that it does make sense. It just is very abrupt and not inserted well into the film.

If there's one great thing about Rebellion though, it's the visuals. In fact, with how inspired by ballet and theater Rebellion is, I think it actually tells a good part of its story through the visuals by themselves. It's easily the best work that InuCurry (the group that designed and animated the Witches) has ever done, and it's worth watching for that alone.

The cake scene was one of the most adorable things ever.


The cake scene was one of the most adorable things ever.

Yeah, that was a lot of fun! Such a surreal moment though. I was sitting in the theater and laughing because I couldn't believe what I was actually seeing.

Neat fact, apparently InuCurry wrote the lyrics for that scene by themselves, and Yuki Kajiura had to figure out how to write the music around it.


Any anime-gaffers playing MK8?!?!

Well, I bought it. Ain't got no time to play it though. Not with all this anime to watch.

Ping Pong 8

And again this show reminds me why I haven't dropped it yet with a pretty strong episode. Bleh. Trying to figure out how I feel about this show will be the end of me.


Yeah, that was a lot of fun! Such a surreal moment though. I was sitting in the theater and laughing because I couldn't believe what I was actually seeing.

Neat fact, apparently InuCurry wrote the lyrics for that scene by themselves, and Yuki Kajiura had to figure out how to write the music around it.

It had such a strange but fascinating clunky sound to the scene. Really surreal and childlike which was likely the intended effect. It left a big impression on me.


I've finally sorted out all my pictures from my trip to Japan if anybody would care to see them.

Here they are:
Gaming/anime/figure pictures Some might be considered slightly NSFW

General pictures

I guess the first one is most relevant to this thread :p

I love seeing pictures of Japan. Awesome pics.

Speaking of which, I really wanna go to Tokyo. Spent a couple weeks in Fukuoka last year and it was pretty awesome. Now that I'm back into anime, I wanna visit that electric town proper.
Kill la Kill - 02

Much better than the first episode. I REALLY hope to see more of Mako's family, they're amazing. I really like Ryuko, too, especially when she goes from brooding badass to gawking at anything weird going on, it's hilarious. And that sensei dude... I forget his name, but he was the best thing in the whole episode. Actual fight wasn't that bad either.

The questions is: why did you dislike Gurren Lagann? If you thought that i was too over the top, you better get away from Kill la Kill. Fast.

Boring giant mech fights and a second half that didn't need to happen.
Dog Days 02

Seeing the second episode I'm still a bit iffy on the show. It still feels like it's going to be the dumb anime comedy that HAS to just feature the classic 'schoolboy trapped in weird world routine' because clearly this couldn't be entertaining without it.
Anyway with that being said it could have been MUCH more terrible.
So on to what everything cares about:
Eclair remains in a high position to be a good contender for best girl. How does that even work though.
Leo is putting up a very good fight however.
Also it's a me.
It's still fun to see and watch a "HERO" that get shit done fast.

Also leon michelle galette des rois is awesome , as you probably saw.

Time for me to face the terrible english translation which I hear so much about.
It is really bad.
Not babelfish bad , kinda Not proof reading bad.
As a person who dislikes Gurren Lagaan, did that mean my chances of enjoying Kill la Kill are higher?

Don't count on it.
I love seeing pictures of Japan. Awesome pics.

Speaking of which, I really wanna go to Tokyo. Spent a couple weeks in Fukuoka last year and it was pretty awesome. Now that I'm back into anime, I wanna visit that electric town proper.

Bring lots of money if you want to buy any anime ;P


I'd say even without comparing KLK to TTGL it's still just a mediocre show after the first couple episodes. The animation was poor, the story was inconsistent and hard to care about, if the supporting cast wasn't as strong as it was I would have dropped it, though they still squandered a lot of the potential of the supporting cast. I was excited for Kill la Kill because I thought it would be a well animated action show with fun fights and a fun story. It didn't deliver on that aside from about two fights.

I respect your opinion but "poor animation" doesn't even make sense to me. There are so many other shows out there with boring, cookie-cutter, lifeless animation by comparison. KLK, like TTGL, oozes style with dynamic camera moves, slick cross stitch shading, crazy squash-and-stretch, and emotive characters. The animation is one of its strongest traits.


I'd say even without comparing KLK to TTGL it's still just a mediocre show after the first couple episodes. The animation was poor, the story was inconsistent and hard to care about, if the supporting cast wasn't as strong as it was I would have dropped it, though they still squandered a lot of the potential of the supporting cast. I was excited for Kill la Kill because I thought it would be a well animated action show with fun fights and a fun story. It didn't deliver on that aside from about two fights.

The major problem is Ryuko and how the narrative treats her. She encapsulates a lot of the flaws with the writing. She very rarely has any wins due to decisions and aspects made of her own volition and instead is constantly played, tricked, or wins via deus ex machinas.

I respect your opinion but "poor animation" doesn't even make sense to me. There are so many other shows out there with boring, cookie-cutter, lifeless animation by comparison. KLK, like TTGL, oozes style with dynamic camera moves, slick cross stitch shading, crazy squash-and-stretch, and emotive characters. The animation is one of its strongest traits.

There's a difference between art style and the animation itself. I will admit, I have issues sometimes separating the two but there definitely is a difference. KLK had a great art style that incorporated the lack of actual animation.
knights of sidinia 8

Some shocking truths in this ep.
So Tanikaze is a clone and is immortal. Hoshijiro got cloned. The captain and the bear are immortals.


I respect your opinion but "poor animation" doesn't even make sense to me. There are so many other shows out there with boring, cookie-cutter, lifeless animation by comparison. KLK, like TTGL, oozes style with dynamic camera moves, slick cross stitch shading, crazy squash-and-stretch, and emotive characters. The animation is one of its strongest traits.

KLK doesn't ooze with style at all, it oozes with cheapness. Sliding still frames across a flat screen is not slick, not dynamic, not crazy, it's lazy and lame.


Hell no, the animation is piss poor its pretty far stepback from TTGL, its even use some CG for the bigger action. take too many shortcut.. for example Nui's cardboard flipped when she got attacked, the show doing it too often.. that's not good animation.

I wouldn't disappointed with KLK so much if the animation more like TTGL's approach.

KLK doesn't ooze with style at all, it oozes with cheapness. Sliding still frames across a flat screen is not slick, not dynamic, not crazy, it's lazy and lame.

Oh c'mon. That was clearly a stlyistic choice. It would have just as easy (or possibily easier) to simply animate the character turning. Doing those 2D flips or having a character grow in the camera is part of the look of the show and shouldn't be seen as a lack of animation chops. I don't see it as lazy.

It's not any different from all the panning, parallax shots in TTGL that were done deliberately.
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